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List of Neanderthal fossils

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This is alist ofNeanderthalfossils.

Some important European Neanderthals


Remains of more than 300 European Neanderthals have been found. This is a list of the most notable.

Name Age Cranial capacity (cm3) Year
Country Discovered by Now located at
Ehringsdorf skull 150k–120k 1450[1] 1908–1925 Germany ArchäologischenLandesmuseumsThüringen
Engis 2 Undated ?(child) 1829 Belgium Philippe-Charles Schmerling University of Liège
Gibraltar 1 40k 1200[1] 1848 Gibraltar Edmund Flint Natural History Museum,London
Gibraltar 2 Undated ?(child) 1926 Gibraltar Dorothy Garrod Natural History Museum,London
Krijn 100-40 ka (Not a full skull) 2001 Netherlands Luc Anthonis Rijksmuseum van Oudheden,Leiden
La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 60k 1600[1] 1908 France L. Bardon, A. Bouyssonie and J. Bouyssonie
La Ferrassie 1 70k–50k 1641[1] 1909 France Louis Capitan and Denis Peyrony Musée de l'Homme
Neanderthal 1 40k 1452[1] 1856 Germany Kleine Feldhofer Grotte Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn
Saccopastore 1 250k 1200[2] 1929 Italy
Saccopastore 2 250k 1300[3] 1935 Italy Alberto Blanc andHenri Breuil
Altamura Man 170k 1993 Italy

Southwest Asian Neanderthals


As of 2017, this list ofSouthwest Asian Neanderthalsmay be considered essentially complete.

List of Southwest Asian Neanderthals
Present-day country (country of discovery) Site Principal Neanderthal finds MNI Geological age (ka) Descriptions Notes
Turkey Karain Four teeth 1 Senyürek (1949)[4][5]

Yalçınkaya (1988)[6][5]

Lebanon Ksâr 'Akil K2: Teeth and partial maxilla 1 Ewing(1963)[7] Ewing lost this specimen while transferring Ksar Akil material fromBoston CollegetoFordham University.[8]
Lebanon El Masloukh Upper second molar[9] (1) ? Neanderthal attribution is stratigraphic, not morphological.[10]
Israel Kebara KMH1:7-9 mo. old partial skel.

KMH2:Post-cranial adult ♂

Various fragments

KMH3: Milk tooth (m1-r)[11]
KMH4: 9 milk teeth, germ of 1 permanent tooth[12][11]
KMH5: Child mandibular symphysis fragment, no teeth[11]
KMH6: Right maxillary fragment with M1and M2[11]
KMH7: Milk tooth (m?-r)[11]
KMH8: Milk tooth (m2-l)[11]
KMH9: Foot bone (4th rightmetatarsal)[11]
KMH10: Foot bone (1st toe distalphalanx)[11]
KMH11: Right clavicle fragment[11]
KMH12: Milk tooth (m?-r)[11]
KMH13: Milk toothgerm(m1-l)[11]
KMH14: Tooth (M2-l)[11]
KMH15: Milk tooth (m1-r)[11]
KMH16: Milk tooth (left i1)[11]
KMH17: Clavicle fragment[11]
(KMH18: Mandibular fragment with tooth [M2-r])[11]
(KMH19: Fragmentary toothcrown[M?-r])[11]
(KMH20: Parietal bone fragment)[11]
(KMH21: Germ of tooth [M1-l])[11]
(KMH22: Milk tooth [upper c-l])[11]
(KMH23: Milk tooth [i2-r])[11]
KMH24: Tooth (M3-l)[11]
(KMH25: 3 milk teeth germs [upper c-l, m1,m2])[11]
(KMH26: Tooth germ [i2-r])[11]
KMH27: Tooth (I2)[13][13]
KMH28: Tooth (I2)[13][13]
(KMH29: Milk tooth [i2-l])[11]
KMH30: Milk tooth (m1)[11][13]
(KMH31: Tooth [lower c])[13]

21 + (10) 64-59[14][15] KMH1: Smith et al. (1977)[16]

KMH2:Arensburget al. (1985)[17]
KMH5-17, 24-31: Tillier et al. (2003)[11]

Neanderthal attribution uncertain in KMH18-23, 25, 29, and 31[11][13]
West Bank(Mandatory Palestine) Shuqba S-D1: Tooth and cranial frags.[9] 1 Keith(1931)[18]
Israel (Mandatory Palestine) Tabun T C1:Nearly complete adult ♀

T C2:Toothed mandible missing I1(♂)

