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Lumpia(zh: Nhuận bính)
Top:Fried and unfriedlumpia SemarangfromIndonesia
Bottom:Freshlumpiang ubodmade withheart of palmfrom thePhilippines
Alternative namesLoempia, loenpia, ngohyong
CourseMain courseorsnack
Place of originChina
Region or statePhilippines,China,Indonesia,Netherlands,Belgium,andSuriname
Serving temperaturehot or room temperature
Main ingredientsWrapper,meat, vegetables
VariationsFried or fresh

Lumpia(zh: Nhuận bính) are various types ofspring rollsfrom the Philippines,China,Indonesia[1]and the[2]Lumpia are made of thin paper-like orcrepe-like pastry skin called "lumpia wrapper" enveloping savory or sweet fillings.[3]It is often served as anappetizerorsnack,and might be serveddeep-friedor fresh (unfried). Lumpia are Indonesian and Filipino adaptations of theFujianeserùnbǐngandTeochewpopiah,usually consumed duringQingming Festival.[4][5]

InIndonesia,lumpia has become a favorite snack,[6]and is known as astreet hawker food in the country.[7]Lumpia was introduced byChinese settlerstoIndonesia during colonial timespossibly in the 19th century.[8]

In the Philippines, lumpia is one of the most common dishes served in gatherings and celebrations.[9]

In theNetherlandsandBelgium,it is spelledloempia,the oldIndonesianspelling,which has also become the generic name for "spring roll"inDutch.[6]



The namelumpia,sometimes spelled aslunpia,was derived fromHokkienspelling /lun˩piã˥˧/ (zh: Nhuận bính),lun( nhuận ) means "wet/moist/soft", whilepia( bính ) means "cake/pastry", thuslun-piameans "soft cake".[10]It is referred to asrùnbǐng( nhuận bính ) orbáobǐng( bạc bính ) inMandarin,and also asbópíjuǎn( bạc bì quyển ).

In neighboringMalaysiaand Singapore, lumpia is known in its variant name aspopiah,from theChaoshan dialectpronounced as /poʔ˩piã˥˧/ ( bạc bính ),[11]which means "thin wafer."



Lumpia was introduced byChinese settlersofFujianorigin to theDutch East Indies,possibly in the 19th century.[8]It was derived fromFujianeserùnbǐng,thus lumpia was derived fromHokkiendialectlunpia.

According to local tradition circulated inSemarang,Central Java,lumpia was introduced by a Chinese settler named Tjoa Thay Yoe, a migrant from China who settled in Semarang by the end of the 19th century. At that time, Tjoa was selling a variety of foods made fromporkand alsobamboo shootsat Pasar Johar, Semarang. It was then that he met Wasih, a native Javanese woman food vendor who sold food made from shrimp and potato. Thay Yoe and Wasih eventually got married, and subsequently they created and sold food together by removing the pork element to cater for local consumers that mostly are Muslims. The food that was created was lumpia Semarang which is known to this day. The couple then had a daughter named Tjoa Po Nio, who continued her parents' business by selling lumpia Semarang spring rolls.[8]




Lumpia in Indonesia might be served in various dipping sauces, from sweet palm sugar sauce, savourytaucoorpeanut sauce,to popular chili sauce. This one is served with sweet hot and spicysambalchili sauce.

Chinese influence is evident inIndonesian cuisine,such asbakmi,mie ayam,pangsit,mie goreng,kwetiau goreng,nasi goreng,bakso,and lumpia.[12]Throughout the country, spring rolls are generally called lumpia; however, sometimes an old Chinese Indonesian spelling is used:loen pia.[10]

In Indonesia lumpia is associated withChinese Indonesian cuisineand commonly found in cities where significantChinese Indonesiansettles. Although some local variants exist and the filling ingredients may vary, the most popular variant isLumpia Semarang,available in fried or unfried variants. In Indonesia, lumpia variants usually named after the city where the recipe originates, withSemarangas the most famous variant. It represents creativity and the localisation of lumpia recipes according to locally available ingredients and local tastes.[10]

