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Lie algebra

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Inmathematics,aLie algebra(pronounced/l/LEE) is avector spacetogether with an operation called theLie bracket,analternating bilinear map,that satisfies theJacobi identity.In other words, a Lie algebra is analgebra over a fieldfor which the multiplication operation (called the Lie bracket) is alternating and satisfies the Jacobi identity. The Lie bracket of two vectorsandis denoted.A Lie algebra is typically anon-associative algebra.However, everyassociative algebragives rise to a Lie algebra, consisting of the same vector space with thecommutatorLie bracket,.

Lie algebras are closely related toLie groups,which aregroupsthat are alsosmooth manifolds:every Lie group gives rise to a Lie algebra, which is thetangent spaceat the identity. (In this case, the Lie bracket measures the failure ofcommutativityfor the Lie group.) Conversely, to any finite-dimensional Lie algebra over therealorcomplex numbers,there is a correspondingconnectedLie group, unique up tocovering spaces(Lie's third theorem). Thiscorrespondenceallows one to study the structure andclassificationof Lie groups in terms of Lie algebras, which are simpler objects of linear algebra.

In more detail: for any Lie group, the multiplication operation near the identity element 1 is commutative to first order. In other words, every Lie groupGis (to first order) approximately a real vector space, namely the tangent spacetoGat the identity. To second order, the group operation may be non-commutative, and the second-order terms describing the non-commutativity ofGnear the identity givethe structure of a Lie algebra. It is a remarkable fact that these second-order terms (the Lie algebra) completely determine the group structure ofGnear the identity. They even determineGglobally, up to covering spaces.

In physics, Lie groups appear as symmetry groups of physical systems, and their Lie algebras (tangent vectors near the identity) may be thought of as infinitesimal symmetry motions. Thus Lie algebras and their representations are used extensively in physics, notably inquantum mechanicsand particle physics.

An elementary example (not directly coming from an associative algebra) is the 3-dimensional spacewith Lie bracket defined by thecross productThis is skew-symmetric since,and instead of associativity it satisfies the Jacobi identity:

This is the Lie algebra of the Lie group ofrotations of space,and each vectormay be pictured as an infinitesimal rotation around the axis,with angular speed equal to the magnitude of.The Lie bracket is a measure of the non-commutativity between two rotations. Since a rotation commutes with itself, one has the alternating property.



Lie algebras were introduced to study the concept ofinfinitesimal transformationsbySophus Liein the 1870s,[1]and independently discovered byWilhelm Killing[2]in the 1880s. The nameLie algebrawas given byHermann Weylin the 1930s; in older texts, the terminfinitesimal groupwas used.

Definition of a Lie algebra


A Lie algebra is a vector spaceover afieldtogether with abinary operationcalled the Lie bracket, satisfying the following axioms:[a]

  • Bilinearity,
for all scalarsinand all elementsin.
  • TheAlternatingproperty,
for allin.
  • TheJacobi identity,
for allin.

Given a Lie group, the Jacobi identity for its Lie algebra follows from the associativity of the group operation.

Using bilinearity to expand the Lie bracketand using the alternating property shows thatfor allin.Thus bilinearity and the alternating property together imply

for allin.If the field does not havecharacteristic2, then anticommutativity implies the alternating property, since it implies[3]

It is customary to denote a Lie algebra by a lower-casefrakturletter such as.If a Lie algebra is associated with a Lie group, then the algebra is denoted by the fraktur version of the group's name: for example, the Lie algebra ofSU(n)is.

Generators and dimension


Thedimensionof a Lie algebra over a field means itsdimension as a vector space.In physics, a vector spacebasisof the Lie algebra of a Lie groupGmay be called a set ofgeneratorsforG.(They are "infinitesimal generators" forG,so to speak.) In mathematics, a setSofgeneratorsfor a Lie algebrameans a subset ofsuch that any Lie subalgebra (as defined below) that containsSmust be all of.Equivalently,is spanned (as a vector space) by all iterated brackets of elements ofS.

Basic examples


Abelian Lie algebras


Any vector spaceendowed with the identically zero Lie bracket becomes a Lie algebra. Such a Lie algebra is calledabelian.Every one-dimensional Lie algebra is abelian, by the alternating property of the Lie bracket.

