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Māori electorates

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Map of the seven Māori electorates
There have been seven Māori electorates in each general election since 2008.

InNew Zealand politics,Māori electorates,colloquially known as theMāori seats(Māori:Ngā tūru Māori),[1]are a special category ofelectoratethat givereserved positionsto representatives ofMāoriin theNew Zealand Parliament.Every area in New Zealand is covered by both a general and a Māori electorate; as of 2020, there are seven Māori electorates.[2][3]Since 1967, candidates in Māori electorates have not needed to be Māori themselves, but to register as a voter in the Māori electorates people need to declare that they are of Māori descent.[4]

The Māori electorates were introduced in 1867 under the Maori Representation Act.[5]They were created in order to give Māori a more direct say in parliament. Thefirst Māori electionswere held in the following year during the term of the4th New Zealand Parliament.The electorates were intended as a temporary measure lasting five years but were extended in 1872 and made permanent in 1876.[6]Despite numerous attempts to dismantle Māori electorates, they continue to form a distinct part of the New Zealand political landscape.[7]



Māori electorates operate much as do general electorates, but have as electors people who areMāori,or of Māori descent, (seeMāori people § Demographics) and who choose to place their names on a separateelectoral rollrather than on the "general roll".

There are two features of the Māori electorates that make them distinct from the general electorates. First, there are a number of skills that are essential for candidates to have in order to engage with their constituencies and ensure a clear line of accountability to representing the 'Māori voice'. This includes proficiency inte reo Māori,knowledge oftikanga Māori,whakawhanaungatangaskills and confidence on themarae.Second, the geographical size of the Māori electoral boundaries vary significantly from the general electorates. Five to 18 general electorates fit into any one Māori electorate.[8]

Māori electoral boundaries are superimposed over the electoral boundaries used for general electorates; thus every part of New Zealand simultaneously belongs both in a general seat and in a Māori seat. Shortly after each census all registered Māori electors have the opportunity to choose whether they are included on the Māori or general electorate rolls.[9]Since 31 March 2023, Māori electors have been able to change rolls at any time, except in the three months preceding a general or local election or after a notice of vacancy is issued for a by-election.[2]Each five-yearly census and Māori Electoral Option determines the number of Māori electorates for the next one or two elections.



The establishment of Māori electorates came about in 1867 during the term of the4th Parliamentwith the Maori Representation Act, drafted byNapiermember of parliamentDonald McLean.[7]Parliament passed the act after lengthy debate, and during a period of warfare between the government and some North Island Māorihapūand was seen as a way to reduce conflict between cultures.[10][11]Its primary aim was to enfranchise Maori who were indirectly excluded from parliament by the land ownership requirement. To vote, a person had to be male, a subject of the monarch, have title to land of at least 25 pounds, and not be in prison. Very few Maori qualified because of theproperty qualification- the land they owned was held in common and not by Crown grant: native title was not acceptable. Concern was raised that, indirectly, this ran contrary to section III of theTreaty of Waitangiwhich made all Maori subjects of the monarch with corresponding voting and representation rights.[8][12]The act originally agreed to set up four electorates specially for Māori; three in the North Island and one covering the whole South Island. The four seats were a fairly modest concession on a per-capita basis at the time.[13]Some MPs, such asJames FitzGerald,regarded the concessions given to Māori as insufficient, while others disagreed. In the end, the setting up of Māori electorates separate from existing electorates assuaged the conservative opposition to the bill. The bill was intended as a temporary measure, giving specific representation to Māori until the land ownership issue was resolved. However, the Maori seats continued to become a permanent feature of the New Zealand parliament.[14][13]

The first four Māori members of parliament, elected in1868,wereTāreha Te Moananui(Eastern Maori),Frederick Nene Russell(Northern Maori) andJohn Patterson(Southern Maori), who all retired in 1870; andMete Kīngi Te Rangi Paetahi(Western Maori) who was defeated in 1871. These four men were the first New Zealand-born members of the New Zealand Parliament.[15]The second four members wereKaraitiana Takamoana(Eastern Maori);Wi Katene(Northern Maori);Hōri Kerei Taiaroa(Southern Maori); andWiremu Parata(Western Maori).[16]

