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Latins (Italic tribe)

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Map of fifth-century BCLatiumand surrounding regions in present-dayItalythat were eventually annexed by Rome to form "New Latium": TheAlban Hills,a region of early Latin settlement (from around 1000 BC) and the site of theLatiar,the most important Latin communal festival, are located under the "U" inLATIUM.The region's two main lakes, Nemi and Albanus, are visible under the "I". The leading Latin city-states of Rome, Tibur (Tivoli), Praeneste (Palestrina),ArdeaandGabiiare shown.
Ethnolinguistic map of Italy in theIron Age,before theRoman expansion and conquest of Italy.

TheLatins(Latin:Latinus(m.),Latina(f.),Latini(m. pl.)), sometimes known as theLatials[1]orLatians,were anItalic tribewhich included the early inhabitants of the city ofRome(seeRoman people). From about 1000 BC, the Latins inhabited the small region known to the Romans asOld Latium(in LatinLatium vetus), the area in theItalian Peninsulabetween the riverTiberand the promontory ofMount Circeo100 km (62 mi) southeast of Rome. Following the Roman expansion, the Latins spread into theLatium adiectum,inhabited byOsco-Umbrianpeoples.

Their language,Latin,belonged to theItalic branchof Indo-European. Speakers of Italic languages are assumed to have migrated into theItalian Peninsuladuring the lateBronze Age(1200–900 BC). The material culture of the Latins, known as theLatial culture,was a distinctive subset of theproto-Villanovan culturethat appeared in parts of the Italian peninsula in the first half of the 12th century BC. The Latins maintained close culturo-religious relations until they were definitively united politically under Rome in 338 BC, and for centuries beyond. These included common festivals and religious sanctuaries.

The rise of Rome as by far the most populous and powerful Latin state fromc.600 BC led to volatile relations with the other Latin states, which numbered about 14 in 500 BC. In the period of theTarquinmonarchy (c.550–500 BC), Rome apparently acquired political hegemony over the other states. After the fall of the Roman monarchy around 500 BC, there appears to have been a century of military alliance between Rome and the other Latin states to confront the threat posed to all Latium by raiding by the surrounding Italic mountain tribes, especially theVolsciandAequi.This system progressively broke down after roughly 390 BC, when Rome's aggressive expansionism led to conflict with other Latin states, both individually and collectively. In 341–338 BC, the Latin states jointly fought theLatin Waragainst Rome in a final attempt to preserve their independence. The war ended in 338 BC with a decisive Roman victory. The other Latin states were either annexed or permanently subjugated to Rome.



The nameLatiumhas been suggested to derive from the Latin wordlatus( "wide, broad" ), referring, by extension, to the plains of the region (in contrast to the mainly-mountainous Italian Peninsula). If that is true,Latinioriginally meant "men of the plain".[2]


The mainstream scenario for the migration of the Indo-European (IE) peoples in the period 4000–1000 BC: Known as theKurgan hypothesis,the scenario envisages the IE peoples migrating outwards from an original homeland in thesteppeof southern Russia, north of theCaucasusMountains (purple zone). The red zone indicates the possible extent of IE expansion bycirca2500 BC, the orange zone by around 1000 BC. Note the movement of the Italic branch from the secondary zone (aroundMoravia) into the Italian peninsula

The Latins belonged to a group ofIndo-European-speaking (IE) tribes, conventionally known as theItalic tribes,that populated central and southern Italy during the ItalianIron Age,which began around 900 BC. The most widely accepted theory suggests that Latins and other proto-Italic tribes first entered Italy in the late Bronze Age proto-Villanovan culture, then part of the central EuropeanUrnfield culturesystem.[3][4]In particular various authors, such asMarija Gimbutas,had noted important similarities between theproto-Villanovan culture,theSouth-German Urnfield cultureofBavaria-Upper Austria[5]andMiddle-Danube Urnfield culture.[5][6][7]According to David W. Anthony proto-Latins originated in today's easternHungary,kurganized around 3100 BC by theYamna culture,[8][9]whileKristian Kristiansenassociated the proto-Villanovans with the Velatice-Baierdorf culture ofMoraviaand Austria.[10]This is further confirmed by the fact that the subsequentLatial culture,Este cultureandVillanovan culture,which introduced iron-working to theItalian peninsula,were so closely related to the Central EuropeanUrnfield culture(c. 1300–750 BC), andHallstatt culture(which succeeded the Urnfield culture), that it is not possible to tell them apart in their earlier stages.[11][12]Furthermore, the contemporaryCanegrate cultureof Northern Italy represented a typical western example of the western Hallstatt culture, whose diffusion most probably took place in aCeltic-speaking context.[13][14][15][16]

Similarly, several authors have suggested that theBeaker cultureof Central and Western Europe was a candidate for an earlyIndo-European culture,and more specifically, for an ancestral European branch of Indo-European dialects, termed "North-west Indo-European", ancestral to Celtic, Italic, Germanic and Balto-Slavic branches.[17][18]All these groups were descended from Proto-Indo-European speakers from Yamna-culture, whose migrations in Central Europe probably split off Pre-Italic, Pre-Celtic and Pre-Germanic from Proto-Indo-European.[8][19][20]