The Lie algebra of matrices

  • On an associative algebraover a fieldwith multiplication written as,a Lie bracket may be defined by the commutator.With this bracket,is a Lie algebra. (The Jacobi identity follows from the associativity of the multiplication on.)[4]
  • Theendomorphism ringof an-vector spacewith the above Lie bracket is denoted.
  • For a fieldFand a positive integern,the space ofn×nmatricesoverF,denotedor,is a Lie algebra with bracket given by the commutator of matrices:.[5]This is a special case of the previous example; it is a key example of a Lie algebra. It is called thegeneral linearLie algebra.
WhenFis the real numbers,is the Lie algebra of thegeneral linear group,the group ofinvertiblenxnreal matrices (or equivalently, matrices with nonzerodeterminant), where the group operation is matrix multiplication. Likewise,is the Lie algebra of the complex Lie group.The Lie bracket ondescribes the failure of commutativity for matrix multiplication, or equivalently for the composition oflinear maps.For any fieldF,can be viewed as the Lie algebra of thealgebraic groupoverF.



Subalgebras, ideals and homomorphisms


The Lie bracket is not required to beassociative,meaning thatneed not be equal to.Nonetheless, much of the terminology for associativeringsand algebras (and also for groups) has analogs for Lie algebras. ALie subalgebrais a linear subspacewhich is closed under the Lie bracket. Anidealis a linear subspace that satisfies the stronger condition:[6]

In the correspondence between Lie groups and Lie algebras, subgroups correspond to Lie subalgebras, andnormal subgroupscorrespond to ideals.

A Lie algebrahomomorphismis a linear map compatible with the respective Lie brackets:

Anisomorphismof Lie algebras is abijectivehomomorphism.

As with normal subgroups in groups, ideals in Lie algebras are precisely thekernelsof homomorphisms. Given a Lie algebraand an idealin it, thequotient Lie algebrais defined, with a surjective homomorphismof Lie algebras. Thefirst isomorphism theoremholds for Lie algebras: for any homomorphismof Lie algebras, the image ofis a Lie subalgebra ofthat is isomorphic to.

For the Lie algebra of a Lie group, the Lie bracket is a kind of infinitesimal commutator. As a result, for any Lie algebra, two elementsare said tocommuteif their bracket vanishes:.

Thecentralizersubalgebra of a subsetis the set of elements commuting with:that is,.The centralizer ofitself is thecenter.Similarly, for a subspaceS,thenormalizersubalgebra ofis.[7]Ifis a Lie subalgebra,is the largest subalgebra such thatis an ideal of.



The subspaceof diagonal matrices inis an abelian Lie subalgebra. (It is aCartan subalgebraof,analogous to amaximal torusin the theory ofcompact Lie groups.) Hereis not an ideal infor.For example, when,this follows from the calculation:

(which is not always in).

Every one-dimensional linear subspace of a Lie algebrais an abelian Lie subalgebra, but it need not be an ideal.

Product and semidirect product


For two Lie algebrasand,theproductLie algebra is the vector spaceconsisting of all ordered pairs,with Lie bracket[8]

This is the product in thecategoryof Lie algebras. Note that the copies ofandincommute with each other:

Letbe a Lie algebra andan ideal of.If the canonical mapsplits (i.e., admits a section,as a homomorphism of Lie algebras), thenis said to be asemidirect productofand,.See alsosemidirect sum of Lie algebras.



For analgebraAover a fieldF,aderivationofAoverFis a linear mapthat satisfies theLeibniz rule

for all.(The definition makes sense for a possiblynon-associative algebra.) Given two derivationsand,their commutatoris again a derivation. This operation makes the spaceof all derivations ofAoverFinto a Lie algebra.[9]

Informally speaking, the space of derivations ofAis the Lie algebra of theautomorphism groupofA.(This is literally true when the automorphism group is a Lie group, for example whenFis the real numbers andAhas finite dimension as a vector space.) For this reason, spaces of derivations are a natural way to construct Lie algebras: they are the "infinitesimal automorphisms" ofA.Indeed, writing out the condition that

(where 1 denotes the identity map onA) gives exactly the definition ofDbeing a derivation.

