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Coordinates:Sky map05h32m00.4s,−00° 17′ 57″
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Orion's Belt (composed of the three brightest stars shown), Mintaka being the rightmost, on the west side
Observation data
Constellation Orion
δ Ori A (Aa1 + Aa2 + Ab)
Right ascension 05h32m00.40009s[1]
Declination −00° 17′ 56.7424″[1]
Apparent magnitude(V) 2.23[2](2.50 + 3.90[3])
δ Ori B
Right ascension 05h31m58.745s[4]
Declination −00° 18′ 18.65″[4]
Apparent magnitude(V) 14.0[5]
HD 36485
Right ascension 05h32m00.406s[6]
Declination −00° 17′ 04.38″[6]
Apparent magnitude(V) 6.85[5]
Spectral type O9.5II + B1V +B0IV[7]
U−Bcolor index −1.05[2]
B−Vcolor index −0.22[2]
Variable type Eclipsing binary[8]
Spectral type B3V + A0V[9]
U−Bcolor index −0.71[10]
B−Vcolor index −0.16[10]
Radial velocity(Rv)18.50±0.5[11]km/s
Proper motion(μ)RA:0.64±0.56[1]mas/yr
Parallax(π)4.71 ± 0.58mas[1]
Absolute magnitude(MV)−5.8[5]
δ Ori Aa1
Absolute magnitude(MV)−5.4[5]
δ Ori Aa2
Absolute magnitude(MV)−2.9[5]
δ Ori Ab
Absolute magnitude(MV)−4.2[5]
HD 36485
Proper motion(μ)RA:+1.523[12]mas/yr
Parallax(π)2.6245 ± 0.0538mas[12]
Distance1,240 ± 30ly
(381 ± 8pc)
Primaryδ Ori Aa1
Companionδ Ori Aa2
Period(P)5.732436 days
Semi-major axis(a)43.1±1.7R
Argument of periastron(ω)
Primaryδ Ori Aa1/2
Companionδ Ori Ab
Period(P)53,839 days
Semi-major axis(a)20,038R
Longitude of the node(Ω)122.4±0.5°
Argument of periastron(ω)
δ Ori Aa1
Surface gravity(logg)3.55±0.05[9]cgs
Rotational velocity(vsini)114±20[9]km/s
δ Ori Aa2
Surface gravity(logg)3.48±0.06[9]cgs
Rotational velocity(vsini)89±15[9]km/s
δ Ori Ab
Surface gravity(logg)3.64±0.05[9]cgs
Rotational velocity(vsini)216±25[9]km/s
δ Ori B
HD 36485
Surface gravity(logg)4.41[16]cgs
Other designations
Mintaka,δOrionis,34Orionis, 88 G. Orionis,FK5206,HIP25930,ADS4134,CCDMJ05320-0018,WDSJ05320-0018
Mintaka Aa:HD36486,HR1851,SAO132220/132221,BD−00°983,GC6847
Mintaka Ab:CCDMJ05320-0018D,WDSJ05320-0018Ab
δ Ori B:UCAC3180-24383,CCDMJ05320-0018B,WDSJ05320-0018B
HD 36485:δOrionis C,HR1851,SAO132221,BD−00°982,GC6848,PLX1261,CCDMJ05320-0018C
Database references
δ Ori B
HD 36485

Mintaka/ˈmɪntəkə/,[17]designationDelta Orionis(δ Orionis,abbreviatedDelta Ori,δ Ori) and34 Orionis(34 Ori), is a multiplestar systemsome 1,200light-yearsfrom theSunin theconstellationofOrion.Together withAlnitak(Zeta Orionis) andAlnilam(Epsilon Orionis), the three stars formOrion's Belt,known by many names among ancient cultures. The star is located very close to thecelestial equator.When Orion is near themeridian,Mintaka is the rightmost of the Belt's stars when viewed from theNorthern Hemispherefacingsouth.



Delta Orionisis the star'sBayer designation,34 OrionisitsFlamsteed designation.The nameMintakaitself is derived from anArabicterm for 'belt': منطقة ormanṭaqa.[18]In 2016, theInternational Astronomical Unionorganized aWorking Group on Star Names(WGSN)[19]to catalog and standardize proper names for stars. The WGSN's first bulletin of July 2016[20]included a table of the first two batches of names approved by the WGSN, which includedMintakafor this star. It is now so entered in the IAU Catalog of Star Names.[21]

Observational history

Location of δ Orionis (circled), as shown in a conventional star chart with north up
Location of δ Orionis (circled), as shown in a conventional star chart with north up

Mintaka is the westernmost of the three stars of Orion's belt. It is easily visible to the naked eye, one of thebrightest starsin the sky, and has been known since antiquity.

