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Glossary of sumo terms

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The following words are terms used insumowrestling in Japan.


Agari-zashiki(Dương tọa phu)
The raised part of astabletraining room (keikoba) next to thedohyōon which theoyakataand any guests sit to observe training.
Akeni(Minh hà)
The luggage box of wrestlers andgyōjievolving in thesekitoridivisions.Akeniare always lacquered paper-and-bamboo boxes that share the same color scheme (green, vermilion and black). On the sides are three squares containing the name of the owner in kanji.Yokozunaare typically allowed to use three boxes as they have more regalia.
Amazumo(アマ tương phác)
Amateur sumo, consisting of bouts between non-professionals, ex-professionals, or people otherwise ineligible to compete professionally such as women and minors. Includes individual and team competition at the international level.
Ankogata(アンコ hình)
In sumo slang, a wrestler with a big belly. Opposite ofsoppugata.
Anideshi(Huynh đệ tử)
A senior low-ranker at a sumostable.Tasked with enforcing discipline and instructing the basics ofheyalife to theotōtodeshi.
Azukari(Dự り)
'Hold' or 'no decision', a kind ofdraw.After amono-ii,thegyōjior theshimpan"holds" the result if it was too close to call,[1]which is recorded with a white triangle. In 1927, the system was abolished and atorinaoshi(rematch) now takes place instead; the lastazukariwas recorded in 1951.[1][2]


Banzukefor the January 2012 tournament
Banzuke(Phiên phó)
List of sumo wrestlers according to rank for a particular grand tournament, reflecting changes in rank due to the results of the previous tournament. It is written out in a particular calligraphy (seesumō-ji) and usually released on the Monday 13 days prior to the first day of the tournament.
Banzuke-gai(Phiên phó ngoại)
'Outsider to the list'. A wrestler who is not yet ranked, or has fallen off thebanzukedue to injury or other reason for non-participation.[3]
Bariki(Mã lực)
'Vigour'. Cryptic term linking the consumption of alcohol to the strength of the wrestlers, as being alcohol resistant is said to be a show of power. In the past, wrestlers would pour beer orsakeinto a bowl the same size as a rice bowl and eatchankowhile drinking. Today, the consumption of alcohol is an integral part of the celebration after a wrestler wins a tournament, as he drinks sake from a bigrice wine cup(sakazuki).
Basho(Tràng sở)
'Venue'. Any sumo tournament. Comparehonbasho.
Binbōgami(Bần phạp thần)
'God of poverty'. In sumo ranking, the topjūryōwrestlers. Topjūryōwrestlers are often called to bout withmakuuchiwrestlers, but their income stay that of ajūryō.
Binzuke(Tấn phó け)
Also calledbinzuke abura('binzukeoil'). A Japanese pomade, which consists mainly of wax and hardened chamomile oil that was used to style sumo wrestlers' hair and give it its distinctive smell and sheen. It is used exclusively bytokoyamahairdressers.
'Collision'. A junior wrestler pushes a more senior wrestler (in a resistance position and presenting his torso) with force across thedohyōin order to build strength and learn hand placement. A demanding exercise that is repeated until exhaustion.


Chankonabe(ちゃんこ oa)
A stew commonly eaten in large quantities by sumo wrestlers as part of a weight gain diet. It containsdashior stock with sake ormirinto add flavor. The bulk ofchankonabeis made up of large quantities of protein sources, usually chicken, fish (fried and made into balls),tofu,or sometimes beef; and vegetables (daikon, bok choy, etc.).
Chaya-dori(Trà ốc thông り)
lit.'Teahouse street'.Also calledAnnaijoEntrance, a flower-theme decorated corridor located in theRyōgoku Kokugikanwhere visitor can buy souvenirs, tickets and refreshments in one of the 20 businesses. The corridor is decorated with flowers matching the current season:hana-mochiin January during theHatsu-basho,wisteriain spring during theNatsu-bashoandmapleleaves in autumn during theAki-basho.Each businesses have its own name and their history dates back to the 19th century.
Chikara-mizu(Lực thủy)
'Power-water'. The ladleful of water with which a wrestler ranked injūryōor above will ceremonially rinse out his mouth in order to purify himself prior to a bout. The water is prepared by ayobidashithat draws water from the bucket with a ladle and hands it to the winning wrestler of the previous bout (known as thekachi-nokori), who then gives the ladle to the wrestler of his side who is preparing for his own match. The wrestlers are encouraged to only take a sip instead of drinking the whole ladle. The ladle has been used since 1941, before that, sake cups were used. When water is given, the person holds the handle of the ladle with his right hand and supports it with his left hand while handing it to the person who takes the ladle. Thus, the person receiving the water drinks with his right hand while holding the handle with his left. The wrestler who gave the ladle then passes thechikara-gamito the next wrestler.
Chikara-gami(Lực chỉ)
'Power-paper'. The piece of calligraphy-grade paper with which a wrestler will ceremonially spit out the water while covering his mouth (there is a spitting spout) and wipes his mouth and sweat off his face prior to a bout. It must be handed to him by a wrestler not tainted with a loss on that day, in the same manner of thechikara-mizu(Lực thủy)described above.
Chirichōzu(Trần thủ thủy)
'Washing the hands'. One of the many rituals preceding a sumo bout, in which both wrestlers squat facing each other, display their open hands, clap and extend their arms. This is done to demonstrate they do not hold or carry weapons, and that the fight will be a fair and clean one.
Chonmage(Đinh 髷)
Traditional Japanese haircut with a topknot, now largely only worn by sumo wrestlers, so an easy way to recognize that a man is in the sumo profession.


Ayokozuna(Kakuryū Rikisaburō) performing adohyō-iri
Danpatsu-shiki(Đoạn phát thức)
Retirement ceremony, held for a top wrestler in theRyōgoku Kokugikansome months after retirement, in which hischonmage,or top knot, is cut off. A wrestler must have fought as asekitoriin at least 30 tournaments to qualify for a ceremony at the Kokugikan.[4]
Deashi(Xuất túc)
Constant forward movement. Term used to refer to when a wrestler continuously moves forward as opposed to moving backwards or being moved backwards.
[citation needed]
Degeiko(Xuất kê cổ)
'Going out to practice'. A practice session between wrestlers of competing stables. Generally organized between stables of a sameichimon.
Denshamichi(Điện xa đạo)
'Railroad'. Refers to a style ofoshi-zumōwhere an opponent is blasted backward and quickly driven over the edges of the ring by aggressive attacks..
Deshi(Đệ tử)
An apprentice. Generally used to describe every lower-ranked wrestler (makushitaand below) in a stable. Also used to call every wrestler trained by theshishōor a more senior wrestler.
Dezuiri(Thủ sổ nhập り)
Ayokozuna dohyo-iriperformed as part of the New Year celebration at theMeiji Shrinein Tokyo.
Dohyō(Thổ biểu)
The ring in which the sumo wrestlers hold their matches, made of a specific clay and spread with sand. A newdohyōis built prior to each tournament.
Dohyō-iri(Thổ biểu nhập り)
Ring-entering ceremony, performed only by the wrestlers in thejūryōandmakuuchidivisions. The east and west sides perform theirdohyō-iritogether, in succession; theyokozunahave their own individualdohyō-iriperformed separately. The main styles ofyokozuna dohyō-iriare Unryū and Shiranui, named afterUnryū KyūkichiandShiranui Kōemon(although it is now believed each performed the style named for the other). Ayokozunaperforms the ceremony with two attendants, thetachimochi(Thái đao trì ち)or sword carrier, and thetsuyuharai(Lộ 払い)or dew sweeper.
Dohyō matsuri(Thổ biểu tế)
'Ring Festival'. AShintoceremony in which thedohyōis purified and blessed prior to eachbasho.A headgyojitakes the role of a priest and reads anorito(calledKojitsugonjo(Cố thật ngôn thượng)). He then pours sake on the four corners of the ring and bury six good luck items which calledShizumemono(washed rice, dried chest nuts, dried squid, dried kelp, salt andTorreya nuciferafruits), in a center of the ring, then pour sake there. Afure-daikoprocession then takes place to formally open the tournament period. Thedohyō matsurican also happen in thestableto bless thekeikoba.