Unlike its Philippines counterpart, Indonesian lumpia rarely uses minced pork as a filling. This was meant to cater to the largerMuslimclientele, thus popular fillings are usually chicken, shrimp, egg and vegetables. Indonesian lumpia is commonly filled with seasoned choppedrebung(bamboo shoots) with minced chicken or prawns, served with fresh babyshallotsorleeksin sweettauco(fermented soy) based sauce. In addition to being made at home, lumpia is also offered as street food sold by traveling vendor on carts, sold in foodstalls specializing onLumpia Semarang,or sold in traditional marketplaces as part ofkue(Indonesian traditional snack) orjajan pasar(market munchies). Simpler and cheaper lumpia is sold as part ofgorengan(Indonesian fritters). Indonesians are noted for their fondness of hot and spicy food, and therefore spicy hotsambalchili sauce or fresh bird's eye chili are usually added as a dipping sauce or condiment.

Lumpia Semarang

Lumpia Semarang, specialty ofSemarangcity,Central Java.

Named after the capital city ofCentral Javain Indonesia,Semarang,where significantChinese Indonesianhave settled,lumpia Semarangis perhaps the most popular lumpia variant in Indonesia. It has become associated with the city, and the spring rolls are often sought by the visitors in Semarang as food gift or souvenir. Originally made by Chinese immigrants, this lumpia is filled withbamboo shoots,dried shrimp,chicken, and/or prawns. It is served with a sweet chili sauce made from dried shrimp (optional), coconut sugar, red chili peppers, bird's eye chili peppers, ground white pepper, tapioca starch, water, and baby shallots. Lumpia Semarang is served either deep-fried or unfried, as the filling is already cooked.[7]Other variants oflumpia Semarangis filled with goat or crab meat.[13]

Lumpia Jakarta


Named after Indonesian capital city,Jakarta,this lumpia is usually being deep fried and sold asgorenganfritter snack. Unlike popular Semarang lumpia that usesrebungor bamboo shoots, Jakarta lumpia usesbengkuangor jicama, and served with typical Indonesiansambal kacangor spicypeanut sauceas a dipping sauce.[10]

Lumpia Bogor


Named afterBogor,a city in West Java, this lumpia filling is almost similar with Jakarta lumpia; uses jicama, and added with tofu andebidried shrimp. Unlike other regions that are fried, Bogor lumpia are usually grilled on hot iron, giving off a distinctive aroma. In addition, Bogor lumpia is usually shaped rectangle like a pillow and quite large in size.[10]

Lumpia Bandung


Named after the city ofBandungin West Java, it is a variant oflumpia basahor fresh and wet lumpia that is not being deep fried. However, unlike common rolled elongated fresh lumpia, lumpia Bandung is not served inspring rollform, but the lumpia skin is spread, topped with fillings, stacked and folded square just like an envelope. Unlike Semarang style lumpia that uses bamboo shoots and minced chicken, Bandung style lumpia filling uses juliennedjicama,beansprout,scallion, garlic, chili, and scrambled egg, withpalm sugarsauce.[14]

Lumpia Surabaya


Named after the city ofSurabayain East Java, where this lumpia was originally made. It is made of mostly the same ingredients of lumpia semarang, but much less sweet in taste.[15]Lumpia Surabaya might uses bamboo shoots, corn, or slices ofsausagesas fillings, and served with sambal chili sauce andtaucofermented soybean paste as dipping sauce.[16]

Lumpia Yogyakarta


AlthoughYogyakartais quite close to Semarang city, Yogyakarta also has a different type of lumpia. Yogya typical lumpia usually contain jicama, bean sprouts, carrots, and minced chicken meat; and sometimes stuff like boiledquail eggsand glass noodles are added as fillings. Yogya lumpia is usually served withacarpickles, chilies, and toppings made from crushed garlic and jicama. The generous use of garlic and pickles as garnishing was meant to refresh and neutralize the otherwise oily deep-fried lumpia.[10]

Lumpia Medan


Originated fromMedancity of North Sumatra, this lumpia version is more akin topopiahof neighboringMalaysiaand Singapore, thus in Medan lumpia is more commonly called as popiah. Medan popiah or lumpia is a large fresh unfried spring roll, consumed not as a snack, but as a main meal. This was because Medan lumpias are made in large sizes with rich fillings, including bamboo shoots, scrambled eggs, peanuts, shrimp, crabs, etc.[10]

Lumpia goreng

Smaller size deep fried lumpia served withsambalhot sauce, sold as a snack in Purwokerto Train Station, Central Java

