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A teaching material inAshikaga Gakko(Japan) to teach students the importance of moderations. The cup is inclined when it's empty. When you pour water into it, it goes upright. If you pour more water, it becomes inclined again.

Moderationis the process or trait of eliminating, lessening, or avoiding extremes. It is used to ensurenormalitythroughout the medium on which it is being conducted. Common uses of moderation include:



Ancient Greece


Moderation is also a principle of life. In ancient Greece, the temple of Apollo atDelphibore the inscriptionMeden Agan(μηδὲν ἄγαν)— "Nothing in excess". Doing something "in moderation" means not doing it excessively. For instance, someone who moderates their food consumption tries to eat all food groups, but limits their intake of those that may cause deleterious effects to harmless levels.

According to thehistorianandsociologist of scienceSteven Shapin:[1]

From thepre-Socraticsthrough theHippocraticandGaleniccorpus, and in the writings of suchStoicphilosophers asEpictetusandSeneca,health was seen to flow from observingmoderation—in exercise, in study, and in diet.


Everything in moderation,illustration of aproverbbyAdriaen van de Venne,1650s,National MuseuminWarsaw

InChristianity,moderationismis the position that drinkingalcoholic beveragestemperatelyis permissible, thoughdrunkennessis forbidden (seeChristianity and alcohol).

In the apocryphalBook of Wisdommoderation is listed among the greatest virtues.[2]

Islam and Judaism


Wasat, also calledwasatiyyah(Arabic:وسطية) is the Arabic word forbest,middle,centered,balanced.In theIslamiccontext, it refers to the "middle way" or "moderation" —a justly balanced way of life, avoiding extremes and experiencing things in moderation.[3] Moderate Muslimsuse contextual relativism[jargon]to interpret theQuran.

The Jewish philosopherMaimonides,who was heavily influenced by Islamic and Aristotelian thought, also set forth moderation as an ideal within Judaism.[4]



Moderation is considered a key part of one's personal development in ChineseTaoistphilosophy and religion. It is one of the three jewels of Taoist thought. There is nothing that cannot be moderated including one's actions, one's desires, and even one's thoughts. It is believed that by doing so one achieves a more natural state, faces less resistance in life, and recognises one's limits.[5]Moderation as a guiding principle is complex and can be difficult to not only accept, but also understand and implement. It can also be recursive in that one should moderate how much one moderates (i.e. to not be too worried about moderating everything or not to try too hard to find the perfect middle ground)

Moderation as a principle ofTaoist philosophyturns up in all three of its main texts.



Moderation is a characteristic of theSwedishnational psyche, more specifically described by the Swedish synonymLagom.

See also



  1. ^Shapin, Steven(2010).Never Pure: Historical Studies of Science as if It Was Produced by People with Bodies, Situated in Time, Space, Culture, and Society, and Struggling for Credibility and Authority(2nd ed.).Johns Hopkins University Press.p. 245.ISBN978-0801894213.
  2. ^"The Book of Wisdom: Chapter 8".United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  3. ^
  4. ^Saks, Jeffrey (2021)."The Extremes Are More Consistent But Absurd".Tradition.53(3).
  5. ^Mason, Bill."Taoist Ethics".www.taoism.net.Archived fromthe originalon 20 July 2018.
  • The dictionary definition ofmoderationat Wiktionary