The first Māori woman MP wasIriaka Rātana,who represented the Western Maori electorate. LikeElizabeth McCombs,New Zealand's first woman MP, Rātana won the seat in a by-election caused by the death of her husbandMatiuin 1949.[17]



Currently Māori elections are held as part ofNew Zealand general elections,but in the past such elections took place separately, on different days (usually the day before the vote for general electorates) and under different rules. Historically, less organisation went into holding Māori elections than general elections, and the process received fewer resources. Māori electorates at first did not require registration for voting, which was later introduced. New practices such aspaper ballots(as opposed to casting one's vote verbally) andsecret ballotsalso came later to elections for Māori electorates than to general electorates.

The authorities frequently delayed or overlooked reforms of the Māori electoral system, with Parliament considering the Māori electorates as largely unimportant. The gradual improvement of Māori elections owes much to long-serving Māori MPEruera Tirikatene,who himself experienced problems in his own election. From theelection of 1951onwards, the voting for Māori and general electorates was held on the same day.[18]

Confusion around the Māori electorates during the 2017 general election was revealed in a number of complaints to the Electoral Commission. Complaints included Electoral Commission staff at polling booths being unaware of the Māori roll and insisting electors were unregistered when their names did not appear on the general roll; Electoral Commission staff giving incorrect information about the Māori electorates; electors being given incorrect voting forms and electors being told they were unable to vote forTe Pāti Māori(the Māori Party) unless they were on the Māori roll.[19]

Switching between rolls


In June 2022, theJustice MinisterKris Faafoiof the incumbentLabour Partyintroduced a bill to allow people of Māori descent to switch between the general and Māori electoral rolls at any time. At the time, Māori were only allowed to switch between the two rolls every five years. To pass into law, the bill needed 75% majority support in Parliament. In addition, Māori Party co-leaderRawiri Waititiintroduced a member's bill which proposed automatically placing Māori on the Māori electoral roll and renaming the "general electoral district" the "non-Māori electoral district."[20]

On 15 November 2022, the oppositionNational Partyabandoned its opposition to the Māori Electoral Option bill after theLabour Governmentagreed to allow people of Māori descent to switch between the general and Māori rolls at any time except the three month period before general and local elections; giving the Government the 75% majority need to pass the bill into law. Te Pāti Māori criticised the compromise, with Waititi and fellow co-leaderDebbie Ngarewa-Packerdescribing the changes as "second-rate" and a "half pie ka pai" respectively. Waititi's member bill had already been voted down in early November.[21]

TheElectoral (Māori Electoral Option) Legislation Act 2022came into force on 31 March 2023; allowing people of Māori descent to switch between the general and Māori rolls at anytime until the three month period before elections. TheElectoral Commissionsubsequently launched a campaign to encourage non-voters to register with either the general or Māori rolls.[22]For the2023 New Zealand general election,the cutoff date was set at midnight 13 July 2023.[23]By 3 July 2023, over 12,000 people had switched between the Māori and general rolls; with 6,662 people shifting from the general to Māori rolls and 5,652 switching vice versa.[24]Political expert and academic Dr Rawiri Taonui and journalist Tommy de Silva described that the increase of voters on the Māori roll as a form of strategic voting that reinforced the relevance of the Māori seats and Māori vote to New Zealand politics.[25][26]

Calls for abolition


Periodically there have been calls for the abolition of the Māori electorates. The electorates aroused controversy even at the time of their origin, and given their intended temporary nature, there have been a number of attempts to abolish them. The reasoning behind these attempts has varied – some have seen the electorates as an unfair or unnecessary advantage for Māori, while others have seen them as discriminatory and offensive.