Lumpia gorengis a simple fried spring roll filled with vegetables; the spring roll wrappers are filled with chopped carrots cut into matchstick-size, shredded cabbage, and sometimes mushrooms. Although usually filled only with vegetables, the fried spring rolls might be enriched with minced beef, chicken, or prawns.[17]There is also a common, cheap and simple variant of fried lumpia, eaten not as a single dish but as part of assortedgorengan(Indonesian fritters) snack, sold together with fried batteredtempeh,tofu,oncom,sweet potato and cassava. It is only filled withbihun(rice vermicelli) with chopped carrots and cabbages, and is usually eaten with fresh bird's eye chili pepper. The sliced lumpia goreng is also the ingredient ofsoto mie(noodlesoto).

Lumpia basah

Lumpia basah(fresh, unfried lumpia)

It literally means "wet spring roll", or often translated as "fresh spring roll" which means spring roll without frying. It is similar to theVietnamesespring roll with bean sprouts, carrots, shrimp and/or chicken, and served with sweettauco(another Hokkien word for salted soybeans) sauce.[18]

Lumpia ayam


This popular appetizer in Indonesia ischickenlumpia, with fillings including shredded chicken, sliced carrot, onion and garlic; and seasoned with sugar, salt and pepper.[19]InYogyakarta,there is a popular chicken lumpia variant calledLumpia Mutiara,sold in front of Mutiara Hotel inMalioborostreet.[20]

Lumpia sayur


Vegetarian lumpia, usually filled withglass noodles,shredded cabbage, lettuce, julienned carrots, minced garlic and celery, seasoned with soy sauce and sweet chili sauce.[21]Most of cheaper lumpia sold as part of Indonesiangorengan(fritters) arelumpia sayuror vegetables lumpia, that contains only bits of carrots andbihunrice glass noodles.

Lumpia mercon

Lumpia mercon (lit. firecracker lumpia) traveling vendor mounted on a motorcycle, Sidoarjo, East Java

The namelumpia mercon(lit. firecracker lumpia) implies that this lumpia is extra hot and spicy, filled with slices ofcabe rawitorbird's eye chili,a small type of chili that is very spicy and much hotter than a common jalapeño. This lumpia demonstrates the Indonesian fondness for extra hot and spicy food.[22]

Lumpia mini


This is a bite size smaller lumpia snack, a skin pastry crepe the same as with common lumpia; however, it is filled only withabon(beef floss) orebi(dried prawn floss).[23]

Lumpia duleg


Lumpia duleg,also known aslumpia delangguorsosis kecut(sour sausages) is a simple and cheap lumpia snack from Delanggu subdistrict,Klaten Regency,Central Java, a town located between Yogyakarta and Semarang. It is a small finger-sized lumpia filled withmung bean sprouts(tauge) with slightly sour flavour.[24][25]

Lumpia tahu


Another vegetarian lumpia in Indonesia islumpia tahuortofulumpia. It is filled with tofu and diced carrot, lightly seasoned, and deep-fried. Usually, its size is smaller than common lumpia, and consumed as a snack. Sometimes beaten egg and chopped scallion might be added to the filling mixture.[26]

Lumpia telur


This simple and cheap street food is a popular snack among Indonesian school children.Lumpia teluris anegglumpia, which is lumpia skin placed upon a hot flat pan, topped with beaten egg and chopped scallion, folded, and fried with cooking oil. Sometimes slices of sausages are added. The shape is not cylindrical like a common spring roll, but rather a flat half-circle, drizzled withkecap manissweet soy sauce and chilisambal.It is often regarded as a hybrid between lumpia and eggmartabak.[27]

Lumpia jantung pisang


Lumpia with filling made ofjantung pisang(lit. banana's heart) which refer tobanana blossom bud,mixed with eggs, seasoned with shallot, garlic, turmeric and pepper, served in hot sambal chili sauce.[28]

Lumpia pisang

Lumpia pisang,a snack specialty fromBojonegoro

Lumpia pisangor abbreviated aslumpisis asale pisang,a processed banana made by drying and smoking processes and dried in the sun, wrapped inlumpiawrapper.

