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A map showing the pre-invasion Allied plans for the development of the lodgement area in France during Operation Overlord

Alodgementorlodgmentis anenclave,taken and defended byforce of armsagainst determined opposition, made by increasing the size of abridgehead,beachhead,orairhead[1]into a substantial defended area, at least the rear parts of which are out of direct line of fire.[2] An example isOperation Overlord,the establishment of a large-scale lodgement inNormandyduringWorld War II.[3]


  1. ^Oxford English Dictionarylodgement, lodgment "3. The action of establishing oneself or making good a position on an enemy's ground, or obtaining a foothold; hence, a stable position gained, a foothold. Chiefly in phr.to make or find a lodgement."
  2. ^United States Department of the Navy -- Naval Historical Center 805 Kidder Breese SE -- Washington Navy Yard Washington DC 20374-5060Chapter X: The build-up for the Battle of France; Part 1: The post-NEPTUNE naval task"The army still had a desperate battle before them before they would consolidate possession of their bridgehead in the lodgement area."
  3. ^"GuidedTours".Archived fromthe originalon 2013-06-29.Retrieved2006-04-17.