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Magyar tribes

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The appearance of Hungarian tribe names in settlement names. It suggests where arriving Hungarians lived amongst other peoples and helped in reconstructing where arriving tribes settled.

TheMagyarorHungarian tribes(/ˈmæɡjɑːr/MAG-yar,Hungarian:magyar törzsek) orHungarian clanswere the fundamental political units within whose framework theHungarians(Magyars) lived, before theHungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basinand the subsequent establishment of thePrincipality of Hungary.[1][2]



The origin of the term "Hungary", theethnonymof the Hungarian tribal alliance, is uncertain. According to one view, following the description in the 13th-century chronicle,Gesta Hungarorum,the federation was called "Hetumoger" (modern Hungarian:hét magyar,lit.'seven Magyars'), as in theLatinphrase, "VII principales persone qui Hetumoger dicuntur"(" seven princely persons who are called Seven Magyars ").[3]The word "Magyar" possibly comes from the name of the most prominent Hungarian tribe, calledMegyer,which became used to refer to theHungarian peopleas a whole.[4][5][6]Written sources called Magyars "Hungarians" before theconquest of the Carpathian Basinwhen they still lived on thePontic-Caspian Steppe.For example,Georgius Monachusused "Ungri" to refer to them in 837, theAnnales Bertinianiused "Ungri" in 862, and theAnnales ex Annalibus Iuvavensibusused "Ungari" in 881. The English term "Hungarian" is a derivative of these Latin forms.


Theblood oathinEtelköz.

According toHungarian historianandlinguistAndrás Róna-Tas,the locality in which the Hungarians, theManicha-Ergroup, emerged was between theVolga Riverand theUral Mountains.[7]Others propose a region of origin beyond the Ural Mountains, in southwesternSiberia.[8][9][10]Between the 8th and 5th centuriesBCE,theMagyarsembarked upon their independent existence, and the early period of theproto-Hungarian languagebegan.[7]

According to one genetic study, theproto-Ugricgroups were part of theScytho-Siberiansocieties in thelate Bronze Agetoearly Iron Agesteppe-forest zone in present-day northernKazakhstan,near remains of the Bronze AgeMezhovskayaarchaeological culture.The ancestors of the Hungarian conquerors lived in the steppe zone during the Bronze Age together with theMansis.During the Iron Age, the Mansis migrated northward, while the ancestors of the Hungarian conquerors remained in the steppe-forest zone andadmixedwith theSarmatians.Later, the ancestors of the Hungarian conquerors admixed with theHuns,before the arrival of the Huns to the Volga region in 370. The Huns integrated local tribes east of the Urals, among them Sarmatians and the ancestors of the Hungarian conquerors.[11]

Around 830 CE, whenÁlmos,the futureGrand Prince of the Hungarians,was about 10 years old, the seven related tribes (Jenő,Kér,Keszi,Kürt-Gyarmat,Megyer[hu],Nyék,andTarján) formed aconfederationinEtelköz,called "Hétmagyar"(lit.'Seven Magyars').[12][13][14]Their leaders, theSeven chieftains of the Magyars,besides Álmos, includedElőd,Ond,Kond,Tas,Hubaand Töhötöm, who all took ablood oathswearing eternal loyalty to Álmos.[15]Presumably, the Magyar tribes consisted of 108clans.[16]

Before 881 CE, threeTurkictribes rebelled against the rule of theKhaganof theKhazars,but they were suppressed. After their defeat they left the Khazar Empire and voluntarily joined theHétmagyarconfederation. The three tribes were organised into one tribe, calledKabar,and later they played the roles ofvanguardandrear guardduring the joint military actions of the confederation. The joining of the three tribes to the previous seven created theOn-ogur(Ten Arrows).[12]



Hungarian chroniclers of the 13th century spoke ofMagna Hungaria(modernBashkortostan) and reported that speakers ofHungarianwere located there. It is theorized that theMagyarsandBashkirshad close contact before the former's migration west, as there are many parallels between old Hungarian and Bashkir tribal names.[17]Further, most of these names do not have such similarities with Central or Inner Asian languages, implying they may be a unique product of a local Bashkir-Magyar symbiosis.[18]TurkologistsGyula NeméthandPeter B. Goldenhave compared the following names to this end:

Hungarian Bashkir Constantine Porphyrogenitus
Nyék Negmen (tribal name) Νέκη
Gyarmat Yurmatı (tribal name) Κουρτουγερμάτου
Jenő Yeney (tribal name) Γενάχ
Keszi Kese (branch name) Καση
Gyula (title) Yulaman (clan name) Γυλᾶς
Tarján Tarxany (tribal name) Ταριάνου
Megyer/ Mišer-Yurmatı (of the Yurmatı) Μεγέρη
Magyar Možeriane, Možarka, etc., (ethnonym, toponym etc.)

