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A six-bandrainbow flagrepresenting theLGBTQ community

LGBTQ(also commonly seen asLGBT,[1][2]LGBT+,[3]LGBTQ+,[4]andLGBTQIA+[5]) is aninitialismoflesbian,gay,bisexual,transgenderandqueerorquestioning.[6][7][8][9][10][11]It is anumbrella term,broadly referring to allsexualities,romantic orientations,andgender identitieswhich arenot heterosexualorcisgender.[12][13][14][15]

In the 1990s, gay, lesbian, and bisexual activists adopted the termLGB,supplanting narrower terms such as "gay or lesbian". Terminology eventually shifted toLGBT,as transgender people became more accepted within the movement. Around that time, some activists began toreclaimthe termqueer,seeing it as a more radical and inclusive umbrella term, though others reject it, due to its history as apejorative.[16][17][18]In recognition of this, the 2010s saw the adoption ofLGBTQ,and other more inclusive variants.[19][20]

Some versions of the term, such asLGBT+andLGBTQ+add aplus sign,to represent additional identities not captured within the acronym.[9][21]Many further variants exist which add additional identities, such asLGBTQIA+(forintersex,asexual,aromantic,andagender)[22]and2SLGBTQ+(fortwo-spirit),LGBTQQ(for queer and questioning),[23]or which order the letters differently, as inGLBTandGLBTQ.[24][25]

The collective of all LGBTQ people is often called theLGBTQ community.These labels are not universally agreed upon by everyone that they are intended to include.[26]For example, someintersexpeople prefer to be included in this grouping, while others do not.[27][28]Various alternative umbrella terms exist across various cultures, includingqueer,same gender loving(SGL),Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities(GSRM).

History of the term

First use of the words Monosexual, Homosexual, and Heterosexual in a letter written on May 6, 1868

The first widely used term,homosexual,now a term used primarily in scientific contexts, has at times carried negative connotations in the United States.[29]Gaybecame a popular term in the 1970s.[30]

As lesbians forged more public identities, the phrasegay and lesbianbecame more common.[31]A dispute as to whether the primary focus of their political aims should befeminismorgay rightsled to the dissolution of some lesbian organizations, includingDaughters of Bilitis,which was founded byDel Martin and Phyllis Lyon,[32]but disbanded in 1970 following disputes over which goal should take precedence.[33]As equality was a priority forlesbian feminists,disparity of roles between men and women orbutch and femmewere viewed aspatriarchal.Lesbian feminists eschewedgender roleplay that had been pervasive in bars as well as the perceivedchauvinismofgay men;many lesbian feminists refused to work with gay men or take up their causes.[34]

Lesbians who held theessentialistview that they had been born homosexual and used the descriptorlesbianto define sexual attraction often considered theseparatistopinions of lesbian-feminists to be detrimental to the cause of gay rights.[35]Bisexual and transgender people also sought recognition as legitimate categories within the larger minority community.[31]

In the late 1970s and the early 1980s, after the elation of change following group action in the 1969Stonewall riotsinNew York City,some gays and lesbians became less accepting ofbisexualortransgenderpeople.[36][37]Critics[like whom?]said that transgender people were acting outstereotypes,and bisexuals were simply gay men or lesbian women who were afraid tocome outand be honest about their identity.[36]Each community has struggled to develop its own identity including whether, and how, to align with othergenderand sexuality-based communities, at times excluding other subgroups; these conflicts continue to this day.[37]LGBTQ activists and artists have created posters to raise consciousness about the issue since the movement began.[38]

LGBT publications,pride parades,and related events, such as this stage atBolognaPride 2008 in Italy, increasingly drop theLGBTinitialism instead of regularly adding new letters and dealing with issues of placement of those letters within the new title[39]

From about 1988, activists began to use the initialismLGBTin the United States.[40]Not until the 1990s within the movement did gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people gain equal respect.[37]This spurred some organizations to adopt new names, as theGLBT Historical Societydid in 1999.[41]Although the LGBT community has seen much controversy regarding universal acceptance of different member groups (bisexual and transgender individuals, in particular, have sometimes beenmarginalizedby the larger LGBT community), the termLGBThas been a positive symbol ofinclusion.[12][37]

Beginning in the 1990s, the termqueerwas beginning to be adopted by the community to support gay-pride andreclaimthe term from its earlier pejorative use as scholars have shown. The field of study of the LGBTQ community is calledQueer studiesin recognition of this reclamation and used as an umbrella term for the wider community as the academic response to the stonewall riots. The acronym LGBT eventually evolved to LGBTQ in recognition of the communities reclamation of the term.[20][16][42][43]