Example: the Lie algebra of vector fields.LetAbe the ringofsmooth functionson a smooth manifoldX.Then a derivation ofAoveris equivalent to avector fieldonX.(A vector fieldvgives a derivation of the space of smooth functions by differentiating functions in the direction ofv.) This makes the spaceof vector fields into a Lie algebra (seeLie bracket of vector fields).[10]Informally speaking,is the Lie algebra of thediffeomorphism groupofX.So the Lie bracket of vector fields describes the non-commutativity of the diffeomorphism group. Anactionof a Lie groupGon a manifoldXdetermines a homomorphism of Lie algebras.(An example is illustrated below.)

A Lie algebra can be viewed as a non-associative algebra, and so each Lie algebraover a fieldFdetermines its Lie algebra of derivations,.That is, a derivation ofis a linear mapsuch that


Theinner derivationassociated to anyis the adjoint mappingdefined by.(This is a derivation as a consequence of the Jacobi identity.) That gives a homomorphism of Lie algebras,.The imageis an ideal in,and the Lie algebra ofouter derivationsis defined as the quotient Lie algebra,.(This is exactly analogous to theouter automorphism groupof a group.) For asemisimple Lie algebra(defined below) over a field of characteristic zero, every derivation is inner.[11]This is related to the theorem that the outer automorphism group of a semisimple Lie group is finite.[12]

In contrast, an abelian Lie algebra has many outer derivations. Namely, for a vector spacewith Lie bracket zero, the Lie algebracan be identified with.



Matrix Lie algebras


Amatrix groupis a Lie group consisting of invertible matrices,,where the group operation ofGis matrix multiplication. The corresponding Lie algebrais the space of matrices which are tangent vectors toGinside the linear space:this consists of derivatives of smooth curves inGat theidentity matrix:

The Lie bracket ofis given by the commutator of matrices,.Given a Lie algebra,one can recover the Lie group as the subgroup generated by thematrix exponentialof elements of.[13](To be precise, this gives theidentity componentofG,ifGis not connected.) Here the exponential mappingis defined by,which converges for every matrix.

The same comments apply to complex Lie subgroups ofand the complex matrix exponential,(defined by the same formula).

Here are some matrix Lie groups and their Lie algebras.[14]

  • For a positive integern,thespecial linear groupconsists of all realn×nmatrices with determinant 1. This is the group of linear maps fromto itself that preserve volume andorientation.More abstractly,is thecommutator subgroupof the general linear group.Its Lie algebraconsists of all realn×nmatrices withtrace0. Similarly, one can define the analogous complex Lie groupand its Lie algebra.
  • Theorthogonal groupplays a basic role in geometry: it is the group of linear maps fromto itself that preserve the length of vectors. For example, rotations and reflections belong to.Equivalently, this is the group ofnxnorthogonal matrices, meaning that,wheredenotes thetransposeof a matrix. The orthogonal group has two connected components; the identity component is called thespecial orthogonal group,consisting of the orthogonal matrices with determinant 1. Both groups have the same Lie algebra,the subspace of skew-symmetric matrices in(). See alsoinfinitesimal rotations with skew-symmetric matrices.
The complex orthogonal group,its identity component,and the Lie algebraare given by the same formulas applied tonxncomplex matrices. Equivalently,is the subgroup ofthat preserves the standardsymmetric bilinear formon.
  • Theunitary groupis the subgroup ofthat preserves the length of vectors in(with respect to the standardHermitian inner product). Equivalently, this is the group ofn×nunitary matrices (satisfying,wheredenotes theconjugate transposeof a matrix). Its Lie algebraconsists of the skew-hermitian matrices in(). This is a Lie algebra over,not over.(Indeed,itimes a skew-hermitian matrix is hermitian, rather than skew-hermitian.) Likewise, the unitary groupis a real Lie subgroup of the complex Lie group.For example,is thecircle group,and its Lie algebra (from this point of view) is.
  • Thespecial unitary groupis the subgroup of matrices with determinant 1 in.Its Lie algebraconsists of the skew-hermitian matrices with trace zero.
  • Thesymplectic groupis the subgroup ofthat preserves the standardalternating bilinear formon.Its Lie algebra is thesymplectic Lie algebra.
  • Theclassical Lie algebrasare those listed above, along with variants over any field.