Ebanzuke(Hội phiên phó)
Picturebanzukewith paintings of top divisionsekitori,gyōjiand sometimesyobidashi.


Fudadome(Trát chỉ め)
'Sold out,' meaning that seats are 100% sold out. In contrast toman'in onreiwhich means full house and can be claimed when seats are anywhere between 75–95% filled, depending on what the officials decide.
Also pronouncedmitsu.General term referring to a loincloth, ornamental apron, ormawashi.
Fundoshikatsugi(Côn đam ぎ)
'Loincloth shoulder'.[citation needed]An apprenticetsukebito.An attendant who carries light cargo.
Fure-daiko(ふれ thái cổ)
Also pronouncedfure-taiko.Ataikodrum procession to announce the start of a sumo wrestling event. On the day before the start ofEdo period'shonbasho,yobidashiused to tour towns while beating portable drums as there were no news agencies. They read out the bouts and announced the days of the event. Today'syobidashiparade around thedohyōafter thedohyō matsuriceremony in theRyōgoku Kokugikanand in the nearby streets and shops of sumostables.
Fusenpai(Bất chiến bại)
A loss by default for not appearing at a scheduled bout. If a wrestler withdraws from the tournament (injury or retirement), one loss by default will be recorded against him on the following day, and simple absence for the remainder. Recorded with a black square.
Fusenshō(Bất chiến thắng)
A win by default because of the absence of the opponent. The system was established for thehonbashoin the May 1927 tournament. After the issue ofHitachiiwa Eitarō,the system was modified to the modern form. Prior to this, an absence would simply be recorded for both wrestlers, regardless of which one had failed to show. Recorded with a white square.


Gaburi-yori(がぶり ký り)
Pushing the opponent with the torso.
Ginō-shō(Kỹ năng thưởng)
Technique prize. One of three special prizes awarded torikishifor performance in abasho.
Gomenfuda(Ngự miễn trát)
A vertical wooden sign erected at the entrance of the arena to announce the date of thehonbashoand to show, during the Edo period, that the tournament was allowed by the authorities.
Gomenkōmuru(Mông ngự miễn)
'Performing with permission'. A sumo term written on top of thebanzukeandgomenfuda.Dating back to the Edo period to show that the tournament was authorized by the temple magistrates, where sumo tournaments where usually held.
Goningake(Ngũ nhân quải け)
Also known asgoningakari(Ngũ nhân quải かり).An exhibition match in which five lower-ranked wrestlers are challenged one after another by a senior high-ranking wrestler. For example, on May 29, 2022, during anAminishiki Ryūji's retirement ceremony,yokozunaTerunofujifaced simultaneouslyAtamifuji,Midorifuji,Nishikifuji,TerutsuyoshiandTakarafuji.
Makuuchi wrestlers perform agozengakari dohyo-iritowardEmperor Shōwain 1957
Gozengakari(Ngự tiền quải かり)
Specialmakuuchidohyō-iriperformed duringtenran-zumō.Makuuchi-ranked wrestlers (frommaegashiratoōzeki) face the emperor's rostrum in ranks, dressed inkeshō-mawashi,the lower the rank the closer to the emperor. They then performshikoand squat. They are then called by theirshikona,rise and bow and departs before another higher ranked wrestler is called. This rare ceremony, usually performed in the first day of a tournament, only occur when the emperor arrives for the in-ring ceremonies, if he comes during the bouts there will be no ceremony. The latest occurrence of thegozengakariwas in January 2007 when EmperorAkihitocame to theRyōgoku Kokugikan.
Gunbai(Quân phối)
A war fan, usually made of wood, used by thegyōjito signal his instructions and final decision during a bout. Historically, it was used by samurai officers in Japan to communicate commands to their soldiers.
Gunbai-dori(Quân phối thông り)
The decision following amono-iiaffirming the original decision of thegyōji.Literally, 'according to thegunbai'.
Gyōji(Hành tư)
A sumo referee.
Gyōji gunbai sashichigae(Hành tư quân phối soa し vi え)
The decision following amono-iireversing thegyōji's original decision. Literally, 'referee pointed thegunbaiincorrectly'.


lit.'eight-seven'A Japanese expression meant to ridiculeōzekiwho are underpowered but conveniently win and maintain their rank with a barely achievedkachi-koshi.It has a more bitter meaning thankunroku.
The phrase shouted by a sumo referee during a bout, specifically when the action has stalled and the wrestlers have reached a stand-off. There are numerous theories as to its meaning but 'Put some spirit into it!' is widely cited.
Hanamichi(Hoa đạo)
The two main east and west "paths" leading from the preparation rooms to thedohyō.
Hanedaiko(Khiêu ね thái cổ)
Drums sounded at the end of a tournament day inviting spectators to return the tomorrow.
AsashōryūandKotoshogikudisplaying ahanmistance
Hanmi(Bán thân)
'Half body'. In martial arts, a stance with legs in an L-shape, with one leg bent in front and other extended behind.
Haridashi(Trương り xuất し)
'Overhang'. If there are more than two wrestlers at anysan'yakurank, the additional wrestlers are termedharidashi.Prior to 1995, such wrestlers were listed on thebanzukein extensions or "overhangs" to the row formakuuchiwrestlers. This is now an informal designation, since presently all wrestlers are listed within the normal bounds of the row.
Hassotobi(Bát tao phi び)
'Eight-boat jump'. A kind ofhenkain which a wrestler jumps vertically at thetachi-aiin an attempt to avoid the opponent's charge. The name derives from the Japanese epicThe Tale of the Heike,in which the samuraiMinamoto no Yoshitsuneleapt from boat to boat eight times to avoid his enemies.
Hatsukuchi(Sơ khẩu)
The first match of a division on a tournament day.
Hazuoshi(Quát áp し)
Pushing up with hands under opponent's armpits.Hazurefers to the nock of an arrow where it makes contact with the bow string.Hazucan also mean the nock-shaped area of the hand between the thumb and forefinger, so in this case means using thehazuof the hand to lock into the armpit of the opponent and push them upward to prevent them from getting a hold of one's belt.
Henka(変 hóa)
A sidestep performed at thetachi-aito avoid an attack and set up aslap-down technique,but this is often regarded as unsportsmanlike. Some say it is a legitimate "outsmarting" move, and provides a necessary balance to direct force,henkameaning 'change; variation'. Any other kind of sidestepping maneuver done after the tachi-ai is called aninashi,meaning "a parry, sidestep or dodge".[5]
Heya(Bộ ốc)
Literally 'room', but usually rendered as 'stable'. The establishment where a wrestler trains, and also lives while he is in the lower divisions. It is pronouncedbeyain compounds, such as in the name of the stable. (For example, theheyanamedSadogatakeis calledSadogatake-beya.)
Heyagashira(Bộ ốc đầu)
The highest-ranked active wrestler in a stable (orheya).
Higi(Phi kỹ)
'Non-technique'. A winning situation where the victorious wrestler did not initiate akimarite.The Japan Sumo Association recognizes fivehigi.Seekimaritefor descriptions.
Hikae-zabuton(Khống え tọa bố đoàn)
Also known assekitori-zabuton.Azabutonused by wrestlers ranked in themakuuchidivision in the wait of their turns to step onto the ring. It is a large sizedzabuton,filled with thicker cotton batting. The wrestler's ring name is embroidered on the center of thezabutonand it is often used as a gift given by patrons.
Hikiwake(Dẫn phân)
A type of draw caused by a long bout that exhausted both wrestlers beyond the point of being able to continue. Also possibly known as ayasumi(Hưu み).[6]In modern sumo, this situation is resolved with a break and subsequent restart or rematch.[1]Though common in early sumo,hikiwakeare very rare in the modern age and there has not been one since 1974.[7]Recorded with a white triangle.
Hinoshita Kaisan(Nhật hạ khai sơn)
A nickname used to describe the firstyokozuna,Akashi Shiganosuke.The term is sometimes used in reference toyokozunain general, and appears stamped only on thetegataofyokozunato signify their rank.
Honbasho(Bổn tràng sở)
A professional sumo tournament, held six times a year since 1958, where the results affect the wrestlers' rankings.
Hyōshigi(Phách tử mộc)
The wooden sticks that are clapped by theyobidashito draw the spectator's attention.


