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List of astronauts by year of selection

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This is alist ofastronautsby year of selection:people selected to train for ahuman spaceflight programto command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of aspacecraft.Until recently, astronauts were sponsored and trained exclusively by governments, either by the military or by civilian space agencies. However, with the advent ofsuborbital flightstarting with privately fundedSpaceShipOnein 2004, a new category of astronaut was created: thecommercial astronaut.

While the term astronaut is sometimes applied to anyone who trains for travels into space—including scientists, politicians, journalists, and tourists—this article lists only professional astronauts, those who have been selected to train as a profession. This includes national space programs and private industry programs which train and/or hire their own professional astronauts.

More than 500 people have trained as astronauts. A list of everyone who has flown in space can be found atList of space travelers by name.

North American X-15 Pilots Group (USA)[edit]

Fourteen pilots were directly involved with theX-15,although only twelve actually flew the vehicles. There was no formal selection process, since everyone chosen was already a qualified test pilot.
Scott CrossfieldandAlvin Whitewere the prime and backup North American Aviation test pilots who first became involved with the project. Air Force CaptainsIven Kincheloe(prime pilot) andRobert White(backup) were assigned to the X-15 in 1957. When Kincheloe was killed in an accident through a different rocket aircraft program, White became prime pilot and CaptainRobert Rushworthbecame his backup. The first NASA pilots wereJoseph WalkerandNeil Armstrong.Lieutenant CommanderForrest S. Petersenrepresented the Navy.
Walker and Armstrong were eventually replaced by NASA pilotsJohn B. McKay(1960),Milton Thompson(1963) andWilliam H. Dana(1965). White and Rushworth were succeeded by CaptainJoe Engle(1963), CaptainWilliam Joseph Knight(1964) and MajorMichael Adams(1966). The Navy selected Lieutenant Lloyd Hoover (1924–2016[1]) as Peterson's replacement, though he never trained or flew.[2]
As of 2023,the only surviving X-15 pilot is Joe Engle.


June 25 –Man in Space Soonest(USA)

Neil Armstrong,William B. Bridgeman,Albert S. Crossfield,Iven C. Kincheloe,John B. McKay,Robert A. Rushworth,Joseph A. Walker,Alvin S. White,andRobert M. White.
Nine test pilots from theNational Advisory Committee for Aeronautics(NACA), the United States Air Force (USAF),North American Aviation(NAA), andDouglas Aircraft Corporationwere selected for theMan in Space Soonestproject, a USAF initiative to put a man in space before the Soviet Union did. The project was cancelled on August 1, but two of these men would later reach space: Walker made twoX-15flights above 100 kilometers in 1963; and Neil Armstrong joinedNASAin 1962 and flew inProject GeminiandApollo,becoming the first human to set foot on the Moon at 02:56UTCJuly 21, 1969.[3]
The last surviving member of this group was Neil Armstrong; he died in 2012.


April 9 –NASA Group 1Mercury Seven(USA)

Scott Carpenter,Gordon Cooper,John Glenn,Gus Grissom,Wally Schirra,Alan ShepardandDeke Slayton.
The first group of astronauts selected byNASAwere forProject Mercuryin April 1959. All seven were military test pilots, a requirement specified by PresidentEisenhowerto simplify the selection process. All seven eventually flew in space, although one, Deke Slayton, did not fly a Mercury mission due to a medical disqualification, instead flying a decade later on theApollo–Soyuz mission.The other six each flew one Mercury mission. For two of these, Scott Carpenter and John Glenn, the Mercury mission was their only flight in the Mercury/Gemini/Apolloera. Glenn later flew on theSpace Shuttle.
Three of the Mercury astronauts, Gus Grissom, Gordon Cooper and Wally Schirra, also each flew a mission during the Gemini program. Alan Shepard was slated to flyMercury 10before its cancellation and was the original commander for theGemini 3mission, but did not fly due to a medical disqualification. After surgery to correct the problem, he later flew as commander ofApollo 14.He was the only Mercury astronaut to go to the Moon.
Wally Schirra was the only astronaut to fly into space on all three types of spacecraft, though Gus Grissom was scheduled to be first to complete that feat before hedied in a fire on Apollo 1during launchpad training. Gordon Cooper was a backup commander forApollo 10,the "dress rehearsal" flight for the lunar landing, and would have commanded another mission—likely to have beenApollo 13,according to the crew rotation—but was bumped from the rotation after a disagreement with NASA management.
Collectively, at least one member of the Mercury Seven flew on every NASA class of human-rated spacecraft (but neither theSkylabnorISSspace stations) through the end of the 20th century: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and the Space Shuttle.
The last surviving member of this group was John Glenn; he died in 2016.


March 7 – Air Force Group 1 (USSR)

Ivan Anikeyev,Pavel Belyayev,Valentin Bondarenko,Valery Bykovsky,Valentin Filatyev,Yuri Gagarin,Viktor Gorbatko,Anatoli Kartashov,Yevgeny Khrunov,Vladimir Komarov,Alexei Leonov,Grigori Nelyubov,Andrian Nikolayev,Pavel Popovich,Mars Rafikov,Georgi Shonin,Gherman Titov,Valentin Varlamov,Boris Volynov,andDmitri Zaikin.
The initial group of Soviet cosmonauts was chosen from Soviet Air Force jet pilots.
As of 2024, the only surviving member is Boris Volynov.

April – Dyna–Soar Group 1 (USA)

Neil Armstrong,William H. Dana,Henry C. Gordon,Pete Knight,Russell L. Rogers,Milt Thompson,andJames W. Wood.
In April 1960, seven men were secretly chosen for theDyna-Soarprogram. Armstrong had previously been part of theMISSprogram. Armstrong and Dana left the program in the summer of 1962.
The last surviving member of this group was William H. Dana; he died in 2014.


March 12 – Female Group (USSR)

Tatyana Kuznetsova,Valentina Ponomaryova,Irina Solovyova,Valentina Tereshkova,andZhanna Yorkina.
On March 12, 1962, a group of five civilian women with parachuting experience was added to the cosmonaut training program. Only Tereshkova would fly. A leading Soviet high-altitude parachutist, 20-year-oldTatyana Kuznetsovawas, and remains, the youngest person ever selected to train for spaceflight.

September 17 –NASA Group 2The Next Nine, akaThe Nifty Nine,The New Nine(USA)

Neil Armstrong,Frank Borman,Pete Conrad,Jim Lovell,Jim McDivitt,Elliot See,Tom Stafford,Ed White,andJohn Young.
Asecond groupof nine astronauts was selected by NASA in September 1962. All of this group flew missions in theGemini programexcept Elliot See, who died in a flight accident while preparing for theGemini 9flight. All of the others also flew on Apollo, except for Ed White, who died in theApollo 1launchpad fire.
Three of this group, McDivitt, Borman and Armstrong, made single flights in both Gemini and Apollo. Four others, Young, Lovell, Stafford and Conrad, each made two flights in Gemini and at least one flight in Apollo. Young and Lovell both made two Apollo flights. Conrad and Stafford also made second flights in Apollo spacecraft, Conrad onSkylab 2and Stafford in Apollo–Soyuz.
Six of this group, Borman, Lovell, Stafford, Young, Armstrong and Conrad, made flights to the Moon. Lovell and Young went to the Moon twice. Armstrong, Conrad, and Young walked on the Moon. McDivitt was later Apollo Program Director and became the firstgeneral officerand would have been either the prime LM Pilot or backup commander forApollo 14,but left NASA due to a conflict between Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton. John Young also later flew on theSpace Shuttle(STS-1andSTS-9) and would retire from NASA in 2004, 42 years after becoming an astronaut. He was both the first and last of his group to go into space.

September 19 – Dyna-Soar Group 2 (USA)

On September 19, 1962,Albert Crews(born 1929) was added to the Dyna-Soar program and the names of the six active Dyna-Soar astronauts were announced to the public.