The linguistic landscape of Central Italy at the beginning of Roman expansion

Leaving archaeology aside, the geographical distribution of the ancient languages of the peninsula may plausibly be explained by the immigration of successive waves of peoples with different languages, according to Cornell. On this model, it appears likely that the "West Italic" group (including the Latins) were the first wave, followed, and largely displaced by, the East Italic (Osco-Umbrian) group. This is deduced from the marginal locations of the surviving West Italic niches. Besides Latin, putative members of the West Italic group areFaliscan(now regarded as merely a Latin dialect),[21]and perhapsSiculian,spoken in easternSicily.The West Italic languages were thus spoken in limited and isolated areas, whereas the "East Italic" group comprised theOscanandUmbriandialects spoken over much of central and southern Italy.[22]The chronology of Indo-European immigration remains elusive, as does the relative chronology between the Italic IE languages and the non-IE languages of the peninsula, notably theEtruscan,which is considered related to theRaeticspoken in theAlps.Other examples of non-IE languages in Iron Age Italy are theCamunic language,spoken in the Alps, and the unattestedancient LigurianandPaleo-Sardinian languages.Most scholars consider that Etruscan is a pre-IE survival, aPaleo-European language[23]part of an older European linguistic substratum,[3]spoken long before the arrival of proto Indo-European speakers. Some scholars have earlier speculated that Etruscan language could have been introduced by later migrants. The ancient Greek historianHerodotuspreserves the tradition that theTyrrhenoi(Etruscans) originated inLydiainAnatolia,[24]but Lydians spoke anIndo-Europeanlanguage, completely different from the Etruscan language. Despite, a possible support for an eastern origin for Etruscan may be provided by two inscriptions in a language closely related to Etruscan found on the island ofLemnosin the northernAegean Sea(seeLemnian language), even though some scholars believe that the Lemnian language might have arrived in the Aegean Sea during the Late Bronze Age, when Mycenaean rulers recruited groups of mercenaries from Sicily, Sardinia and various parts of the Italian peninsula.[25]Other scholars, however, argue that the presence of a language similar to Etruscan in Lemnos was due to Etruscan commercial adventurers arrived from the west shortly before 700 BC.[26]The archaeological evidence available from Iron Age Etruria shows no sign of any invasion, migration, or arrival of small immigrant-elites from the Eastern Mediterranean who may have imposed their language.[26][27]Between the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, Etruria shows above all contacts with Central Europe and theUrnfield culture,as there is great consensus that the subsequentorientalizing periodwas an artistic-cultural phenomenon not exclusively Etruscan, also spread to other areas of Italy and the Greek world, and that can be better explained by trade and exchange rather than by migrations.[27]Genetic studies on samples of Etruscan individuals, both on mitochondrial and autosomal DNA, are also against an eastern origin of the Etruscans and have supported a deep, local origin.[28][29][30]A 2019 Stanford genetic study, which has analyzed the autosomal DNA of Iron Age samples from the areas around Rome, has concluded that Etruscans were similar to the Latins fromLatium vetus.[31]According to British archeologist Phil Perkins, "there are indications that the evidence of DNA can support the theory that Etruscan people are autochthonous in central Italy".[32][33]


TheLapis Niger,probably the oldest extant Latin inscription (c. 600 BC)

The tribe spoke theLatin language(specificallyOld Latin), a member of the western branch of theItalic languages,in turn a branch of theIndo-European(IE) family of languages in Europe

The oldest extant inscription in the Latin language is believed to be engraved on theLapis Niger( "Black Stone" ) discovered in 1899 in theRoman Forum,dating from around 600 BC: in the mid-Roman kingdom,according to the traditional Roman chronology, but more likely close to its inception.[34]Written in a primitive form ofArchaic Latin,it indicates that the Romans remained Latin-speakers in the period when some historians have suggested that Rome had become "Etruscanised" in both language and culture. It also lends support to the existence of theKings of Romein this era, whom some historians regarded as mythical: the inscription contains the wordrecei,the word for "king" in thedativesingular in archaic Latin -regiin classical Latin, or to therex sacrorum,rather than the political king of Rome.[35][36]

Material culture

Villanovan culturecinerary hut-urn, showing the likely shape of Romulus' Hut in Rome: a simple mud-and-straw shelter

There is no archaeological evidence at present that Old Latium hosted permanent settlements during theBronze Age.Some very small amounts ofApennine culturepottery shards have been found in Latium, most likely belonging to transient pastoralists engaged intranshumance.[37]It thus appears that the Latins occupied Latium Vetus not earlier than around 1000 BC. Initially, the Latin immigrants into Latium were probably concentrated in the low hills that extend from the central Apennine range into the coastal plain (much of which was then marshy and malarial, and thus uninhabitable). A notable area of early settlement were theAlban Hills,a plateau about 20 km (13 mi) SE of Rome containing a number of extinct volcanoes and 5 lakes, of which the largest arelacus Nemorensis(Lake Nemi) andlacus Tusculensis(Lake Albano). These hills provided a defensible, well-watered base.[38]Also the hills on the site of Rome, certainly thePalatineand possibly theCapitolineand theQuirinal,hosted permanent settlements at a very early stage.[39]

The Latins appear to have become culturally differentiated from the surrounding Osco-Umbrian Italic tribes fromc. 1000 BConwards.[38]From this time, the Latins exhibit the features of theIron AgeLatial culturefound in Etruria and thePovalley. In contrast, the Osco-Umbrian tribes do not exhibit the same features of the Latins, who thus shared the broadly same material culture as the Etruscans. The variant of Villanovan found in Latium is dubbed theLatial culture.The most distinctive feature of Latial culture were cinerary urns in the shape of miniaturetuguria( "huts" ). In Phase I of the Latium culture (c. 1000–900 BC) these hut-urns only appear in some burials, but they become standard in Phase II cremation burials (900–770 BC).[40]They represent the typical single-roomed hovels of contemporary peasants, which were made from simple, readily available materials:wattle-and-daubwalls and straw roofs supported by wooden posts. The huts remained the main form of Latin housing until about 650 BC.[41]The most famous exemplar was theCasa Romuli( "Hut ofRomulus") on the southern slope of the Palatine Hill, supposedly built by the legendary founder of Rome with his own hands and which reportedly survived until the time of emperorAugustus(ruled 30 BC - AD 14).[42][43]

Around 650 BC began a period of urbanisation, with the establishment of political city-states in Latium. The most notable example is Rome itself, which was originally a group of separate settlements on the various hills. It appears that they coalesced into a single entity around 625 BC, when the first buildings were established on the site of the laterRoman Forum.