Ichimon(Nhất môn)
A group of relatedstables.There are five groups: Dewanoumi, Nishonoseki, Takasago, Tokitsukaze, and Isegahama. These groups tend to cooperate closely on inter-stable training and the occasional transfer of personnel. Allichimonhave at least one representative on the Sumo Association board of directors. In the past,ichimonwere more established cooperative entities and until 1965, wrestlers from the sameichimondid not fight each other in tournament competition.
Iitoko uru(いいとこ mại る)
'Half-truth'. Making up a story by pretending to know something. In a sport as opaque as sumo, means exaggerated stories about the habits or character of wrestlers.
Inashi(Vãng なし)
To sidestep or dodge. As opposed to when done at thetachiaiwhen it is referred to as ahenka,inashiis done after the initialtachi-aito catch the opponent off guard and force him out in another direction.
Intai(Dẫn thối)
'Retirement'; the decision of an activesumo wrestlerto quit competing definitively. The most famous retirees becomesTV personalitiesor trainers while lower rankers usually find jobs as cooks inchankonaberestaurant. The most accomplishedwrestlersare usually granted the right to become atoshiyoriin order to train future generations of wrestlers.
Intai-zumō(Dẫn thối tương phác)
'Retirement sumo'. A one-day exhibition tournament held during thedanpatsu-shikito commemorate the retirement of asalaried wrestler.
Itabanzuke(Bản phiên phó)
'Board ranking'. A large wooden sumo ranking hung outside the tournament venue, usually at the basis of the drum tower. The initialbanzukeprior to eachhonbashois written on theitabanzukebefore being reduced and printed on paper as leaflets for programs.
Itamiwake(Thống み phân け)
A draw due to injury. A rematch (torinaoshi) has been called but one wrestler is too injured to continue; this is no longer in use and the injured wrestler forfeits instead.[1]The lastitamiwakewas recorded in 1999.[8]Recorded with a white triangle.


Ja-no-me(Xà の mục)
'Snake's eye'. The finely brushed sand around the ring that is used to determine if a wrestler has just touched his foot, or another part of his body, outside the ring. Theyobidashiensure this is clean of any previous marks immediately prior to each bout.
Jōi-jin(Thượng vị trận)
'High rankers'. A term loosely used to describe wrestlers who would expect to face ayokozunaduring a tournament. In practice this normally means anyone rankedmaegashira4 or above.
Jonidan(Tự nhị đoạn)
The second-lowest division of sumo wrestlers, belowsandanmeand abovejonokuchi.
Jonokuchi(Tự の khẩu)
An expression meaning 'this is only the beginning'. The lowest division of sumo wrestlers.
Jungyō(Tuần nghiệp)
Regional tours in Japan and sometimes abroad, undertaken betweenhonbasho,during which the wrestlers give exhibition matches.
Junyūshō(Chuẩn ưu thắng)
An informal designation for a second-place finish in a sumo championship.
Jūryō(Thập lạng)
'Tenryō', for the original salary of a professional sumo wrestler. The second-highest division of sumo wrestlers, belowmakuuchiand abovemakushita,and the lowest division where the wrestlers receive a salary and full privileges.
Jūmaime(Thập mai mục)
Another name for thejūryōdivision. Seejūryō.