January 10 – Air Force Group 2 (USSR)

Yuri Artyukhin,Eduard Buinovski,Lev Dyomin,Georgy Dobrovolsky,Anatoly Filipchenko,Aleksei Gubarev,Vladislav Gulyayev,Pyotr Kolodin,Eduard Kugno, Anatoli Kuklin, Aleksandr Matinchenko,Vladimir Shatalov,Lev Vorobyov, Anatoly Voronov,Vitaly Zholobov

October 17, 1963 –NASA Group 3The Fourteen(USA)

Buzz Aldrin,William Anders,Charles Bassett,Alan Bean,Eugene Cernan,Roger Chaffee,Michael Collins,Walter Cunningham,Donn Eisele,Theodore Freeman,Richard Gordon,Russell Schweickart,David Scott,Clifton Williams
While four members of Group 3 died in accidents before ever reaching space—Chaffee in theApollo 1fire, Bassett, Freeman and Williams in crashes of NASAT-38jet trainers—the other ten all flew on the Apollo program. Aldrin, Bean, Cernan and Scott walked on the Moon. Five of them: Aldrin, Cernan, Collins, Gordon and Scott also flew missions during the Gemini program. Cernan would be the only astronaut from this group to fly to the Moon twice, being assigned to bothApollo 10andApollo 17,while Bean would command theSkylab 3mission.


January 25 – Air Force Group 2 Supplemental (USSR)

Georgi Beregovoi(1921–1995)

May 26 – Voskhod Group – Medical Group 1 (USSR)

Vladimir Benderov,Georgy Katys,Vasili Lazarev,Boris Polyakov, Aleksei Sorokin,Boris Yegorov

June 11 – Civilian Specialist Group 1 (USSR)

Konstantin Feoktistov(1926–2009)


June 1 – Journalist Group 1 (USSR)

In 1965, three civilian journalists,Yaroslav Golovanov,Yuri Letunov, Mikhail Rebrov, were selected for cosmonaut training in preparation for flight on aVoskhodmission. When the Voskhod program was canceled, Golovanov and Letunov were dismissed. Rebrov, on the other hand, stayed with the space program as a journalist until 1974.

June 1 – Medical Group 2 (USSR)

Three physicians were selected for the long-durationVoskhodflights: Yevgeni Illyin, Aleksandr Kiselyov,Yuri Senkevich.All were subsequently canceled to make way for the Soviet Moon program and dismissed at the beginning of the following year.

June 28 –NASA Group 4The Scientists(USA)

Owen Garriott,Edward Gibson,Duane Graveline,Joseph Kerwin,Curt Michel,Harrison Schmitt
Graveline and Michel left NASA without flying in space. Schmitt walked on the Moon withApollo 17.Garriott, Gibson and Kerwin all flew to Skylab. Garriott also flew onSpace ShuttleflightSTS-9,becoming the firstAmateur radiooperator (callsign W5LFL) to operate from orbit.

October 28 – Air Force Group 3 (USSR)

Boris Belousov, Vladimir Degtyarov, Anatoli Fyodorov,Yuri Glazkov,Vitali Grishchenko, Veygeni Khludeyev,Leonid Kizim,Pyotr Klimuk,Gennadi Kolesnikov, Aleksandr Kramarenko, Mikhail Lisun, Aleksandr Petrushenko, Vladimir Preobrazhensky,Valery Rozhdestvensky,Gennadi Sarafanov,Ansar Sharafutdinov, Vasili Shcheglov, Aleksandr Skvortsov, Eduard Stepanov, Valeri Voloshin, Oleg Yakovlev,Vyacheslav Zudov
This cosmonaut group was selected for participation in five separateSoyuz programmesthat the USSR was running. These included military programs—with and without theAlmaz/Salyutspace stations—and two lunar programs, only one of which aimed at an actual lunar landing. In the end, only the orbital program and the space station program went ahead. Few of the cosmonauts from this group ever were given the chance to fly.

November – USAF MOL Group 1 (USA)

Michael J. Adams,Albert H. CrewsJr.,John L. Finley,Richard E. Lawyer,Lachlan Macleay,Francis G. Neubeck,James M. Taylor,Richard H. Truly.
This group was selected for training for the US Air Force'sManned Orbiting Laboratory(MOL) program. Of this group, only Truly transferred to NASA after the cancellation of the MOL program and later flew on the Space Shuttle. In 1989, Truly became the first astronaut to beNASA Administrator.


April 4 –NASA Group 5(USA)

Vance Brand,John S. Bull,Gerald Carr,Charles Duke,Joseph Engle,Ronald Evans,Edward Givens,Fred Haise,James Irwin,Don Lind,Jack Lousma,Ken Mattingly,Bruce McCandless II,Edgar Mitchell,William Pogue,Stuart Roosa,Jack Swigert,Paul Weitz,Alfred Worden.
Veteran astronaut John Young christened this group the "Original Nineteen", in parody of theoriginal sevenMercury astronauts.[4]Roughly half of them flew in the Apollo program, while others flew during Skylab and the Space Shuttle, with Brand also flying on the American half of theApollo–Soyuz Test Projectin 1975. Engle was the only NASA astronaut to have earned his astronaut wings before his selection.
Two of this group never flew into space: Givens was killed in a car accident in 1967, and Bull resigned from the Astronaut Corps in 1968 after discovering he hadpulmonary disease.Engle, Lind, and McCandless were the only ones from this group who never flew an Apollo spacecraft; Brand, Haise, Lousma, Mattingly, and Weitz all flew both an Apollo and a Shuttle (though Haise only flew the Approach and Landing Tests in the Shuttle program, not into space).

May 23 – Civilian Specialist Group 2 (USSR)

Sergei Anokhin,Vladimir Bugrov,Gennadi Dolgopolov,Georgi Grechko,Valeri Kubasov,Oleg Makarov,Vladislav Volkov,Aleksei Yeliseyev

June 30 – USAF MOL Group 2 (USA)

Karol Bobko,Robert Crippen,Gordon Fullerton,Henry Hartsfield,Robert Overmyer.
This group was selected for training for the US Air Force's MOL program. All transferred to NASA after the MOL program was canceled and all five flew on the Space Shuttle as pilot astronauts.
As of 2024, the only surviving member is Robert Crippen.

September – Military Cosmonaut Group (USSR)

Pavel Popovich,Alexei Gubarev,Yuri Artyukhin,Vladimir Gulyaev,Boris Belousov,and Gennadiy Kolesnikov.
Cosmonaut training for theSoyuz 7K-VI Zvezdaprogram, a radically modifiedSoyuz.In December 1967, the project was closed.[5]

1966–67 – Military Cosmonaut Group (USSR)

Cosmonauts training for aerospace system Project "Spiral", 1969, the 4th Division of the 1st Cosmonaut Training Center Management:
Gherman Titov(1966–70), Anatoly Kuklin (1966–67),Vasily Lazarev(1966–67),Anatoly Filipchenko(1966–67),Leonid Kizim(1969–73), Vladimir Kozelskiy (August 1969 – October 1971)Vladimir Lyakhov(1969–73),Yury Malyshev(1969–73), Alexander Petrushenko (1970–73),Anatoly Berezovoy(1972–73), Anatoly Dedkov (1972–73),Vladimir Dzhanibekov(July–December 1972),Yuri Romanenko(1972), and Lev Vorobyov (1973). In 1973, the department was disbanded in connection with the termination of the project.


January 31 – Civilian Specialist Group 2 Supplemental (USSR)

Nikolai RukavishnikovandVitali Sevastyanov.
The last surviving member of this group was Vitali Sevastyanov; he died in 2010.

February – Soviet crewed lunar programs cosmonauts in two training groups (USSR)

First group: commanded byVladimir Komarov(Gagarin, Nikolayev, Bykovskiy, Khrunov; Engineer – Cosmonauts: Gorbatko, Grechko, Sevastyanov, Kubasov, Volkov).
Second group: commanded byAlexei Leonov(Popovich, Belyayev, Volynov, Klimuk; Engineer – Cosmonauts: Makarov, Voronov, Rukavishnikov, Artyukhin).