Early 20th century


In 1902, a consolidation of electoral law prompted considerable discussion of the Māori electorates, and some MPs proposed their abolition. Many of the proposals came from members of theopposition,and possibly had political motivations – in general, the Māori MPs had supported the governingLiberal Party,which had held power since 1891. Many MPs alleged frequent cases of corruption in elections for the Māori electorates. Other MPs, however, supported the abolition of Māori electorates for different reasons –Frederick Pirani,a member of the Liberal Party, said that the absence of Māori voters from general electorates prevented "pākehāmembers of the House from taking that interest in Māori matters that they ought to take ".[citation needed]The Māori MPs, however, mounted a strong defence of the electorates, withWi Peredepicting guaranteed representation in parliament as one of the few rights Māori possessed not "filched from them by the Europeans". The electorates continued in existence.

Just a short time later, in 1905, another re-arrangement of electoral law caused the debate to flare up again. TheMinister of Māori Affairs,James Carroll,supported proposals for the abolition of Māori electorates, pointing to the fact that he himself had won the general electorate ofWaiapu.Other Māori MPs, such asHōne Heke Ngāpua,remained opposed. In the end, proposals for the abolition or reform of Māori electorates did not proceed.[citation needed]

Mid-20th century

Four long-standing representatives of the Māori electorates, pictured in the 1970s. From left to right:Koro Wētere(Western Maori),Matiu Rata(Northern Maori),Whetu Tirikatene-Sullivan(Southern Maori) andParaone Reweti(Eastern Maori).

Considerably later, in 1953, the first ever major re-alignment of Māori electoral boundaries occurred, addressing inequalities in voter numbers. Again, the focus on Māori electorates prompted further debate about their existence. TheNational Partygovernment of the day had a commitment to the assimilation of Māori, and had no Māori MPs, and many believed that they would abolish the electorates. However, the government had other matters to attend to, and the issue of the Māori electorates gradually faded from view without any changes. Regardless, the possible abolition of the Māori electorates appeared indicated when they did not appear among the electoral provisions entrenched against future modification. In the 1950s the practice of reserving electorates for Māori was described by some politicians "as a form of 'apartheid', like in South Africa ".[27]

In 1967, the electoral system whereby four electorate seats were reserved for representatives who were specifically Māori ended. Following the Electoral Amendment Act 1967, the 100-year-old disqualification preventing Europeans from standing as candidates in Māori electorates was removed. Simultaneously, the act allowed Māori to stand in general electorates. Since 1967, therefore, there has not been any electoral guarantee of representation by candidates who have Māori descent. While this still means that those elected to represent Māori electors in the Māori electorates are directly accountable to those voters,[clarification needed]those representatives are not required to be Māori themselves.[28]

In 1976, theNational Governmentintroduced the option for Māori to decide whether to enrol individually on the general electoral roll or the Māori roll.[29]A large number of people (Māori and non-Māori) failed to fill out an electoral re-registration card that was distributed with the1976 census,with census staff lacking authority to insist on the card being completed. This had little practical effect for non-Māori, but it transferred Māori to the general roll if the card was not handed in.[29]Only 40% of the potential population registered on the Māori roll. This reduced the number of calls for the abolition of Māori electorates, as many presumed that Māori would eventually abandon the Māori electorates of their own accord.[citation needed]

Current positions


A number of currently active political parties oppose, or have opposed, the existence of Māori electorates.

National Party


TheNational Partyhas advocated abolition of the Māori electorates, though as of 2023the party is not opposed to the seats. National did not stand candidates in Māori electorate from the 2005 election through the 2020 election.Bill English,the party's leader in 2003, said that "the purpose of the Māori seats has come to an end", and in 2004 party leaderDon Brashcalled the electorates an "anachronism".[30]National announced in 2008 it would abolish the electorates when all historictreaty settlementshave been resolved, which it aimed to complete by 2014.[31]In 2014 though, then-Prime MinisterJohn Keyruled out the abolition, saying he would not do it even if he had the numbers to do so as there would be "hikoisfrom hell ".[32]In 2020, party leaderJudith Collinsannounced that "I am not opposed to the Māori seats. The National Party has had a view for many years now that they should be done away with. But I just want people to feel that they all have opportunities for representation".[33]In 2021, it was revealed that the National Party intended to run candidates in Māori electorates in the next general election.[30]

