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Karma Thinley Rinpoche

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Karma Thinley Rinpoche
TitleKarma Thinleypa IV
ReligionTibetan Buddhism
Other namesLama Wangchen(bla ma dbang chen)
Senior posting
TeacherXVIth Gyalwa Karmapa,Dilgo Khyentse,Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen,Ling Rinpoche
Based inToronto,Ontario,Canada
ReincarnationBeru Kunrik,Palkhang Lotsawa

Karma Thinley Rinpocheཀརྨ་འཕྲིན་ལས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་(born 1931),[1][2]is an important master of theKagyu[2]Mahamudra,SakyaLamdré[2]andChodtraditions ofTibetan Buddhismactive in the west and Nepal. He is also well regarded by Tibetans as ascholar,poetandartist.


Karma Thinley Rinpoche was born inNangchen,Kham,inQinghai[1]in 1931.[1][2]At age two, he was recognized as areincarnationof Beru Shaiyak Lama Kunrik.[1][2]

Throughout the 1950s, Rinpoche made pilgrimages to Radeng,Samye,SakyaandLhasa.[2]Eventually, he settled for a period atTsurphu Monastery,[2]traditional seat of theKarmapa.The16th Karmaparecognized Rinpoche as a tulku of Karma Thinleypa.[2]

Karma Thinley Rinpoche left Tibet for India in 1959[1]and during the 1960s wasabbotof theYoung Lamas Home School[1]and Karma Drubgyu Thargay Ling nunnery[2]both founded byFreda BediinDalhousie,HP. There he was one of the first Tibetan refugee Lamas to teach western students. In 1971 he accompanied a group of Tibetan refugees resettled in Ontario, Canada as their Lama[2]and in 1973 established a Buddhist center, Kampo Gangra Drubgyud Ling meditation centre inToronto,Ontario, Canada.[2]

In 1982, Karma Tinley Rinpoche was able to visit his homelandNangchenfor the first time since leaving a quarter of a century earlier.[1]Returning several times since then he has established a temple in Shorda, capital of Nangchen District and a school for nomad children in the Sangshung valley.

In 1988, he also established a nunnery, Tekchen Lekshay Ling, atBoudhanathNepal and subsequently a small meditationretreat centeratPharping.

His students includeLama Jampa Thaye,a British Buddhist teacher who is Karma Thinley Rinpoche's dharma-regent and founded the Dechen sangha,[3]and the Nepalese Lama, Rana Guru.


  • Karma Thinley.History of 16 Karmapas.Shambhala (2001)ISBN1-57062-644-8
  • Karma Thinley Rinpoche.The Telescope of Wisdom.Ganesha Press (2009)ISBN978-0-9509119-6-0


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