May 7 – Air Force Group 4 (USSR)

Vladimir Alekseyev, Vladimir Beloborodov, Mikhail Burdayev, Sergei Gaidukov, Vladimir Isakov,Vladimir Kovalyonok,Vladimir Kozelsky,Vladimir Lyakhov,Yuri Malyshev,Viktor Pisarev, Nikolai Porvatkin, Mikhail Sologub

May 22 – Academy of Sciences Group (USSR)

Mars Fathulin, Rudolf Gulyayev, Ordinard Kolomitsev, Vsevolod Yegorov, Valentin Yershov

June – USAF MOL Group 3 (USA)

James Abrahamson,Robert Herres,Robert H. Lawrence Jr,andDonald Peterson.
This group was selected for training for the US Air Force's MOL program. Lawrence was the firstAfrican-Americanto be chosen as an astronaut, but was killed in a jet accident before the MOL program was canceled in 1969. Had Lawrence not died, he would have been, if accepted by NASA, the first African-American astronaut candidate, predatingGuion Bluford,Ronald McNairandFrederick Gregoryby nine years. Peterson transferred to NASA in 1969 after the MOL cancellation and would fly on theSpace Shuttle.Herres would later become the firstVice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffunder theGoldwater–Nichols Actin 1987.
As of 2023, the only surviving member is James Abrahamson.

October 4 –NASA Group 6XS-11(The Excess Eleven)(USA)

Joseph Allen,Philip Chapman,Anthony W. England,Karl Henize,Donald Holmquest,William B. Lenoir,Anthony Llewellyn,Story Musgrave,Brian O'Leary,Robert Parker,William Thornton.
This second group of scientist-astronauts were assigned as support crew members for the last three Apollo missions or as backup crew members for Skylab.
Chapman, Holmquest, Llewellyn, and O'Leary resigned from NASA before the end of the Apollo program, and the rest of the group members eventually flew asmission specialistsduring the Space Shuttle program. With his flight on STS-80 at the age of 61, Musgrave held the title of "oldest astronaut" prior to John Glenn's second flight. England resigned from NASA in 1972 but rejoined the astronaut corps in 1979.


May 27 – Civilian Specialist Group 3 (USSR)

Vladimir Fartushny,Viktor Patsayev,Valeri Yazdovsky


August 14 –NASA Group 7(USA)

Karol Bobko,Robert Crippen,Gordon Fullerton,Henry Hartsfield,Robert Overmyer,Donald H. Peterson,Richard Truly.
This group is all USAF MOL astronauts who transferred to NASA after the cancellation of the MOL program in 1969. All flew on early Space Shuttle flights. Truly, in 1989, would become the first astronaut to be NASA Administrator, holding the post until 1992.

September 10 – Civilian Engineer Group (USSR)

Anatoli Demyanenko, Valeri Makrushin, and Dmitri Yuyukov.


April 27 – Air Force Group 5 (USSR)

Anatoli Berezovoi,Aleksandr Dedkov,Vladimir Dzhanibekov,Nikolai Fefelov, Valeri Illarianov, Yuri Isaulov, Vladimir Kozlov,Leonid Popov,Yuri Romanenko


February 25 – 1971 Scientific Group (USSR)

Gurgen Ivanyan

May –ShuguangGroup 1970 (China)

Chai Hongliang, Dong Xiaohai, Du Jincheng, Fang Guojun, Hu Zhanzi, Li Shichang, Liu Chongfu, Liu Zhongyi, Lu Xiangxiao, Ma Zizhong, Meng Senlin, Shao Zhijian, Wang Fuhe, Wang Fuquan, Wang Quanbo, Wang Rongsen, Wang Zhiyue, Yu Guilin, Zhang Ruxiang


March 22 – Civilian Specialist Group 4 (USSR)

Boris Andreyev,Valentin Lebedev,Yuri Ponomaryov

March 22 – Medical Group 3 – USSR

Georgi Machinski,Valeri Polyakov,Lev Smirenny


March 27 – Civilian Specialist Group 5 (USSR)

Vladimir Aksyonov,Vladimir Gevorkyan,Aleksandr Ivanchenkov,Valeri Romanov,Valery Ryumin,Gennady Strekalov


January 1 – Physician Group (USSR)

Zyyadin Abuzyarov


August 23 – Air Force Group 6 –Space shuttle Burancrew (USSR)

Leonid Ivanov,Leonid Kadenyuk,Nikolai Moskalenko, Sergei Protchenko, Yevgeni Saley,Anatoly Solovyev,Vladimir Titov,Vladimir Vasyutin,Alexander Volkov[6][7][circular reference]

Protchenko was removed from the squad for health reasons, Ivanov was killed in the crash of aMiG-27during test pilot training and Kadenyuk was removed from the squad over marital issues (but accepted back into the Cosmonaut Detachment in 1988). Vasyutin concealed a medical condition from doctors that resulted in his falling ill during theSoyuz T-14/ Salyut 7 EO-4 flight causing the premature termination of the mission 4 months early. This resulted in more stringent cosmonaut medical checks which Moskalenko and Saley failed.[8]

November 25 – 1976 Intercosmos Group (USSR)

Mirosław Hermaszewski(Poland),Zenon Jankowski(Poland),Sigmund Jähn(East Germany),Eberhard Köllner(East Germany),Oldřich Pelčák(Czechoslovakia),Vladimír Remek(Czechoslovakia)


July 12 – The first group of test pilots for Buran – Gromov Flight Research Institute group (USSR)

Igor Volk,Oleg Grigoriyevich Kononenko,Anatoly Levchenko,Nikolai Sadovnikov,Rimantas Stankevicius,and Alexander Schukin.


January 16 –NASA Group 8TFNG Thirty-Five New Guys(USA)

Pilots:Daniel Brandenstein,Michael Coats,Richard Covey,John Creighton,Robert Gibson,Frederick D. Gregory,Frederick Hauck,Jon McBride,Francis "Dick" Scobee,Brewster Shaw,Loren Shriver,David Walker,Donald Williams
Mission specialists:Guion Bluford,James Buchli,John Fabian,Anna Fisher,Dale Gardner,S. David Griggs,Terry Hart,Steven Hawley,Jeffrey Hoffman,Shannon Lucid,Ronald McNair,Richard Mullane,Steven Nagel,George Nelson,Ellison Onizuka,Judith Resnik,Sally Ride,Rhea Seddon,Robert Stewart,Kathryn D. Sullivan,Norman Thagard,James van Hoften
Due to the long delay between the lastApollomission and thefirst flight of the Space Shuttlein 1981, few astronauts from the older groups stayed withNASA—though some did, includingJohn Young.Thus, in 1978, a new group of 35 astronauts was selected after 9 years without new astronauts, including the first American female astronauts, with one of them,Judith Resnik,also being the first Jewish American astronaut, as well as the first African-American astronauts to fly,Guion BlufordandFrederick D. Gregory(the first black astronaut wasRobert Henry Lawrence Jr), and the first Asian-American,Ellison Onizuka.Bob Stewartwas the firstArmyastronaut to be selected (almost 19 years after the originalMercury Seven). Since then, a new group has been selected roughly every two years.
Two different astronaut groups were formed: pilots and mission specialists. Additionally, theShuttle Programhas payload specialists who are selected for a single mission and are not part of the astronaut corps—mostly scientists, with a few politicians, and many international astronauts.
Of the first of the post-Apollo group, Sally Ride would become the first American woman in space (STS-7). Later, she would fly with Kathryn Sullivan on a Shuttle flight in which Sullivan would become the first American woman to perform an EVA. Dr. Thagard, who flew with Ride on STS-7, would later become the first American to be launched on a Russian rocket (Soyuz TM-21or "Mir-18" ) to theMirspace station, while Shannon Lucid would serve on Mir for slightly over six months, breaking all American space duration records (both theSkylab 4record and Thagard's) from 1996 to 1997 untilSunita Williams,who was selected 20 years later, broke Lucid's record.
Of this group, Scobee, Resnik, Onizuka, and McNair would perish in theChallenger Disaster.Of the astronauts chosen, Anna Fisher remained on active duty the longest, retiring in 2017 (although her tenure included an extended leave of absence from 1989 to 1996), while Robert Gibson and Rhea Seddon became the first active-duty astronauts to marry (both are now retired). Shannon Lucid's tenure was unbroken from 1978 until she announced her retirement in 2012. In later years she served as a space shuttleCAPCOM,up to the final day of the final shuttle mission. After theChallengerdisaster, Sally Ride would serve on both theRogers Commissionand theColumbia Accident Investigation Board.