An Edo-period wrestler wearing akeshō-mawashi
Kabai-te(Tí い thủ)
Literally translates as 'defending hand'. When the two wrestlers fall together, the wrestler on the lower side is referred to asshini-tai,or 'dead body', meaning that he is the loser even if he does not touch the ground first. In this case, if injury is foreseen, the wrestler on the upper side is allowed to support his weight by sticking out a hand on the ground (kabai-te) prior to theshini-taiwrestler touching the ground first. Although the wrestler on top touches first, he is still declared the winner.
Seetoshiyori kabu.
Kachi-age(Đảo ち thượng げ)
Technique where the wrestler folds his arms and rushes forward to hit opponent's chest or chin to make his posture upright. This is most commonly done at thetachi-aiand can also result in stunning the opponent. Literally translates as striking upward. The first kanji character is uncommon, and is also the one used to describe polishing rice or poundingmochicakes.
Kachi-koshi(Thắng ち việt し)
More wins than losses for a wrestler in a tournament. This is eight wins for asekitoriwith fifteen bouts in a tournament, and four wins for lower-ranked wrestlers with seven bouts in a tournament. Gainingkachi-koshigenerally results in promotion. The opposite ismake-koshi.
Kachi-nokori(Thắng ち tàn り)
Literally translates as 'the winner who remains'. During a day of sumo the 'power water' is only given to the next wrestler by either a previous winner on their side of the ring or the next wrestler to fight on their side of the ring so as not to receive the water from either the opposite side or from a loser, which would be bad luck. This individual is known as thekachi-nokori.For thesan'yakumatches it is traditional that wrestlers stay after their matches to avoid a wrestler being withoutkachi-nokori.In the event that all thesan'yakuwrestlers on the same side lose, one side will not have a winner or a next wrestler to give them the water. In this rare case atsukebitoof a losingsan'yakufrom this side who won a match during the day or who did not have a bout gives the water. For this occasion, thetsukebitoare dressed inyukatawith one sleeve removed (katahada). Until 1994, theyukatawere worn as a loincloth as it is traditional to present the water inmawashi.If there is no winningtsukebito,or if he arrives late, theyobidashigives the water. During the finaljūryōbout, theyobidashioften give the water, since many wrestlers wait in thehanamichifor themakuuchiring-entering ceremony.
Kadoban(Giác phiên)
Anōzekiwho has sufferedmake-koshiin his previous tournament and so will be demoted if he fails to score at least eight wins. The present rules date from July 1969 and there have been over 100 cases ofkadoban ōzekisince that time.
Kakegoe(Quải け thanh)
The calls and shouts dictated by thegyōjito officiate a match.
Kakukai(Giác giới)
The world of sumo as a whole.
Kanreki dohyō-iri(Hoàn lịch thổ biểu nhập り)
Former grand champion's 60th birthday ring-entering ceremony.
Katahada(Phiến cơ thoát)
Method used by thekachi-nokorito undress their yukata of a shoulder in order to bring thechikara-mizuto the wrestler of the last match of the day.
[citation needed]
Kantō-shō(Cảm đấu thưởng)
Fighting Spirit prize. One of three special prizes awarded to wrestlers for performance in ahonbasho.
Thekaobure gonjōceremony (byUtagawa Kunisada)
Kaobure gonjō(Nhan xúc れ ngôn thượng)
Reading aloud of large sheets of paper, before the start of themakuuchidivision bouts, in which the name of the wrestlers who faces each other on the day after are written. The reader is either thetate-gyōjior asan'yaku-gyōjiwho reads aloud in a melodious fashion and hands them one by one to a youngyobidashiwho points them at each cardinal point.
Keiko(Kê cổ)
Term referring to practice or training in sumo.
Keikoba(Kê cổ tràng)
'Rehearsal room'. The practice area where daily training is happening in sumo stables.
Kettei-sen(Quyết định chiến)
A playoff between two or more wrestlers in a division who are tied for the lead on the last day of the tournament.
Kenshō-kin(Huyền thưởng kim)
Prize money based on sponsorship of the bout, awarded to the winner upon thegyōji'sgunbai.The banners of the sponsors are paraded around thedohyōprior to the bout, and their names are announced. Roughly half the sponsorship prize money goes directly to the winner, the remainder (minus an administrative fee) is held by the Japan Sumo Association until his retirement.
Keshō-mawashi(Hóa trang hồi し)
The loincloth fronted with a heavily decorated apron worn bysekitoriwrestlers for thedohyō-iri.These are very expensive, and are usually paid for by the wrestler's organization of supporters or a commercial sponsor.
Kimarite(Quyết まり thủ)
Winning techniques in a sumo bout, announced by the referee on declaring the winner. The Japan Sumo Association recognizes eighty-two differentkimarite.
Kimon(Quỷ môn)
'Demon's gate'. Glass ceiling for wrestlers, synonymous with insurmountable difficulties. Named after the traditionalgeomancybeliefs that the north-east direction brings misfortune. In everyday language, it came to be used as a word referring to 'something that is likely to have an unpleasant result.'
Kinboshi(Kim tinh)
'Gold star'. Awarded to amaegashirawho defeats ayokozunaduring ahonbasho.It represents a permanent salary bonus.
Kinjite(Cấm じ thủ)
'Forbidden hand'. A foul move during a bout, which results in disqualification. Examples include punching, kicking and eye-poking. The onlykinjitelikely to be seen these days (usually inadvertently) is hair-pulling.
Koenkai(Hậu viện hội)
'Supporters association'. A membership-based fellowship for the purpose of supporting or endorsing a particular stable or wrestler.
Kōjō(Khẩu thượng)
'Speech'. A formal address in which wrestlers promoted toyokozunaorōzekiranks makes a speech after the decision of their promotion is conveyed byeldersof the Japan Sumo Association. The address usually takes place in the stable (decorated with a goldenbyōbuandkōhaku maku) in presence of theoyakata,his wife (ōkami-san), and supporters (koenkai). Formally dressed, both parties face each other kneel; bow; and make a formal speech.
Kokakuka(Hảo giác gia)
A sumo connoisseur, a person who loves sumo. The term comes from the wordkakuriki(Giác lực),another name for sumo wrestling.
Kokusai Sumō Renmei(Quốc tế tương phác liên minh)
International Sumo Federation,theIOC-recognized governing body for international and amateur sumo competitions.
Komebitsu(Mễ びつ)
'Breadwinner'. A talented wrestler who is successful and winsnumerous prizesin the process, ensuring his financial subsistence and that hisstablewill be well provided for a year in food. In sumo, words related to money are used in connection with rice, because wrestlers in the past were paid in rice.
Komusubi(Tiểu kết)
'Little knot'. The fourth-highest rank of sumo wrestlers, and the lowestsan'yakurank.
Kore yori san'yaku(これより tam dịch)
'These three bouts'.[citation needed]The final threetorikumiduringsenshūraku.The winner of the first bout wins a pair ofarrows.The winner of the penultimate bout wins the bow strings. The ultimate bout winner was awarded a bow (yumi) but since the introduction of theyumitori-shikiceremony it is no longer the case.
Kōshō seido(Công thương chế độ)
'Public Injury System'. Introduced in 1972, this system allowed a wrestler who had been injured in the ring during a tournament to sit out the next tournament without any effect on his rank. It was abolished at the end of 2003 because it was felt too many wrestlers were missing tournaments with minor injuries.[9]
Kuisagaru(Thực い hạ がる)
Grabbing the front of the opponent's belt, placing one's head against their chest, and lowering one's hips in an effort to lower one's center of gravity in order to force out an opponent.
Kunroku(Cửu lục)
'Nine and six'. Japanese slang used to ridicule wrestlers who have a record of 9 wins and 6 losses in one tournament and do not have a double-digit record. It is often used forōzekiwho are then calledkunroku ōzeki.
Kuroboshi(Hắc tinh)
'Black star'. A loss in a sumo bout, recorded with a black circle.
Kyūjō(Hưu tràng)
A wrestler's absence from ahonbasho,usually due to injury.