Social organization


The Hungariansocial structurewas ofTurkicorigin.[19]



Magyarscomprised seven clans, and later three more clans made ofKabarpeople. Recent genetic research has shown that the first-generation Magyar coregene pooloriginated inCentral Asia/South Siberiaand, as Magyars migrated westward,admixedwith variousEuropeanpeoples and peoples of theCaucasus.Burial samples of the Karos-Eperjesszög Magyars place them genetically closest toTurkic peoples,modernsouth Caucasian peoples,and modernWestern Europeansto a limited degree, while no specificFinno-Ugricmarkers were found.[20]However, a 2008 study done on 10th-century Magyar skeletons did find a fewUralicsamples.[21]

See also



  • Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század),főszerkesztő: Kristó, Gyula, szerkesztők: Engel, Pál és Makk, Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994)
  • Kristó, Gyula:A Kárpát-medence és a magyarság régmúltja (1301-ig)(Szegedi Középkortörténeti Könyvtár, Szeged, 1993)
  • Magyarország Történeti Kronológiája I. – A kezdetektől 1526-ig,főszerkesztő: Benda Kálmán (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1981)
  • Makkai, László (2001).Transylvania in the medieval Hungarian kingdom (896-1526),In: Béla Köpeczi, HISTORY OF TRANSYLVANIA Volume I. From the Beginnings to 1606, Columbia University Press, New York, 2001,ISBN0880334797


  1. ^George H. Hodos,The East-Central European region: an historical outline,Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999, p. 19
  2. ^S. Wise Bauer,The history of the medieval world: from the conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade,W. W. Norton & Company, 2010, p. 586
  3. ^Gyula Decsy, A. J. Bodrogligeti,Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher, Volume 63,Otto Harrassowitz, 1991, p. 99
  4. ^György Balázs, Károly Szelényi,The Magyars: the birth of a European nation,Corvina, 1989, p. 8
  5. ^Alan W. Ertl,Toward an Understanding of Europe: A Political Economic Précis of Continental Integration,Universal-Publishers, 2008, p. 358
  6. ^Z. J. Kosztolnyik,Hungary under the early Árpáds: 890s to 1063,Eastern European Monographs, 2002, p. 3
  7. ^abAndrás Róna-Tas,Hungarians and Europe in the early Middle Ages: an introduction to early Hungarian history,Central European University Press, 1999, p. 319
  8. ^Zemplényi, Lili (2023-07-08)."The Khanty and the Mansi, the Closest Linguistic Relatives of the Hungarians | Hungarian Conservative".www.hungarianconservative.com.Retrieved2024-02-10.
  9. ^"A magyarság nyugat-szibériai gyökerei nyomában".www.btk.elte.hu(in Hungarian).Retrieved2024-02-10.
  10. ^"Hungarian | History, Culture & Language | Britannica".www.britannica.com.2024-01-31.Retrieved2024-02-10.
  11. ^Maróti, Zoltán; Neparáczki, Endre; Schütz, Oszkár; Maár, Kitti; Varga, Gergely I.B.; Kovács, Bence; Kalmár, Tibor; Nyerki, Emil; Nagy, István; Latinovics, Dóra; Tihanyi, Balázs; Marcsik, Antónia; Pálfi, György; Bernert, Zsolt; Gallina, Zsolt; Horváth, Ciprián; Varga, Sándor; Költő, László; Raskó, István; Nagy, Péter L.; Balogh, Csilla; Zink, Albert; Maixner, Frank; Götherström, Anders; George, Robert; Szalontai, Csaba; Szenthe, Gergely; Gáll, Erwin; Kiss, Attila P.; Gulyás, Bence; Kovacsóczy, Bernadett Ny.; Gál, Sándor Szilárd; Tomka, Péter; Török, Tibor (25 May 2022)."The genetic origin of Huns, Avars, and conquering Hungarians".Current Biology.32(13): 2858–2870.e7.Bibcode:2022CBio...32E2858M.doi:10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.093.PMID35617951.S2CID246191357.
  12. ^abKevin Alan Brook,The Jews of Khazaria,Rowman & Littlefield, 2009, pp. 163-164.
  13. ^Paul Lendvai,The Hungarians: a thousand years of victory in defeat,C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2003, p. 15-29, p. 533
  14. ^Carl Waldman, Catherine Mason,Encyclopedia of European peoples, Volume 1,Infobase Publishing, 2006, p. 508
  15. ^http://www.kislexikon.hu/hetmagyar.html(Hungarian)
  16. ^John P. C. Matthews,Explosion: the Hungarian Revolution of 1956,Hippocrene Books, 2007, p. 69
  17. ^Peter Benjamin Golden.The Migrations of the Oghuz.pp. 65–67.
  18. ^Denis Sinor (1990).The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia.Vol. 1. p. 245.
  19. ^Makkai 2001, pp. 415-416.
  20. ^Juhász, Pamjav, Fehér, Csányi, Zink, Maixner, Pálfi, Molnár, Pap, Kustár, Révész, Raskó, Török (July 15, 2016). "Genetic structure of the early Hungarian conquerors inferred from mtDNA haplotypes and Y‑chromosome haplogroups in a small cemetery]." (PDFArchived2018-07-19 at theWayback Machine)Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.doi:10.1007/s00438-016-1267-z
  21. ^Csányi, B.; Bogácsi-Szabó, E.; Tömöry, Gy.; Czibula, Á.; Priskin, K.; Csõsz, A.; Mende, B.; Langó, P.; Csete, K.; Zsolnai, A.; Conant, E. K.; Downes, C. S.; Raskó, I. (1 July 2008). "Y-Chromosome Analysis of Ancient Hungarian and Two Modern Hungarian-Speaking Populations from the Carpathian Basin".Annals of Human Genetics.72(4): 519–534.doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.2008.00440.x.ISSN1469-1809.PMID18373723.