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Kawachi ondo

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Bon odori singer: the characters on hishappi coatreadGōshū OndoandKawachi Ondo.

Kawachi Ondo( hà nội âm đầu ) is a kind of Japanese folk song that originates fromYaoCity in the oldKawachiregion ofJapan,now part of modern-dayOsaka Prefecture.This song's style and melody are said to have evolved from another folk song calledGōshū OndofromShiga Prefecture,known asGoshuin earlier days. Kawachi Ondo accompanies the Bon dance (also known asBon Odori) in the Osaka/Kawachi region of Japan, however, this song has recently grown in popularity and is often played at other major Bon dances, even in Tokyo. Emmanuelle Loubet writes that Kawachi Ondo has long had a grassroots vitality and that the Kawachi area's association with the working class, yakuza, street fights, rough language, andBurakucommunities has likely contributed to the form's close links to community practice rather than being "pasteuriz[ed] for consumption by the masses."



"Kawachi Ondo" is a fluid form of traditional folk music. It has a commonmelodyand a returningchorus,but the lyric is fluid. This folk tune is used to tellepictales, usually about historic people, lore, and/or geography, evenyakuza.It can be used to talk about current events, and expert singers are able toimproviselyrics on the spot, as well as sing words directly from a newspaper. There is varyinginstrumentationfor Kawachi Ondo, though the staples are always ataikodrum and theshamisen.Sometimes modern instruments are used in the Kawachi Ondo ensemble, such aselectric guitarsandelectric basses.



It is considered an art to be able to put lyric to Kawachi Ondo. It takes years of observation and study to become a singer. Expert singers, known asondotori,become renowned in the area or in parts of Japan where Kawachi Ondo is famous. There is a festival calledKawachi Ondo MatsuriinYao City,the birthplace of Kawachi Ondo. The festival celebrates the song, and a massiveBon Odoriis held where many famous singers go and perform. The most famous singer of Kawachi Ondo isKawachiya Kikusuimaruof Yao City.Koishimaru Izutsuya's singing is featured on a UNESCO/Smithsonian Folkways recording with extensive liner notes and transcriptions of his live performance.

A Kawachi Ondo singer was traditionally accompanied by one taiko player (on an chudaiko or odaiko) and a shamisen player. Since the 1970s, the shamisen has been increasingly replaced by an electric guitar player.



There are many ways to dance to Kawachi Ondo. The most famous dance is called "mamekachi". The dance proceeds clockwise around theyagura,though a few steps go in the opposite direction, and it is marked by a succession of three claps before the dance sequence begins again. It may be the most standard of Kawachi Ondo dances, but even this dance will vary slightly from region to region.

There is an alternate dance called "teodori", literally, "hand dance". Most of the movement is in the hands. In contrast, the mamekachi involves a lot of foot work. The teodori dance proceeds counter-clockwise around the yagura and the dancers clap twice before beginning the dance sequence anew. Often to change things, dancers will switch between the mamekachi and teodori dances halfway through a Kawachi Ondo performance, as performances can last up to 30 minutes or so.

Like the song Kawachi Ondo itself, the dance is ever changing and people are always coming up with new ways to dance to it. Guilds will often take an existing dance and add their own flair to it. For example, taiko troupes that decide to join in a local bon odori will often bring theirbachi(drum sticks) and incorporate taiko drumming motions into the dance. Martial arts groups will incorporate chopping and kicking moves, etc. Sometimes groups may even come up with an entirely new dance altogether.EnkasingerMitsuko Nakamurais famous for singing Kawachi Ondo and a derivative of the song calledKawachi Otoko Bushi;she is credited for inventing a new Kawachi Ondo dance, and loyal fans get together and dance the "Nakamura Mitsuko" at bon dances.

Goshu Ondo


Kawachi Ondo is closely tied toGoshu Ondo,as it is said Kawachi Ondo evolved from it. Thekakegoe"ha iya korase dokoise" is found in both songs and is well known to Japanese citizens of Osaka. As in Kawachi Ondo, the lyrics in Goshu Ondo are fluid, and it takes expertise to become a proficient singer. Singers of Kawachi Ondo are often singers of Goshu Ondo as well. In some parts of Osaka, both are sung alternatively at bon dances.



Kawachi Ondo has twokakegoe,and they are sung at different times. They are "Ha enya korase, dokkoise!" and "Sorya yoi, dokoi sa, sa no yoiya sansa!"





Izutsuya, Koishimaru. (1991) 2013. Japan: Koishimaru Izutsuya: Master of the Kawachi Ondo Epics. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways Recordings/UNESCO.https://folkways.si.edu/japan-koishimaru-izutsuya-master-of-the-kawachi-ondo-epics/world/music/album/smithsonian. Loubet, Emmanuelle. 2005. “The Ondo Singers of Kawachi, Japan: Anatomy of a Socio-Sonic Phenomenon.”Musicworks: Explorations in Sound,no. 93: 40–49.