Lumpia udang mayones


Seafood lumpia, filled withshrimp,diced carrots, scallions, garlic andmayonnaise.[29]Actually, the popularity of mayonnaise-filled snack was started by another Indonesian popular snack calledrisole.Risole is quite similar to lumpia, with the difference in skin texture – in which risoles' skin is thicker, softer, andbreaded.This novelty risole recipe with mayo flavor then spin-off using lumpia skin to become a new lumpia variant.


Pisang Cokelat, choco-banana spring roll

Piscokis an abbreviation ofpisang cokelat(banana chocolateinIndonesian).[30]It is a sweet snack made of pieces of banana with chocolate syrup, wrapped inside lumpia skin and beingdeep fried.[31]Pisang cokelat is often simply described as "choco bananaspring rolls".[30]It is often regarded as a hybrid between another Indonesian favourites;pisang goreng(fried banana) and lumpia (spring roll).

The type of banana being used is similar to pisang goreng; preferablypisang uli,pisang kepokorpisang raja sereh.[32]Pisang cokelat is almost identical to Philippinesturon,except in this Indonesian version chocolate content is a must.


Sumpia, a finger-sized small lumpia, as a snack

The much smaller and drier lumpia with similar beef or prawn floss filling is calledsumpia.Its diameter is about the same as human finger. In Indonesia, the most common filling for sumpia isebiordried shrimpfloss, spiced withcoriander,lemon leaf, garlic andshallot.[33]These miniature lumpias aredeep friedin ample ofpalm oiluntil golden brown and crispy. Sumpia has a more crunchy and drier texture and is often consumed as a savorykuesnack.


Freshlumpiang ubodmade withheart of palm

Lumpia was introduced to the Philippines during the pre-colonial period by earlyHokkienimmigrants and traders fromFujianbetween 900 and 1565 AD. The name is derived from Hokkien, a language that originated in southeastern China: "lun" means wet, moist, or soft, and "pia" means cake or pastry. They have been thoroughly nativized to Philippine cuisine and are found throughout the islands. They use various fillings inspired by local ingredients and dishes, and the later cuisines of Spain, China, and the United States.[34][35][36]

Filipino lumpia can be differentiated from other Asian spring roll versions in that they use a paper-thin wrapper made from just flour, water, and salt. They were also traditionally slender and long, with a shape roughly similar to that of cigars orcigarillos,though modern versions can come in various shapes and sizes. The thinness of the crêpe and the shape of the lumpia give them a relatively denser wrapping that nevertheless remains flaky and light in texture. They are also traditionally dipped inagre dulce(sweet and sour sauce), vinegar-based sauces,banana ketchup,orsweet chili sauce.Fresh lumpia, however, have wrappers that are morecrêpe-like and thicker due to the addition of eggs (though still thinner than other Asian versions). They are closer in texture to the original Chinese versions and were traditionally made with rice flour which makes them chewier. Various kinds of lumpia, fried or fresh, are ubiquitous in Filipino celebrations like fiestas orChristmas.[34][35][36]

Turónhalayámade withmashed ube(purple yam)

Filipino lumpia also have a unique and extremely popular dessert subcategory, theturón.These lumpia variants are either cooked with a glazing ofcaramelizedsugar, sprinkled with granular sugar, or drizzled inlatík(coconut caramel), a syrup, or honey.Turónare traditionally filled with ripesaba bananasandjackfruit,but they can also be made with a wide variety of other sweet fillings, fromsweet potatotoube.[37][36]



Another dessertlumpia,Daral(calledBalolonamong theMaranao) originates from theTausūgpeople inMindanao.The wrapper is made from unsweetened, groundglutinous riceandcoconut milk(galapóng), and is filled with sweetened coconut meat (hinti).[38][39]


Dinamitastuffed with a wholesiling haba(long chili pepper).

Dinamitaor "dynamite lumpia" is a deep-fried variant stuffed with a wholechili pepperwrapped in a thin eggcrêpe.The stuffing is usuallyginiling(ground beeforpork), cheese, and spices, but it can also be adapted to use a wide variety of other ingredients, includingtocino,hamón,bacon,and shredded chicken. It is commonly eaten as anappetizeror as a companion to beer.[40][41]

Lumpiang adobo


A type of lumpia filled with shredded meat that has been cookedadobostyle.[42]

Lumpiang gulay


Lumpiang gulay( "vegetable spring roll" ) usually consists of various chopped vegetables and a small amount of pork or shrimp. The types of vegetables can vary greatly, and is a fried version.[43]It is not vegetarian by default, butveganandvegetarianversions can be made from the basic recipe.[44]

Lumpiang hubád

Lumpiang hubád,asaladmade of the fillings of freshlumpia.