ACT Party


TheACT Partyopposes the Māori electorates. Its leader,David Seymour,has called for their abolition as recently as 2019.[34]Hobson's Pledge,a lobby group founded by former ACT Party leaderDon Brash,advocates abolishing the allocated Māori electorates, seeing them as outdated.[35]

New Zealand First


New Zealand First,whose "Tight Five"once held all Māori seats, has advocated for abolition of the separate electorates, while emphasising that the decision should be made by Māori voters. During the2017 election campaign,the New Zealand First leaderWinston Petersannounced that if elected his party would hold a binding referendum on whether Maori electorates should be abolished.[36]During post-election negotiations with the Labour Party, Peters indicated that he would consider dropping his call for a referendum on the Māori electorates due to the defeat of theMāori Partyat the 2017 election.[37]In return for forming a government with theLabour Party,New Zealand First agreed to drop its demand for the referendum.[38][39]

The party has not stood candidates in the Māori electorates since the1999 New Zealand general election.

Individual electorates


From 1868 to 1996, four Māori electorates existed (out of a total that slowly changed from 76 to 99).[40]They comprised:[41]

  1. Eastern Maori
  2. Northern Maori
  3. Southern Maori
  4. Western Maori
Electorates in the 1996 election (Māori seats shown bottom-right)

With the introduction of theMMPelectoral system after 1993, the rules regarding the Māori electorates changed. Today, the number of electorates floats, meaning that the electoral population of a Māori seat can remain roughly equivalent to that of a general seat. For the1996 election,the first under MMP, the Electoral Commission defined five Māori electorates:

  1. Te Puku O Te Whenua(The belly of the land)
  2. Te Tai Hauauru(The western district)
  3. Te Tai Rawhiti(The eastern district)
  4. Te Tai Tokerau(The northern district)
  5. Te Tai Tonga(The southern district)

A sixth Māori electorate was added for the second MMP election in1999:

  1. Hauraki
  2. Ikaroa-Rawhiti
  3. Te Tai Hauāuru
  4. Te Tai Tokerau
  5. Te Tai Tonga
  6. Waiariki

Since2002,there have been seven Māori electorates. For the 2002 and2005 elections,these were:

  1. Ikaroa-Rāwhiti
  2. Tainui
  3. Tāmaki Makaurau(roughly equivalent to greaterAuckland)
  4. Te Tai Hauāuru
  5. Te Tai Tokerau
  6. Te Tai Tonga
  7. Waiariki

From2008,Tainui was largely replaced by Hauraki-Waikato, giving the following seven Māori electorates:

  1. Hauraki-Waikato– north-westernNorth Island,includingHamiltonandPapakura
  2. Ikaroa-Rāwhiti– eastern and southern North Island, includingGisborneandMasterton
  3. Tāmaki Makaurau– southern and central Auckland, and parts of western Auckland
  4. Te Tai Hauāuru– western North Island, includingTaranakiandManawatū-Whanganuiregions
  5. Te Tai Tokerau– northernmost seat, includingWhangārei,northern Auckland and parts of western Auckland
  6. Te Tai Tonga– all of theSouth Island,Stewart Island / Rakiura,Chatham Islands,and most ofWellington.Largest electorate by area.
  7. Waiariki– includesTauranga,Whakatāne,Rotorua,Taupō

While seven out of 72 (9.7%) does not nearly reflect the proportion of voting-age New Zealanders who identify as being of Māori descent (about 14.8%), many Māori choose to enroll in general electorates, so the proportion reflects the proportion of voters on the Māori roll.

For maps showing broad electoral boundaries, see selected links to individual elections atNew Zealand elections.