Social culture


Relics of Indo-European culture

The "Rain Miracle": Jupiter the Rainmaker rescues the Romans during theMarcomannic Wars(AD 166–80). The soldiers of legionXII Fulminata,who were surrounded by theQuadiGermans and severely dehydrated, were saved by a thunderstorm, which reportedly materialised out of a clear sky. Note the god's wings. Detail from theColumn of Marcus Aurelius,Rome

According to the mainstream Kurgan hypothesis, the earliest Indo-European speakers were a nomadicsteppepeople, originating in theEurasian steppes(southern Russia, northern Caucasus and central Asia). Their livelihood was based on horses and herding. In the historical era, the same socio-cultural lifestyle was maintained, in the same regions, by peoples descended from theProto-Indo-Europeans(PIEs) known to the Greco-Romans asScythians,SarmatiansandAlans,whose languages belonged to theIranianbranch of IE. On the basis of common steppe-nomadic features in the cultures of the various Indo-European peoples in the historical era, scholars have reconstructed elements of proto-Indo-European culture. Relics of such elements have been discerned in Roman and Latin customs. Examples include:

  1. The kinship-system of PIEs is considered by anthropologists to best fit the so-called "Omaha" system, i.e. a patrilineal exogamous society, i.e. a society in which descent is recognised through the father's line and spouses are taken from outside the kinship-group.[44]This is certainly the case with Roman society.
  2. Supreme sky-god: It has been securely reconstructed that the chief god of PIEs was a male sky-god, known as "Father Sky", from which descends the chief Latin god,Jupiter,deriving from archaic "Dieus - pater" ( "sky-father" ).[45]PIEs also venerated a god of thunder and lightning.[46]Among the Latins, this deity appears to have been merged with the sky-god, as Jupiter was ascribed the power to hurl thunderbolts. Among others, Jupiter was ascribed the epithetsJupiter Tonitrans( "Jupiter the Thunderer" ),Jupiter Pluvius( "Jupiter the Rainmaker" ), andJupiter Fulgurator( "Jupiter the Thunderbolt-Flinger" )
  3. Fire-worship: A central feature of PIE life was the domestic hearth. It is thus considered certain that PIEs worshipped fire. The best-known derivative is the fire-worship of the ancient Iranian religion (seeZoroastrianism). The Romans kept a perpetual sacred fire burning in theTemple of Vesta,who was the goddess of the hearth. To symbolise the hearth, it is the only Roman temple which was round, instead of square.[47]
  4. Horse-sacrifice: Originally a nomadic steppe-people, the life of PIEs was centred on horses. The sacrifice of horses was probably practised to consecrate kings. The Indicasvamedharitual involves the sacrifice of a stallion and the ritual copulation with its corpse by the queen, followed by the distribution of the horse's parts. The Romans practised a ritual known as theOctober Equus,whereby the right-hand horse of a victorious team in a chariot-race was sacrificed toMars,the god of war. Its head was severed and fought over by two teams of people, and its tail hung from theRegia(the old royal palace in Rome).[47]
  5. Swastikasymbol: This symbol, the hooked cross (crux uncinatain Latin), was widely used by IE-speaking peoples in both Europe and Asia (especially in India: the termswastikaisSanskrit). According to one theorywhich?,it was invented, and used as an ethnic emblem, by the Proto-Indo-Europeans, although it is also a documented symbol of theStone AgeVinča cultureof SE Europe (c. 5500– 4500 BC), which was probably pre-Indo-European (although it may have been used as ahieroglyph,rather than a cultural symbol, by the Vinca people). Whatever its origin, it was widely adopted by the Indo-Europeans, among whom it probably symbolised the Sun (which was seen as a wheel rolling across the sky) and/or the Sky and was thus closely associated with their male supreme Sky-god. Among the Romans, it was not traditionally associated with the sky god Jupiter. It became associated with the sky god in Celtic southwest Gaul, where numerous dedications to Jupiter have been discovered adorned with swastikas.[48]In the later empire (4th century onwards), when pagan symbolism lost favour due to the advance of Christianity, it came to represent the Universe, or eternal life.

Latin communal tribal cults

View ofAlbanus mons(Monte Cavo,949m), the sacred mount of the Latins in the Alban Hills. The annual religious rites of theLatin Festivalwere held on its summit. In foreground, theAlban lake,filling the caldera of an extinct volcano

Despite their frequent internecine wars, the Latin city-states maintained close culturo-religious relations throughout their history. Their most important common tribal event was the four-dayLatiarorFeriae Latinae( "Latin Festival" ), held each winter on the sacredmons Albanus(Monte Cavo,Alban Hills, SE of Rome), an extinct volcano. The climax of the festival was a number of sacrifices to Jupiter Latiaris ( "Jupiter of Latium" ); the sacrificed meat was shared by the representatives of the Latin communities. These elaborate rituals, as did all Roman religious ceremonies, had to be performed with absolute precision and, if any procedural mistakes were made, had to be repeated from the start. The Latin Festival continued to be held long after allLatium Vetuswas integrated into the Roman Republic after 338 BC (from then on, theRoman consulspresided over them) and into theRoman imperial era.The historianLivy,writing around AD 20, ascribed Rome's disastrous defeat by the Carthaginian generalHannibalat theBattle of Lake Trasimenein 217 BC to the impiety of the consulGaius Flaminius,who, in his eagerness to join his army at its assembly-point ofArretium,failed to attend the Latin Festival.[49]

Latin cultural-religious events were also held at other common cult-centres e.g. the major common shrine toDianaatAricia.This may be the sacred grove to Diana which a fragment of Cato'sOriginesrecorded dedicated, probablyc. 500 BC,by various Latin communities under the leadership of the dictator ofTusculum,Egerius Baebius.[50]Cornell argues that the temple of Diana reportedly founded by the Roman kingServius Tulliuson theAventine hillat Rome was also a common Latin shrine, as it was built outside thepomeriumor City boundary.[51]There was also an important Latin cult-centre atLavinium.Lavinium hosted the cult of thePenates,or Latin ancestor-gods. Cornell suggests that the "Sanctuary of the 13 altars" discovered in the 1960s at Lavinium was the site of the Penates cult. Since each of the altars differ in style and date, it has been suggested that each was erected by a separate Latin city-state.[52]

Latins in the Roman origin myth

The Trojan heroAeneas' legendary landing on the shores of Latium (note prow of his beached ship, right). Aeneas is holding his son, Ascanius, by the hand. A sow (left) shows him where to found his city (Lavinium). Roman marble bas-relief,c. AD 140–50.British Museum,London