Various fragments

T E1: Right femur shaft (♂?)
T E2: Tooth (M1or M2,♀?)
T C3: Right femur shaft (♀)
T C4: Distal right radius frag. (♀)
T C5: Righthamate bone
T C6: Rightpisiform bone
T C7: Distal thumbphalanx
T B1: 10-11 year-old maxilla (♂?) with I2-r, M2-r
T BC2: Four teeth
(I2-l, M1-l, P3-r, M1-r)
T B3: One tooth (I2-r)
T B4: Four teeth
(I1-l, I2-l, M1-l, M3-r)
T B5: Two teeth (M2-l, M2-r)
T BC6: Two teeth (I1-l, M2-l)

15 ≈170-90


McCown (1936)
McCown and Keith (1939)
T C1: Neanderthal attribution is not universally accepted.[22]

As of 1975, the whereabouts of T BC2, B3, and BC6 are unknown.[9]: 146 

Israel Ein Qashish (EQH-2: Third molar)

EQH-3: Adult lower limbs

1 + (1)[23] 70-60[23] Been et al. (2017)[23] Discovered in 2013, these were the first diagnostically Neanderthal remains in Southwest Asia not found in a cave.[23]

EQH-2: 70% posterior probability that Neanderthal attribution is correct.[23]

Israel Shovakh (Tooth, M(3)-l[24][Note 1]) (1) S. Binford(1966)[25]


"[A]lthough within archaic and modern human ranges of variation, this complex occlusal morphology may suggest that it is more likely to have derived from a Neandertal than an early modern human". (Trinkaus 1987)[24]
Israel Amud A1:Adult full skeleton ♂

A2: Maxillary fragment

A7: 10-mo.-old partial skel.

3[Note 2][26] 61-53[26] A1: Suzuki et al. (1970)[27]

A7: Rak et al. (1994)[28]

Syria Dederiyeh D1:19-30-month-old full skel.

D2:21-30-month-old full skel.

17 D1: Akazawa et al. (1993)[29]

D2: Akazawa et al. (1999)[30]

Iraq Shanidar S1:Adult partial skel. ♂

S2:Adult crushed skel. ♂
S3:Post-cranial adult ♂
S4:Adult partial skel. (♂)
S5:Adult partial skel. (♂)
S6:Adult partial skel. (♀)
S7: 6-9-mo.-old crushed skel.
S8: Adult skeletal fragments (♀)
S9: 6-12-month-old vertebrae
S10: 17-25-month-old skel.

10 S2, S4: > 100

Others: 60


S2: Stewart (1961)[32]
S4: Stewart (1963)[34]
Pomeroy et al. (2017)[36] S6: Same as S4
S7: Senyürek (1957)[37][38]
S8: Same as S4
S10: Cowgill et al. (2007)[39]

Shanidar 2 and 4 are sometimes not treated as Neanderthals.

All but Shanidar 3 and 10 (and fragments of 5 excavated in 2015-2016)[36]may have been destroyed in the2003 invasion of Iraq.[40]

Iran Bawa Yawan Lower left deciduous canine 1 ~43,600-~41,500 years ago[41] Heydari-Guran et al (2021)[41]
Iran Wezmeh maxillary right premolar tooth 1 70-40[42] Zanolli et al. (2019)[42]
Iran Bisitun Adult radius shaft 1 Trinkaus and Biglari (2006)[43]
Total 71 + (13)
  1. ^M?-r according to S. Binford (1966)[25].
  2. ^Valladas, Mercier, and Froget (1999) write that "[o]f the remains of 18 individuals recovered at the Amud Cave, 15 were derived from unambiguous Middle Palaeolithic contexts, all of them located in the northern area of the excavation (Hovers et al., 1995). The stratigraphic distribution of these remains encompasses the layers B1and B2,with only a single specimen derived from layer B4(Sakura, 1970). Three individuals bear diagnostic characteristics which define them as Neanderthals. Amud I, the skeleton of an adult male was found at the top of layer B1, while the partial skeleton of the baby Amud 7 (Rak, Kimbet & Hovers, 1994) was recovered from the top of layer B2,just under the contact with the base of layer B1.Amud II, represented by a fragment of the right maxilla, was excavated from layer B2."

Central and North Asian Neanderthals


Central Asian Neanderthals were found in Uzbekistan and North Asian Neanderthals in Asian Russia.