FormerMāori Partyco-leaderPita Sharplesproposed the creation of an additional electorate, forMāori living in Australia,where there are between 115,000 and 125,000 Māori, the majority living inQueensland.[42]

Party politics

Map of New Zealand with electorates superimposed, distinguishing between the six TPM seats and one Labour seat.
Party representation in the Māori seats following the most recent general election, in 2023

As Māori electorates originated before the development ofpolitical parties in New Zealand,all early Māori MPs functioned asindependents.When theLiberal Partyformed, however, Māori MPs began to align themselves with the new organisation, with either Liberal candidates or Liberal sympathisers as representatives. Māori MPs in the Liberal Party includedJames Carroll,Āpirana NgataandTe Rangi Hīroa.There were also Māori MPs in the more conservative and ruralReform Party;Maui Pomare,Taurekareka HenareandTaite Te Tomo.

Since theLabour Partyfirst came to power in1935,however, it has dominated the Māori electorates. For a long period this dominance owed much to Labour's alliance with theRātana Church,although the Rātana influence has diminished in recent times. In the1993 election,however, the newNew Zealand Firstparty, led byWinston Peters– who himself held the general seat ofTaurangafrom 1984 to 2005 – gained the Northern Māori seat (electingTau Henareto Parliament), and in the1996 electionNew Zealand First captured all the Māori electorates for one electoral term. Labour regained the electorates in the following election in the1999 election.[8]

A development of particular interest to Māori came in 2004 with the resignation ofTariana Turiafrom her ministerial position in the Labour-dominated coalition and from herTe Tai Hauāuruparliamentary seat. Inthe resulting by-electionon 10 July 2004, standing under the banner of the newly formedMāori Party,she received over 90% of the 7,000-plus votes cast. The parties then represented in Parliament had not put up official candidates in the by-election. The new party's support in relation to Labour therefore remained untested at the polling booth.[43]

The Māori Party aimed to win all seven Māori electorates in2005.AMarae-Digipollsurvey of Māori-roll voters in November 2004 gave it hope: 35.7% said they would vote for a Māori Party candidate, 26.3% opted for Labour, and five of the seven electorates appeared ready to fall to the new party.[44]In the election, the new party won four of the Māori electorates. It seemed possible that Māori Party MPs could play a role in the choice and formation of a governing coalition, and they conducted talks with theNational Party.In the end they remained in Opposition.[45]

Similarly in2008,the Māori Party aimed to win all seven Māori electorates. However, in the election, they managed to increase their four electorates only to five. Although the National government had enough MPs to govern without the Māori Party, it invited the Māori Party to support their minority government on confidence and supply in return for policy concessions and two ministerial posts outside of Cabinet. The Māori Party signed a confidence and supply agreement with National on the condition that the Māori electorates were not abolished unless the Māori voters agreed to abolish them. Other policy concessions including a review of theForeshore and Seabed Act 2004,a review of New Zealand's constitutional arrangements, and the introduction of theWhānau Oraindigenous health initiative.[46]

Discontentment with the Māori Party's support agreement with National particularly theMarine and Coastal Areas Bill 2011led the party'sTe Tai TokerauMemberHone Harawirato secede from the Māori Party and form the radical left-wingMana Movement.During the2011 general election,the Māori Party retained three of the Māori electorates while Labour increased its share of the Māori electorates to three, takingTe Tai Tonga.The Mana Movement retained Te Tai Tokerau. Tensions between the Māori Party and Mana Movement combined with competition from the Labour Party fragmented the Māori political voice in Parliament.[47][48]

In the2014 election,Mana Movement leader Hone Harawira formed an electoral pact with theInternet Party,founded by controversial Internet entrepreneurKim Dotcomand led by formerAllianceMPLaila Harréknown asInternet MANA.Hone was defeated by Labour candidateKelvin Davis,who was tacitly endorsed by the ruling National Party, New Zealand First, and the Māori Party.[49][50][51][52]During the 2014 election, Labour captured six of the Māori electorates with the Māori Party being reduced to co-leaderTe Ururoa Flavell'sWaiariki electorate.[53]The Māori Party managed to bring a second member co-leaderMarama Foxinto Parliament as theirparty voteentitled them to one further list seat.[54]