Under the ever-growing influence of theItaliote Greeks,the Romans acquired their own national origin myth sometime during the early Republican era (500–300 BC). It was centred on the figure ofAeneas,a supposed Trojan survivor of the destruction ofTroyby theAchaean Greeks,as related in the poetHomer's epic theIliad(composedc. 800 BC). The legend provided the Romans with a heroic "Homeric" pedigree, as well as a (spurious) ethnic distinctiveness from the other Latins. It also provided a rationale (as poetic revenge for the destruction of Troy) for Rome's hostilities against, and eventual subjugation of, the Greek cities of southern Italy, especiallyTaras(mod.Taranto) in the period ending 275 BC.[53]

The figure of Aeneas as portrayed in theIliadlent itself to his adoption as the Roman "Abraham": a mighty warrior of (minor) royal blood who personally slew 28 Achaeans in the war, he was twice saved from certain death by the gods, implying that he had a great destiny to fulfil. A passage in Homer'sIliadcontains the prophecy that Aeneas and his descendants would one day rule the Trojans.[54]Since the Trojans had been expelled from their own city, it was speculated that Aeneas and other Trojan survivors must have migrated elsewhere.

View of theAlban Hills,a volcanic plateau 20km SE of Rome. The region saw early Latin settlement and was the site of the legendary city of Alba Longa, supposedly the capital of Latium for 400 years before the foundation of Rome

The legend is given its most vivid and detailed treatment in the Roman poetVirgil's epic, theAeneid(published around AD 20). According to this, the Latin tribe's first king wasLatinus,who gave his name to the tribe and founded the first capital of the Latins,Laurentum,whose exact location is uncertain. The Trojan heroAeneasand his men fled by sea after the capture and sack of their city,Troy,by the Greeks in 1184 BC, according to one ancient calculation. After many adventures, Aeneas and his Trojan army landed on the coast of Latium near the mouth of the Tiber. Initially, King Latinus attempted to drive them out, but he was defeated in battle. Later, he accepted Aeneas as an ally and eventually allowed him to marry his daughter, Lavinia. Aeneas supposedly founded the city ofLavinium(Pratica di Mare,Pomezia), named after his wife, on the coast not far from Laurentum. It became the Latin capital after Latinus' death.[55]Aeneas' son (by his previous Trojan wife, a daughter of kingPriam of Troy),Ascanius,founded a new city,Alba Longain the Alban Hills, which replaced Lavinium as capital city. Alba Longa supposedly remained the Latin capital for some 400 years under Aeneas' successors, theLatin kings of Alba,until his descendant (supposedly in direct line after 15 generations)Romulusfounded Rome in 753 BC.[56]Under a later kingTullus Hostilius(traditional reign-dates 673–642 BC), the Romans razed Alba Longa to the ground and resettled its inhabitants on themons Caelius(Caelian Hill) in Rome.

There is controversy about how and when Aeneas and his Trojans were adopted as ethnic ancestors by the Romans. One theory is that the Romans appropriated the legend from the Etruscans, who in turn acquired themselves the legend from the Greeks. There is evidence that the Aeneas legend was well known among the Etruscans by 500 BC: excavations at the ancient Etruscan city ofVeiidiscovered a series of statuettes portraying Aeneas fleeing Troy carrying his father on his back, as in the legend.[57]Indeed, the Bulgarian linguistVladimir Georgievargued that the original Etruscans were in fact descendants of those Trojan refugees and that the Aeneas legend has a historical basis.[58]Georgiev disputes the mainstream view that Etruscan was not Indo-European: he argues that Etruscan was closely related to the Indo-EuropeanHittiteandLydianlanguages.[59]Georgiev's thesis hasn't received support from other scholars. Excavations at Troy have yielded a single written document, a letter inLuwian.But as Luwian (which certainly is closely related to Hittite) was used as a kind of diplomaticlingua francain Anatolia, it cannot be argued conclusively that Luwian was the everyday language of Troy. Cornell points out that the Romans may have acquired the legend directly from the Italiote Greeks. The earliest Greek literary reference to Rome as a foundation of Aeneas dates toc. 400 BC.[60]There is also much archaeological evidence of contacts between the cities of archaic Latium and the Greek world e.g. the archaic sanctuary of the Penates at Lavinium, which shows "heavy Greek influence in architectural design and religious ideology", according to Cornell.[61]

But whatever the origin of the legend, it is clear that the Latins had no historical connection with Aeneas and none of their cities were founded by Trojan refugees. Furthermore, Cornell regards the city of Alba Longa itself as probably mythical. Early Latial-culture remains have been discovered on the shore of the Alban lake, but they indicate a series of small villages, not an urbanised city-state. In any case, traces of the earliest phase of Latial culture also occur at Rome at the same time (c. 1000 BC), so archaeology cannot be used to support the tradition that Rome was founded by people from Alba Longa.[41]If Alba Longa did not exist, then nor did the "Alban kings", whose genealogy was almost certainly fabricated to "prove" Romulus' descent from Aeneas. The genealogy's dubious nature is shown by the fact that it ascribes the 14 Alban kings an average reign of 30 years' duration, an implausibly high figure. The false nature of the Aeneas-Romulus link is also demonstrated by the fact that, in some early versions of the tradition, Romulus is denoted as Aeneas' grandson, despite being chronologically separated from Aeneas by some 450 years.[62]


TheCapitoline Wolf,a bronze statue of the She-Wolf suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Date is controversial. Traditionally it has been attributed to the Etruscans and dated to the 5th century BC (although the twins were added in the 15th century). More recent scholarship dates the original piece to the medieval era.Capitoline Museum,Rome

Romulus himself was the subject of the famous legend of the suckling she-wolf (lupa) that kept Romulus and his twinRemusalive in a cave on thePalatine Hill(theLupercal) after they had been thrown into the riverTiberon the orders of their wicked uncle,Amulius.The latter had usurped the throne of Alba from the twins' grandfather, kingNumitor,and then confined their mother,Rhea Silvia,to theVestalconvent. They were washed ashore by the river, and after a few days with the wolf, were rescued by shepherds.