Maegashira(Tiền đầu)
'Those ahead'.[citation needed]The fifth-highest rank of sumo wrestlers, and the lowestmakuuchirank. This rank makes up the bulk of themakuuchidivision, comprising around 30 wrestlers depending on the number insan'yaku.Only the top ranks (maegashira jō'i(Tiền đầu thượng vị)) normally fight againstsan'yakuwrestlers. Also sometimes referred to ashiramaku(Bình mạc),particularly when used in contrast tosan'yaku.
Maemitsu(Tiền côn)
Front of themawashi.Often referred to as amaemitsugrip, when one has a hold of the front of themawashi.
Maesabaki(Tiền tài き)
Preliminary actions to knock away or squeeze the hands of one's opponent, in order to achieve an advantageous position.
Maezumō(Tiền tương phác)
'Before sumo'. Unranked sumo wrestlers in their first bouts. Participation in at least onemaezumōbout is required to enter thejonokuchidivision for the followinghonbasho.
Make-koshi(Phụ け việt し)
More losses than wins for a wrestler in a tournament.Make-koshigenerally results in demotion, although there are special rules on demotion forōzeki.The opposite iskachi-koshi.
Long scroll prepared by thegyōjibefore eachmain tournament,on which is written in calligraphy the names of all the east and west wrestlers by ranks. The scroll allow theshimpanto prepare the matches. The results of each wrestler are written next to the kanji of hisshikona.Above his name are written the names of those he defeated and below those who defeated him. The kanji kagami(Kính),meaning "mirror", is written at the top of each scroll to indicates that there is no bad intention or mistake in the organisation of the bouts.
[citation needed]
Makikae(Quyển き thế え)
Changing from an overarm to an underarm grip on one's opponent's belt. If done properly can lead to a speedy victory, however if not done properly will often end in quick defeat.
Makushita(Mạc hạ)
'Below the curtain'. The third highest division of sumo wrestlers, belowjūryōand abovesandanme.Originally the division right belowmakuuchi,explaining its name, beforejūryōwas split off from it to become the new second highest division.
Makushita tsukedashi(Mạc hạ phó け xuất し)
A system where an amateur wrestler that has finished in the top eight in designated amateur tournaments is allowed to skip the bottom three divisions and enter pro sumo at the bottom of themakushitadivision. The original system has existed since theTaishō period,and until 1966 any wrestler who was a university graduate could enter pro sumo at the bottom ofmakushita.The system was changed in 1966, and from then until 2001 a wrestler who had achieved success as an amateur would begin at the rank ofmakushita60, though the criteria were not as strict at the time. From 2001 until 2023, any wrestler who had won one of the four major amateur titles was allowed to start their sumo career atmakushita15; those that won two of those titles in the same year could start atmakushita10. (See alsosandanme tsukedashi.)
Makuuchi(Mạc nội)ormaku-no-uchi(Mạc の nội)
'Inside the curtain'. The top division in sumo. It is named for the curtained-off waiting area once reserved for professional wrestlers duringbasho,and comprises 42 wrestlers.
Man'in onrei(Mãn viên ngự lễ)
'Full house'. Banners are unfurled from the ceiling when this is achieved duringhonbasho.However, it is not necessary to be at 100% capacity to unfurl the banner. Typically when seats are over 80% filled the banner is unfurled, however they have been unfurled with numbers as low as 75% and not unfurled with numbers as high as 95%.
Matawari(Cổ cát り)
'Split'. An exercise in which a wrestler sits on the ground with his legs wide apart, then lowers his torso to touch the ground between his legs.
Matta(Đãi った)
False start. When the wrestlers do not have mutual consent in the start of the match and one of the wrestlers starts before the other wrestler is ready, amattais called, and the match is restarted. Typically the wrestler who is at fault for the false start (often this is both of them; one for giving the impression that he was ready to the other and the other for moving before his opponent was ready) will bow to the judges in apology. The firstkanjimeans 'to wait', indicating that the match must wait until both wrestlers are ready.
Mawashi(Hồi し)
The thick-waisted loincloth worn for sumo training and competition.Mawashiworn bysekitoriwrestlers are white cotton for training and colored silk for competition; lower ranks wear dark cotton for both training and competition.
Mawashi matta(まわし đãi った)
'Mawashi break'. The interruption of a match at the discretion of thegyōjiin order to reattach a wrestler'smawashi.
Mawashi uchiwa(Hồi し đoàn phiến)
'Rotating fan'. An action in which agyōjiwho has mistakenly declared victory to the loser immediately redirects hisgunbaito the winner to cover up the misjudgment.
Me ga aku(Mục が minh く)
'To regain sight'. A wrestler who has been on a losing streak since the first day of the tournament gets his first victory.
Mizu-iri(Thủy nhập り)
Water break. When a match goes on for around four minutes, thegyōjiwill stop the match for a water break for the safety of the wrestlers. In the twosekitoridivisions, he will then place them back in exactly the same position to resume the match, while lower division bouts are restarted from thetachi-ai.
Mochikyūkin(Trì ち cấp kim)
A system of bonus payments tosekitoriwrestlers.
Mono-ii(Vật ngôn い)
The discussion held by theshimpanwhen thegyōji's decision for a bout is called into question. Technically, the term refers to the querying of the decision: the resulting discussion is akyogi.Literally means, a "talk about things".
Moro-zashi(Lạng soa し)
Deep double underarm grip which prevents the opponent from grabbing the belt.
Moshi-ai(Thân し hợp い)
Practice bouts where the winner stays on and then chooses his next opponent. He will continue to fight until he has lost.
Amukade-suriashiatTomozuma stable
Mukade-suriashi(ムカデすり túc)
'Centipede sliding feet'. Sumo exercise in which wrestlers turn around thedohyōin coordination while squatting down in aconga line.
Mushōbu(Vô thắng phụ)
'No result'. A kind of draw; thegyōjidoes not count a win or a loss. This outcome was recognised in theEdo period.
Musubi no ichiban(Kết びの nhất phiên)
The final bout of the day.


Nakabi(Trung nhật)
'Middle day'. The eighth day of ahonbasho,always a Sunday.
Nakairi(Trung nhập り)
The intermission between thejūryōandmakuuchibouts.
Takanoshōgetting anakazorihaircut.
Nakazori(Trung thế り)
Shaving of the hairs at the top of the head to make it easier to tie thechonmage.
Negishi-ryū(Căn ngạn lưu)
The conservative style ofcalligraphyused in thebanzuke.Seesumō-ji.
Nekodamashi(Miêu phiến し)
Clapping of the hands at thetachi-aito distract the opponent.
Nihon Sumō Kyōkai(Nhật bổn tương phác hiệp hội)
TheJapan Sumo Association,the governing body for professional sumo (calledōzumō(Đại tương phác)).
Nihon Sumō Renmei(Nhật bổn tương phác liên minh)
TheJapan Sumo Federation[ja],a public interest corporation that oversees amateur sumo(アマチュア tương phác)in Japan.
Niramiai(Nghễ み hợp い)
The staredown between sumo wrestlers before a match.
Nodowa(Hầu luân)
Thrusting at an opponent's throat.
Nokotta(Tàn った)
Something the referee shouts during the bout indicating to the wrestler on defense that he is still in the ring. Literally translates as 'remaining' as in remaining in the ring.
Nyūmaku(Nhập mạc)
'Into the curtain'. In sumo, a promotion fromjūryōtomakuuchi.Also calledshinnyūmaku(Tân nhập mạc)for a wrestler newly promoted andsainyūmaku(Tái nhập mạc)for a wrestler making a comeback to the top division.


Ōichōmage(Đại ngân hạnh 髷)
Literally 'ginkgo-leaf top-knot'. This is the hair style worn in tournaments byjūryōandmakuuchiwrestlers. It is so named because the top-knot is fanned out on top of the head in a shape resembling aginkgo leaf.It is only worn during formal events such as tournaments. Otherwise even top rankers will wear their hair in achonmagestyle.
Okamisan(Nữ tương さん)
Stablemaster's wife. She oversees all stable's activities except coaching.[10]
Onna-zumō(Nữ tương phác)
Sumo between female competitors.Women arenot allowed to compete professionallyor even touch a professionaldohyō,but informal bouts between women did occur in the 18th century and women currently compete in amateur competitions.
Oshi-zumō(Áp し tương phác)
There are two main types of wrestling in sumo:oshi-zumōandyotsu-zumō.Oshi-zumōliterally translates as 'pushing sumo', and is more commonly referred to in English as a 'pusher' (oshi)-thruster (tsuki). One who fights in theoshi-zumōstyle prefers fighting apart, not grabbing the belt as inyotsu-zumō,and usually winning with tactics of pushing, thrusting, andtsuppari.Oshi-zumōwhen done effectively can lead to a quick and decisive victory, but its exponents often fall prey to dodging motions or being slapped down, and may become helpless once the opponent gets a hold of their belt.Oshi-zumōfighters are generally thought of as simplistic, whileyotsu-zumōfighters are seen more as technicians.
Otōtodeshi(Đệ đệ tử)
A junior disciple. Young low-ranker at a sumostable.
Ottsuke(Áp っ phó け)
Technique of holding one's opponent's arm to prevent him from getting a hold on one's belt. Literally, 'push and affix' as in affixing the opponent's arm against one's body and preventing it from reaching the belt.
Oyakata(Thân phương)
A sumo coach, almost always the owner of one of the 105 name licenses (toshiyori kabu). Also used as a suffix as a personal honorific.
Ōzeki(Đại quan)
'Great barrier', but usually translated as 'champion'. The second-highest rank of sumo wrestlers.
Ōzeki-tori(Đại quan thủ り or đại quan とり)
Asekiwakeranked wrestler in a position of potential promotion to the rank ofōzeki.


Rikishi(Lực sĩ)
Literally, 'powerful man'. The most common term for a professional sumo wrestler, althoughsumōtoriis sometimes used instead.


