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Membrana granulosa

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Membrana granulosa
Section of vesicular ovarian follicle of cat. X 50. (Membrana granulosa labeled at upper left.)
Anatomical terminology

The largerovarian folliclesconsist of an external fibrovascular coat, connected with the surroundingstroma of the ovaryby a network of blood vessels, and an internal coat, which consists of several layers of nucleated cells, called themembrana granulosa.It contains numerousgranulosa cells.

At one part of the mature follicle the cells of the membrana granulosa are collected into a mass which projects into the cavity of the follicle. This is termed thediscus proligerus.



Public domainThis article incorporates text in thepublic domainfrompage 1256of the 20th edition ofGray's Anatomy(1918)
