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Left ventricular hypertrophy

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Left ventricular hypertrophy
A heart with left ventricular hypertrophy in short-axis view
ComplicationsHypertrophic cardiomyopathy,Heart failure[1]
Diagnostic methodEchocardiography,cardiovascular MRI[1]
Differential diagnosisAthletic heart syndrome

Left ventricular hypertrophy(LVH) isthickeningof theheart muscleof the leftventricleof theheart,that is, left-sidedventricular hypertrophyand resulting increasedleft ventricular mass.



While ventricular hypertrophyoccurs naturallyas a reaction toaerobic exerciseandstrength training,it is most frequently referred to as a pathological reaction tocardiovascular disease,orhigh blood pressure.[2]It is one aspect ofventricular remodeling.

While LVH itself is not a disease, it is usually a marker for disease involving the heart.[3]Disease processes that can cause LVH include any disease that increases theafterloadthat the heart has to contract against, and some primary diseases of themuscle of the heart.[citation needed] Causes of increased afterload that can cause LVH includeaortic stenosis,aortic insufficiencyandhypertension.Primary disease of the muscle of the heart that cause LVH are known ashypertrophic cardiomyopathies,which can lead into heart failure.[citation needed]

Long-standingmitral insufficiencyalso leads to LVH as a compensatory mechanism.[citation needed]

LV mass increases withageing.[4]

Associated genes includeOGN,osteoglycin.[5]



The commonly used method to diagnose LVH isechocardiography,with which the thickness of the muscle of the heart can be measured. Theelectrocardiogram(ECG) often shows signs of increased voltage from the heart in individuals with LVH, so this is often used as a screening test to determine who should undergo further testing.[citation needed]


Left ventricular hypertrophy grading
by posterior wall thickness[6]
Mild 12 to 13 mm
Moderate >13 to 17 mm
Severe >17 mm

Two dimensional echocardiography can produce images of the left ventricle. The thickness of the left ventricle as visualized on echocardiography correlates with its actual mass. Left ventricular mass can be further estimated based on geometric assumptions of ventricular shape using the measured wall thickness and internal diameter.[7]Average thickness of the left ventricle, with numbers given as 95%prediction intervalfor the short axis images at the mid-cavity level are:[8]

  • Women: 4 – 8 mm
  • Men: 5 – 9 mm



CTandMRI-based measurement can be used to measure the left ventricle in three dimensions and calculate left ventricular mass directly. MRI based measurement is considered the “gold standard”for left ventricular mass,[9]though is usually not readily available for common practice. In older individuals, age related remodeling of the left ventricle's geometry can lead to a discordancy between CT and echocardiographic based measurements of left ventricular mass.[4]

ECG criteria

Left ventricular hypertrophy with secondary repolarization abnormalities as seen on ECG
Histopathologyof (a) normal myocardium and (b) myocardial hypertrophy. Scale bar indicates 50 μm.
Gross pathologyof left ventricular hypertrophy. Left ventricle is at right in image, serially sectioned from apex to near base.

There are several sets of criteria used to diagnose LVH via electrocardiography.[10]None of them are perfect, though by using multiple criteria sets, thesensitivityandspecificityare increased.

TheSokolow-Lyon index:[11][12]

  • S in V1+ R in V5or V6(whichever is larger) ≥ 35 mm (≥ 7 large squares)
  • R in aVL ≥ 11 mm

TheCornell voltage criteria[13]for the ECG diagnosis of LVH involve measurement of the sum of the R wave in lead aVL and the S wave in lead V3.The Cornell criteria for LVH are:

  • S in V3+ R in aVL > 28 mm (men)
  • S in V3+ R in aVL > 20 mm (women)

TheRomhilt-Estes point score system( "diagnostic" >5 points; "probable" 4 points):

ECG Criteria Points
Voltage Criteria (any of):
  1. R or S in limb leads ≥20 mm
  2. S in V1or V2≥30 mm
  3. R in V5or V6≥30 mm
ST-T Abnormalities:
  • ST-T vector opposite to QRS without digitalis
  • ST-T vector opposite to QRS with digitalis


Negative terminal P mode in V11 mm in depth and 0.04 sec in duration (indicatesleft atrial enlargement) 3
Left axis deviation (QRS of −30° or more) 2
QRS duration ≥0.09 sec 1
Delayedintrinsicoid deflectionin V5or V6(>0.05 sec) 1

Other voltage-based criteria for LVH include:

  • Lead I: R wave > 14 mm
  • Lead aVR: S wave > 15 mm
  • Lead aVL: R wave > 12 mm
  • Lead aVF: R wave > 21 mm
  • Lead V5:R wave > 26 mm
  • Lead V6:R wave > 20 mm

Diagnostic accuracy of electrocardiography in left ventricular hypertrophy can be enhanced withartificial intelligenceanalysis.[14]



Treatment is typically focused on resolving the cause of the LVH with the enlargement not permanent in all cases. In some cases the growth can regress with the reduction of blood pressure.[15]

LVH may be a factor in determining treatment or diagnosis for other conditions, for example, LVH is used in the staging and risk stratification of Non-ischemic cardiomyopathies such as Fabry's Disease.[16]Patients with LVH may have to participate in more complicated and precise diagnostic procedures, such as Echocardiography or Cardiac MRI.[17][18]

See also



  1. ^abMaron BJ, Maron MS (January 2013). "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy".Lancet.381(9862). Elsevier BV: 242–255.doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(12)60397-3.PMID22874472.S2CID38333896.
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  14. ^Martínez-Sellés, Manuel; Marina-Breysse, Manuel (2023)."Current and Future Use of Artificial Intelligence in Electrocardiography".Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease.10(4): 175.doi:10.3390/jcdd10040175.PMC10145690.PMID37103054.
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