Lumpiang hubád( "naked spring roll" ) islumpiang sariwà(fresh lumpia) served without the crêpe wrapping. The lack of a wrapper technically does not make lumpia, but is an alternative way of serving fresh lumpia's traditional fillings.

Lumpiang isdâ


Lumpiang isdâ( "fish lumpia" ) is filled primarily withfish flakesand fried. It is also known aslumpiang galunggóng(blackfin scad),lumpiang bangús(milkfish),lumpiang tulingán(yellowfin tuna), etc., depending on the type of fish used.[45][46][47][48]A common version of this combines fish flakes withmalunggay(moringa) leaves.[42]

Lumpiang keso

Lumpiang keso,alumpiaappetizer filled with cheese and served withmayonnaiseandbanana ketchup

Lumpiang keso,more commonly known as "cheese lumpia" or "cheese sticks", is deep-fried lumpia with a slice of cheese (oftencheddar) as filling. It is usually served with a dipping sauce made ofbanana ketchupandmayonnaise.[49]

Lumpiang labong


Lumpiang labóngis similar tolumpiang ubódbut is made withlabóng(bamboo shoot), rather than heart of palm, making it more like the Indonesianlumpia rebung.It can be eaten fresh or fried.[50][51]

Lumpiang prito


Lumpiang prito( "fried spring roll" ), is the generic name for a subclass of lumpia that is fried. It usually refers tolumpiang gulayorlumpiang togue.They can come in sizes as small aslumpiang shanghaior as big aslumpiang sariwà.It is usually eaten with vinegar and chili peppers, or a mixture ofsoy sauceandcalamansijuice known astoyomansî.

Lumpiang sariwà

lumpiang sariwà(fresh lumpia) with peanut sauce

Lumpiang sariwà(Tagalog:"fresh spring roll" ) or "fresh lumpia", consists of minced vegetables and/or various pre-cooked meat or seafood andjicama(singkamás) as an extender, encased in a double wrapping of lettuce leaf and a yellowish eggcrêpe.An egg is often used as a binding agent for the wrap. The accompanying sauce is made from chicken or pork stock, astarchmixture, crushed and roasted peanuts, and fresh garlic. This variety is not fried and is usually around five centimeters in diameter and 15 centimeters in length. It is derived from the original Chinesepopiah.

Lumpiang Shanghai

Lumpiang Shanghaiat a buffet

Lumpiang Shanghaiis regarded as the most widespread type of lumpia and the most commonly served in Filipino gatherings. It is characteristically filled with sautéed ground pork, minced onion, carrots, and spices, with the mixture sometimes held together bybeaten egg.It has numerous variants that contain other ingredients likegreen peas,kintsáy(Chinese parsley) or raisins.Lumpiang Shanghaiis commonly served withagre dulce,butketchup(tomato orbanana) and vinegar are popular alternatives. This variant is typically smaller than other lumpia. Despite the name, it did not originate in Shanghai or China.[52][53][54]

Lumpiang singkamás


Lumpiang singkamásis similar tolumpiang ubod,but it is made primarily withjuliennedstrips ofjicamarather than heart of palm. It can be eaten fresh or fried.[55]

Lumpiang togue


This version oflumpiang gulayis filled primarily withbean sprouts(togue) and various other vegetables such as string beans and carrots. Small morsels of meat, seafood, or tofu may be added. Though it is the least expensive of the variants, the preparation the cutting of vegetables and meats into small pieces and pre-cooking these can be taxing and labor-intensive. It is a fried version.[56]

Lumpiang ubód


Lumpiang ubódis a variation made ofjuliennedubód(heartof the coconut tree) as the main ingredient. They can be fried or served aslumpiang sariwà.It originates fromSilay,Negros Occidental,where a variant,lumpiang Silay,is still popular.