During the2017 general election,the Māori Party formed an electoral pact with theMana Movementleader and former Māori Party MPHone Harawiranot to contestTe Tai Tokerauas part of a deal to regain the Māori electorates from the Labour Party.[55]Despite these efforts, Labour captured all seven of the Māori electorates with Labour candidateTāmati Coffeyunseating Māori Party co-leader Flavell in Waiariki.[56]

Three years later,despite a historic landslide to the Labour party, Māori party candidateRawiri Waititisuccessfully unseated Coffey, returning the Māori Party – now calling itself Te Pāti Māori – to Parliament.Special votesraised Te Pāti Māori's party vote from a provisional result of 1%[57]to a final party vote of 1.2%, thus allowing co-leader,Debbie Ngarewa-Packer,to enter Parliament as a List MP.[58]

Following the2023 general election,Te Pāti Māori won a record six of the seven Māori electorates, unseating Labour from all but one of the seats.[59]

Influence outside New Zealand


The scheme has inspired some policymakers as a potential solution for underrepresentedindigenous peoples.[60]



In Australia, some have put forward the idea of dedicating seats toAboriginal Australians.In 1983,Frank Walker,theNew South Wales Minister for Aboriginal Affairs,proposed that each state send one Aboriginal senator to the federal parliament, and also the creation of four Aboriginal electorates for the NSWLegislative Assembly.[61]

In 1995, MLCFranca Arenamoved theParliament of New South Walesto an inquiry and report on the idea of providing seats dedicated to people of Aboriginal background, modelled on the Māori electorates, to create opportunity forIndigenousrepresentation in that parliament.[62]The Standing Committee on Social Issues, of which she was not part, released a report on the merits of the system in November 1998.[63]The report is said to have been well-researched, with a thorough discussion of the system's mechanics, and through which paths it could come to fruition.[64]The NSW Government members, however, did not conclude the proposal appropriate and leaned towards other measures to facilitate Aboriginal representation.[63]

Another report was released in 2003 by theLegislative Assembly of Queensland's Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee,[64]inquiring how to help Indigenousself-determination.The idea of dedicated seats, however, although deemed to help reconciliation, was not suggested by the report because of strong opposition from some members of the committee.[64]