In 2016,GLAAD's Media Reference Guide states thatLGBTQis the preferred initialism, being more inclusive of younger members of the communities whoembracequeeras a self-descriptor.[19]Some people considerqueerto be a derogatory term originating inhate speechand reject it, especially among older members of the community.[44]


2010pride paradeinPlaza de Mayo,Buenos Aires,which used the LGBTIQ initialism[45]

Many variants exist of the termLGBTexist, such as the more inclusiveLGBT+and variations that change the order of the letters or include additional letters. At least some of the components of sexuality (regarding hetero, bi, straight), and alsogenderare stated to be on differentspectrums of sexuality.[46][47]Other common variants also exist, such asLGBTQIA,[48]with theIstanding forintersexand theAstanding forasexual,aromantic,oragender,[49][50][22]andLGBTQIA+,where "the '+' represents those who are part of the community, but for whom LGBTQ does not accurately capture or reflect their identity".[51]Longer initialisms have been criticized as confusing or unwieldy,[52][53][54]sometimes being referred to as "alphabet soup",[55]and mocked with labels such asLGBTQWERTY,LGBTQXYZ,andalphabet mafia.[56][57][58]The implication that the initialism refers to a single community is also controversial.[26]

Although identical in meaning,LGBTmay have a morefeministconnotation thanGLBTas it places the "L" (for "lesbian" ) first.[37]LGBTmay also include additional Qs for "queer"or"questioning"(sometimes abbreviated with a question mark and sometimes used to mean anybody not literally L, G, B or T) producing the variantsLGBTQandLGBTQQ.[59][60][61]The order of the letters has not been standardized; in addition to the variations between the positions of the initial "L" or "G", the mentioned, less common letters, if used, may appear in almost any order.[37]InHebrewandPeninsular Spanish,LGTB(להט "ב) is used, that is, reversing the letters "B" and "T".[62][63] Variant terms do not typically represent political differences within the community, but arise simply from the preferences of individuals and groups.[64]

The termspansexual,omnisexual,fluidandqueer-identifiedare regarded as falling under the umbrella termbisexual(and therefore are considered a part of thebisexual community). Some useLGBT+to mean "LGBT and related communities".[47]Other variants may have a "U" for "unsure"; a "C" for "curious"; another "T" for "transvestite";a" TS "," 2S ", or" 2 "for"two-spirit"persons; or an" SA "for"straight allies".[65][66][67][68][69]The inclusion of straight allies in the LGBT initialism has proven controversial, as many straight allies have been accused of using LGBT advocacy to gain popularity and status in recent years,[70]and various LGBT activists have criticised the heteronormative worldview of certain straight allies.[71]Some may also add a "P" for "polyamorous"or"pangender",an" H "for"HIV-affected",or an" O "for" other ".[37][72]The initialismLGBTIHhas seen use inIndiato encompass thehijrathird genderidentity and the related subculture.[73][74]

Adding the termalliesto the initialism has sparked controversy,[75][76]with some seeing the inclusion of ally in place of asexual/aromantic/agender as a form ofLGBT erasure.[49][77][78]There is also theacronymQUILTBAG(queer and questioning, unsure, intersex, lesbian, transgender and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and aromantic, and gay and genderqueer).[79]SimilarlyLGBTIQA+stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning, asexual and many other terms (such as non-binary and pansexual)".[80][81]

InCanada,the community is sometimes identified asLGBTQ2(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two spirit).[82]Depending on which organization is using the abbreviation, the choice of initialism changes. Businesses and theCBCoften simply employLGBTas a proxy for any longer abbreviation, private activist groups often employLGBTQ+,[83]whereas public health providers favour the more inclusiveLGBT2Q+to accommodate twin spiritedindigenous peoples.[84]For a time, thePride Torontoorganization used the much lengthier initialismLGBTTIQQ2SA,but appears to have dropped this in favour of simpler wording.[85]Prime MinisterJustin Trudeauwas also criticized for using the2SLGBTQQIA+initialism.[86][87]As of July 2023, the Government of Canada's official term is2SLGBTQI+.[88]Trudeau's new acronym was criticized by some social media users.[89]

Transgender inclusion

The termtrans*has been adopted by some groups as a more inclusive alternative to "transgender", wheretrans(without the asterisk) has been used to describetrans menandtrans women,whiletrans*covers all non-cisgender (genderqueer) identities, including transgender, transsexual, transvestite, genderqueer,genderfluid,non-binary,genderfuck,genderless, agender, non-gendered, third gender, two-spirit,bigender,and trans man and trans woman.[90][91]Likewise, the termtranssexualcommonly falls under the umbrella termtransgender,but some transsexual people object to this.[37]

Intersex inclusion

Those who addintersexpeople to LGBT groups or organizations may use the extended initialismLGBTI,[92][27]orLGBTIQ.[93]