March 1 – 1978 Intercosmos Group(USSR)

Aleksandr P. Aleksandrov(Bulgaria),Dumitru Dediu(Romania), Jose Lopez Falcon (Cuba),Bertalan Farkas(Hungary),Maidarjavyn Ganzorig(Mongolia),Jügderdemidiin Gürragchaa(Mongolia),Georgi Ivanov(Bulgaria),Béla Magyari(Hungary),Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez(Cuba),Dumitru Prunariu(Romania)

May 1 –SpacelabPayload Specialists Group 1(ESA)

Ulf Merbold(West Germany),Claude Nicollier(Switzerland),Wubbo Ockels(Netherlands),Franco Malerba(Italy)


August – USAFManned Spaceflight Engineer Program– Group 1[9](USA)

Frank J. Casserino, Jeffrey E. Detroye, Michael A. Hamel, Terry A. Higbee, Daryl J. Joseph, Malcolm W. Lydon,Gary E. Payton,Jerry J. Rij, Paul A. Sefchek, Eric E. Sundberg, David M. Vidrine, John B. Watterson, Keith C. Wright
Of this group, only Payton ever flew into space, as a Payload Specialist aboard a dedicated Department of Defense Shuttle flight.

April 1 – 1979 Intercosmos Group(USSR)

Tuân Pham(Vietnam),Thanh Liem Bui(Vietnam)


May 29 –NASA Group 9(USA)

Pilots:John Blaha,Charles Bolden,Roy Bridges,Guy Gardner,Ronald Grabe,Bryan O'Connor,Richard N. Richards,Michael J. Smith
Missionspecialists:James Bagian,Franklin Chang–Diaz,Mary Cleave,Bonnie Dunbar,William Fisher,David Hilmers,David Leestma,John Lounge,Jerry Ross,Sherwood Spring,Robert Springer
International mission specialists:Claude Nicollier,Wubbo Ockels
Of this group, Franklin Chang-Diaz would become the first Hispanic-American in space, Michael Smith would perish in theChallenger disaster,and John Blaha would fly aboard theMirspace station. Both Jerry Ross and Chang-Diaz currently jointly hold the record of number of crewed spaceflights flown, at seven. Charles Bolden was chosen in 2009 to become the second NASA astronaut and the first African-American to the post ofNASA Administratoron a full-time basis (although Frederick Gregory, who is also African-American and a former Shuttle commander, held the post on a temporary basis between the departure ofSean O'Keefeand the appointment ofMichael Griffinin 2005). The announcement, made a day before the conclusion of theSTS-125flight to theHubble Space Telescope,was coincidental, because Bolden was the pilot on thetelescope's deployment flightin 1990.

July 30 –LII–1/IMBP–3/MAP/NPOE-5/AN–2 Cosmonaut Group (Soviet Union)[10]

LII-1:Anatoly Levchenko,Alexandr Shchukin,Rimantas Stankevicius,Igor Volk
IBMP:Galina Amelkina, Yelena Dobrokvashina, Larisa Pozharskaya, Tamara Zakharova
MAP:Svetlana Savitskaya
NPOE:Yekaterina Ivanova, Natalya Kuleshova, Irina Pronina
AN–2:Irina Latysheva

1980 – CNES Group 1 (France)

Patrick Baudry,Jean-Loup Chrétien
Chrétien and Baudry would become the first Frenchmen in space. Chrétien flew with Soviets toSalyut 7in 1982, and Baudry on Space ShuttleSTS-51-Gflight in 1985. Chrétien would later fly to theSpace Station Mirand would become a Shuttle mission specialist in the 1990s.


August – USAFManned Spaceflight Engineer Program(Group 2)[9]

James B. Armor Jr., Michael W. Booen,Livingston L. Holder Jr.,Larry D. James,Charles E. Jones,Maureen C. LaComb, Michael R. Mantz, Randy T. Odle,William A. Pailes,Craig A. Puz, Katherine E. Roberts, Jess M. Sponable, W. David Thompson, Glenn S. Yeakel
Jones was killed in theSeptember 11 attacksas a passenger aboardAmerican Airlines Flight 11.Of this group, only Pailes ever flew in space, aboard a dedicated Department of Defense Shuttle mission as a Payload Specialist.

September 11 – 1982IntercosmosGroup (India)

Ravish Malhotra,Rakesh Sharma

December 1 – Spacelab Payload Specialists Group (Germany)

Reinhard Furrer,Ernst Messerschmid


April 25 – The second group of test pilots for the project "Buran" – Gromov Flight Research Institute group) (USSR)

Ural Sultanov andMagomed Tolboev

December –NRCGroup (Canada)

Roberta Bondar,Marc Garneau,Steve MacLean,Ken Money,Robert Thirsk,andBjarni Tryggvason
This first Canadian astronaut group was selected by theNational Research Counciland were transferred to theCanadian Space Agency(CSA) when it was created in 1989. All the astronauts flew on the US Space Shuttle by 1997 except Ken Money, who resigned from CSA in 1992.


February 15 –NPOE–6Cosmonaut Group (Soviet Union)

Aleksandr Kaleriand Sergei Yemelyanov

May 23 –NASA Group 10The Maggots(USA)

Pilots:Kenneth Cameron,John Casper,Frank Culbertson,Sidney Gutierrez,Blaine Hammond,Michael McCulley,James Wetherbee
Mission specialists:James Adamson,Ellen Baker,Mark Brown,Sonny Carter,Marsha Ivins,Mark Lee,David Low,William Shepherd,Kathryn Thornton,Charles "Lacy" Veach
Of this group, William Shepherd would become the commander of the firstInternational Space Stationcrew (Expedition 1). James Wetherbee would become the only person to command five spaceflight missions. Sonny Carter died in 1991 in a plane crash while on NASA business.

June 12 – The third group of test pilots for the project "Buran" – Gromov Flight Research Institute group (USSR)

Victor Zabolotski.


May – ISRO Insat Group (India)

Nagapathi Chidambar Bhat andParamaswaren Radhakrishnan Nair.
Although selected to fly on the Space Shuttle, none of the group members flew due to theChallengerdisaster of 1986. Bhat was assigned to ashuttle flightthat was cancelled in the wake ofChallenger.

June (Mexico)

Rodolfo Neri Vela,Ricardo Peralta y Fabi
Note: Neri Vela flew on Shuttle mission STS-61-B, in November 1985.

June 4 –NASA Group 11(USA)

Pilots:Michael A. Baker,Robert D. Cabana,Brian Duffy,Terence Henricks,Stephen Oswald,Stephen Thorne
Mission specialists:Jerome Apt,Charles Gemar,Linda Godwin,Richard Hieb,Tamara Jernigan,Carl Meade,Pierre Thuot
* Thorne was killed in the crash of a private airplane before his first flight assignment.

July 19 – NASATeacher in SpaceProgram (USA)

Christa McAuliffe,Barbara Morgan
McAuliffe and Morgan were selected as the prime and backup Payload Specialists for theSTS-51-Lmission in 1985. McAuliffe was killed in theChallengerdisaster,73 seconds after liftoff. Morgan would later join the NASA Astronaut Corps in 1998. She flew on theSTS-118mission in 2007, 21 years afterChallenger.

