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List of state and territory name etymologies of the United States

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Map showing the source languages/language families of state names

The fiftyU.S. states,theDistrict of Columbia,the fiveinhabited U.S. territories,and theU.S. Minor Outlying Islandshave taken their names from a wide variety of languages. The names of 24 states derive fromindigenous languages of the Americasand one fromHawaiian.Of those that come fromNative Americanlanguages, eight come fromAlgonquian languages,seven fromSiouan languages(one of those viaMiami-Illinois,which is an Algonquian language), three fromIroquoian languages,two fromMuskogean languages,one from aCaddoan language,one from anEskimo-Aleut language,one from aUto-Aztecan language,and one from either anAthabaskan languageor a Uto-Aztecan language.

Twenty other state names derive from European languages: seven come fromLatin(mostly from Latinized forms of English personal names, one of those coming fromWelsh), five fromEnglish,five fromSpanish,and three fromFrench(one of those via English). The source language/language family of the remaining five states is disputed or unclear: Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Oregon, and Rhode Island.

Of the fifty states, eleven arenamed after an individual person.Six of those are named in honor of European monarchs:the two Carolinas,the two Virginias,Georgia, and Louisiana. In addition, Maryland is named after Queen Henrietta Maria, queen consort of King Charles I of England, and New York after the then-Duke of York, who later became King James II of England. Over the years, several attempts have been made to name a state after one of theFounding Fathersor other great statesmen of U.S. history: theState of Franklin,theState of Jefferson(three separate attempts), theState of Lincoln(two separate attempts), and theState of Washington;in the end, only Washington materialized (Washington Territorywas carved out of theColumbia DistrictandrenamedWashington in order to avoid confusion with theDistrict of Columbia,which contains the city ofWashington).[1][2]

Several of the states that derive their names fromnames used for Native peopleshave retained the plural ending in "s": Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, and Texas. One common naming pattern has been as follows:

Native tribal group → River → Territory → State

State names[edit]