Mainstream scholarly opinion regards Romulus as an entirely mythical character, and the legend fictitious. On this view, Romulus was a name fabricated to provide Rome with an eponymous founding hero, a common feature of classical foundation-myths; it is possible that Romulus was named after Rome instead ofvice versa.The name contains the Latin diminutive-ulus,so it means simply "Roman" or "little Roman".[63]It has been suggested that the name "Roma" was ofEtruscan origin,or that it was derived from the Latin wordruma( "teat" ), presumably because the shape of the Palatine Hill and/or Capitoline Hill resembled a woman's breasts. If the city was namedafterRomulus, it is plausible that he was historical. Nevertheless, Cornell argues that "Romulus probably never existed... His biography is a complex mixture of legend and folk-tale, interspersed with antiquarian speculation and political propaganda".[63]

In contrast,Andrea Carandini,an archaeologist who has spent most of his career excavating central Rome, advanced the theory that Romulus was a historical figure who indeed founded the city inc. 753 BC,as related by the ancient chroniclers, by ploughing a symbolic sacred furrow to define the city's boundary.[64]But Carandini's views have received scant support among fellow scholars.

In contrast to the legend of Aeneas, which was clearly imported into the Latin world from an extraneous culture, it appears that the Romulus legend of the suckling she-wolf is a genuine indigenous Latin myth.

Political unification under Rome (550–338 BC)


The traditional number of Latin communities for the purposes of the joint religious festivals is given as 30 in the sources. The same number is reported, probably erroneously, as the membership of the Romano-Latin military alliance, labelled the "Latin League"by modern scholars. But it appears thatc. 500 BCthere were just 15 independent Latin city-states in Latium Vetus, including Rome itself (the other 15 were annexed by the former as they expanded, especially Rome). The size of the city-state territories inc. 500 BCwere estimated by Beloch (1926):

Latin city-states in existencec. 500 BC[65]
Name of
Modern name/
Est. territory
Roma Roma 822
Tibur Tivoli 351
Praeneste Palestrina 263
Ardea Ardea 199
Lavinium Pratica di Mare,Pomezia 164
Lanuvium Lanuvio 84
Labici Monte Compatri 72
Nomentum Mentana 72
Gabii Castiglione 54
Fidenae Villa Spada,Rome 51
Tusculum nr.Frascati 50
Aricia Ariccia 45
Pedum Gallicano nel Lazio 43
Crustumerium Marcigliana Vecchia, Settebagni 40
Ficula 37
Total Size of Latium Vetus 2,347

The table above shows the tiny size of Latium Vetus - only about two-thirds the size of the English county ofKent.Rome was by far the largest state, controlling some 35% of the total land area. The next four largest states ranged from just under half the size of Rome down to a fifth of the size; the remaining ten ranged from a tenth of the size down to less than a twentieth.

From an early stage, the external relations of the Latin city-states were dominated by their largest and most powerful member, Rome. The vast amount of archaeological evidence uncovered since the 1970s has conclusively discredited A. Alföldi's once-fashionable theory that Rome was an insignificant settlement until about 500 BC, and thus that the Republic was not established before about 450, and possibly as late as 400 BC. There is now no doubt that Rome was a unified city (as opposed to a group of separate hilltop settlements) byc. 625 BCand had become the second-largest city in Italy (afterTarentum,510 hectares) by around 550 BC, when it had an area of about 285 hectares (1.1 sq mile) and an estimated population of 35,000. Rome was thus about half the size of contemporaryAthens(585 hectares, includingPiraeus) and far larger than any other Latin city.[66]

Detail of a 4th-century AD Roman mosaic showing two hunters wearing the dress of officers of theLate Roman army.Note theswastikaemblem on the left-hand officer's tunic. FromPiazza Armerina,Sicily

The size of Rome at this time lends credence to the Roman tradition, dismissed by Alföldi, that in the late regal period (550–500 BC), traditionally the rule of theTarquindynasty, Rome established its political hegemony over the other city-states of Old Latium. According to Livy, kingTarquin the Proudbound the Latin city-states into a military alliance under Roman leadership.[67]Reportedly, Tarquin also annexedPometia(laterSatricum) andGabii;established control overTusculumby a marriage alliance with its leader, Octavus Mamilius; and established Roman colonies at Signia andCirceii.He was engaged in besieging Ardea when the revolt against his monarchy broke out.[68]Rome's political control over Latium Vetus is apparently confirmed by the text of the first recorded Romano-Carthaginian treaty, dated by the ancient Greek historianPolybiusto 507 BC, a date accepted by Cornell (although some scholars argue a much later date). The treaty describes the Latin cities ofLaviniumand Ardea, among others, as "Roman subjects". Although the text acknowledged that not all the Latin cities were subjects of Rome, it clearly placed them under Rome's hegemony, as it provided that if Carthage captured any Latin city, it was obliged to hand it over to Rome's control. Rome's sphere of influence is implied as extending as far asTerracina,100 km to the south.[69]

The fall of the Roman monarchy was probably a more lengthy, violent and international process than the swift, bloodless and internal coup related by tradition. The role of the Etruscan kingLars Porsenna,ofClusium,who led an invasion of Roman territory at the time of the revolution, was probably distorted for propaganda reasons by later Roman chroniclers. Livy claims that Porsenna aimed to restore Tarquin to his throne, but failed to take Rome after a siege.Tacitussuggests that Porsenna's army succeeded in occupying the city.[70]The fact that there is no evidence of Tarquin's restoration during this occupation has led some scholars to suggest that it Porsenna was the real agent of the Tarquin's downfall, and that he aimed to replace him as king of Rome.[71]Any danger of an Etruscan takeover of Rome was removed by Porsenna's defeat atAriciain 504 BC.

There followed a war between Rome and the other Latin city-states, which probably took advantage of the political turmoil in Rome to attempt to regain/preserve their independence.[71]It appears that Tusculum and Aricia took the lead in organising an anti-Roman alliance. One ancient source names Egerius Baebius, the leader of Tusculum, as the "Latin dictator" (i.e. commander-in-chief of the Latin forces). It appears that Baebius dedicated a sacred grove to Diana atlucus Ferentinae(a wood near Aricia) inc. 500 BCin the presence of representatives of Latin states, including Tusculum, Aricia, Lanuvium, Lavinium, Cora, Tibur, Pometia and Ardea.[72]This event was probably contemporaneous with, and connected with, the launch of the Latin alliance.[73]The Latins could apparently count on the support of theVolsciItalic tribe. In addition, they were joined by the deposed Roman king Tarquin the Proud and his remaining followers.