Ayokozunaperforming ashiko
The Prime Minister's Cup on display
Sumōmojisample depicting the termedomoji
Sagari(Hạ がり)
The strings inserted into the front of themawashifor competition. Thesagariofsekitoriwrestlers are stiffened with a seaweed-based glue.
Sandan-gamae(Tam đoạn cấu え)
A rare ceremony, performed by the two highest ranking wrestlers and agyōjito demonstrate the "three stages" of sumo poise, seen only on special occasions. It has been performed only 24 times since theMeiji period,most recently withHarumafujiandKakuryūin 2016 and withHakuhōandKisenosatoin 2017.[11]
Sandanme(Tam đoạn mục)
'Third level'. The third lowest division of sumo wrestlers, abovejonidanand belowmakushita.
Sandanme tsukedashi(Tam đoạn mục phó け xuất し)
A system instituted in 2015 where an amateur wrestler finishing in the top 8 of either the All-Japan Championships, All-Japan Corporate Championships, National Student Championships, or theNational Sports FestivalAdults tournament was allowed to skip the bottom two divisions and start at the bottom of thesandanmedivision. In 2023 the system was changed, and those who now finish 9th through 16th in designated tournaments can start at the bottom ofsandanme,while the top eight can start at the bottom ofmakushita.Also as of 2023, high school competitors placing in the top four in designated high school events are allowed to start at the bottom ofsandanme.(See alsomakushita tsukedashi.)
Sanshō(Tam thưởng)
'Three prizes'. Special prizes awarded tomakuuchiwrestlers for exceptional performance.
San'yaku(Tam dịch)
'Three ranks'. The "titleholder" ranks at the top of sumo. There are actually four ranks insan'yaku:yokozuna,ōzeki,sekiwakeandkomusubi,since theyokozunais historically anōzekiwith a license to perform his own ring-entering ceremony. The word is occasionally used to refer only tosekiwakeandkomusubi.
San'yaku soroibumi(Tam dịch tiễn い đạp み)
Ritual preceding thekore yori san'yakuor final three bouts on the final day (senshūraku) of ahonbasho,where the six scheduled wrestlers, three from east side and three from the west side in turn performshikosimultaneously on thedohyō.
San'yo(Tham dữ)
'Consultant'. Special rank in thetoshiyorisystem in whichoyakataare re-hired by the association as consultants on reduced pay for five years after mandatory retirement. As of 2022,there are sevensan'yoin the Japan Sumo Association.
Sekitori(Quan thủ)
Literally 'taken the barrier'. Sumo wrestlers rankedjūryōor higher.
Sekiwake(Quan hiếp)
Literally 'next to the barrier'. The third-highest rank of sumo wrestlers.
Senshūraku(Thiên thu lặc)
The final day of a sumo tournament.Senshūrakuliterally translates as 'many years of comfort.' There are two possible explanations for the origins of this term. Ingagaku(traditional Japanese court music) the term is tied with celebratory meaning to the last song of the day. In classicnōgakutheater there is a play known asTakasago,in which the term is used in a song at the end of the play. Today the term is used inkabukiand other types of performances as well.
Sewanin(Thế thoại nhân)
'Assistant'. A retired wrestler (usually from themakushitadivision) who remains a member of the Sumo Association within his own stable to assist with various tasks, administrative or otherwise, in the stable and at tournaments and regional exhibitions.
Shikiri(Sĩ thiết り)
'Toeing the mark'.[citation needed]The preparation period before a bout, during which the wrestlers stare each other down, crouch repeatedly, perform the ritual salt-throwing, and other tactics to try to gain a psychological advantage.[12]
Shikiri-sen(Sĩ thiết り tuyến)
The two short white parallel lines in the middle of the ring that wrestlers must crouch behind before starting a bout. Introduced in the spring tournament of 1928, they are 90 cm (35 in) long, 6 cm (2.4 in) wide and placed 70 cm (28 in) apart using enamel paint.[13]
Shiko(Tứ cổ)
The sumo exercise where each leg in succession is lifted as high and as straight as possible, and then brought down to stomp on the ground with considerable force. In training this may be repeated hundreds of times in a row.Shikois also performed ritually to drive away demons before each bout and as part of theyokozuna dohyō-iri.
Shikona(Tứ cổ danh)
A wrestler's 'fighting name' or 'ring name', often a poetic expression which may contain elements specific to the wrestler'sheya.Japanese wrestlers frequently do not adopt ashikonauntil they reachmakushitaorjūryō;foreign wrestlers adopt one on entering the sport. On rare occasions, a wrestler may fight under his original family name for his entire career, such as formerōzekiDejimaand formeryokozunaWajima.
Shimekomi(Đế 込)
The silkmawashiworn bysekitorifor competition.
Shimpan(Thẩm phán)
Ringside judges or umpires who may issue final rulings on any disputed decision. There are fiveshimpanfor each bout, drawn from senior members of theNihon Sumō Kyōkai,and wearing traditional formal kimono.
Shimpan-iin(Thẩm phán ủy viên)
'Umpire committee'. Theshimpanas a group.
Shin-deshi(Tân đệ tử)
'New pupil'. A new recruit into sumo.
Shingitai(Tâm kỹ thể)
'Heart, technique, and body': the three qualities of a wrestler. The most successful wrestlers will be strong in all three categories.
Shini-tai(Tử に thể)
'Dead body'. A wrestler who was not technically the first to touch outside the ring but is nonetheless ruled the loser due to his opponent having put him in an irrecoverable position.[14]
Shinjo(Tân tự)
A designation given to wrestlers who had performed well inmaezumōthat allowed them to participate injonokuchiin the same tournament. Additionally, if they performed well at this stage, they were allowed to skip straight to thejonidanrank in the next tournament. This system is no longer used.
Shinjo shusse hirō(Tân tự xuất thế phi lộ)
Occasion co-ordinated where new wrestlers who have been accepted into professional sumo are presented to audience; they wear borrowedkeshō-mawashiduring this ceremony which takes place on the middle Sunday of each tournament.[15]
Shiomaki(Diêm tát き)
One of the many rituals preceding a sumo bout, in which the wrestlers throw handfuls of salt before entering thedohyō.According toShintobeliefs, salt possesses purifying properties; as they cast salt into the ring, the wrestlers would then be cleansing thedohyōof bad energy and possibly protecting themselves from injury. The average amount a wrestler grabs and throws is around 200 g (7.1 oz), although some wrestlers throw up to 500 g (18 oz).[16]
Shiroboshi(Bạch tinh)
'White star'. A victory in a sumo bout, recorded with a white circle.
Shishō(Sư tượng)
'Master, teacher'. Asumo elderin charge of a sumo stable.
Shitaku-beya(Chi độ bộ ốc)
'Preparation room'. Room in which wrestlers in the ranks ofjūryōand above wait before their matches. This is where they will place their belongings, put on their belt, and warm up for their match.
Shokkiri(Sơ っ thiết り)
A comedic sumo performance, a type of match common to exhibition matches and tours, similar in concept to the basketball games of theHarlem Globetrotters;often used to demonstrate examples of illegal moves.
Shonichi(Sơ nhật)
'First day'. The first day of a tournament, or the first win after a series of losses.
Shukun-shō(Thù huân thưởng)
Outstanding performance prize. One of three special prizes awarded to wrestlers for performance in abasho.
Shusshin(Xuất thân)
'Birthplace' or 'place of origin'. Similar to the termfighting out ofin sports likeboxingorMMA.Heyaare restricted to having no more than one wrestler whoseshusshinis outside of Japan under normal circumstances.
Sōken(Tổng kiến)
'General view'. An openmakuuchipractise session (keiko) held by the Yokozuna Deliberation Council at theRyōgoku Kokugikan.The session takes place in front of a considerable number ofoyakataand many members of the sports and mainstream media. The event is usually filmed by different entities. After the workout, various specialists will voice their opinions on the state of the sport's top rankers.
Soppugata(ソップ hình)
In sumo slang, a thin wrestler. Opposite ofankogata.
Sōridaijin-hai(Tổng lý đại thần bôi)
The Prime Minister's Cup; a ceremonial cup presented by the sittingPrime Minister of Japanor an intermediary to themakuuchichampion.
Sukiabura(Sơ du)
'Suki oil'.[citation needed]A Japanese pomade similar tobinzukebut cheaper to produce and now widely used for wrestlers' hair.
Sumō-ji(Tương phác tự)
Calligraphy style with very wide brushstrokes used to write thebanzuke.
Sumōmoji(Tương phác văn tự)
Sumōtori(Tương phác thủ)
Literally, 'one who does sumo'.[citation needed]Sumo wrestler, but occasionally refers only tosekitori.
Suriashi(Triệp り túc)
'Sliding feet'. One of the basic sumo exercises, in which a wrestler cross a practice zone while squatting down, keeping his hips low and sliding his feet on the ground with their whole sole surface, not lifting them. Elbows and palms are facing up with arms close inside to imagine pushing an opponent.


