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Luis Aldunate

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Luis Aldunate Carrera(March 3, 1842 – April 3, 1908) was aChileanlawyer who served as minister of finance (1881–1882) and minister of foreign affairs (1882–1884). He was a member of theChamber of Deputies of Chile(1876–1885) andSenate of Chile(1885–1891).

He was the son of Ambrosio Aldunate Carvajal and Rosa Carrera Fontecilla and his material grandparents wereJosé Miguel CarreraandMercedes Fontecilla.[1]


  • Castillo Infante, Fernando; Lía Cortés y Jordi Fuentes (1996).Diccionario Histórico y Biográfico de Chile.Santiago de Chile: Editorial Zig-Zag. p 21.


  1. ^Valdés, Ambrosio.Carrera: revolución chilena y campañas de la independencia, con un apéndice sobre la jenealojía de la familia del Jeneral(in Spanish).
  • Reseña biográfica en el sitio de la Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.