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List of years in sumo

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The following is a list ofyear insumoarticles listed in chronological order from the most recent. Each gives an overview of the happenings in sumo for each year listed. The highlights below refer only totop divisionchampionships.





*Takahanada would later become the 2ndTakanohana.


  • 1989 in sumo- Chiyonofuji and Hokutoumi vie for dominance at three and two championships respectively,Konishikigets first tournament win
  • 1988 in sumo- Asahifuji has first win, Chiyonofuji takes the last four tournaments and record for longest boutwinning streakin modern sumo history - later surpassed by Hakuho
  • 1987 in sumo-HokutoumiandOnokuniare promoted to yokozuna;Futahagurois forced to retire
  • 1986 in sumo- Stablemates Chiyonofuji and Hoshi* claim all six Yusho with five and one respectively. Futahaguro is promoted to Yokozuna.Takanosatoretires.
  • 1985 in sumo- Chiyonofuji wins 4 of the 6 tournaments,Asashio IVwins his first and only yusho,Hokuten'yūwins 2nd and last yusho.Kitanoumiretires. The newRyōgoku Kokugikanis opened.
  • 1984 in sumo-Wakashimazutakes home his 1st and 2nd yusho, Kitanoumi wins his 24th and final yusho, Takanosato wins 4th and final yusho as well, surprise maegashira 12Tagaryūclaims a yusho, Chiyonofuji claims 10th yusho.
  • 1983 in sumo- Both Chiyonofuji and Takanosato win 2 yusho, withKotokazeand Hokuten'yū winning the other two. Takanosato is promoted to Yokozuna.Wakanohana IIretires.
  • 1982 in sumo- Chiyonofuji dominates winning 4 yusho, Kitanoumi and Takanosato win the other two.
  • 1981 in sumo- Chiyonofuji and Kitanoumi vie for dominance at three and two championships respectively, Kotokaze gets first tournament win. Chiyonofuji promoted to Yokozuna.Wajimaretires.
  • 1980 in sumo- Kitanoumi wins 3 titles,Mienoumi,Wakanohana II, and Wajima win their last titles. Mienoumi retires.

*Hoshi would later become Hokutoumi


  • 1979 in sumo-Kitanoumiwins three tournaments,Mienoumi,Wajima,andWakanohana IIwin the other three. Mienoumi is promoted to Yokozuna.
  • 1978 in sumo- Kitanoumi dominates with 5 yusho, with Wakanohana II taking the other. Wakanohana II is promoted to Yokozuna.
  • 1977 in sumo- Wajima and Kitanoumi again vie for dominance with 3 and 2 yusho respectively, Wakamisugi II* wins his first Championship.
  • 1976 in sumo- Kitanoumi and Wajima vie for dominance with 3 and 2 yusho respectively,Kaiketsuwins his second and last yusho.
  • 1975 in sumo- Kitanoumi andTakanohana Itake 2 yusho, while Mienoumi andKongoboth take their first.
  • 1974 in sumo- Wajima wins 3 yusho while Kitanoumi takes his first 2, Kaiketsu wins his first title. Kitanoumi promoted to Yokozuna. BothKitanofujiandKotozakuraretire.
  • 1973 in sumo- Wajima wins 3, Kotozakura wins 2, and Kitanofuji wins his last yusho. Kotozakura and Wajima are promoted to Yokozuna.
  • 1972 in sumo- There is a different winner for each basho withHasegawa,Kitanofuji, Kotozakura,Takamiyama,Tochiazuma I,and Wajima winning one yusho a piece. Takamiyama becomes first foreign born top division champion.
  • 1971 in sumo- Kitanofuji andTamanoumi IIagain vie for dominance with 3 and 2 yusho respectively, while an ageingTaihōwins his last title and retires. Tamanoumi dies suddenly in October after a delayedappendectomy.
  • 1970 in sumo- Kitanofuji and Tamanoumi II vie for dominance with 3 and 2 yusho respectively, while Taihō manages just one. Kitanofuji and Tamanoumi are promoted to Yokozuna.

*Wakamisugi II would later become Wakanohana II

See also[edit]