Two dimensions


Some Lie algebras of low dimension are described here. See theclassification of low-dimensional real Lie algebrasfor further examples.

  • There is a unique nonabelian Lie algebraof dimension 2 over any fieldF,up to isomorphism.[15]Herehas a basisfor which the bracket is given by.(This determines the Lie bracket completely, because the axioms imply thatand.) Over the real numbers,can be viewed as the Lie algebra of the Lie groupofaffine transformationsof the real line,.
The affine groupGcan be identified with the group of matrices
under matrix multiplication, with,.Its Lie algebra is the Lie subalgebraofconsisting of all matrices
In these terms, the basis above foris given by the matrices
For any field,the 1-dimensional subspaceis an ideal in the 2-dimensional Lie algebra,by the formula.Both of the Lie algebrasandare abelian (because 1-dimensional). In this sense,can be broken into abelian "pieces", meaning that it is solvable (though not nilpotent), in the terminology below.

Three dimensions

  • TheHeisenberg algebraover a fieldFis the three-dimensional Lie algebra with a basissuch that[16]
It can be viewed as the Lie algebra of 3×3 strictlyupper-triangularmatrices, with the commutator Lie bracket and the basis
Over the real numbers,is the Lie algebra of theHeisenberg group,that is, the group of matrices
under matrix multiplication.
For any fieldF,the center ofis the 1-dimensional ideal,and the quotientis abelian, isomorphic to.In the terminology below, it follows thatis nilpotent (though not abelian).
  • The Lie algebraof therotation group SO(3)is the space of skew-symmetric 3 x 3 matrices over.A basis is given by the three matrices[17]
The commutation relations among these generators are
The cross product of vectors inis given by the same formula in terms of the standard basis; so that Lie algebra is isomorphic to.Also,is equivalent to theSpin (physics)angular-momentum component operators for spin-1 particles inquantum mechanics.[18]
The Lie algebracannot be broken into pieces in the way that the previous examples can: it issimple,meaning that it is not abelian and its only ideals are 0 and all of.
  • Another simple Lie algebra of dimension 3, in this case over,is the spaceof 2 x 2 matrices of trace zero. A basis is given by the three matrices
Vector field H
Vector field E
Vector field F
The action ofon theRiemann sphere.In particular, the Lie brackets of the vector fields shown are:,,.
The Lie bracket is given by:
Using these formulas, one can show that the Lie algebrais simple, and classify its finite-dimensional representations (defined below).[19]In the terminology of quantum mechanics, one can think ofEandFasraising and lowering operators.Indeed, for any representation of,the relations above imply thatEmaps thec-eigenspaceofH(for a complex numberc) into the-eigenspace, whileFmaps thec-eigenspace into the-eigenspace.
The Lie algebrais isomorphic to thecomplexificationof,meaning thetensor product.The formulas for the Lie bracket are easier to analyze in the case of.As a result, it is common to analyze complex representations of the groupby relating them to representations of the Lie algebra.

Infinite dimensions

  • The Lie algebra of vector fields on a smooth manifold of positive dimension is an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra over.
  • TheKac–Moody algebrasare a large class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, say over,with structure much like that of the finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras (such as).
  • TheMoyal algebrais an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra that contains all theclassical Lie algebrasas subalgebras.
  • TheVirasoro algebrais important instring theory.
  • The functor that takes a Lie algebra over a fieldFto the underlying vector space has aleft adjoint,called thefree Lie algebraon a vector spaceV.It is spanned by all iterated Lie brackets of elements ofV,modulo only the relations coming from the definition of a Lie algebra. The free Lie algebrais infinite-dimensional forVof dimension at least 2.[20]





Given a vector spaceV,letdenote the Lie algebra consisting of all linear maps fromVto itself, with bracket given by.Arepresentationof a Lie algebraonVis a Lie algebra homomorphism

That is,sends each element ofto a linear map fromVto itself, in such a way that the Lie bracket oncorresponds to the commutator of linear maps.