Radial velocitymeasurements taken byHenri-Alexandre Deslandresin 1900 atParis Observatoryshowed that Mintaka had a variable radial velocity and therefore was aspectroscopic binary.[22]His preliminaryorbital periodestimate of 1.92 days was shown to be incorrect in 1904 whenJohannes Franz Hartmannusing photographic plates taken atPotsdam Observatoryshowed that the orbital period was 5.7 days.[23]Hartmann also noticed that thecalcium K lineat 393.4 nanometres in thestellar spectrumdid not share in the periodic displacements of the lines due to orbital motion of the star and theorized that there was a cloud in the line of sight to Mintaka that containedcalcium.This was the first detection of theinterstellar medium.[23]



δ Orionis is amultiple star system.There is amagnitude7 star about 52arcsecondsaway from the second-magnitude primary and a much fainter star in between. The system is designated WDS 05320-0018 in theWashington Double Star Catalog,with the 14th-magnitude companion listed as component B and the seventh-magnitude star as component C.[24]

Agreen bandlight curvefor Delta Orionis, plotted from data published by Koch and Hrivnak (1981)[25]

The primary component is itself a triple system: aclass-O9.5bright giant and aclass-Bmain-sequence starorbit every 5.73 days and exhibit shallow eclipses when the star dims about 0.2 of a magnitude,[8]and a B-classsubgiantis resolved 0.26 "away.[3]At the primary eclipse, the apparent magnitude (of the whole system) drops from 2.23 to 2.35, while it only drops to 2.29 at the secondary eclipse.[26]

The outer star of the triple system orbits the inner pair once every 53,839 days (147.40 yr). The orbit is quite eccentric, with the separation varying between 8,244solar radii(38.34au) and 31,832 solar radii (148.03 au).[9]

The seventh-magnitude companion, HD 36485, is achemically peculiarB-type main-sequence starand itself a spectroscopic binary with a faint A-type companion in a 30-day orbit. It has an unusual spectrum withH-alphaemissionand unusually strong heliumabsorption lines.It has a strong magnetic field and a very slow rotational velocity that produces chemical stratification in its atmosphere, which leads to the unusual abundances seen in the spectrum.[15]

The 14th-magnitude companion is thought to be around the same distance and is a somewhat cooler and less luminous star than the Sun.[14]

Mintaka is surrounded by a cluster of faint stars, possibly part of the cluster surroundingσ Ori.[27]



The distance derived from theHipparcossatellite parallax is212±30parsecs,[1]while spectroscopic distances, comparisons to similar stars, and cluster membership all suggest a value more than double that.[13]This type of unreconcilable discrepancy is not unique to Mintaka and the reasons for it have yet to be clarified.[7]InGaia Data Release 3,component C is listed with a parallax of3.4531±0.0371mas,[12]consistent with the distances derived by other methods but disagreeing with theHipparcos-derived value for the primary.[1]

The Gaia DR3 parallax for component B is3.5002″±0.0119″,strongly suggesting it is considerably closer than the other members of the system and merely a chance alignment.[28]At that distance it is likely to be aK-type main sequence star.[9]

Etymology and cultural significance


Mintaka was seen by astrologers as a portent of good fortune.[18]

Orion's Belt

Dunhuang Star Atlas– Orion

The three belt stars were collectively known by many names in many cultures. Arabic terms includeAl Nijād'the Belt',Al Nasak'the Line',Al Alkāt'the Golden Grains or Nuts', and, in modern Arabic,Al Mīzān al Ḥakk'the Accurate Scale Beam'. InChinese mythology,they were also known as the Weighing Beam.[citation needed]

InChinese,Tham túc(Shēn Sù), meaningThree Stars(asterism),refers to an asterism consisting of Mintaka,Alnilam,andAlnitak(Orion's Belt), withBetelgeuse,Bellatrix,SaiphandRigellater added.[29]Consequently, theChinese namefor Mintaka isTham túc tam(Shēn Sù sān,English:the Third Star of Three Stars).[30]It is one of the western mansions of theWhite Tiger.



TheUSSMintaka(AK-94)was aUnited States NavyCrater-class cargo shipnamed after the star.


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  26. ^Zasche, P.; Wolf, M.; Hartkopf, W. I.; Svoboda, P.; Uhlař, R.; Liakos, A.; Gazeas, K. (2009). "A Catalog of Visual Double and Multiple Stars with Eclipsing Components".Astronomical Journal.138(2): 664.arXiv:0907.5172.Bibcode:2009AJ....138..664Z.doi:10.1088/0004-6256/138/2/664.S2CID17089387.
  27. ^Caballero, J. A.; Solano, E. (2008). "Young stars and brown dwarfs surrounding Alnilam (ɛ Orionis) and Mintaka (δ Orionis)".Astronomy and Astrophysics.485(3): 931.arXiv:0804.2184.Bibcode:2008A&A...485..931C.doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200809595.S2CID16175953.
  28. ^Vallenari, A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (2023)."GaiaData Release 3. Summary of the content and survey properties ".Astronomy and Astrophysics.674:A1.arXiv:2208.00211.Bibcode:2023A&A...674A...1G.doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243940.S2CID244398875. Gaia DR3 record for this sourceatVizieR.
  29. ^(in Chinese)Trung quốc tinh tọa thần thoại,written by trần cửu kim. Published by đài loan thư phòng xuất bản hữu hạn công tư, 2005,ISBN978-986-7332-25-7
  30. ^(in Chinese)AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) thiên văn giáo dục tư tấn võng 2006 niên 5 nguyệt 25 nhậtArchived2011-07-16 at theWayback Machine