August 1 – 1985NASDAGroup (Japan)

Mamoru Mohri,Chiaki Mukai,Takao Doi

August – USAFManned Spaceflight Engineer Program– Group 3[9](USA)

Joseph J. Caretto, Robert B. Crombie, Frank M. DeArmond, David P. Staib Jr., Teresa M. Stevens

September 2 –GKNII–2/NPOE–7Cosmonaut Group(USSR)

GKNII:Viktor Afanasyev,Anatoly Artsebarsky,Gennadi Manakov
NPOE:Sergei Krikalyov,Andrei Zaytsev

September 18 – CNES Group 2 (France)

Claudie André–Deshays,Jean–François Clervoy,Jean–Jacques Favier,Jean–Pierre Haigneré,Frédéric Patat,Michel Tognini,Michel Viso

September 30 – 1985 Intercosmos Group (Syria)

Muhammed Ahmed Faris,Munir Habib Habib

October – Indonesian Palapa Group (Indonesia)

Taufik Akbar,Pratiwi Sudarmono
Due to theChallengeraccident, none of the group members flew in space. Sudarmono was assigned to ashuttle flight in 1986,with Akbar as her backup.

December 27 – ATLAS–1 (ESA)

Dirk D. Frimout(Belgium)


January 2 – The fourth group of test pilots for the project "Buran" – Gromov Flight Research Institute group (USSR)

Sergey Tresvyatski and Yuri Schaeffer.

Per the June 5, 1987 decision of the Interdepartmental Qualification Committee (IAC), all Buran test pilots were awarded the qualificationtest cosmonaut.


January 5 – Shipka Group (Bulgaria)

Aleksandr Aleksandrovand Krasimir Stoyanov

March 26 –TsPK–8/NPOE-8Cosmonaut Group (Soviet Union)

TsPK:Valery Korzun,Vladimir Dezhurov,Yuri Gidzenko,Yuri Malenchenko,Vasily Tsibliyev
NPOE:Sergei Avdeyev

June 5 –NASA Group 12The GAFFers(USA)

Pilots:Andrew M. Allen,Kenneth Bowersox,Curtis Brown,Kevin Chilton,Donald McMonagle,William Readdy,Kenneth Reightler
Mission specialists:Thomas Akers,Jan Davis,Michael Foale,Gregory Harbaugh,Mae Jemison,Bruce Melnick,Mario Runco,James Voss
The group's informal nickname is an acronym for "George AbbeyFinal Fifteen. "Of this group, Mae Jemison would become the first female African-American in space, while Michael Foale would serve on extended missions to bothMirand theInternational Space Station,as well as a mission to service theHubble Space Telescope.
At the time of theColumbiaaccidentin 2003, William Readdy was Associate Administrator for Space Flight and Kenneth Bowersox was commanding theExpedition 6crew on the ISS. Chilton, after leaving NASA, became the first NASA astronaut to become aGeneral(O-10) in theUS Air Force(Lt. Gen.Thomas Stafford,USAF, and VADMRichard Truly,USN were three-star officers) and held the position of commander,US Strategic Command.

August 3 – 1987 German Group

Renate Brümmer,Hans Schlegel,Gerhard Thiele,Heike Walpot,Ulrich Walter


February 12 – OS "Mir" Group (Afghanistan)

Mohammad Dauran Ghulam Masum,Abdul Ahad Mohmand


January 25 –IMBP–5/GKNII–3/NPOE–9/TsPK–10Cosmonaut Group (Soviet Union)

IMBP:Vladimir Karashtin,Vasili Lukiyanyuk,Boris Morukov
GNKII:Anatoli Polonsky,Valeri Tokarev,Aleksandr Yablontsev
NPOE:Nikolai Budarin,Yelena Kondakova,Aleksandr Poleshchuk,Yury Usachov
TsPK:Sergei Kirchevsky,Gennady Padalka,Yury Onufriyenko

22 March – The last group of test pilots for the Buran project – Gromov Flight Research Institute group) (USSR)

Yuri Prikhodko
Officially, the cosmonaut corps LII (Letno-ispitatelny Institut = Flight Research Institute) ceased to exist in 2002, having gone through a long period of inactivity since the closure of the Buran program in 1993. Of all those selected and trained, only two cosmonauts traveled to space:Igor VolkandAnatoly Levchenko.More information about the Buran space flight program and Soyuz-Savior, theSoyuz-spasatelprogram and its cosmonauts, who were trained to fly in space, can be found on the Buran program website.[11]

May 23 – 1989 Italian Group

Franco Malerba,Franco Rossitto,Umberto Guidoni,Cristiano Batalli Cosmovici

September 29 – ATLAS Payload Specialists (NASA)

Charles R. Chappell,Michael Lampton,Byron K. Lichtenberg

November 25 – Project Juno (UK-Soviet Union)

Helen Sharman(UK) and Timothy Mace (UK)
Sharman became the first British-born person to go into space onboardSoyuz TM-12in May 1991.


January 17 –NASA Group 13The Hairballs(USA)

Pilots:Kenneth Cockrell,Eileen Collins,William G. Gregory,James Halsell,Charles Precourt,Richard Searfoss,Terrence Wilcutt
Mission specialists:Daniel Bursch,Leroy Chiao,Michael R. Clifford,Bernard Harris,Susan Helms,Thomas David Jones,William McArthur,James Newman,Ellen Ochoa,Ronald Sega,Nancy Currie,Donald A. Thomas,Janice Voss,Carl E. Walz,Peter Wisoff,David Wolf
Collins would go on to be the first female shuttle pilot, the first female shuttle commander, and then commander of the second "Return to Flight"mission in 2005. The" Hairballs "nickname, according to Jones in his bookSky Walking,came after the group, the 13th NASA astronaut class, put a black cat on its group patch.

February – CNES Group 3 (France)

Léopold Eyharts,Jean-Marc Gasparini,Philippe Perrin,Benoit Silve
Group 3 was the last group of CNES astronauts chosen. In 1999, all remaining active CNES astronauts were transferred to the ESA Astronaut Corps.

May 11 –TsPK–11Cosmonaut Group (Soviet Union)

Talgat Musabayev,Vladimir Severin,Salizhan Sharipov,Sergei Vozovikov,Sergei Zalyotin

October 8 – 1990 German Group

Reinhold Ewald,Klaus–Dietrich Flade


March 3 –NPOE-10Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

Aleksandr Lazutkin,Sergei Treshchov,Pavel Vinogradov

March 31 –NASA Group 14The Hogs(USA)

Pilots:Scott Horowitz,Brent Jett,Kevin Kregel,Kent Rominger
Missionspecialists:Daniel T. Barry,Charles Brady,Catherine Coleman,Michael Gernhardt,John Grunsfeld,Wendy Lawrence,Jerry Linenger,Richard Linnehan,Michael Lopez-Alegria,Scott Parazynski,Winston Scott,Steven Smith,Joseph Tanner,Andy Thomas,Mary Weber
International mission specialists:Marc Garneau(Canada),Chris Hadfield(Canada),Maurizio Cheli(Italy),Jean-François Clervoy(France),Koichi Wakata(Japan)
Beginning with this NASA Group, non-US astronauts representing their home country's space agencies were brought in and trained alongside their NASA counterparts as full-fledged mission specialists, eligible to be assigned to any shuttle mission. As of 2023, Wakata is the earliest selected astronaut still on active service, and thus this is the earliest group with an active astronaut.[12]

April – 1992 NASDA Group (Japan)

Koichi Wakata

June – CSA Group 2 (Canada)

Dafydd Williams,Julie Payette,Chris HadfieldandMichael McKay
The second Canadian astronaut group were selected by CSA. McKay was selected as an alternate after Robert Stewart left the Canadian Space Agency program to accept a position at theUniversity of Calgary.[13]All the astronauts flew on the US Space Shuttle except Michael McKay, who resigned due to medical reasons.

May 15 – 1992 ESA Group (ESA)

Maurizio Cheli(Italy),Jean–François Clervoy(France),Pedro Duque(Spain),Christer Fuglesang(Sweden),Marianne Merchez(Belgium),Thomas Reiter(Germany)


April 1 –NPOE–11Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

Nadezhda Kuzhelnaya,Mikhail Tyurin

December 12 –NASA Group 15The Flying Escargot(USA)

Pilots:Scott Altman,Jeffrey Ashby,Michael Bloomfield,Joe Edwards,Dominic Gorie,Rick Husband,Steven Lindsey,Pamela Melroy,Susan (Still) Kilrain,Frederick Sturckow.
Missionspecialists:Michael Anderson,Kalpana Chawla,Robert Curbeam,Kathryn Hire,Janet Kavandi,Edward Lu,Carlos Noriega,James Reilly,Stephen Robinson.
International mission specialists:Jean–Loup Chrétien(France),Takao Doi(Japan),Michel Tognini(France),Dafydd Williams(Canada).
Husband, Anderson and Chawla were crewmembers on the finalColumbiamission. Chrétien trained as a backup Spacelab crew member in the 1980s and flew on both US and Soviet/Russian spacecraft, along with being the first non-US or Soviet/Russian astronaut to perform aspace walk.