State name Date first attested in original language Language of origin Word(s) in original language Meaning and notes
April 19, 1692 Choctaw/Alabama alba amo/Albaamaha 'Thicket-clearers'[3]or 'plant-cutters', fromalba,'(medicinal) plants', andamo,'to clear'. The modern Choctaw name for the tribe isAlbaamu.[4]
December 2, 1666 AleutviaRussian alaxsxaqvia Аляска (Alyaska) 'Mainland' (literally 'the object towards which the action of the sea is directed').[5]
February 1, 1883 Basque aritz ona 'The good oak'.[6]
OʼodhamviaSpanish ali ṣona-gviaArizonac[7] 'Having a little spring'.[8]
July 20, 1796 Kansa,QuapawviaMiami-IllinoisandFrench akakazeviaArcansas Borrowed from a French spelling of aMiami-Illinoisrendering of the tribal namekką:ze(see Kansas, below), which the Miami and Illinois used to refer to theQuapaw.[8][9][10][11]
May 22, 1850 Spanish california Probably named for the fictionalIsland of Californiaruled byQueen Calafiain the 16th-century novelLas sergas de EsplandiánbyGarci Rodríguez de Montalvo.[12]
1743 Spanish colorado 'Ruddy' or 'red',[13]originally referring to theColorado River.[14]
April 15, 1696 Eastern Algonquian,Mohegan-Pequot quinnitukqut From some Eastern Algonquian language of southern New England (perhaps Mahican), meaning 'at the long tidal river', after theConnecticut River.[15][16]The name reflectsProto-Eastern-Algonquian*kwən-,'long';*-əhtəkw,'tidal river'; and*-ənk,the locative suffix).[17]
January 31, 1680 FrenchviaEnglish de la Warr After theDelaware River,which was named forLord de la Warr(originally probablyNorman Frenchde la guerreorde la werre,'of the war').[18]Lord de la Warrwas the first Governor-General of theColony of Virginia.[19]
April 2, 1513 Spanish (pascua) florida 'Flowery (Easter)'[20](to distinguish it from Christmastide, which was also calledPascua), in honor of its discovery by the Spanish during theEasterseason.[21]
Georgia (U.S. state)Georgia
October 3, 1674 LatinviaEnglish(ultimately fromGreek) Georgius The feminine Latin form of "George", named after KingGeorge II of Great Britain.[22][23]It was also a reference toSaint George,whose name was derived from theGreekwordgeorgos,meaning 'husbandman' or 'farmer', fromge'earth' +ergon'work'.[24]
December 29, 1879 Hawaiian Hawaiʻi Either fromHawaiki,legendary homeland of thePolynesians[25](Hawaiki is believed to mean 'place of the gods'),[26]or named forHawaiʻiloa,legendary discoverer of theHawaiian Islands.[27]
June 6, 1864 Germanic Idaho Probably made up byGeorge M. "Doc" Willingas a practical joke;[28]originally claimed to have been derived from a word in a Native American language that meant 'Gem of the Mountains'.[29]The name was initially proposed for the Territory of Colorado until its origins were discovered. Years later it fell into common usage, and was proposed for the Territory of Idaho instead.[30][31]
Plains Apache ídaahę́ Possibly from thePlains Apacheword for 'enemy' (ídaahę́), which was used to refer to theComanches.[32]
March 24, 1793 Algonquian,Miami-IllinoisviaFrench ilenweewa The state is named for theFrenchadaptation of an Algonquian language (perhapsMiami-Illinois) word apparently meaning 'speaks normally' (cf.Miami-Illinoisilenweewa,[33]Ojibwe<ilinoüek>,[34]Proto-Algonquian*elen-,'ordinary', and-we·,'to speak'),[35]referring to theIlliniwek(Illinois).[34]
December 2, 1794 Latin(ultimately fromProto-Indo-Iranian) indiāna 'Land of the Indians'.[36]The names "Indians" and "India" come, viaLatin,Greek,Old PersianandSanskrit,fromProto-Indo-Iranian*sindhu-,which originally referred to theIndus River.[37]
August 31, 1818 Dakota,ChiwereviaFrench ayúxba/ayuxweviaAiouez ViaFrenchAiouez,and named after theIowa tribe.This demonym has no further known etymology,[38][39]though some give it the meaning 'sleepy ones'.[40]
May 12, 1832 KansaviaFrench kką:zeviaCansez[41] Named after theKansas River,[42][43]which in turn was named after theKawor Kansas tribe.[9]The name seems to be connected to the idea of "wind".[44]