The Romans apparently prevailed, scoring a notable victory over the Latin forces atLake Regillussometime in the period 499-493 BC (the exact year is disputed among scholars).[74]

Modern replicas ofscuta(shields), as used by thelegionsof theImperial Roman army.Note thealae et fulgura( "wings-and-thunderbolts" ) emblem, representingJupiter,the highest Roman god

Instead of restoring their previous hegemony, the Romans apparently settled for a military alliance on equal terms with the Latins. According to the sources, thefoedus Cassianum(Cassian treaty) was a bilateral treaty between the Romans on one side and the other Latin city-states combined.[75]It provided for a perpetual peace between the two parties; a defensive alliance by which the parties pledged mutual assistance in case of attack; a promise not to aid or allow passage to each other's enemies; the equal division of spoils of war (half to Rome, half to the other Latins) and provisions to regulate trade between the parties. In addition the treaty probably provided for overall command of the allies' joint forces to alternate between a Roman and a commander from one of the other Latin city-states each year. As the nature of the Tarquinian hegemony over the Latins is unknown, it is impossible to tell how the terms of the Cassian treaty differed from those imposed by the Tarquins. But it is likely that Tarquin rule was more onerous, involving the payment of tribute, while the Republican terms simply involved a military alliance. The impetus to form such an alliance was probably provided by the acute insecurity caused by a phase of migration and invasion of the lowland areas by Italic mountain tribes in the period after 500 BC. The Latins faced repeated incursions by theHernici,AequiandVolsci,whose territories surrounded Latium Vetus on its eastern and southern sides.[76]

The new Romano-Latin military alliance proved strong enough to repel the incursions of the Italic mountain tribes in the period 500–400 BC. During the succeeding century, after Rome had recovered from the catastrophic Gallic invasion of 390 BC, the Romans began a phase of expansionism. In addition to the establishment of a series ofLatin colonieson territories annexed from the mountain tribes, Rome annexed a number of neighbouring Latin city-states in steady succession. The increasing threat posed by Roman encroachment led the more powerful Latin states, such asPraeneste,to attempt to defend their independence and territorial integrity by challenging Rome, often in alliance with their erstwhile enemies, mountain-tribes such as the Volsci. Finally, in 341 BC, all the Latin city-states combined in what proved to be a final effort to regain/preserve their independence. The so-calledLatin Warended in 338 with a decisive Roman victory, following which Rome annexed most ofLatium Vetus.A few of the larger Latin states, such as Praeneste and Tibur, were allowed to retain a degree of political autonomy, but only in a subordinate status as Romansocii( "allies" ), tied to Rome by treaties of military alliance.



Genetic studies


A genetic study published inSciencein November 2019 examined the remains of six Latin males buried nearRomebetween 900 BC and 200 BC. They carried the paternal haplogroupsR-M269,T-L208,R-P311,R-PF7589 andR-P312(two samples), and the maternal haplogroupsH1aj1a,T2c1f,H2a,U4a1a,H11aandH10.[77]These examined individuals were distinguished from preceding populations of Italy by the presence of 30%steppe ancestry.[78]Two out of six individuals from Latin burials were found have a mixture of local Iron Age ancestry and ancestry from anEastern mediterraneanpopulation. Among modern populations, four out of six were closest toNorthernandCentral Italians,and then Spaniards, while the other two were closest to Southern Italians.[79]Overall, the genetic differentiation between the Latins,Etruscansand the preceding proto-Villanovan population of Italy was found to be insignificant.[80]

Examined individuals from the city of Rome during the time of theRoman Empire(27 BCE – 300 CE) bore far less genetic resemblance to Rome's founding populations, and were instead shifted towards theEastern MediterraneanandMiddle East.The Imperial population of Rome was found to have been extremely diverse, with barely any of the examined individuals being of primarily local, central Italian ancestry. It was suggested that the observed genetic shift in the city's founding populations was a result of heavy migration of merchants and slaves from the populous urban centres of the Middle East and Greece.[81]During late antiquity, after the Imperial era, Rome's population was drastically reduced as a result of political instability, epidemics and economic changes. In this period, more local or central Italian ancestry is evident in Rome; its inhabitants started to again approximate present-day Italians, and can be modeled as a genetic mixture of Imperial-era inhabitants of the city of Rome and populations from central or northern Italy.[82]In the following Early Medieval period, invasions of barbarians may have brought central and/or northern European ancestry into Rome, resulting in the further loss of genetic link to the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. By theMiddle Ages,the people of Rome again genetically resembled central and southern European populations.[83][84][85][86][87][88][89]

Physical appearance


As regards to the data on thepigmentationof eyes, hair and skin, the following results were obtained from the study onancient DNAof the 11 individuals of the Iron Age/Republican period, coming from Latium and Abruzzo, and the 27 individuals of Medieval/Early Modern period, coming from Latium.

For Iron Age/Republic period, theeye coloris blue in 27% of the examined and dark in the remaining 73%. Hair color is 9%blondor dark blond and 91% dark brown or black. Theskin coloris intermediate for 82%, intermediate or dark for 9% and dark or very dark for the remaining 9%.[90]

By contrast, the following results were obtained for Medieval/Early Modern period: the eye color is blue in 26% of the examined and dark in the remaining 74%. Hair color is 22% blond or dark blond, 11%redand 67% dark brown or black. The skin color is pale for 15%, intermediate for 68%, intermediate or dark for 10% and dark or very dark for the remaining 7%.[90]