Ategatamade byTerao
Emperor's Cup on display
Tachi-ai(Lập ち hợp い)
The initial charge at the beginning of a bout.
Tate-gyōji(Lập hành tư)
The two designated highest rankinggyōji,who preside over the last few bouts of a tournament day. The highest rankinggyōjitakes the professional name Kimura Shōnosuke while the lower takes the name Shikimori Inosuke.
An individual supporter. The word comes from a district of Osaka where, at the beginning of the 20th century, a dentist who was a sumo fan treated wrestlers for free.Tanimachican sponsor wrestlers when individually or grouped together inkoenkai.
Bales of rice straw.Tawaraare half-buried in the clay of thedohyōto mark its boundaries.
Tegata(Thủ hình)
'Hand print'. A memento consisting of a wrestler's handprint in red or black ink and hisshikonawritten by the wrestler in calligraphy on a square paperboard. It can be an original or a copy. A copy of ategatamay also be imprinted onto other memorabilia such as porcelain dishes. Onlysekitoriwrestlers are allowed to make hand prints.
Tegatana(Thủ đao)
'Knife hand'. After winning a match and accepting the prize money, the wrestler makes a ceremonial hand movement with ategatanaknown astegatana o kiru(Thủ đao を thiết る)where he makes three cutting motions in the order of left, right, and center. It is done to show gratitude to the godsKamimusubi(left),Takamimusubi(right), andAme-no-Minakanushi(center).
Tennō-hai(Thiên hoàng bôi)
Emperor's Cup, awarded to the winner of the top division tournament championship since 1925.
Tenran-zumō(Thiên lãm tương phác)
Sumo performed in front of the emperor. In the past women were forbidden from watching sumo, however nowadays the empress joins the emperor in watching sumo. They are escorted to their seats calledkihin-seki(Quý tân tịch),which are only used by the royal family, by the Chairman of theSumo Associationwho sits behind them and explains the happenings.
Teppō(Thiết pháo)
'Gun' or 'Cannon'. Wooden pole used for slapping andTachi-aitraining, intended to strengthen the wrestlers' wrists, arms and shoulders.
Tokoyama(Sàng sơn)
Hairdressers employed by theSumo Associationto style the hair of wrestlers and to fashion the elaborateōichomageofsekitorifor official tournaments and public engagements.
Tomoesen(Ba chiến)
A sumo play-off involving three wrestlers who are separated in east, west and neutral. The play-off begins with the eastern wrestler competing with the western. If the eastern wrestler win, he then faces the neutral. If the eastern wins again, he wins the tournament. If not, the neutral wrestler remains on thedohyōand wrestles with the western wrestler. If the neutral wins again, he wins the tournament, and so on – the first to win two in a row wins the tournament.
Torikumi(Thủ tổ)
A bout during a tournament. May also refer to a day's bout schedule.
Torinaoshi(Thủ り trực し)
A rematch. When the result of a bout is too close to call even after theshimpanhold amono-ii,they may call for the bout to be re-fought from thetachi-ai.
Toriteki(Thủ đích)
Opposite ofsekitori.Refers to every wrestlers ranked frommakushitaand below, it often refers only to thejonidanandjonokuchi.
Toshiyori(Niên ký)
A sumo elder.
Toshiyori kabu(Niên ký chu)
'Elder share'. A named coaching licence of which there are 105, which a recently retiredsekitoriused to buy from its previous owner or inherit from his father or father-in-law. Today, the wrestlers submit their wish to receive akabuto the Association; which examines their candidacy and distributes the titles.
Tsukebito(Phó け nhân)
Arikishiin the lower divisions who serves as a personal attendant to asekitori-ranked wrestler.
The heavy rope worn by theyokozunafrom which that rank takes its name. It weighs about 15 kg (33 lb), and is much thicker in front than where it is tied in back. Fiveshide,zig-zag paper strips symbolizing lightning, hang from the front. It strongly resembles theshimenawaused to mark sacred areas inShinto.
Tsunatori(Cương thủ り)
Anōzekiin a position of potential promotion to the supreme rank ofyokozuna.Generally, promotion requires two consecutive championships or a similar performance.
Tsunauchi(Cương đả ち)
A ceremony in which atsunaof a current or formeryokozunais created by other sumo wrestlers and presented.
Tsuppari(Đột っ trương り)
To rapidly deliverharite(Trương り thủ)or 'open hand strikes' to the opponent. This technique is frequently employed byoshi-zumōwrestlers.
Tsuriyane(Điếu り ốc căn)
'Suspended roof'. A 6.5-tonne (6.4-long-ton; 7.2-short-ton) structure held in place by 2.2 cm (0.87 in) thick wires that can bear almost five times as much weight. It is modeled after theshinmei-zukuriarchitectural style typical of Shinto shrines. Four differently-colored tassels (fusa) are hung from it, representing thefour spiritsand replace the previous columns that used to maintain the roof.


Wakaimonogashira(Nhược い giả đầu)
'Youth leader'. A retired wrestler (usually a formerjūryōormaegashira) who is a functionary of the Sumo Association, working with new recruits at his former stable or associatedichimon,and who also arrangesmaezumōmatches.
Waki ga amai(Hiếp が cam い)
'Soft side'. A poor defense to prevent one's opponent from getting an underarm grip.
Waki ga katai(Hiếp が kiên い)
'Hard side'. Antonym ofwaki ga amai.A good defense in which the elbow is attached to the flank to prevent an opponent's move.
Wanpaku-zumo(Oản bạch tương phác)
'Naughty sumo'.Wanpakuis a Japanese term for a child, especially a boy, who does not obey and goes on a rampage.Wanpaku-zumois sumo for elementary school-aged children. The Wanpaku Sumo National Championship is organized by JCI Tokyo and theJapan Sumo Federation.Its national final is held at theRyōgoku Kokugikanand the winner is crowned Elementary schoolyokozuna.