April 28, 1728 Iroquoian (seeMeaning and notes) Originally referring to theKentucky River.While some sources say the etymology is uncertain,[45][46]most agree on a meaning of '(on) the meadow' or '(on) the prairie'[47][48](cf.Mohawkkenhtà:ke,Senecagëdá’geh(phonemic/kẽtaʔkeh/), 'at the field').[49]
July 18, 1787 French(ultimately fromFrankish) Louisiane After KingLouis XIVofFrance.[50]The name Louis itself comes fromFrankishhluda,'heard of, famous' (cf. loud) +wiga,'war'.[51]
October 13, 1729 English main A common historical etymologyis that the name refers to the mainland, as opposed to the coastal islands.[52][53]
French Maine After theFrenchprovince ofMaine.[54]
English (Broad)mayne A more recent proposal is that the state was named after the English village ofBroadmayne,which was the family estate of SirFerdinando Gorges,the colony's founder.[30][55]
January 18, 1691 English(ultimately fromHebrew) Myriam After QueenHenrietta Maria,wife of KingCharles I of England.[56]The nameMaryoriginally meant 'bitterness' or 'rebelliousness' inHebrew,and could also have come from theEgyptianword for 'beloved' or 'love'.[57]
June 4, 1665 Eastern Algonquian,Massachusett muhsachuweesut Plural ofmuswachusut,meaning 'near the great little-mountain' or 'at the great hill', which is usually identified asGreat Blue Hillon the border ofMiltonandCanton, Massachusetts[58](cf. theNarragansettnameMassachusêuck).[58]
October 28, 1811 OjibweviaFrench ᒥᔑᑲᒥ (mishigami) 'Large water' or 'large lake'[59][60](in Old Algonquin,*meshi-gami).[61]
April 21, 1821 Dakota mní sóta 'Cloudy water', referring to theMinnesota River.[16][62]
March 9, 1800 OjibweviaFrench ᒥᓯᓰᐱ (misi-ziibi) 'Great river', after theMississippi River.[59][63]
September 7, 1805 Miami-IllinoisviaFrench wimihsoorita 'Dugout canoe'. TheMissouri tribewas noteworthy among theIllinoisfor their dugout canoes, and so was referred to as thewimihsoorita,'one who has a wood boat [dugout canoe]'.[64]
November 1, 1860 Spanish montaña 'Mountain'.[65]
June 22, 1847 ChiwereviaFrench ñįbraske 'Flattened water', after thePlatte River,which used to be known as the Nebraska River. Due to the flatness of the plains, flooding of the river would inundate the region with a flat expanse of water.[66]
February 9, 1845 Spanish nevada 'Snow-covered',[67]after theSierra Nevada('snow-covered mountains').
New Hampshire
August 27, 1692 English(ultimately fromOld English) Hampshire After the county ofHampshirein England,[68]whose name is derived from the original name for its largest city,Southampton,that beingHamtun,which is an Old English word that roughly translates to 'Village-Town'.
New Jersey
April 2, 1669 English(ultimately fromOld Norse) Jersey AfterJersey,[69]the largest of the BritishChannel Islandsand the birthplace of one of the colony's two co-founders,Sir George Carteret.[69]The Latin name Caesarea was also applied to the colony of New Jersey as Nova Caesarea, because the Roman name of the island was thought to have been Caesarea.[70][71]The name "Jersey" most likely comes from theNorsenameGeirrsey,meaning 'Geirr's Island'.[72]
New Mexico
November 1, 1859 NahuatlviaSpanish MēxihcoviaNuevo México From SpanishNuevo México.[73]The name Mexico comes from NahuatlMēxihca(pronounced[meːˈʃiʔko]), which referred to theAztecpeople who founded the city of Tenochtitlan.[74][75]Its literal meaning is unknown, though many possibilities have been proposed, such as that the name comes from the godMetztli.[76]
New York (state)New York
October 15, 1680 English York After theDuke of York(later KingJames II of England). Named by KingCharles II of England,James II's brother.[77]The name "York" is derived from its Latin nameEboracum(viaOld EnglishEoforwicand thenOld NorseJórvík), apparently borrowed fromBrythonicCeltic*eborakon,which probably meant 'Yew-Tree Estate'.[78]
North Carolina