Country Site Principal Neanderthal finds MNI Geological age (ka) Initial descriptions Notes
Uzbekistan Teshik-Tash 8-11-yr-old skeleton 1 Okladnikov (1949)
Uzbekistan Obi-Rakhmat Subadult skull frag. and teeth 1 74[44] Glantz et al. (2008)[45]
Asian Russia Chagyrskaya Partial mandible 1 (Announced in Viola 2012)
Asian Russia Okladnikov Sub-adult humerus and femur 1 (Announced in Krause et al. 2007)[46] mtDNA sampled
Asian Russia Denisova Altai 1: Toe phalanx♀ D11: Bone fragment 2 Mednikova (2011)

Brown, et al. (2016)[47]

Altai 1: Full genome sequenced[48]

D11: mtDNA sampled

Total 6

See also





  1. ^abcdeBeals, K.L.; Dodd, S.M. (1984). "Brain size, cranial morphology, climate, and time machines".Current Anthropology.25:301–330.doi:10.1086/203138.S2CID86147507.
  2. ^Sergi, S. (1948). "The palaeanthropi in Italy: the fossil men of Saccopastore and Circeo".Man.48:61–79.doi:10.2307/2793251.JSTOR2793251.
  3. ^Holloway, R.L. "The poor brain ofHomo sapiens neanderthalensis:see what you please ". In Delson, Eric (ed.).Ancestors: the Hard Evidence.pp. 319–324.
  4. ^M. Şenyürek (1949). "Türk Tarih Kurumu Adına Yapılan Karain Kazısında Bulunan İki Fosil Dişe Dair Kısa Ön Rapor".Belleten(in Turkish).52:833–837.Cited in Aytek and Harvati (2016)
  5. ^abA.I. Aytek; K. Harvati (2016). "The Human Fossil Record from Turkey". In K. Harvati (ed.).Paleoanthropology of the Balkans and Anatolia: Human Evolution and its Context.Springer Netherlands.
  6. ^I. Yalçınkaya (1988). "9. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı".1986 Yılı Karain Kazıları(in Turkish). pp. 15–37.Cited in Aytek and Harvati (2016)
  7. ^J.F. Ewing (1963). "A probable Neanderthaloid from Ksâr 'Akil, Lebanon".American Journal of Physical Anthropology.21(2): 101–104.doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330210202.PMID14110686.
  8. ^J.K. Williams; C.A. Bergman (2010). "Upper Paleolithic Levels XIII-VI (A and B) from the 1937-1938 and 1947-1948 Boston College Excavations and the Levantine Aurignacian at Ksar Akil, Lebanon".Paléorient.36(2): 117–161.doi:10.3406/paleo.2010.5391.
  9. ^abcK.P. Oakley; B.G. Campbell; T.I. Molleson (1975).Catalogue of fossil hominids: Part III. Americas, Asia, Australasia.London: British Museum (Natural History).
  10. ^S. El Zaatari (2018). "The central Levantine corridor: The Paleolithic of Lebanon".Quaternary International.466:1–15.Bibcode:2018QuInt.466...33E.doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2017.06.047.
  11. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabA.-M. Tillier; B. Vandermeersch; B. Arensburg; M. Chech (2003). "New human remains from Kebara Cave (Mount Carmel). The place of the Kebara hominids in the Levantine Mousterian fossil record".Paléorient.29(2): 35–62.doi:10.3406/paleo.2003.4764.
  12. ^i1-r, i1-l, m1-r, i2-r, lower c-r and c-l, m1-r, m1-l, m2-r, M1
  13. ^abcdefgA. Le Cabec; P. Gunz; K. Kupczik; J. Braga; J.-J. Hublin (2013). "Anterior tooth root morphology and size in Neanderthals: Taxonomic and functional implications".Journal of Human Evolution.64(3): 169–193.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2012.08.011.PMID23266488.
  14. ^H. Valladas; J.L. Joron; G. Valladas; B. Arensburg; O. Bar-Yosef; et al. (1987). "Thermoluminescence dates for the Neanderthal burial site at Kebara in Israel".Nature.330(6144): 159–160.Bibcode:1987Natur.330..159V.doi:10.1038/330159a0.S2CID4308952.
  15. ^H.P. Schwarcz; W.M. Buhay; R. Grün; H. Valladas; E. Tchernov; O. Bar-Yosef; B. Vandermeersch (1989). "ESR dating of the Neanderthal site, Kebara Cave, Israel".Journal of Archaeological Science.16(6): 653–659.doi:10.1016/0305-4403(89)90029-0.
  16. ^P. Smith;B. Arensburg(1977). "A Mousterian skeleton from Kebara Cave". In B. Arensburg;O. Bar-yosef(eds.).Moshe Stekelis Memorial Volume.Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society. pp. 164–176.