The relationship ofintersexto lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans, and queer communities is complex,[94]but intersex people are often added to the LGBT category to create an LGBTI community. Someintersexpeople prefer the initialismLGBTI,while others would rather that they not be included as part of the term.[27][28]Emi Koyamadescribes how inclusion of intersex inLGBTIcan fail to address intersex-specific human rights issues, including creating false impressions "that intersex people's rights are protected" by laws protecting LGBT people, and failing to acknowledge that manyintersexpeople are not LGBT.[95]Organisation Intersex International Australiastates that some intersex individuals are same-sex attracted, and some are heterosexual, but "LGBTI activism has fought for the rights of people who fall outside of expected binary sex and gender norms".[96][97]Julius Kaggwaof SIPDUgandahas written that, while the gay community "offers us a place of relative safety, it is also oblivious to our specific needs".[98]

Numerous studies have shown higher rates of same-sex attraction in intersex people,[99][100]with a recent Australian study of people born with atypicalsex characteristicsfinding that 52% of respondents were non-heterosexual;[101][102]thus, research on intersex subjects has been used to explore means of preventing homosexuality.[99][100]As an experience of being born with sex characteristics that do not fit social norms,[103]intersex can be distinguished from transgender,[104][105][106]while some intersex people are both intersex and transgender.[107]

Asexual, aromantic and agender inclusion

In the early 2010s,asexualityandaromanticismstarted gaining wider recognition. Around 2015, they were included in the expanded initialismLGBTQIA,with the A standing forasexual,aromantic,commonly grouped together asa-specalong withagender.[49][50]

Asexual individuals experience minimal to no sexual attraction to others, and it is crucial to acknowledge that asexuality is a legitimate sexual orientation, not a deficiency or a temporary state. Similarly, aromantic individuals lack romantic attraction to others, yet they can still forge profound emotional connections and strong bonds with people without the romantic component. Furthermore, agender individuals either have no gender identity or possess a neutral or genderless gender identity.[108]

Some people have mistakenly claimed the A stands for ally, but allies are not a marginalized group and mentions of A for ally have regularly sparked controversy as a form ofLGBT erasure.[75][76]

Criticism of the term

LGBT families, like these in a 2007Bostonpride parade,are labeled asnon-heterosexualby researchers for a variety of reasons[109][better source needed]

The initialismsLGBTorGLBTare not agreed to by everyone that they encompass.[26]For example, some argue thattransgenderandtranssexualcauses are not the same as that of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people.[110]This argument centers on the idea that being transgender or transsexual has to do more with gender identity, or a person's understanding of being or not being a man or a woman irrespective of their sexual orientation.[37]LGB issues can be seen as a matter ofsexual orientationor attraction.[37]These distinctions have been made in the context of political action in which LGB goals, such assame-sex marriagelegislation andhuman rightswork (which may not include transgender and intersex people), may be perceived to differ from transgender and transsexual goals.[37]

A belief in "lesbian and gay separatism" (not to be confused with the related "lesbian separatism") holds that lesbians and gay men form (or should form) a community distinct and separate from other groups normally included in the LGBTQ sphere.[111]While not always appearing in sufficient numbers or organization to be called amovement,separatists are a significant, vocal, and active element within many parts of the LGBT community.[112][111][113]In some cases separatists will deny the existence or right to equality of bisexual orientations and of transsexuality,[112]sometimes leading publicbiphobiaandtransphobia.[112][111]In contrasts to separatists,Peter Tatchellof the LGBT human rights groupOutRage!argues that to separate the transgender movement from the LGB would be "political madness", stating that:[114]

Queers are, like transgender people, gender deviant. We don't conform to traditional heterosexist assumptions of male and female behaviour, in that we have sexual and emotional relationships with the same sex. We should celebrate our discordance with mainstream straight norms.

The portrayal of an all-encompassing "LGBT community" or "LGB community" is also disliked by some lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.[115][116]Some do not subscribe to or approve of thepolitical and social solidarity, and visibility and human rights campaigningthat normally goes with it, includingLGBT pridemarches and events.[115][116]Some of them believe that grouping together people with non-heterosexual orientations perpetuates the myth that being gay/lesbian/bi/asexual/pansexual/etc. makes a person deficiently different from other people.[115]These people are often less visible compared to more mainstream gay or LGBT activists.[115][116]Since this faction is difficult to distinguish from the heterosexual majority, it is common for people to assume all LGBT people support LGBT liberation and the visibility of LGBT people in society, including the right to live one's life differently from the majority.[115][116][117]In the 1996 bookAnti-Gay,a collection of essays edited byMark Simpson,the concept of a 'one-size-fits-all' identity based onLGBT stereotypesis criticized for suppressing the individuality of LGBT people.[118]

