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Metta Sutta

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TheMettā Suttais the name used for twoBuddhistdiscourses (Pali:sutta) found in thePali Canon.The one, more often chanted by Theravadin monks, is also referred to asKaraṇīyamettā Suttaafterthe opening word,Karaṇīyam,"(This is what) should be done."[1]It is found in theSuttanipāta(Sn 1.8) andKhuddakapāṭha(Khp 9). It is ten verses in length and it extols both the virtuous qualities and the meditative development ofmettā(Pali), traditionally translated as "loving kindness"[2]or "friendliness".[3]Additionally, Thanissaro Bhikkhu's translation,[4]"goodwill", underscores that the practice is used to develop wishes for unconditional goodwill towards the object of the wish.

The other, also chanted by Theravadin Buddhist monks at times, extols the benefits of the practice ofmettā(Pali) and it is found in theAnguttara Nikaya(AN 11.15). is also referred to asMettānisamsa Sutta.This article will focus on the first version.



InTheravādaBuddhism'sPali Canon,mettāis one of the four "divine abodes" (Pali:brahmavihāra) recommended for cultivating interpersonal harmony and meditative concentration (see, for instance,kammaṭṭhāna). In later canonical works (such as theCariyāpiṭaka),mettāis one of ten "perfections" (pāramī) that facilitates the attainment of awakening (Bodhi) and is a prerequisite to attainingBuddhahood.

According to post-canonicalSutta Nipātacommentary,the background story for the Mettā Sutta is that a group of monks were frightened by the earth devas in the forest where the Buddha had sent them to meditate. When the monks sought theBuddha's advice in dealing with the situation, the Buddha taught the monks the Mettā Sutta as an antidote to overcome their fear. The monks recited the sutta and radiated loving-kindness. Their good-will placated the earth devas to be at ease and stay quiet as well.[5][6]



The Mettā Sutta contains a number of recollections or recitations that promote the development of mettā through virtuous characteristics andmeditation.

The discourse identifies fifteen moral qualities and conditions conducive to the development ofmettā.These include such qualities as being non-deceptive (uju), sincere (suju), easy to correct (suvaco), gentle (mudu) and without arrogance (anatimānī).[5]

In terms of meditative development, the discourse identifies:

  • an intentional wish that facilitates generatingmettā(Pali:sukhino vā khemino hontu;English: "May all beings be happy and safe" )
  • a means for developing meditational objects (a list of various sizes, proximity, etc.) for such a wish
  • a metaphor — of a mother's protective love for her only child — for how one should cherish this meditation theme and guard it safely. (Note: this is often - indeed, almost universally - misinterpreted as a prototypical metaphor for the feeling we ought to cultivate toward others; however, this is not its intended meaning, as explained by Thanissaro Bhikkhu in the article "Metta Means Goodwill." )[7]
  • a method for radiating mettā outwards in all directions[8]



It is often recited as part of religious services in theTheravādatradition, but is also popular within theMahayanatradition.

It has been reported thatBuddhistmonks chanted the Mettā Sutta as part of their demonstration in September and October 2007 against the military inBurma.[9]

See also

  • Brahmavihāra- four "divine abodes" identified by the Buddha, includingmetta.
  • Pāramī- inTheravada Buddhism,mettāis one of noble character qualities generally associated with Enlightened beings.
  • Paritta- Traditional Buddhist "protective scriptures", including this sutta.


  1. ^Translation from the excerpt atMetta#Karaniya Metta Sutta (Sn 1.8).
  2. ^Bodhi (2005a), pp. 90, 131, 134,passim;Gethin (1998), pp. 26, 30,passim[spelled as two words: "loving kindness" ]; Harvey (2007), pp. 247-8 [spelled without a hyphen: "lovingkindness" ]; Ñāṇamoli & Bodhi (2001), pp. 120, 374, 474,passim;Salzberg (1995),passim[without a hyphen]; Walshe (1995), p. 194; Warder (2004), pp. 63, 94.
  3. ^Kamalashila (1996); Rhys Davids & Stede (1921-25), p. 540, entry for "Mettā," (retrieved 2008-08-22 from "U. Chicago" at[1]). Rhys Davids & Stede's complete list of general translations is "love, amity, sympathy, friendliness, active interest in others." See also Gunaratana (2007) who uses "loving-friendliness" based on the Pali wordmetta's being related to the Pali wordmitta( "friend" ) and that, for Gunaratana, "kindness" is more akin to the Buddhist notion ofkaruna(compassion).
  4. ^"Metta Means Goodwill" at accesstoinsight.org
  5. ^abSee, e.g., Bodhi (2005b).
  6. ^Gunaratana (2007).
  7. ^"Metta Means Goodwill".
  8. ^See, e.g., Bodhi (2005b & 2005c).
  9. ^Luisa Puccini


  • Bodhi, Bhikkhu(2005a).In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon.Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.ISBN0-86171-491-1.
  • Bodhi, Bhikkhu (April 9, 2005b). "Sn1.8 Mettā Sutta — Loving-kindness [part 1] "(lecture). Retrieved from" Bodhi Monastery "at[2](mp3).
  • Bodhi, Bhikkhu (April 23, 2005c). "Sn1.8 Mettā Sutta — Loving-kindness (part 2) "(lecture). Retrieved from" Bodhi Monastery "at[3](mp3).
  • Gethin, Rupert(1998).The Foundations of Buddhism.Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-289223-1.
  • Gunaratana, Henepola(2007). "2007BrahmaviharaRetreat: The Karaniyametta Sutta, Introduction and Stanza One "(lecture). Retrieved from" Bhavana Society "at[4](mp3).
  • Harvey, Peter(2007).An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-31333-3.
  • Kamalashila (1996).Meditation: The Buddhist Art of Tranquility and Insight.Birmingham: Windhorse Publications.ISBN1-899579-05-2.Retrieveable from the author's personal web site at[5]
  • Ñāṇamoli,Bhikkhu (trans.) & Bhikkhu Bodhi (ed.) (2001).The Middle-Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikāya.Boston: Wisdom Publications.ISBN0-86171-072-X.
  • Piyadassi Thera(ed., trans.) (1999).The Book of Protection: Paritta.Kandy:Buddhist Publication Society.Retrieved 08-14-2008 from "Access to Insight" at[6]
  • Rhys Davids,T.W. & William Stede (eds.) (1921-5).The Pali Text Society’s Pali–English Dictionary.Chipstead:Pali Text Society.Retrieved 2008-08-22 from "U. Chicago" at[7]
  • Salzberg, Sharon(1995).Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness.Boston: Shambhala Publications.ISBN1-57062-176-4.
  • Walshe, Maurice (1995).The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Dīgha Nikāya.Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.ISBN0-86171-103-3.
  • Warder, A.K.(1970; reprinted 2004).Indian Buddhism.Motilal Banarsidass: Delhi.ISBN81-208-1741-9.


Readings and chants