  17. ^B. Arensburg; O. Bar-Yosef; M. Chech; P. Goldberg; H. Laville; L. Meignen; Y. Rak; E. Tchernov; A.-M. Tillier; B. Vandermeersch (1985). "Une sépulture néandertalienne dans la grotte de Kébara (Israël)".Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences(in French) (300): 227–230.
  18. ^A. Keith (1931).New Discoveries Relating to the Antiquity of Man.London: William and Norgate. pp. 204–208.Retrieved15 February2017.
  19. ^A. Jelinek. "The Middle Paleolithic in Southern Levant, with comments on the appearance of modernHomo sapiens".In A. Ronen (ed.).The transition from Lower to Middle Paleolithic and the origin of modern man.
  20. ^R. Grün; C.B. Stringer (2000). "Tabun revisited: Revised ER chronology and new ESR and U-series analyses of dental material from Tabun C1".Journal of Human Evolution.39(6): 601–612.doi:10.1006/jhev.2000.0443.PMID11102271.
  21. ^B. Vandermeersch. "Neanderthal Geographical and Chronological Variation". In S. Condemi; G.-C. Weniger (eds.).Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study.
  22. ^A.-M. Tillier (2005). "The Tabun C1 skeleton: A Levantine Neanderthal?".Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society.35:439–450.
  23. ^abcdeE. Been; E. Hovers; R. Ekshtain; A. Malinski-Buller; N. Agha; A. Barash; D.E. Bar-Yosef Mayer; S. Benazzi;J.-J. Hublin;L. Levin; et al. (2017)."The first Neanderthal remains from an open-air Middle Palaeolithic site in the Levant".Scientific Reports.7(2958): 2958.Bibcode:2017NatSR...7.2958B.doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03025-z.PMC5462778.PMID28592838.Open access icon
  24. ^abcE. Trinkaus (1987). "The Upper Pleistocene Human Molar from Me'arat Shovakh (Mugharet Esh-Shubbabiq), Israel".Paléorient.13(1): 95–100.doi:10.3406/paleo.1987.4419.
  25. ^abS. Binford (1966)."Me'arat Shovakh (Mugharet esh-Shabbabiq)".Israel Exploration Journal.16(2): 96–103.JSTOR27925048.
  26. ^abH. Valladas; N. Mercier; L. Froget (1999). "TL dates for the Neanderthal site of the Amud Cave, Israel".Journal of Archaeological Science.26(3): 259–268.doi:10.1006/jasc.1998.0334.
  27. ^Suzuki, Hisashi; Takai, F. (1970).The Amud man and his cave site.Tokyo: Keigaku Publishing Co.
  28. ^Y. Rak; W.H. Kimbel; E. Hovers (1994). "A Neandertal infant from Amud Cave, Israel".Journal of Human Evolution.26(4): 313–324.doi:10.1006/jhev.1994.1019.
  29. ^T. Akazawa; Y. Dodo; S. Muhesen; A. Abdul-Salam; Y. Abe (1993). "The Neanderthal Remains from Dederiyeh Cave, Syria: Interim Report".Anthropological Science.101(4): 361–387.doi:10.1537/ase.101.361.
  30. ^T. Akazawa; S. Muhesen; H. Ishida; O. Kondo; C. Griggo (1999). "New Discovery of a Neanderthal Child Burial from the Dederiyeh Cave in Syria".Paléorient.25(2): 129–142.doi:10.3406/paleo.1999.4691.
  31. ^T.D. Stewart (1959). "Restoration and study of the Shanidar I Neanderthal skeleton in Baghdad, Iraq".Year Book of the American Philosophical Society for 1958:274–278.
  32. ^T.D. Stewart (1961). "The Skull of Shanidar II".Sumer.17:97–106.
  33. ^R.S. Solecki(1960). "Three adult Neanderthal skeletons from Shanidar cave, northern Iraq".Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1959:603–635.
  34. ^T.D. Stewart (1963). "Shanidar skeletons IV and VI".Sumer.19:8–26.
  35. ^E. Trinkaus (1977). "The Shanidar 5 Neanderthal skeleton".Sumer.33:35–41.
  36. ^abE. Pomeroy; M.M. Lahr; F. Crivellaro; L. Farr; T. Reynolds; C.O. Hunt; G. Barker (2017)."Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5"(PDF).Journal of Human Evolution.111:102–118.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.07.001.PMID28874265.
  37. ^M.S. Şenyürek (1957). "The skeleton of the fossil infant found in Shanidar cave, northern Iraq".Anatolia.2:49–55.