February 9 –MKS/RKKE–12Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

MKS:Oleg Kotov,Yuri Shargin
RKKE:Konstantin Kozeyev,Sergei Revin

March 26 – MKS supplemental cosmonaut group (Russia)

Oleg Kononenko

May 1 –NASA Group 16The Sardines(USA)

Pilots:Duane G. Carey,Stephen Frick,Charles O. Hobaugh,James M. Kelly,Mark Kelly,Scott Kelly,Paul Lockhart,Christopher Loria,William Cameron McCool,Mark L. Polansky.
Mission specialists:David McDowell Brown,Daniel C. Burbank,Yvonne Cagle,Fernando Caldeiro,Charles Camarda,Laurel Clark,Michael Fincke,Patrick G. Forrester,John Herrington,Joan Higginbotham,Sandra Magnus,Michael J. Massimino,Richard Mastracchio,Lee Morin,Lisa Nowak,Donald Pettit,John L. Phillips,Paul W. Richards,Piers Sellers,Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper,Daniel M. Tani,Rex J. Walheim,Peggy Whitson,Jeffrey Williams,Stephanie Wilson.
International mission specialists:Pedro Duque(Spain),Christer Fuglesang(Sweden),Umberto Guidoni(Italy),Steve MacLean(Canada),Mamoru Mohri(Japan),Soichi Noguchi(Japan),Julie Payette(Canada),Philippe Perrin(France),Gerhard Thiele(Germany).
Brown, Clark and McCool were crewmembers on the finalColumbiamission. Mark and Scott Kelly are twin brothers; James Kelly is not related. Loria resigned from his shuttle mission due to injury and never flew before retiring from the astronaut corps. Nowak, who flew onSTS-121,was arrested on February 5, 2007, after confronting a woman entangled in alove trianglewith a fellow astronaut. She was dismissed by NASA on March 6, the first astronaut to be both grounded and dismissed (prior astronauts who were grounded due to non-medical issues usually resigned or retired).

June – NASDA Group (Japan)

Soichi Noguchi

October – China Group 1996 (China)

Li Qinglong,Wu Jie
Trained atYuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center,joined other twelve pilots as Chinese Group 1 in 1998.

November – Shuttle-97 Group (Ukraine)

Leonid Kadeniuk,Yaroslav Pustovyi


April (?) – Shuttle Group (Israel)[14]

Yitzhak Mayo,Ilan Ramon
Ramon was the first Israeli astronaut to fly in space and also a Payload Specialist on the final mission ofSpace ShuttleColumbia(STS-107).

July 28 –TsPK–12/RKKE-13Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

TsPK:Dmitri Kondratyev,Yury Lonchakov,Sergei Moshchenko,Oleg Moshkin,Roman Romanenko,Aleksandr Skvortsov,Maksim Surayev,Konstantin Valkov,Sergey Volkov
RKKE:Oleg Skripochka,Fyodor Yurchikhin


January – Chinese Group 1 (China)

Chen QuanTrần toàn,Deng QingmingĐặng thanh minh,Fei JunlongPhí tuấn long,Jing HaipengCảnh hải bằng,Liu BomingLưu bá minh,Liu WangLưu vượng,Nie HaishengNhiếp hải thắng,Pan ZhanchunPhan chiêm xuân,Yang LiweiDương lợi vĩ,Zhai ZhigangĐịch chí cương,Zhang XiaoguangTrương hiểu quang,Zhao ChuandongTriệu truyện đông
In October 2003, Yang Liwei became the first man to be sent into space by thespace program of China,and his mission,Shenzhou 5,made the PRC the third country to independently send people into space.

February 24 –RKKE-14Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

Mikhail Korniyenko

March 2 – OS "Mir" Stefanik Group (Slovakia)

Ivan Bella,Michal Fulier

June 4 –NASA Group 17The Penguins(USA)

Pilots:Lee Archambault,Christopher Ferguson,Kenneth Ham,Gregory C. Johnson,Gregory H. Johnson,William Oefelein,Alan Poindexter,George Zamka
Mission specialists:Clayton Anderson,Tracy Caldwell,Gregory Chamitoff,Timothy Creamer,Michael Foreman,Michael E. Fossum,Stanley Love,Leland Melvin,Barbara Morgan,John D. Olivas,Nicholas Patrick,Garrett Reisman,Patricia Robertson,Steven Swanson,Douglas Wheelock,Sunita Williams,Neil Woodward
International mission specialists:Léopold Eyharts(France),Paolo Nespoli(Italy),Marcos Pontes(Brazil),Hans Schlegel(Germany),Robert Thirsk(Canada),Bjarni Tryggvason(Canada),Roberto Vittori(Italy)
This group includes Barbara Morgan, who was the backup "Teacher-In-Space" forChrista McAuliffeof the ill-fatedChallengerDisaster in 1986. While often referred to as an Educator Astronaut, Morgan was selected by NASA as a mission specialist before theEducator Astronaut Projectwas formed.[15]
Patricia Robertson(née Hilliard) was killed in the crash of a private airplane before she was assigned to a Shuttle mission.
Oefelein was dismissed from NASA in 2007 due to his involvement in a love triangle with fellow astronaut Lisa Nowak.

October 7 – 1998 ESA Group (ESA)

Frank De Winne(Belgium),Léopold Eyharts(France),André Kuipers(Netherlands),Paolo Nespoli(Italy),Hans Schlegel(Germany),Roberto Vittori(Italy)


February – 1999 NASDA Group (Japan)

Satoshi Furukawa,Akihiko Hoshide,Naoko Sumino

1 November – 1999 ESA Group (Europe)

Claudie André-Deshays,Philippe Perrin,Michel Tognini
The three remaining CNES (France) astronauts transferred to the ESA's astronaut corps in 1999.


July 26 –NASA Group 18The Bugs(USA)

Pilots:Dominic A. Antonelli,Eric A. Boe,Kevin A. Ford,Ronald J. Garan Jr.,Douglas G. Hurley,Terry W. Virts Jr.,Barry E. Wilmore
Mission specialists:Michael R. Barratt,Robert L. Behnken,Stephen G. Bowen,B. Alvin Drew,Andrew J. Feustel,Michael T. Good,Timothy L. Kopra,K. Megan McArthur,Karen L. Nyberg,Nicole P. Stott


May 23 –TsPK-13/RKKE-15/IMBP-6Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

TsPK:Anatoli Ivanishin,Aleksandr Samokutyayev,Anton Shkaplerov,Evgeny Tarelkin,Sergei Zhukov
RKKE:Oleg Artemyev,Andrei Borisenko,Mark Serov
IMBP:Sergey Ryazansky

Kazakhstan – Group 1

Aydyn Aimbetov,Mukhtar Aymakhanov[16]

September 11 –SpaceShipOne(Commercial Astronauts) (USA)[17]

Brian Binnie,Mike Melvill,Doug Shane,Peter Siebold[18]
* 2003marked the first group ofcommercial astronauts.Only Binnie and Melville reached space, during a SpaceShipOne flight. Siebold has also pilotedSpaceShipTwo,but no flights have yet reached space.


May 6 –NASA Group 19The Peacocks(USA)

Pilots:Randolph Bresnik,James Dutton
Mission specialists:Thomas Marshburn,Christopher Cassidy,R. Shane Kimbrough,José M. Hernández,Robert Satcher,Shannon Walker
Educator mission specialists:Joseph M. Acaba,Richard R. Arnold,Dorothy Metcalf–Lindenburger
International mission specialists:Satoshi Furukawa(Japan),Akihiko Hoshide(Japan),Naoko Yamazaki(Japan)
This group was the first to includeeducator mission specialists,and the last group to train forSpace Shuttleflights.