A representation is said to befaithfulif its kernel is zero.Ado's theoremstates that every finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero has a faithful representation on a finite-dimensional vector space.Kenkichi Iwasawaextended this result to finite-dimensional Lie algebras over a field of any characteristic.[21]Equivalently, every finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a fieldFis isomorphic to a Lie subalgebra offor some positive integern.

Adjoint representation


For any Lie algebra,theadjoint representationis the representation

given by.(This is a representation ofby the Jacobi identity.)

Goals of representation theory


One important aspect of the study of Lie algebras (especially semisimple Lie algebras, as defined below) is the study of their representations. Although Ado's theorem is an important result, the primary goal of representation theory is not to find a faithful representation of a given Lie algebra.Indeed, in the semisimple case, the adjoint representation is already faithful. Rather, the goal is to understand all possible representations of.For a semisimple Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero,Weyl's theorem[22]says that every finite-dimensional representation is a direct sum of irreducible representations (those with no nontrivial invariant subspaces). The finite-dimensional irreducible representations are well understood from several points of view; see therepresentation theory of semisimple Lie algebrasand theWeyl character formula.

Universal enveloping algebra


The functor that takes an associative algebraAover a fieldFtoAas a Lie algebra (by) has aleft adjoint,called theuniversal enveloping algebra.To construct this: given a Lie algebraoverF,let

be thetensor algebraon,also called the free associative algebra on the vector space.Heredenotes thetensor productofF-vector spaces. LetIbe the two-sidedidealingenerated by the elementsfor;then the universal enveloping algebra is the quotient ring.It satisfies thePoincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem:ifis a basis foras anF-vector space, then a basis foris given by all ordered productswithnatural numbers. In particular, the mapisinjective.[23]

Representations ofare equivalent tomodulesover the universal enveloping algebra. The fact thatis injective implies that every Lie algebra (possibly of infinite dimension) has a faithful representation (of infinite dimension), namely its representation on.This also shows that every Lie algebra is contained in the Lie algebra associated to some associative algebra.

Representation theory in physics


The representation theory of Lie algebras plays an important role in various parts of theoretical physics. There, one considers operators on the space of states that satisfy certain natural commutation relations. These commutation relations typically come from a symmetry of the problem—specifically, they are the relations of the Lie algebra of the relevant symmetry group. An example is theangular momentum operators,whose commutation relations are those of the Lie algebraof the rotation group.Typically, the space of states is far from being irreducible under the pertinent operators, but one can attempt to decompose it into irreducible pieces. In doing so, one needs to know the irreducible representations of the given Lie algebra. In the study of thehydrogen atom,for example, quantum mechanics textbooks classify (more or less explicitly) the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of the Lie algebra.[18]

Structure theory and classification


Lie algebras can be classified to some extent. This is a powerful approach to the classification of Lie groups.

Abelian, nilpotent, and solvable


Analogously toabelian,nilpotent,andsolvable groups,one can define abelian, nilpotent, and solvable Lie algebras.

A Lie algebraisabelianif the Lie bracket vanishes; that is, [x,y] = 0 for allxandyin.In particular, the Lie algebra of an abelian Lie group (such as the groupunder addition or thetorus group) is abelian. Every finite-dimensional abelian Lie algebra over a fieldis isomorphic tofor some,meaning ann-dimensional vector space with Lie bracket zero.

A more general class of Lie algebras is defined by the vanishing of all commutators of given length. First, thecommutator subalgebra(orderived subalgebra) of a Lie algebrais,meaning the linear subspace spanned by all bracketswith.The commutator subalgebra is an ideal in,in fact the smallest ideal such that the quotient Lie algebra is abelian. It is analogous to thecommutator subgroupof a group.