See also



  1. ^Bauer, Susan Wise(2007).The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome(1st ed.). New York:W. W. Norton.p. 355.ISBN978-0-393-05974-8.
  2. ^Alfoldi (1966) 9
  3. ^abCornell 1995,p. 44.
  4. ^Encyclopædia BritannicaLatium
  5. ^abM.Gimbutas - Bronze Age Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe p.339-345
  6. ^John M. Coles - The Bronze Age in Europe: An Introduction to the Prehistory of Europe C. 2000–700 BC, p.422
  7. ^Massimo Pallottino-Etruscologia p. 40.
  8. ^abDavid W. Anthony - The Horse, The Wheel and Language pg.344
  9. ^David W. Anthony - The Horse, The Wheel and Language pg.367
  10. ^K. Kristiansen - Europe Before History p. 388.
  11. ^Pontecagnanofinds are conserved in the Museum of Agro Picentino.
  12. ^"Villanovan culture".Encyclopædia Britannica.
  13. ^Chadwick, Nora (1970).The Celts.p. 30.
  14. ^Kruta, Venceslas (1991).The Celts.Thames and Hudson. pp. 89–102.
  15. ^Stifter, David (2008).Old Celtic Languages - Addenda.p. 25.
  16. ^Alfons Semler,Überlingen: Bilder aus der Geschichte einer kleinen Reichsstadt,Oberbadische Verlag, Singen, 1949, pp. 11–17, specifically 15.
  17. ^"Almagro-Gorbea - La lengua de los Celtas y otros pueblos indoeuropeos de la península ibérica", 2001 p.95. In Almagro-Gorbea, M., Mariné, M. and Álvarez-Sanchís, J. R. (eds)Celtas y Vettones,pp. 115-121. Ávila: Diputación Provincial de Ávila.
  18. ^J.P. Mallory, 'The Indo-Europeanization of Atlantic Europe', inCeltic From the West 2: Rethinking the Bronze Age and the Arrival of Indo-European in Atlantic Europe,eds J. T. Koch and B. Cunliffe (Oxford, 2013), p.17-40
  19. ^Cornell 1995,p. 31-34, map 1.
  20. ^Cornell 1995,p. 41.
  21. ^Cornell 1995,p. 43.
  22. ^Cornell 1995,p. 42, Map 2.
  23. ^Haarmann, Harald(2014). "Ethnicity and Language in the Ancient Mediterranean". In McInerney, Jeremy (ed.).A Companion to Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean.Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 17–33.doi:10.1002/9781118834312.ch2.ISBN9781444337341.
  24. ^HerodotusHistoriesI.94
  25. ^De Ligt, Luuk."An 'Eteocretan' inscription from Praisos and the homeland of the Sea Peoples"(PDF).ALANTA XL-XLI (2008-2009), 151-172.
  26. ^abWallace, Rex E.(2010). "Italy, Languages of". In Gagarin, Michael (ed.).The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome.Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 97–102.doi:10.1093/acref/9780195170726.001.0001.ISBN9780195170726.Etruscan origins lie in the distant past. Despite the claim by Herodotus, who wrote that Etruscans migrated to Italy from Lydia in the eastern Mediterranean, there is no material or linguistic evidence to support this. Etruscan material culture developed in an unbroken chain from Bronze Age antecedents. As for linguistic relationships, Lydian is an Indo-European language. Lemnian, which is attested by a few inscriptions discovered near Kamania on the island of Lemnos, was a dialect of Etruscan introduced to the island by commercial adventurers. Linguistic similarities connecting Etruscan with Raetic, a language spoken in the sub-Alpine regions of northeastern Italy, further militate against the idea of eastern origins.
  27. ^abCornell 1995,p. 47.
  28. ^Ghirotto S, Tassi F, Fumagalli E, Colonna V, Sandionigi A, Lari M, et al. (2013)."Origins and Evolution of the Etruscans' mtDNA".PLOS ONE.8(2): e55519.Bibcode:2013PLoSO...855519G.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055519.PMC3566088.PMID23405165.
  29. ^Tassi F, Ghirotto S, Caramelli D, Barbujani G, et al. (2013). "Genetic evidence does not support an Etruscan origin in Anatolia".American Journal of Physical Anthropology.152(1): 11–18.doi:10.1002/ajpa.22319.PMID23900768.
  30. ^Leonardi, Michela; Sandionigi, Anna; Conzato, Annalisa; Lari, Martina; Tassi, Francesca (2018). "The female ancestor's tale: Long‐term matrilineal continuity in a nonisolated region of Tuscany".American Journal of Physical Anthropology.167(3): 497–506.doi:10.1002/ajpa.23679.PMID30187463.S2CID52161000.
  31. ^Antonio, Margaret L.; Gao, Ziyue; M. Moots, Hannah (2019)."Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean".Science.366(6466). Washington D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science (published November 8, 2019): 708–714.Bibcode:2019Sci...366..708A.doi:10.1126/science.aay6826.hdl:2318/1715466.PMC7093155.PMID31699931.Interestingly, although Iron Age individuals were sampled from both Etruscan (n=3) and Latin (n=6) contexts, we did not detect any significant differences between the two groups with f4 statistics in the form of f4(RMPR_Etruscan, RMPR_Latin; test population, Onge), suggesting shared origins or extensive genetic exchange between them.
  32. ^Perkins, Phil (2017). "Chapter 8: DNA and Etruscan identity". In Naso, Alessandro (ed.).Etruscology.Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 109–18.ISBN978-1934078495.
  33. ^Perkins, Phil (2009). "DNA and Etruscan identity". In Perkins, Phil; Swaddling, Judith (eds.).Etruscan by Definition: Papers in Honour of Sybille Haynes.London: The British Museum Research Publications. pp. 95–111.ISBN978-0861591732.173.
  34. ^Cornell 1995,p. 94-95.
  35. ^Forsythe, Gary (7 August 2006).A Critical History of Early Rome: From Prehistory to the First Punic War.University of California Press. p. 74.ISBN978-0-520-24991-2.Retrieved15 October2020.
  36. ^Tellegen-Couperus, Olga (25 November 2011).Law and Religion in the Roman Republic.BRILL. p. 74.ISBN978-90-04-21920-5.Retrieved15 October2020.
  37. ^Cornell 1995,p. 32.
  38. ^abBritannicaLatium
  39. ^Cornell 1995,p. 54-55.
  40. ^Cornell 1995,p. 51.
  41. ^abCornell 1995,p. 57.
  42. ^Dionysius I.79