March 30 –Virgin GalacticAstronaut Pilots Group (Commercial Astronauts) (UK)[19]

Steve Johnson,Alistair Hoy,David MacKay,Alex Tai

September 4 –Angkasawan Group(Malaysia)[20]

Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor,Faiz Khaleed,Siva Vanajah,Mohammed Faiz Kamaludin
In 2006, four Malaysians were chosen to train for a flight to the International Space Station through theAngkasawan program.Sheikh Muszaphar became the first Malaysian in space when he flew aboardSoyuz TMA-11.

October 11 –TsPK-14/RKKE-16Cosmonaut Group (Russia)

TsPK:Aleksandr Misurkin,Oleg Novitskiy,Aleksey Ovchinin,Maksim Ponomaryov,Sergey Ryzhikov
RKKE:Yelena Serova,Nikolai Tikhonov

December 25 –Korean Astronaut ProgramGroup

Yi So-yeon,Ko San
Ko San was chosen as the prime candidate over Yi So-yeon in September 2007. Yi So-yeon became prime candidate in March 2008 and made a trip to the ISS with the agency that year.


July –Virgin GalacticAstronaut Pilots Group (Commercial Astronauts) (UK)[21]

Robert Bendall,Rich Dancaster,Brad Lambert


February 25 – JAXA Group (Japan)

Takuya Onishi,Kimiya Yui

May 13 – CSA Group (Canada)

Jeremy Hansen,David Saint-Jacques

May 20 – ESA Group –The Shenanigans(ESA)[22]

Samantha Cristoforetti(Italy),Alexander Gerst(Germany),Andreas Mogensen(Denmark),Luca Parmitano(Italy),Timothy Peake(United Kingdom),Thomas Pesquet(France).
8413 applications were received. Of those, 1430 (17%) were women. The most common first citizenship of the applicants was France (22.1%), Germany (21.4%), Italy (11.0%), the United Kingdom (9.8%), and Spain (9.4%).[23]

June 29 –NASA Group 20Chumps[24](USA)

Mission specialists:Serena M. Auñón,Jeanette J. Epps,Jack D. Fischer,Michael S. Hopkins,Kjell N. Lindgren,Kathleen (Kate) Rubins,Scott D. Tingle,Mark T. Vande Hei,Gregory R. (Reid) Wiseman
International mission specialists:Jeremy Hansen(Canada),Norishige Kanai(Japan),Takuya Onishi(Japan),David Saint-Jacques(Canada),Kimiya Yui(Japan)
NASA selected the nine members of Group 20 from over 3500 applicants.[25]The NASA candidates were announced in June; international astronauts were added later that year. This was the first group of astronauts chosen for the post-Space Shuttle era and not trained to fly the Shuttle. Fischer, Tingle, and Wiseman were selected as pilots, but there is currently no distinction between pilots and non-pilots: all are considered mission specialists.

September 8 – JAXA Group (Japan)

Norishige Kanai


March – Chinese Group 2 (China)[26]

Cai Xuzhe,Chen Dong,Liu Yang,Tang Hongbo,Wang Yaping,Ye Guangfu,Zhang Lu

April 12 –Association of Spaceflight Professionals– Group 1[27][28][29]

Jim Crowell, Bruce Davis, Kristine Ferrone, Amnon Govrin, Chad Healy, Ryan Kobrick, Joseph Palaia, Luís Saraiva, Brian Shiro, Laura Stiles, Veronica Ann Zabala-Aliberto

June 7 – Association of Spaceflight Professionals – Group 2 (Commercial Astronauts)[30]

Ben Corbin, José Miguel Hurtado, Jr, Jason Reimuller, Todd Romberger,Erik Seedhouse,Alli Taylor

October 12 – TsPK–15/RKKE–17 Cosmonaut Group(Russia)[31]

TsPK:Aleksey Khomenchuk(rit.),Denis Matveev,Sergey Prokopyev
RKKE:Andrei Babkin,Ivan Vagner,Sergey Kud-Sverchkov,Svyatoslav Morozov(rit.)


January–February – Enrolled in a United squad of Roscosmos astronauts (Russia)[32]

Oleg Artemyev,Andrei Babkin,Ivan Vagner,Andrei Borisenko,Sergei Zhukov,Oleg Kononenko,Mikhail Kornienko,Sergey Kud-Sverchkov,Svyatoslav Morozov,Sergei Revin,Sergey Ryazansky,Yelena Serova,Nikolai Tikhonov.

From 1 January 2011 at the Research Institute of the Y. A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center is a single detachment of the Russian Space Agency astronauts, which in 2015 consisted of 38 people. The next set of candidates was announced at the beginning of 2016,[33]then postponed until 2017.[34]In September 2016, the unit counted 31 astronauts.[35]

February 28 –Association of Spaceflight Professionals – Group3[36]

Christopher Altman,Jon-Erik Dahlin,Melania Guerra,Mindy Howard, Kris Lehnhardt, Abhishek Tripathi, Cosan Unuvar, Pavel Zagadailov, Luis Zea

October 26 –Virgin GalacticAstronaut Pilots Group (Commercial Astronauts) (UK)[37]

Keith Colmer


February – Enrolled in a United squad of Roscosmos cosmonauts (Russia)

Fyodor Yurchikhin

October 30 – TsPK– Addition Group (Russia)[38]

Finalists:Oleg Blinov(rit.),Nikolay Chub,Pyotr Dubrov,Andrey Fedyaev,Ignat Ignatov,Anna Kikina,Sergey Korsakov,Dmitriy Petelin


May 8 Virgin Galactic Astronaut Pilots Group (Commercial Astronauts) (UK)[39]

Frederick W. Sturckow(former NASA astronaut),Michael "Sooch" Masucci

June 3 – Association of Spaceflight Professionals – Group 4[40]

David Ballinger, Jessica Cherry, Michael Gallagher, Jamie Guined, Tanya Markow-Estes, Aaron Persad

June 17 –NASA Group 218-Balls[41](US)

Josh A. Cassada,Victor J. Glover,Tyler N. Hague,Christina M. Hammock,Nicole Aunapu Mann,Anne C. McClain,Jessica U. Meir,Andrew R. Morgan


July 24 – Virgin Galactic Astronaut Pilots Group (Commercial Astronauts) (UK)

Todd Ericson[42]

August 14 – Individual set into a United detachment of Roscosmos astronauts (Russia)

Mukhtar Aimakhanov


January 23 – Virgin Galactic Astronaut Pilots Group (Commercial Astronauts) (UK)

Mark Stucky[43]

July 9 – NASA Commercial Crew Program[44]

Robert Behnken,Sunita Williams,Eric Boe,Douglas Hurley

July – ESA Astronaut Corps

Matthias Maurer

Copenhagen Suborbitals(Commercial Astronauts) (Denmark)

Mads Stenfatt, Anna Olsen, Carsten Olsen[45]


June 7 –NASA Group 22The Turtles(USA)

Kayla Barron,Zena Cardman,Raja Chari,Matthew Dominick,Robert Hines,Warren Hoburg,Jonny Kim,Robb Kulin,Jasmin Moghbeli,Loral O'Hara,Francisco Rubio,Jessica Watkins.
Kulin resigned from NASA in August 2018 before completing his training.[46]

July 1 – 2017 CSA Group (Canada)

Jennifer Sidey,Joshua Kutryk

April 19 – 2017 Die Astronautin Selection (Germany)

Insa Thiele-Eich,Nicola Baumann(Baumann was later replaced bySuzanna Randall)


August 10 – 17th Cosmonaut Group (Russia)[47]

Konstantin Borisov,Alexander Gorbunov,Alexander Grebenkin,Sergei Mikayev,Kirill Peskov,Oleg Platonov,Yevgeny Prokopyev(rit.),Alexei Zubritsky
  • All but Yevgeny Prokopyev passed the state exam in December 2020 to be qualified for spaceflight assignments; Propkopyev did not qualify and was reassigned to basic space training.[48]

September 3 – Emirati Astronaut Group (United Arab Emirates)[49]

Hazza Al Mansouri,Sultan Al Neyadi
  • In 2018, Al Mansouri and Al Neyadi were announced as candidates to fly to the ISS on a Soyuz, as guest cosmonauts (Al Mansouri flew in 2019, with Al Neyadi as his backup). In 2020, the two were named to be assigned to Houston to train as full-fledged mission specialist astronauts and to join the cadre of International Partner Astronauts.[50]Al Neyadi later flew onSpaceX Crew-6in March 2023, being the first long duration Emirati Astronaut.