A Lie algebraisnilpotentif thelower central series

becomes zero after finitely many steps. Equivalently,is nilpotent if there is a finite sequence of ideals in,

such thatis central infor eachj.ByEngel's theorem,a Lie algebra over any field is nilpotent if and only if for everyuinthe adjoint endomorphism


More generally, a Lie algebrais said to besolvableif thederived series:

becomes zero after finitely many steps. Equivalently,is solvable if there is a finite sequence of Lie subalgebras,

such thatis an ideal inwithabelian for eachj.[25]

Every finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a field has a unique maximal solvable ideal, called itsradical.[26]Under theLie correspondence,nilpotent (respectively, solvable) Lie groups correspond to nilpotent (respectively, solvable) Lie algebras over.

For example, for a positive integernand a fieldFof characteristic zero, the radical ofis its center, the 1-dimensional subspace spanned by the identity matrix. An example of a solvable Lie algebra is the spaceof upper-triangular matrices in;this is not nilpotent when.An example of a nilpotent Lie algebra is the spaceof strictly upper-triangular matrices in; this is not abelian when.

Simple and semisimple


A Lie algebrais calledsimpleif it is not abelian and the only ideals inare 0 and.(In particular, a one-dimensional—necessarily abelian—Lie algebrais by definition not simple, even though its only ideals are 0 and.) A finite-dimensional Lie algebrais calledsemisimpleif the only solvable ideal inis 0. In characteristic zero, a Lie algebrais semisimple if and only if it is isomorphic to a product of simple Lie algebras,.[27]

For example, the Lie algebrais simple for everyand every fieldFof characteristic zero (or just of characteristic not dividingn). The Lie algebraoveris simple for every.The Lie algebraoveris simple ifor.[28](There are "exceptional isomorphisms"and.)

The concept of semisimplicity for Lie algebras is closely related with the complete reducibility (semisimplicity) of their representations. When the ground fieldFhas characteristic zero, every finite-dimensional representation of a semisimple Lie algebra issemisimple(that is, a direct sum of irreducible representations).[22]

A finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero is calledreductiveif its adjoint representation is semisimple. Every reductive Lie algebra is isomorphic to the product of an abelian Lie algebra and a semisimple Lie algebra.[29]

For example,is reductive forFof characteristic zero: for,it is isomorphic to the product

whereFdenotes the center of,the 1-dimensional subspace spanned by the identity matrix. Since the special linear Lie algebrais simple,contains few ideals: only 0, the centerF,,and all of.

Cartan's criterion


Cartan's criterion(byÉlie Cartan) gives conditions for a finite-dimensional Lie algebra of characteristic zero to be solvable or semisimple. It is expressed in terms of theKilling form,the symmetric bilinear form ondefined by

where tr denotes the trace of a linear operator. Namely: a Lie algebrais semisimple if and only if the Killing form isnondegenerate.A Lie algebrais solvable if and only if[30]



TheLevi decompositionasserts that every finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero is a semidirect product of its solvable radical and a semisimple Lie algebra.[31]Moreover, a semisimple Lie algebra in characteristic zero is a product of simple Lie algebras, as mentioned above. This focuses attention on the problem of classifying the simple Lie algebras.

The simple Lie algebras of finite dimension over analgebraically closed fieldFof characteristic zero were classified by Killing and Cartan in the 1880s and 1890s, usingroot systems.Namely, every simple Lie algebra is of type An,Bn,Cn,Dn,E6,E7,E8,F4,or G2.[32]Here the simple Lie algebra of type Anis,Bnis,Cnis,and Dnis.The other five are known as theexceptional Lie algebras.

The classification of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras overis more complicated, but it was also solved by Cartan (seesimple Lie groupfor an equivalent classification). One can analyze a Lie algebraoverby considering its complexification.

In the years leading up to 2004, the finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristicwere classified byRichard Earl Block,Robert Lee Wilson, Alexander Premet, and Helmut Strade. (Seerestricted Lie algebra#Classification of simple Lie algebras.) It turns out that there are many more simple Lie algebras in positive characteristic than in characteristic zero.

Relation to Lie groups

The tangent space of asphereat a point.Ifwere the identity element of a Lie group, the tangent space would be a Lie algebra.

Although Lie algebras can be studied in their own right, historically they arose as a means to studyLie groups.