June 30, 1686 LatinviaEnglish(ultimately fromFrankish) CarolusviaCarolana After KingCharles I of Englandand his son, KingCharles II of England.[79]The name Charles itself is derived fromFrankishkarl,'man, husband'.[80]
North Dakota
November 2, 1867 Sioux/Dakota dakhóta 'Ally' or 'friend',[66]after theDakotatribe.[81]
April 19, 1785 SenecaviaFrench ohi:yo’[82] 'Large creek',[47]originally the name of both theOhio RiverandAllegheny River.[83]Often incorrectly translated as 'beautiful river',[84]due to a French mistranslation.[33]
September 5, 1842 Choctaw okla+homa Devised as a rough translation of 'Indian Territory'. In Choctaw,oklameans 'people', 'tribe', or 'nation', andhoma-means 'red', thus 'red people'.[16][85]
1765 Unknown Disputed Disputed meaning. First named by MajorRobert Rogersin a petition toKing George III.[86]
March 8, 1650 WelshandLatin Penn+silvania 'Penn's woods', afterAdmiral William Penn,the father of its founderWilliam Penn.[87]Pennsylvania is the only state that shares part of its name with its founder.[88]The name "Penn" comes from theWelshword for 'head'.[89]
Rhode Island
February 3, 1680 Dutch roodt eylandt 'Red island', referring toAquidneck Island.[90]The Modern Dutch form of the phrase is 'rood eiland'.
Greek Ρόδος (Ródos) For a resemblance to the island ofRhodesin theAegean Sea.[90]
South Carolina
November 12, 1687 LatinviaEnglish(ultimately fromFrankish) CarolusviaCarolana After KingCharles I of Englandand his son, KingCharles II of England.[79]The name Charles itself is derived fromFrankishkarl,'man, husband'.[80]
South Dakota
November 2, 1867 Sioux/Dakota dakhóta 'Ally' or 'friend',[66]after theDakotatribe.[81]
May 24, 1747 Cherokee ᏔᎾᏏ (tanasi) Tanasi(inCherokee:ᏔᎾᏏ) was the name of aCherokeevillage;[91]the meaning is unknown.[92]
June 30, 1827 CaddoviaSpanish táyshaʔviaTejas 'Friend',[93]used by the Caddo to refer the larger Caddo nation (in opposition to enemy tribes). The name was borrowed intoSpanishastexa,pluraltexas,and was used to refer to theNabedache people(and later to theCaddo Nationin general). When the Spanish decided to convert the Nabedache to Catholicism, they constructedLa Misión de San Francisco de los Texas,which later came to be used in naming theViceroyalty of New Spain’sprovince.[94]
December 20, 1877 ApacheviaSpanish yúdahviayuta From the Spanish designation for theUtepeople,yuta,in turn perhaps a borrowing fromWestern Apacheyúdah,meaning 'high',[95]sometimes incorrectly translated as 'people of the mountains'.[96][97]
UteviaSpanish noocheeviayuta From theUte's self-designation[nutʃi̥],plural[nuːtʃiu],as suggested byJ. P. Harrington,[98][99]though this etymology is disputed.[100]
September 27, 1721 French vert+mont 'Green mount' or 'green mountain';vertin French means 'green', andmontmeans 'mount' or 'mountain'. However, in French, 'green mountain' would actually be writtenmont vert.[101][102]
1584 Latin Virginia 'Country of the Virgin', afterElizabeth I of England,who was known as the "Virgin Queen" because she never married.[103]
Washington (state)Washington
February 22, 1872 English Washington AfterGeorge Washington,[104]whose surname was in turn derived from the town ofWashingtonin historicCounty Durham,England.[105][106]The etymology of the town's name is disputed, but agreed to be ultimatelyOld English.
West Virginia
September 1, 1831 Latin Virginia The western, transmontane counties of Virginia, which separated from Virginia during theAmerican Civil War.See Virginia, above.
February 5, 1822 Miami-IllinoisviaFrench Meeskohsinki[107]viaOuisconsin(k) Originally spelledMescousingby the French, and later corrupted toOuisconsin.[108]It likely derives from aMiami-IllinoiswordMeskonsing,meaning 'it lies red' or 'river running through a red place'.[108][109]It may also come from theOjibwetermmiskwasiniing,'red-stone place'.[59]
August 14, 1877 Munsee/Delaware xwé:wamənk 'At the big river flat'; the name was transplanted westward from theWyoming Valleyin Pennsylvania.[110]

