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Ligaments of malleus

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Ligaments of malleus
The rightmembrana tympaniwith thehammerand thechorda tympani,viewed from within, from behind, and from above.
FromTympanic cavity
Latinligamenta mallei
Anatomical terminology

Theligaments of malleusare threeligamentsthat attach themalleusin themiddle ear.They are theanterior,lateralandsuperiorligaments.

The anterior ligament of the malleus also known as Casserio's ligament[1]is a fibrous band that extends from theneckof the malleus just above its anterior process to the anterior wall of thetympanic cavityclose to thepetrotympanic fissure.Some of the fibers also pass through the fissure to thespine of sphenoid bone.

The lateral ligament of the malleus is a triangular fibrous band that crosses from the posterior aspect of thetympanicnotch to the head orneckof the malleus.

The superior ligament of the malleus is a delicate fibrous strand that crosses from the roof of thetympanic cavityto the head of the malleus.

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  1. ^"Auditory ossicles".Kenhub.Retrieved2019-09-29.