The relationship between Lie groups and Lie algebras can be summarized as follows. Each Lie group determines a Lie algebra over(concretely, the tangent space at the identity). Conversely, for every finite-dimensional Lie algebra,there is a connected Lie groupwith Lie algebra.This isLie's third theorem;see theBaker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula.This Lie group is not determined uniquely; however, any two Lie groups with the same Lie algebra arelocally isomorphic,and more strongly, they have the sameuniversal cover.For instance, the special orthogonal groupSO(3)and the special unitary groupSU(2)have isomorphic Lie algebras, but SU(2) is asimply connecteddouble cover of SO(3).

Forsimply connectedLie groups, there is a complete correspondence: taking the Lie algebra gives anequivalence of categoriesfrom simply connected Lie groups to Lie algebras of finite dimension over.[33]

The correspondence between Lie algebras and Lie groups is used in several ways, including in theclassification of Lie groupsand therepresentation theoryof Lie groups. For finite-dimensional representations, there is an equivalence of categories between representations of a real Lie algebra and representations of the corresponding simply connected Lie group. This simplifies the representation theory of Lie groups: it is often easier to classify the representations of a Lie algebra, using linear algebra.

Every connected Lie group is isomorphic to its universal cover modulo adiscretecentral subgroup.[34]So classifying Lie groups becomes simply a matter of counting the discrete subgroups of thecenter,once the Lie algebra is known. For example, the real semisimple Lie algebras were classified by Cartan, and so the classification of semisimple Lie groups is well understood.

For infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, Lie theory works less well. The exponential map need not be a localhomeomorphism(for example, in the diffeomorphism group of the circle, there are diffeomorphisms arbitrarily close to the identity that are not in the image of the exponential map). Moreover, in terms of the existing notions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups, some infinite-dimensional Lie algebras do not come from any group.[35]

Lie theory also does not work so neatly for infinite-dimensional representations of a finite-dimensional group. Even for the additive group,an infinite-dimensional representation ofcan usually not be differentiated to produce a representation of its Lie algebra on the same space, or vice versa.[36]The theory ofHarish-Chandra modulesis a more subtle relation between infinite-dimensional representations for groups and Lie algebras.

Real form and complexification


Given acomplex Lie algebra,a real Lie algebrais said to be areal formofif the complexificationis isomorphic to.A real form need not be unique; for example,has two real forms up to isomorphism,and.[37]

Given a semisimple complex Lie algebra,asplit formof it is a real form that splits; i.e., it has a Cartan subalgebra which acts via an adjoint representation with real eigenvalues. A split form exists and is unique (up to isomorphism). Acompact formis a real form that is the Lie algebra of a compact Lie group. A compact form exists and is also unique up to isomorphism.[37]

Lie algebra with additional structures


A Lie algebra may be equipped with additional structures that are compatible with the Lie bracket. For example, agraded Lie algebrais a Lie algebra (or more generally aLie superalgebra) with a compatible grading. Adifferential graded Lie algebraalso comes with a differential, making the underlying vector space achain complex.

For example, thehomotopy groupsof a simply connectedtopological spaceform a graded Lie algebra, using theWhitehead product.In a related construction,Daniel Quillenused differential graded Lie algebras over therational numbersto describerational homotopy theoryin algebraic terms.[38]

Lie ring


The definition of a Lie algebra over a field extends to define a Lie algebra over anycommutative ringR.Namely, a Lie algebraoverRis anR-modulewith an alternatingR-bilinear mapthat satisfies the Jacobi identity. A Lie algebra over the ringofintegersis sometimes called aLie ring.(This is not directly related to the notion of a Lie group.)