Lumpiang pancit


A type of lumpia where the filling consists ofpancit,a popular Filipino noodle dish. Most likely created from theturo-turoorkarinderiasthat have leftover pancit, often thesótanghon(mung beannoodle) orbihon(rice noodlevarieties, as fillers within the lumpia.[57]



Ngohiongis a variant of lumpia distinctively seasoned withfive-spice powder.It is derived from theHokkiendishngo hiang(kikiámin the Philippines) and originated inCebu City.[58]


Turón,a dessert lumpia withsaba bananas

Turón,also known aslumpiang saging,bananalumpia,or banana rolls, is a golden-brown snack that is usually made of slicedsaba bananasand jackfruit or cheese in a lumpia wrapper, sprinkled with brown sugar, and deep-fried. It is sometimes paired with ice cream or pancake syrup.[59]This snack is sold in the streets of most cities in the country alongsidemaruya,banana cue,andcamote cue.Different variants have emerged using different ingredients: such asmanggáng turón(mango),kamote turon(sweet potato),turón de maní(peanut), chocolateturón,andube turonorturón halayá(mashed purple yam).[60][61]

The Netherlands

Indoloempiaas part of assortedgorenganfritter snacks, sold in atokoAsian shop inAmsterdam

In theNetherlands,lumpia is calledloempia,an old Indonesian spelling. It was introduced to the Netherlands through itsformer colonization of Indonesia.In the Netherlands,loempiais described as a large Indonesian version of Chinese spring rolls, stuffed with minced meat, bean sprouts, and cabbage leaves, and flavored with soy sauce, garlic, and green onion.[6]Loempia is one of the popular snacks sold in the Dutch snack bars oreetcafé.

Vietnamese loempia


TheVietnamese loempiais a variant of theloempiaintroduced byVietnamese refugeesduring the mid-1980s.[62]Vietnamese loempia'sare typically sold in mobile Vietnamese snack bars known asloempiakramenand are typically served with a special sauce known asloempiasaus,this special sauce was invented for the Dutch consumer because in Vietnam they are typically served withfish sauce.[62]In contrast to theChinese loempiatheVietnamese loempiais typically long and narrow.[62]


Loempidelin the Netherlands

Theloempidel(orVietnamese frikandel) is a variant of theloempiaintroduced in March 2019 by the Dutch food companyVanreusel,its name is aportmanteauof "loempia" and "frikandel".The snack consists of a frikandel with sweet sauce wrapped in a coat ofphyllo,the phyllo coat being similar to that of another Dutch snack known as theVietnamese loempia.[63]

Lumpia wrapper



Filipino lumpia wrappers being fried on a heated plate
Filipino lumpia wrappers being made with modern machinery

Filipino lumpia wrappers generally come in two variants. The most common variant used mostly for fried lumpia is made from just flour, water, salt, and optionallycornstarch.This type of wrapper is characteristically paper-thin, much thinner than other spring roll wrappers. The ingredients are mixed into a wet dough, then left to sit for a few hours before cooking. A ball of dough is taken with one hand and smeared into a heated large flat metal plate greased with oil until a very thin circular film of it adheres to the pan and fries. It is cooked for a few seconds then quickly taken out and left to dry.[64][65]

For "fresh" (non-fried) lumpia, the wrappers are usually made with egg in addition to the other basic ingredients (and it may userice flour). This essentially turns it into a thin eggcrêpe.It is still thinner than other spring roll variants, but much thicker and softer than variants made from just flour and water.[64]

In modern mass production, Filipino lumpia wrappers are generally made by automated assembly-line machines similar to those used to make spring roll wrappers, differing only in the recipe and the thickness of the wrapper. It uses a revolving drum.[66]

Veganversions of the wrapper exclude eggs, and is instead just made with flour, salt, and water, which results in a thinner translucent wrap. These are also sealed with water, not an egg wash.[67][68]


Filipino-inspired lumpia from Lumpia Shack in New York City

Lumpia have such enduring popularity that one can see at least one variant in almost any set of Filipino or Indonesian festivities. Despite its Chinese origin, in the United States, lumpia is associated with Filipino cuisine, while in Europe, especially in theNetherlands,it is associated with Indonesian cuisine, owed to their shared colonial links. The distinct taste and ease of preparation (the Shanghai variant at least) have caused lumpia to be one of the staple food products on the menus of many Filipino restaurants in the United States and around the world.[69]

See also



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