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Juraj Sklenár

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Juraj Sklenár
Born28 February 1745
Died31 January 1790 (aged 45)
Occupation(s)historian, pedagogue

Juraj Sklenár(Georgius Szklenár; 25 February 1745 – 30 January 1790) was a Slovak historian, pedagogue and Catholic priest.


He was born in Tiba, a manor-house nearLevoča.Sklenár entered theJesuitsas a novice in 1764 and become a doctor of philosophy. He worked inLevoča,Trnava,PrešovandKošice.After the abolition of the Jesuit order, he worked as a professor of rhetoric and deputy director at main royal grammar school in Pressburg (today'sBratislava). A part of Sklenár's works areLatinodesand occasional speeches related to his pedagogic position. In the 1770s, he already become more known among scientists. In theGeographic Lexicon of the Kingdom of Hungary(1876) he is mentioned as the pride ofPressburg.[1]Sklenár, together withJuraj Papánek,Juraj FándlyandSamuel Timoncreated the first scientific works about the earliest history of Slovaks. Slovak enlightenment historians already paid attention toGreat Moraviaand the mission ofSaints Cyril and Methodius,but did not adopt yet a deciding position. In 1784, Sklenár published his most important workVetustissimus magnae Moraviae situs et primus in eam Hungarorum ingressus et incursus, geographice, historice, critice descriptus.He tried to separate the history of Great Moravia from the Slovak history and proposed the location of its center toSremska Mitrovica.According toRichard Marsina,regardless of this mistake, Sklenár belonged among most qualified and most critical historians ofBernolák's generations.[2]


  • Synchronisticon Josepho e com. Battyány S. R. I. principi et primato Hungariae
  • Raroria naturae monumenta in Ungaria occurentia
  • Origo er genealogia Illustris Battyaniorum Gentis
  • Vetustissimus magnae Moraviae situs et primus in eam Hungarorum ingressus et incursus, geographice, historice, critice descriptus
  • Hypercriticon examinis vetustissimi m. Moraviae situs et vindiciarum anonymi Belae regis scribae (St. Katona)
  • Onomasticon honoribus Mariae Theresiae
  • Oratio inaug. Occasione instauratarum Posonii litterarum
  • Onomasticon honoribus M. Theresiae Aug. Hung. Reginae
  • Oratio inaug. in Regio Posoniensi Gymnasio habita 1777 (scientias in Hungaria instauratas novumque systema introductum).
  • Ode in adventum Clementis AA. et Electoris Trevirensis
  • Ode in reditum Josephi II. Parisiis
  • Ode in reditum com. Francisci Balassa e commissione regia
  • Oratio quam pro die 13. Maji 1780. dum sub praesidio comitis Balassa reg. Tallosiense orphanotrophium Szemptzini collocaretur adornavit
  • Laudatio funebris in exequiis Antonii Mancini professoris Posoniensis. U. ott, 1783.
  • Georgii Papanek compendiata historia gentis Slavae, per Georgium Fándy cum notis G. Szklenar. Tyrnaviae, 1793.



  • Tibenský, Ján (1958).J. Papánek — J. Sklenár. Obrancovia slovenskej národnosti v XVIII. storočí(in Slovak). Martin: Osveta.
  • Marsina, Richard(2000). "Historik Juraj Sklenár (1744 – 1790)". In Ján, Bobák (ed.).Historický zborník(in Slovak). Vol. 10. Martin: Matica slovenská.ISBN80-7090-573-5.
  • Marsina, Richard(2014). "Knieža či kráľ Svätopluk a slovenské dejiny". In Ján, Bobák (ed.).Historický zborník(PDF)(in Slovak). Vol. 24. Martin: Matica slovenská.ISBN978-80-8128-122-8.

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