Lie rings are used in the study of finitep-groups(for a prime numberp) through theLazard correspondence.[39]The lower central factors of a finitep-group are finite abelianp-groups. The direct sum of the lower central factors is given the structure of a Lie ring by defining the bracket to be thecommutatorof two coset representatives; see the example below.

p-adic Lie groupsare related to Lie algebras over the fieldofp-adic numbersas well as over the ringofp-adic integers.[40]Part ofClaude Chevalley's construction of the finitegroups of Lie typeinvolves showing that a simple Lie algebra over the complex numbers comes from a Lie algebra over the integers, and then (with more care) agroup schemeover the integers.[41]


  • Here is a construction of Lie rings arising from the study of abstract groups. For elementsof a group, define the commutator.Letbe afiltrationof a group,that is, a chain of subgroups such thatis contained infor all.(For the Lazard correspondence, one takes the filtration to be the lower central series ofG.) Then
is a Lie ring, with addition given by the group multiplication (which is abelian on each quotient group), and with Lie bracketgiven by commutators in the group:[42]
For example, the Lie ring associated to the lower central series on thedihedral groupof order 8 is the Heisenberg Lie algebra of dimension 3 over the field.

Definition using category-theoretic notation


The definition of a Lie algebra can be reformulated more abstractly in the language ofcategory theory.Namely, one can define a Lie algebra in terms of linear maps—that is,morphismsin thecategory of vector spaces—without considering individual elements. (In this section, the field over which the algebra is defined is assumed to be of characteristic different from 2.)

For the category-theoretic definition of Lie algebras, twobraiding isomorphismsare needed. IfAis a vector space, theinterchange isomorphismis defined by

Thecyclic-permutation braidingis defined as

whereis the identity morphism. Equivalently,is defined by

With this notation, a Lie algebra can be defined as an objectin the category of vector spaces together with a morphism

that satisfies the two morphism equalities


See also



  1. ^More generally, one has the notion of a Lie algebra over anycommutative ringR:anR-module with an alternatingR-bilinear map that satisfies the Jacobi identity (Bourbaki (1989,Section 2)).


  1. ^O'Connor & Robertson 2000.
  2. ^O'Connor & Robertson 2005.
  3. ^Humphreys 1978,p. 1.
  4. ^Bourbaki 1989,§1.2. Example 1.
  5. ^Bourbaki 1989,§1.2. Example 2.
  6. ^By the anticommutativity of the commutator, the notions of a left and right ideal in a Lie algebra coincide.
  7. ^Jacobson 1979,p. 28.
  8. ^Bourbaki 1989,section I.1.1.
  9. ^Humphreys 1978,p. 4.
  10. ^Varadarajan 1984,p. 49.
  11. ^Serre 2006,Part I, section VI.3.
  12. ^Fulton & Harris 1991,Proposition D.40.
  13. ^Varadarajan 1984,section 2.10, Remark 2.
  14. ^Hall 2015,§3.4.
  15. ^Erdmann & Wildon 2006,Theorem 3.1.
  16. ^Erdmann & Wildon 2006,section 3.2.1.
  17. ^Hall 2015,Example 3.27.
  18. ^abWigner 1959,Chapters 17 and 20.
  19. ^Erdmann & Wildon 2006,Chapter 8.
  20. ^Serre 2006,Part I, Chapter IV.
  21. ^Jacobson 1979,Ch. VI.
  22. ^abHall 2015,Theorem 10.9.
  23. ^Humphreys 1978,section 17.3.
  24. ^Jacobson 1979,section II.3.
  25. ^Jacobson 1979,section I.7.
  26. ^Jacobson 1979,p. 24.
  27. ^Jacobson 1979,Ch. III, § 5.
  28. ^Erdmann & Wildon 2006,Theorem 12.1.
  29. ^Varadarajan 1984,Theorem 3.16.3.
  30. ^Varadarajan 1984,section 3.9.
  31. ^Jacobson 1979,Ch. III, § 9.
  32. ^Jacobson 1979,section IV.6.
  33. ^Varadarajan 1984,Theorems 2.7.5 and 3.15.1.
  34. ^Varadarajan 1984,section 2.6.
  35. ^Milnor 2010,Warnings 1.6 and 8.5.
  36. ^Knapp 2001,section III.3, Problem III.5.
  37. ^abFulton & Harris 1991,§26.1.
  38. ^Quillen 1969,Corollary II.6.2.
  39. ^Khukhro 1998,Ch. 6.
  40. ^Serre 2006,Part II, section V.1.
  41. ^Humphreys 1978,section 25.
  42. ^Serre 2006,Part I, Chapter II.