  43. ^Dio XLVIII.43
  44. ^Fortson 2010,p. 20.
  45. ^Fortson 2010,p. 25.
  46. ^Fortson 2010,p. 26.
  47. ^abFortson 2010,p. 27.
  48. ^Green, Miranda(1989).Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art.p. 166.
  49. ^LivyAb Urbe ConditaXXI.63
  50. ^Cornell 1995,p. 297.
  51. ^Cornell 1995,p. 295.
  52. ^Cornell 1995,p. 109.
  53. ^Cornell 1995,p. 64-65.
  54. ^HomerIliadXX.307
  55. ^Livy I.1
  56. ^Livy I.23
  57. ^Georgiev 1979,p. 90.
  58. ^Georgiev 1979,p. 86-98.
  59. ^Georgiev 1979,p. 20-25.
  60. ^Cornell 1995,p. 65.
  61. ^Cornell 1995,p. 66.
  62. ^Cornell 1995,p. 71.
  63. ^abCornell 1995,p. 119.
  64. ^Carandini, Andrea(2011).Rome: Day One.
  65. ^Cornell 1995,p. 246.
  66. ^Cornell 1995,p. 204-205.
  67. ^Livy I.52
  68. ^Cornell 1995,p. 209.
  69. ^Cornell 1995,p. 210.
  70. ^TacitusHist.III.72
  71. ^abCornell 1995,p. 293.
  72. ^CatoOriginesII.28
  73. ^Alfoldi (1965) 49-52
  74. ^Livy II.21. 3-4
  75. ^Cornell 1995,p. 299.
  76. ^Cornell 1995,p. 305.
  77. ^Antonio et al. 2019,Table 2 Sample Information, Rows 29-32, 36-37.
  78. ^Antonio et al. 2019,p. 4 Table S15.
  79. ^Antonio et al. 2019,p. 2.
  80. ^Antonio et al. 2019,p. 3.
  81. ^Antonio et al. 2019,p. 4. "[C]ompared to Iron Age individuals, the Imperial population shares more alleles with early Bronze Age Jordanians... Notably, only 2 out of 48 Imperial-era individuals fall in the European cluster (C7) to which 8 out of 11 Iron Age individuals belong... [F]ew Imperial individuals (n = 2) have strong genetic affinities to western Mediterranean populations."
  82. ^Supplementary Materials for "Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean" (page 27)
  83. ^Wade 2019,p. 673. "People from the city's earliest eras and from after the Western empire's decline in the fourth century C.E. genetically resembled other Western Europeans. But during the imperial period most sampled residents had Eastern Mediterranean or Middle Eastern ancestry... The study suggests the vast majority of immigrants to the city came from the East. Of 48 individuals sampled from this period, only two showed strong genetic ties to Europe... Invading barbarians brought in more European ancestry. Rome gradually lost its strong genetic link to the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. By medieval times, city residents again genetically resembled European populations."
  84. ^Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca; Menozzi, Paolo; Cavalli-Sforza, Luca; Piazza, Alberto; Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi (1994).The History and Geography of Human Genes.Princeton University Press. p. 295.ISBN978-0691087504.
  85. ^Antonio, M; Gao, Z; Lucci, M; et al. (2019)."Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean".Science.366(6466): 708–714.Bibcode:2019Sci...366..708A.doi:10.1126/science.aay6826.PMC7093155.PMID31699931.
  86. ^Sarno, S; Boattini, A; Pagani, L; et al. (2017)."Ancient and recent admixture layers in Sicily and Southern Italy trace multiple migration routes along the Mediterranean".Scientific Reports.7(1): 1984.Bibcode:2017NatSR...7.1984S.doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01802-4.PMC5434004.PMID28512355.
  87. ^Ralph, P; Coop, G (2013)."The geography of recent genetic ancestry across Europe".PLOS Biology.11(5): e1001555.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001555.PMC3646727.PMID23667324.
  88. ^"The genetic contribution of Greek chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%.",Di Gaetano, C; Cerutti, N; Crobu, F; et al. (2009)."Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome".European Journal of Human Genetics.17(1): 91–99.doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.120.PMC2985948.PMID18685561.
  89. ^Raveane, A.; Aneli, S.; Montinaro, F.; Athanasiadis, G.; Barlera, S.; Birolo, G.; Boncoraglio, G. (4 September 2019)."Population structure of modern-day Italians reveals patterns of ancient and archaic ancestries in Southern Europe".Science Advances.5(9): eaaw3492.Bibcode:2019SciA....5.3492R.doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaw3492.PMC6726452.PMID31517044.
  90. ^abSaupe, Tina; Montinaro, Francesco; Scaggion, Cinzia; Carrara, Nicola; Kivisild, Toomas; D’Atanasio, Eugenia; Hui, Ruoyun; Solnik, Anu; Lebrasseur, Ophélie; Larson, Greger; Alessandri, Luca (2021-06-21)."Ancient genomes reveal structural shifts after the arrival of Steppe-related ancestry in the Italian Peninsula, Supplemental information Data S6A–S6D".Current Biology.31(12): 2576–2591.e12.doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.04.022.hdl:11585/827581.ISSN0960-9822.PMID33974848.S2CID234471370.



Ancient sources


Modern sources


Further reading

  • Barker, Graeme.Landscape and Society: Prehistoric Central Italy.London: Academic Press, 1981.
  • Bietti Sestieri, Anna Maria, Ellen Macnamara, and Duncan R Hook.Prehistoric Metal Artefacts From Italy (3500-720BC)In the British Museum.London: British Museum, 2007.
  • Bradley, Guy Jolyon, Elena Isayev, and Corinna Riva.Ancient Italy: Regions without Boundaries.Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Press, 2007.
  • Brown, A. C.Ancient Italy before the Romans.Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 1980.
  • Forsythe, Gary.A Critical History of Early Rome: From Prehistory to the First Punic War.Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
  • Ridgway, David.Ancient Italy In Its Mediterranean Setting: Studies In Honour of Ellen Macnamara.London: Accordia Research Institute, University of London, 2000.
  • Whitehouse, Ruth.Underground Religion: Cult and Culture In Prehistoric Italy.London: Accordia Research Centre, University of London, 1992.