  38. ^M.S. Şenyürek (1957). "A further note on the paleolithic Shanidar infant".Anatolia.2:111–121.
  39. ^L.W. Cowgill;E. Trinkaus;M.A. Zeder (2007). "Shanidar 10: A Middle Paleolithic immature distal lower limb from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan".Journal of Human Evolution.53(2): 213–223.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.04.003.PMID17574652.
  40. ^B. Wood, ed. (2013).Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution.Wiley-Blackwell.ISBN978-1-118-65099-8.[page needed]
  41. ^abHeydari-Guran Saman; Benazzi Stefano; Talamo Sahra; Ghasidian Elham; Hariri Nemat; Oxilia Gregorio; Asiabani Samran; Azizi Faramarz; Naderi Rahmat; Safaierad Reza; Hublin Jean-Jacques; Foley Robert A.; Lahr Marta M. (2021)."The discovery of an in situ Neanderthal remain in the Bawa Yawan Rockshelter, West- Central Zagros Mountains, Kermanshah".PLOS ONE.16(8): 1-24.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253708.PMID34437543.
  42. ^abZanolli Clément; Biglari Fereidoun; Mashkour Marjan; Abdi Kamyar; Monchot Herve; Debue Karyne; Mazurier Arnaud; Bayle Priscilla; Le Luyer Mona; Rougier Hélène; Trinkaus Erik; Macchiarelli Roberto (2019). "Neanderthal from the Central Western Zagros, Iran. Structural reassessment of the Wezmeh 1 maxillary premolar".Journal of Human Evolution.135:102643.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.102643.PMID31421316.S2CID201057857.
  43. ^E. Trinkaus; F. Biglari (2006). "Middle Paleolithic Human Remains from Bisitun Cave, Iran".Paléorient.32(2): 105–111.doi:10.3406/paleo.2006.5192.
  44. ^Bailey, S. E. (2008). "The affinity of the dental remains from Obi-Rakhmat Grotto, Uzbekistan".Journal of Human Evolution.55(2): 238–248.Bibcode:2008JHumE..55..238B.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2008.03.004.PMID18486185.
  45. ^Glantz, Michelle; Viola, Bence; Wrinn, Patrick; Chikisheva, Tatiana; Derevianko, Anatoly; Krivoshapkin, Andrei; Islamov, Uktur; Suleimanov, Rustam; Ritzman, Terrence (August 2008). "New hominin remains from Uzbekistan".Journal of Human Evolution.55(2): 223–237.Bibcode:2008JHumE..55..223G.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.12.007.PMID18499228.
  46. ^Krause, Johannes; Orlando, Ludovic; Serre, David; Viola, Bence; Prüfer, Kay; Richards, Michael P.; Hublin, Jean-Jacques; Hänni, Catherine; Derevianko, Anatoly P.; Pääbo, Svante (30 September 2007). "Neanderthals in central Asia and Siberia".Nature.449(7164): 902–904.Bibcode:2007Natur.449..902K.doi:10.1038/nature06193.PMID17914357.S2CID2084412.
  47. ^Brown, Samantha; Higham, Thomas; Slon, Viviane; Pääbo, Svante (March 29, 2016)."Identification of a new hominin bone from Denisova Cave, Siberia using collagen fingerprinting and mitochondrial DNA analysis".Scientific Reports.6:23559.Bibcode:2016NatSR...623559B.doi:10.1038/srep23559.PMC4810434.PMID27020421.
  48. ^Prüfer, Kay (2013)."The complete genome sequence of a Neanderthal from the Altai Mountains".Nature.505(1): 43–49.Bibcode:2014Natur.505...43P.doi:10.1038/nature12886.PMC4031459.PMID24352235.

Further reading

  • Arsuaga, Juan Luis (2009).The Neanderthal's Necklace: In Search of the First Thinkers.New York: Four Walls Eight Windows.ISBN978-0786740734.
  • Gooch, Stan (2008).The Neanderthal Legacy: Reawakening Our Genetic and Cultural Origins.Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.ISBN978-1594777424.
  • Muller, Stephanie Muller; Shrenk, Friedemann (2008).The Neanderthals.New York: Routledge.ISBN978-1134095162.
  • Silberman, Neil Asher, ed. (2012).The Oxford Companion to Archaeology(2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0199735785.
  • Stringer, Chris (2012).Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth.New York: Macmillan.ISBN978-1429973441.