Theyumitori-shikiceremony, performed bySatonofuji.
Yachin ga takai(Gia nhẫm が cao い)
A sumo wrestler who is ranked too highly for his abilities and gets poor results.
In sumo slang, getting sick or getting injured.
Yaochō(Bát bách trường)
'Put-up job' or 'fixed game', referring to a bout with a predetermined outcome.
Yobiage(Hô び thượng げ)
The formal call made by theyobidashiin the ring. Depending on their rank, thesekitori-ranked wrestlers called may receive twoyobiageto mark their status.
Yobidashi(Hô xuất or hô び xuất し)
Usher or announcer. General assistants at tournaments. They call the wrestlers to thedohyōbefore their bouts, build thedohyōprior to a tournament and maintain it between bouts, display the advertising banners before sponsored bouts, maintain the supply of ceremonial salt andchikara-mizu,and any other needed odd jobs.
Yokata(Thế phương)
People outside the sumo world.
Yokozuna(Hoành cương)
'Horizontal rope'. The top rank in sumo, usually translated 'Grand Champion'. The name comes from the rope ayokozunawears for thedohyō-iri.Seetsuna.
Yokozuna-kai(Hoành cương hội)
An event held every year after the Kyūshū tournament, where former and currentyokozunagather together. It has a long history, dating back to 1953. In recent years, it takes place as a dinner party held once a year at first-class hotels and high-class restaurants inFukuoka-city.It is also perceived as a hall of fame of sumo, as only those who stand or stood at the very top of the ranking are allowed to participate.
Yokozuna Shingi Kai(Hoành cương thẩm nghị hội)orYokozuna Shingi Iinkai(Hoành cương thẩm nghị ủy viên hội)
'Yokozuna Deliberation Council'. A body formed in 1950 whose 15 members are drawn from outside the Japan Sumo Association, that meets following eachhonbashoto consider candidates for promotion toyokozuna.A recommendation is passed back to the Sumo Association who have the final say. It also offers opinions on the performance of currentyokozuna.[17]
Yosedaiko(Ký せ thái cổ)
'Gather around drum'. Drums sounded in the morning of a tournament to draw the crowds. Usually performed from the tower in front of theRyōgoku Kokugikan,the drummers perform in front of the entrance duringjungyo.
Yotsumi(Tứ つ thân)
A cross-grips situation in which each wrestler has an underarm grip on his opponent.
Yotsu-zumō(Tứ つ tương phác)
There are two main types of wrestling in sumo:oshi-zumōandyotsu-zumō.Yotsu-zumōis where both wrestlers grasp the other's belt with both hands, hence the literal translation: 'four sumo' or 'four hands on themawashisumo'. There are a few sub-types ofyotsu-zumō.Migi-yotsu(Hữu tứ つ)is when one hassashite(Soa して)on the right (migi), meaning that one has his right hand under his opponent's left arm and grasping hismawashi.Hidari-yotsuis the opposite where one's left (hidari) hand is inside the opponent's right arm. Ayotsu-zumōfighter will typically prefer left or right and is referred to asmigi-yotsuorhidari-yotsufighter. If one has no preference, they are referred to asnamakura-yotsu(Độn ら tứ つ),wherenamakuraliterally translates as 'lazy' or 'cowardly', suggesting that having no preference is seen in a negative light. There is one other finalyotsugrip known asmoro-zashi(Lạng soa し),literally 'sashiteon both sides', where both hands are inside and is a very strong grip. The only real defense for amoro-zashigrip is thekimedashi(Cực めだし)technique where the defending wrestler wraps both of his arms over themoro-zashigrip and locks his hands underneath, which squeezes the double inside grip together, weakening it, and allowing one to force the opponent out of the ring.Kime-dashiis also known askannuki(Soan)(usually written in hiragana asかんぬき), and means 'to bolt' or 'to bar'. When two wrestlers who both fight in theyotsu-zumōstyle oppose each other and favor the same style grip, eithermigi-yotsuorhidari-yotsu,then they will fit together nicely in what is calledai-yotsu(Tương tứ つ),or togetheryotsu.If however they are of opposite preferences, then it is known askenka-yotsu(Huyên hoa tứ つ),literally fightingyotsu.In this situation, whoever gets his preferred grip is usually the victor.
Yumitori-shiki(Cung thủ thức)
The bow-twirling ceremony performed at the end of eachhonbashoday by a designated wrestler, theyumitori,who is usually from themakushitadivision, and is usually a member of ayokozuna's stable.
A loosely tightenedmawashi.Can be used on purpose to incapacitate wrestlers specializing inyotsu-zumō.Funis an abbreviation offundoshi.
Yūshō(Ưu thắng)
A tournament championship in any division, awarded to the wrestler who wins the most bouts.
Yūshō arasoi(Ưu thắng tranh い)
'Struggle for victory'. The championship race. Used to denote the ranking of wrestlers who can win the title near the end of the tournament.


Loose and disheveled hair. Term for style of hair before wrestler's hair is long enough to put inchonmagehair style. When seen in upper divisions it is a sign of a wrestler who has come up the ranks quickly as his hair has not yet had a chance to grow to a length in which it can be tied into achonmage.In succession a wrestler starts with thezanbarastyle, then moves to thechonmagestyle, and then finally theōichōmagestyle, which can only be worn by wrestlers in the top two divisions.
Zenshō(Toàn thắng)
Aperfect tournamentwhere, depending on the division, the wrestler finishes 15–0 or 7–0 in the tournament.


  1. ^abcdGunning, John (July 7, 2019)."Sumo 101: Tied bouts".The Japan Times.RetrievedJuly 28,2020.
  2. ^Sumo Reference: Bout query result (azukari)
  3. ^Gunning, John(15 September 2019)."Sumo 101: Banzuke-gai".The Japan Times.Retrieved25 September2019.
  4. ^"“Dẫn thối tương phác” と “Đoạn phát thức” はどう vi う? Lực sĩ は toàn viên, quốc kỹ quán で dẫn thối tương phác ができる? Q&Aで hồi đáp ".Nikkan Sports(in Japanese). 28 May 2022.Retrieved2 June2022.
  5. ^"henka".jisho.org.
  6. ^Sumo Reference: Bout query result (yasumi)
  7. ^Sumo Reference: Bout query result (hikiwake)
  8. ^Sumo Reference: Bout query result (itamiwake)
  9. ^Gunning, John (7 November 2019)."Sumo injuries pose ever-present issues for wrestlers, rankings".Japan Times.Retrieved7 November2019.
  10. ^Gunning, John (6 June 2018)."Army of okamisan work behind scenes to keep sumo stables running smoothly".Japan Times.Retrieved8 September2020.
  11. ^Gunning, John (2 June 2021)."Dual yokozuna promotion could join list of recent rare events in sumo".Japan Times.Retrieved4 June2021.
  12. ^Shuji, Miki (4 June 2020)."Long and short of sumo's prematch ritual shikiri".The Japan News.Archived fromthe originalon 4 June 2020.Retrieved4 June2020.
  13. ^Gunning, John (July 14, 2019)."Sumo 101: Shikiri sen".The Japan Times.RetrievedDecember 25,2020.
  14. ^Morita, Hiroshi."Sumo Q&A".NHK World-Japan.RetrievedDecember 25,2020.
  15. ^Hall, Mina (1997).The Big Book of Sumo(Paperback). Berkeley, CA, USA: Stone Bridge Press. p.31.ISBN978-1-880656-28-0.
  16. ^"Salt Tossing [ diêm まき] - SUMOPEDIA".YouTube.NHK WORLD-JAPAN.Retrieved5 January2022.
  17. ^"Actress's love of sumo pays off big time with post on yokozuna council".Asahi Shimbun.1 August 2022.Retrieved18 August2022.

External links[edit]