Territory and federal district names[edit]

Territory or federal district name Year first attested in original language Language of origin Word(s) in original language Meaning and notes
American Samoa
1911[111][note 1]
(July 17)
EnglishandSamoan American+Sāmoa TheCIA World Factbooksays "The name Samoa is composed of two parts, 'sa', meaning sacred, and 'moa', meaning center, so the name can mean Holy Center; alternately, it can mean 'place of the sacred moa bird' of Polynesian mythology."[113]"American" is ultimately derived fromAmerigo Vespucci.[114]The name "American Samoa" first started being used by theU.S. Navyaround 1904,[112]and "American Samoa" was made official in 1911.[113]
District of Columbia
1738 Neo-Latin Columbia Named forColumbia,the national personification of the United States, which is itself named forChristopher Columbus.
1898[115][note 2]
(December 10)
Chamorro Guåhan 'What we have', fromGuåhåninChamorro language.[116]The name "Guam" was first used in theTreaty of Paris (1898).[115]
Northern Mariana Islands
1667[117][note 3] Spanish Islas Marianas Mariana Islandschain named bySpainforMariana of Austria.[118][117]
Puerto Rico
1493[119] Spanish puerto rico "Rich port".[120]The CIA World Factbook says "Christopher Columbus named the island San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist) and the capital city and main port Ciudad de Puerto Rico (Rich Port City); over time, however, the names were shortened and transposed and the island came to be called Puerto Rico and its capital San Juan."[119]
U.S. Virgin Islands
1493[121] Spanish Islas Vírgenes Named byChristopher ColumbusforSaint Ursulaand her 11,000 virgins.[122][121]The name "Virgin Islands of the United States" (U.S. Virgin Islands) was adopted in 1917 when the islands were purchased by the U.S. from Denmark.[123][note 4]
United StatesUnited States Minor Outlying Islands
Various Various Various The name "United States Minor Outlying Islands" started to be used in 1986.[124]Previously, some of the islands were included in a group called "United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands".
  • Baker Islandwas named for Michael Baker in 1832.[125]
  • Howland Islandwas named after a whaling vessel in 1842.[126]
  • Jarvis Islandwas named after three people named "Jarvis" in 1821 (when they discovered the island).[127]
  • Johnston Atollwas named for Captain Charles Johnston in 1807.[128]
  • Kingman Reefwas named for Captain W. E. Kingman in 1853.[129]
  • Midway Atollwas named in the 19th century for its location being approximately halfway between North America and Asia.[130]
  • The CIA World Factbook says this aboutNavassa Island:"The flat island was named 'Navaza' by some of Christopher Columbus' sailors in 1504; the name derives from the Spanish term" nava "meaning 'flat land, plain, or field'".[131]
  • Palmyra Atollwas named in 1802 when the USSPalmyrashipwrecked there.[132]
  • Wake Islandwas named after Samuel Wake, a British captain, in 1796. A different captain, William Wake, discovered the island in 1792.[133]