Writing in theBBC News Magazinein 2014,Julie Bindelquestions whether the various gender groupings now, "bracketed together[,]... share the same issues, values and goals?" Bindel refers to a number of possible new initialisms for differing combinations and concludes that it may be time for the alliances to either be reformed or go their "separate ways".[119]In 2015, the slogan "Drop the T"was coined to encourageLGBT organizationsto stop support oftransgenderpeople as they say that sexual orientation, LGB, does not share similarity with gender identity, the T. The campaign has been condemned by manyLGBT groupsastransphobic.[120][121][122][123]

Alternative terms


Many have expressed desire for anumbrella termto replace existing initialisms.[112]Queergained popularity as an umbrella-term for sexual and gender minorities in the 21st century.[124]The term remains controversial, particularly among older LGBT people, who perceive it as offensive due to its historical usage as aslur,[124]as well as those who wish to dissociate themselves fromqueer radicalism,[125]and those who see it as amorphous and trendy.[126]Some younger people feelqueeris a more politically charged, more powerful term thanLGBT.[127][128]In a 2018 U.S. study, about 1 in 5 LGBTQ people identified as "queer".[124]


SGM,orGSM,[129]an abbreviation forsexualandgender minorities,has gained particular currency in government, academia, and medicine.GSRMis also used to includeromantic minoritiessuch asaromanticism.[130][131]

In New Zealand,New Zealand Human Rights Commissionuses "Rights of Sexual and Gender Minorities" to discuss the LGBT rights.[132]

In India, theConstitutional Benchof theSupreme Court of Indiawhen decriminalizing homosexuality in the case ofNavtej Singh Johar v. Union of India(2018),said:[133]

Individuals belonging to sexual and gender minorities experience discrimination, stigmatization, and, in some cases, denial of care on account of their sexual orientation and gender identity. However, it is important to note that 'sexual and gender minorities' do not constitute a homogenous group, and experiences of social exclusion, marginalization, and discrimination, as well as specific health needs, vary considerably. Nevertheless, these individuals are united by one factor - that their exclusion, discrimination and marginalization is rooted in societal heteronormativity and society's pervasive bias towards gender binary and opposite-gender relationships, which marginalizes and excludes all non-heteronormative sexual and gender identities.[134]

The term "Sexual and Gender Minority" has been adopted by theNational Institutes of Health,[135]theCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services[136]and the UCLAWilliams Institute,which studies SGM law and policy.[137]Duke Universityand theUniversity of California San Franciscoboth have prominent sexual and gender minority health programs.[138][139]An NIH paper recommends the termSGMbecause it is inclusive of "those who may not self-identify as LGBT... or those who have a specific medical condition affecting reproductive development".[140]A publication from theWhite House Office of Management and Budgetstates, "We believe that SGM is more inclusive, because it includes persons not specifically referenced by the identities listed in LGBT."[141]

A UK government paper favors SGM because initials like LGBTIQ+ stand for terms that, especially outside theGlobal North,are "not necessarily inclusive of local understandings and terms used to describe sexual and gender minorities".[142]An example of usage outside the Global North is theConstitution of Nepal,which identifies "gender and sexual minorities" as a protected class.[143]

Further umbrella terms

In Canada especially, the term2SLGBTQ+is seen, with the first two characters standing fortwo-spirit;the whole term stands for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning, and is intended as a term encompassing all sexual- and gender-minorities. For someindigenous people,two-spiritinvokes a combination of identities, including sexual, gender, cultural, and spiritual.[144]

Some people advocate the term "minority sexual and gender identities" (MSGI, coined in 2000) for the purpose of explicitly including all people who are notcisgenderandheterosexualor "gender, sexual, and romantic minorities" (GSRM), which is more explicitly inclusive ofminority romantic orientations,but those have not been widely adopted either.[145][146][147][148]Other rare umbrella terms areGender and Sexual Diversities(GSD),[149]MOGII (Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identities, and Intersex) and MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex).[150][151]

SGL(same gender loving) is sometimes favored among gay maleAfrican Americansas a way of distinguishing themselves from what they regard aswhite-dominated LGBT communities.[152]


In public health settings,MSM( "men who have sex with men") is clinically used to describe men who have sex with other men without referring to their sexual orientation, withWSW( "women who have sex with women") also used as an analogous term.[153][154]


MVPFAFF is an abbreviation forMāhū,Vakasalewa,Palopa,Fa'afafine,Akava'ine,Fakaleitī(Leiti), andFakafifine.This term was developed byPhylesha Brown-Actonin 2010 at the Asia Pacific Games Human Rights Conference.[155]This refers to those in the rainbowPacific Islandercommunity, who may or may not identify with the LGBT initialism.[156]

See also


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