See also



  1. ^Sullivan, Ann (20 June 2012)."Tōrangapū – Pūnaha kōwhiringa Māori".Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand(in Māori).Retrieved16 October2023.
  2. ^ab"Change in the 20th century".Māori and the vote.New Zealand History. p. 3.
  3. ^"Number of Electorates and Electoral Populations: 2013 Census".Stats NZ.7 October 2013.Retrieved13 December2019.
  4. ^"About the Māori Electoral Option".Electoral Commission New Zealand. 17 September 2018.Retrieved23 May2019.
  5. ^"Maori Representation Act 1867".Retrieved27 December2011.
  6. ^"Representation Act 1867".archives.govt.nz.
  7. ^abWilson, John (31 May 2009) [November 2003]."The Origins of the Māori Seats".Wellington: New Zealand Parliament.Retrieved4 December2016.
  8. ^abcBargh 2015,pp. 302–303.
  9. ^"Māori Electoral Option 2013 | Electoral Commission".Archived fromthe originalon 28 March 2014.Retrieved9 March2014.
  10. ^Geddis, Andrew (26 October 2006)."A Dual Track Democracy? The Symbolic Role of the Māori Seats in New Zealand's Electoral System".Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy.4(5): 347.doi:10.1089/elj.2006.5.347.
  11. ^"Maori Representation Act 1867".Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand.
  12. ^Joseph, Philip A. (2008).Te Oranga o te Iwi Maori: A Study of Maori Economic and Social Progress - The Maori Seats in Parliament(PDF).New Zealand Business Roundtable.ISBN9781877394195.
  13. ^ab"Setting up the Māori seats".Maori and the Vote.New Zealand History. p. 2.
  14. ^"The origins of the Māori seats".New Zealand Parliament – Pāremata Aotearoa.
  15. ^Scholefield, Guy,ed. (1940).A Dictionary of New Zealand Biography: M–Addenda(PDF).Vol. II. Wellington:Department of Internal Affairs.Retrieved20 July2015.
  16. ^Taonga, New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage Te Manatu."1. – Ngā māngai – Māori representation – Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand".teara.govt.nz.Retrieved26 May2018.
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  18. ^Wilson 1985,p. 138.
  19. ^Kupenga, Talisa (17 September 2017)."Polling booth staff mislead and confuse Māori voters".Te Ao Māori News.Māori Television.Retrieved26 May2018.
  20. ^Tahana, Jamie (9 June 2023)."Electoral law proposal would allow Māori to fully exercise voting rights - Faafoi".Radio New Zealand.Retrieved10 July2023.
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  27. ^"History of the Vote: Māori and the Vote".Elections New Zealand.9 April 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 29 April 2007.Retrieved3 November2006.In the 1950s and 1960s the National government occasionally talked of abolishing theMāoriseats. Some politicians described special representation as a form of 'apartheid', like in South Africa.
  28. ^Wilson, John."Origin of the Maori Seats".
  29. ^abMcRobie 1989,p. 119.
  30. ^abSherman, Maiki (28 January 2021)."Exclusive: National Party to contest Māori electorate seats".TVNZ.Retrieved28 January2021.
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  34. ^Walls, Jason (14 April 2019)."Act Leader David Seymour: Kiwis need to resist an 'Orwellian future'".The New Zealand Herald.Retrieved28 January2021.
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  46. ^Godfery 2015,pp. 244–245.
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  52. ^Smith, Simon (20 September 2014)."Davis' win a critical blow for Harawira, Internet Mana".Stuff.Retrieved30 September2014.
  53. ^Godfery 2015,p. 249.
  54. ^"New Zealand 2014 General Election Official Results".Electoral Commission.Archived fromthe originalon 13 June 2018.Retrieved8 October2017.
  55. ^Moir, Jo (20 February 2017)."Hone Harawira gets clear Te Tai Tokerau run for Mana not running against Maori Party in other seats".Stuff.Retrieved7 October2017.
  56. ^Huffadine, Leith (24 September 2017)."The Maori Party is out: Labour wins all Maori seats".Stuff.Retrieved7 October2017.
  57. ^"Election 2020: Labour claims victory, National has worst result in years".RNZ.17 October 2020.Retrieved14 November2020.
  58. ^"'Thrilled' Debbie Ngarewa-Packer enters Parliament on special votes ".RNZ.6 November 2020.Retrieved14 November2020.
  59. ^Tapaleao, Vaimoana; Neilson, Michael (3 July 2024)."Te Pāti Māori picks up two extra seats in historic result".The New Zealand Herald.Retrieved3 July2024.
  60. ^Seymour, Michel (2004).The Fate of the Nation-state.McGill-Queen's Press. pp. 286–287.ISBN978-0-7735-2686-0.
  61. ^Sydney Morning Herald,1983:3, quoted bythe Standing Committee on Social Issues (November 1998). "Chapter 2".Enhancing Aboriginal Political Representation(PDF).Parliament of New South Wales.
  62. ^the Standing Committee on Social Issues (November 1998)."Enhancing Aboriginal Political Representation"(PDF).Parliament of New South Wales.
  63. ^abthe Government of New South Wales (November 1998)."Response to the Report" Enhancing Aboriginal Political Representation ""(PDF).Parliament of New South Wales.
  64. ^abcCatherine J. Iorns (December 2003)."Dedicated Parliamentary Seats for Indigenous Peoples: Political Representation as an Element of Indigenous Self-Determination".Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law.10(4).Retrieved18 February2022.

Further reading