See also[edit]


  1. ^This is the date that the name "American Samoa" was officially adopted.[111]It had been used unofficially since about 1904.[112]It is unclear when the word "Samoa" first started being used.
  2. ^This is the date for the origin of the name "Guam", not "Guåhån". There is no information about when "Guåhån" first started being used.
  3. ^1667 is the date the Mariana Islands were named; the name "Northern Mariana Islands" appears to have been first used when its constitution was created on January 9, 1978.[117]Previously it was called the "Mariana Islands District" (within theTTPI).[117]
  4. ^Some of theVirgin Islandsbecame, and still are, a separate political area — theBritish Virgin Islands.


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  9. ^abRankin, Robert. 2005. "Quapaw". InNative Languages of the Southeastern United States,eds. Heather K. Hardy and Janine Scancarelli. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, pg. 492
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  16. ^abcCampbell, Lyle. 1997.American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America.Oxford: Oxford University Press, pg. 11
  17. ^Afable, Patricia O. and Madison S. Beeler (1996). "Place Names", in "Languages", ed. Ives Goddard. Vol. 17 ofHandbook of North American Indians,ed. William C. Sturtevant. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pg. 193
  18. ^Harper, Douglas."Delaware".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2007-02-24.
  19. ^Guyton, Kathy (2009).U.S. State Names: The Stories of How Our States Were NamedNederland, Colorado: Mountain Storm Press. p. 90.
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  21. ^"Florida".The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.Columbia University Press. 2004. Archived fromthe originalon 2011-06-29.Retrieved2007-02-23.
  22. ^Harper, Douglas."Georgia".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2007-02-24.
  23. ^"Georgia".Behindthename.com.Retrieved2007-02-24.
  24. ^Harper, Douglas."George".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2011-09-22.
  25. ^Crowley, Terry. 1992.An Introduction to Historical Linguistics.Oxford: Oxford University Press, pg. 289
  26. ^"Online Etymology Dictionary".Etymonline.com.Retrieved2012-08-15.
  27. ^"Origins of Hawaii's Names".Archived fromthe originalon 2006-12-30.Retrieved2007-02-24.
  28. ^Ellis, Erl H. (October 1951). "Idaho".Western Folklore.10(4): 317–9.doi:10.2307/1496073.JSTOR1496073.
  29. ^Merle W. Wells."Origins of the Name" Idaho ""(PDF).Digital Atlas of Idaho.Retrieved2006-11-28.
  30. ^abGuyton, Kathy (2009) U.S. State Names: The Stories of How Our States Were Named (Nederland, Colorado: Mountain Storm Press) pp. 127–136.
  31. ^"How All 50 States Got Their Names".16 October 2015.Retrieved17 October2018.
  32. ^https://www.idahostatejournal.com/opinion/columns/the-muddied-complicated-history-of-the-name-idaho/article_5718d549-110b-5641-ad8d-f4701e0218c8.html
  33. ^ab"Comments by Michael McCafferty on" Readers' Feedback (page 4) "".The KryssTal.Retrieved2007-02-23.
  34. ^abBright (2004:181)
  35. ^"Illinois".Dictionary.com.Retrieved2007-02-23.
  36. ^"Indiana".Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006.Archived fromthe originalon 2009-10-29.Retrieved2007-02-24.
  37. ^Harper, Douglas."India".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2011-09-22.
  38. ^2001. "Plains", ed. Raymond J. DeMallie. Vol. 13 of "Handbook of North American Indians", ed. William C. Sturtevant. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, pg. 445
  39. ^"Iowa".American Heritage Dictionary.Archived fromthe originalon 2007-04-01.Retrieved2007-02-26.
  40. ^Bright (2004:185)
  41. ^"Kansas Historical Quarterly – A Review of Early Navigation on the Kansas River – Kansas Historical Society".Kshs.org.Retrieved2012-08-15.
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  43. ^The Encyclopedia of Kansas(1994)ISBN0-403-09921-8
  44. ^ Connelley, William E. 1918.IndiansArchived2007-02-11 at theWayback Machine.A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, ch. 10, vol. 1
  45. ^Harper, Douglas."Kentucky".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2007-02-25.
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  47. ^abMithun, Marianne. 1999.Languages of Native North America.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pg. 312
  48. ^"Kentucky".Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006.Archived fromthe originalon 2009-10-30.Retrieved2007-02-25.
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  51. ^Harper, Douglas."Louis".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2011-09-22.
  52. ^Or maybe it was created by similar abbreviationMAssachusettsIn (the)North-East,when Maine's land was part of Massachusetts (until 1820).
  53. ^"Origin of Maine's Name".Maine State Library. Archived fromthe originalon 2006-11-24.Retrieved2006-11-28.
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  76. ^Guyton, Kathy (2009) U.S. State Names: The Stories of How Our States Were Named (Nederland, Colorado: Mountain Storm Press) p. 312.
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  78. ^Harper, Douglas."York".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved2010-07-02.
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  • Bright, William (2004).Native American Placenames of the United States.Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Guyton, Kathy (2009).U.S. State Names: The Stories of How Our States Were NamedNederland, Colorado: Mountain Storm Press.

External links[edit]