December – 1st Vyomnaut Group (India)[51]

Prashanth Nair,Angad Prathap,Ajit Krishnan,Subhanshu Shukla[52]


October 8 – Chinese Group 3 (China)[56]

  • China announced the selection of 18 new astronauts (17 men, 1 woman), whose names were not revealed, in the following categories:
7 spacecraft pilots:Tang Shengjie,Li Guangsu
7 flight engineers:Zhu Yangzhu,Jiang Xinlin,Li Cong
4 mission payload specialists:Gui Haichao


January 27 – 18th Cosmonaut Group (Russia)[57]

Sergey Irtuganov(rit.),Alexander Kolyabin,Sergey Teteryatnikov,Harutyun Kiviryan

March 30 –Inspiration4(USA)

Jared Isaacman,Sian Proctor,Hayley Arceneaux,Chris Sembroski
Privately funded by mission commander Isaacman, Inspiration 4 was the first all civilianorbital spaceflightmission and the first human orbital spaceflight not funded by a nation state. 2021's Inspiration4 also made the highest human orbit of the 21st century. Other mission accomplishments of note: Mission pilot Proctor became the first femalecommercial astronautspaceship pilot and the first African American female spacecraft pilot, and medical officer Arceneaux became the first astronaut to fly with a prosthesis.[58][59][60]

April 10 – Emirati Astronaut Group 2 (United Arab Emirates)[50][61]

Nora Al Matrooshi,Mohammad Al Mulla

December 6 –NASA Group 23(USA)

Nichole Ayers,Marcos Berríos,Christina Birch,Deniz Burnham,Luke Delaney,Andre Douglas,Jack Hathaway,Anil Menon,Christopher Williams,Jessica Wittner.


October 2 – Chinese Group 4 (China)[62]

  • China announced the selection of 12-14 new astronauts, whose names were not revealed, in the following categories:
7-8 spacecraft pilots
5-6 flight engineers
2 mission payload specialists

November 23 –2022 ESA Astronaut Group[63]


February 12 – Saudi Astronaut Group 2 (Saudi Arabia)[64]

Rayyanah Barnawi,Ali AlQarni,Mariam Fardous,Ali AlGhamdi

March 8 – Australian Astronaut Group 1 (Australia)

Katherine Bennell-Pegg

April –Turkish Astronaut (Group 1)[65]

Alper Gezeravcı,Tuva Cihangir Atasever

June – Others[66]

Alysson Muotri


May 27 – HUNOR 1 (Hungary)[67]

Tibor Kapu (astronaut), Gyula Cserényi (reserve astronaut)

Commercial advances[edit]

The space market exceeds $330 billion today. Current estimates show the number growing to nearly $3 trillion over the next three decades. Human spaceflight is one of the sectors positioned for greatest growth. Commercial astronauts are expected to fill the gap in this transition.[68]

Ansari X Prize

The first commercial astronauts were selected by contenders for theAnsari X PRIZE,the first nongovernmental reusable crewed spacecraft, in 2004. Among them includeStarchaser Industriesdirectors Steve Bennett (United Kingdom) andMatt Shewbridge;[69]former NASA astronautsJohn Bennett Herrington(Pioneer Rocketplane),Richard Searfossand pilotDick Rutan(XCOR Aerospace); Canadian engineerBrian Feeney(da Vinci Project); and veteranWally FunkfromMercury 13(Interorbital Systems).


Boeing hired formerNASAastronautChris Fergusonto join the Space Exploration Team.[70]Candidates for Boeing's astronaut corps include former NASA astronauts, commercial scientist astronauts and test pilots who have never flown in space.[71][72]


SpaceXhas employed former NASA astronauts, but did not select any SpaceX employees to fly its commercial vehicles to the International Space Station.[citation needed]

SpaceX's former medical director at SpaceX,Anil Menon,is now a NASA astronaut selected in 2021 as a member ofNASA Astronaut Group 23.

Association of Spaceflight Professionals[edit]

The world's first commercial astronaut corps,[citation needed]the Association of Spaceflight Professionals received funding[citation needed]for a series of crewed spaceflight missions through the NASA Flight Opportunities Program[citation needed]in March 2012.

Several million dollars have been allocated for detailed spectroscopic analysis of high-altitude noctilucent cloud formations on suborbital flights using rapidly reusable, task-and-deploy spaceplanes.[73][74][75][76][77][78][79][relevant to this section?discuss]

The organization'scommercial astronautsgo through a selection process modeled after theNASA Astronaut Corps,[citation needed]which involves NASA astronauts.[citation needed]Some of its members serve as astronaut trainers themselves;[citation needed]some have interviewed as finalists in national space agency astronaut candidate selection campaigns.[80][failed verification][81][82][failed verification]Yi So-yeon,who completed an orbital mission to the International Space Station,[83]is a member of the organization.[citation needed]

Virgin Galactic[edit]

Scaled CompositesandVirgin Galacticastronauts includeMichael Alsbury(killed in the2014 Virgin Galactic crash),Rob Bendall(Canada),Richard Branson,Peter Kalogiannis,Niki Lauda(Austria),[84]Brian Maisler,Clint Nichols,Wes Persall,Burt Rutan,Peter Seiffert,Peter Siebold,Mark Stucky,[85]andDave Mackay.[85]

Teachers in Space[edit]

TheTeachers in Spaceprogram began in 2005. In 2012, theUnited States Rocket Academyannounced that the program was expanding to include a broader range of participants, renaming the initiative Citizens in Space. For its first phase, Citizens in Space selected and trained ten citizen astronaut candidates to fly as payload operators, including four astronaut candidates already in training (Maureen Adams, Steve Heck, Michael Johnson, and Edward Wright).[86]Informal educator and aerospace historian Gregory Kennedy was among those listed.[87]

Copenhagen Suborbitals[edit]

Copenhagen Suborbitals(2008, Denmark) seeks to make Denmark the fourth nation to launch humans above theKármán line.[citation needed]

Mars One[edit]

Mars Onewas a private initiative with claims to establish a permanent human colony onMarsby 2023. The project was led by Dutch entrepreneurBas Lansdorp,who announced plans for the Mars One mission in May 2012.

A Mars One astronaut selection announcement was made on April 19, 2013, and started its search on April 22, 2013. By August 2013, Mars One had more than 200,000 applicants from around the world.[88]Round Two selection results were declared on December 30, 2013, wherein a total of 1058 applicants from 107 countries were selected.

Mars One received a variety of criticism relating to medical, technical and financial feasibility.[89]Unverified rumors claimed that Mars One was a scam designed to take as much money as possible from donors, including those participating as contestants.[90][91]

In February 2019, it was reported that Mars One had declaredbankruptcyin aSwisscourt on January 15, 2019, and was permanently dissolved as a company.[92][93][94]

Inspiration Mars[edit]

Inspiration Mars Foundation,an American nonprofit founded byDennis Tito,aimed to launch a human mission to flyby Mars in January 2018, or, as the 2018 date was missed, in 2021. Flight candidates included husband and wife travel duoJane PoynterandTaber MacCallum,who participated in theBiosphere 2experiment.[95][96]


Waypoint2Spacewas grantedFAAsafety approval for its training services in 2014. The company works in collaboration withNASAJohnson Space Centerin Houston to provide spaceflight training.[97][98][99]

Truax Engineering[edit]

The first private firm that tried to build a suborbital space rocket,Truax Engineering,selected company employee, engineer and lifelong aviatorJeana Yeageras the first test pilot for its rocket. The project was halted in 1991 due to lack of funds.[100]

See also[edit]



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