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Monsoon trough

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August position of the ITCZ and monsoon trough in the Pacific Ocean, depicted by area of convergentstreamlinesin the northern Pacific

Themonsoon troughis a portion of theIntertropical Convergence Zonein the Western Pacific,[1][2]as depicted by a line on aweather mapshowing the locations of minimum sea level pressure,[1]and as such, is aconvergence zonebetween the wind patterns of the southern and northern hemispheres.

Westerlymonsoonwinds lie in its equatorward portion while easterlytrade windsexist poleward of the trough.[3]Right along its axis, heavy rains can be found which usher in the peak of a location's respectiverainy season.The monsoon trough plays a role in creating many of the world'srainforests.[4]

The termmonsoon troughis most commonly used in monsoonal regions of the Western Pacific such as Asia andAustralia.The migration of the ITCZ/monsoon trough into a landmass heralds the beginning of the annual rainy season during summer months. Depressions andtropical cyclonesoften form in the vicinity of the monsoon trough, with each capable of producing a year's worth of rainfall in a matter of days.

Movement and strength[edit]

February position of the ITCZ and monsoon trough in the Pacific Ocean, depicted by area of convergent streamlines offshore Australia and in the equatorial eastern Pacific

Monsoon troughing in the western Pacific reaches its zenith inlatitudeduring the late summer when the wintertime surface ridge in the opposite hemisphere is the strongest. It can reach as far as the40th parallelin East Asia during August and the20th parallelin Australia during February. Its poleward progression is accelerated by the onset of the summer monsoon which is characterized by the development of lower air pressure over the warmest part of the various continents.[5][6][7]In theSouthern Hemisphere,the monsoon trough associated with the Australian monsoon reaches its most southerly latitude in February,[8]oriented along a west-northwest/east-southeast axis. North-south-oriented mountain barriers, like the Rockies and the Andes, and large massifs, such as the Plateau of Tibet, also influence atmospheric flow.[9]

Effect of wind surges[edit]

Increases in the relativevorticity,or spin, with the monsoon trough are normally a product of increased wind convergence within theconvergence zoneof the monsoon trough. Wind surges can lead to this increase in convergence. A strengthening or equatorward movement in thesubtropical ridgecan cause a strengthening of a monsoon trough as a wind surge moves towards the location of the monsoon trough. Asfrontsmove through thesubtropicsandtropicsof onehemisphereduring their winter, normally asshear lineswhen their temperature gradient becomes minimal, wind surges can cross the equator in oceanic regions and enhance a monsoon trough in the other hemisphere's summer.[10]A key way of detecting whether a wind surge has reached a monsoon trough is the formation of a burst of thunderstorms within the monsoon trough.[11]

Monsoon depressions[edit]

Monsoon depression near Bangladesh

If a circulation forms within the monsoon trough, it is able to compete with the neighboringthermal lowover the continent, and a wind surge will occur at its periphery. Such a circulation which is broad in nature within a monsoon trough is known as a monsoon depression. In the Northern Hemisphere, monsoon depressions are generally asymmetric, and tend to have their strongest winds on their eastern periphery.[11]Light and variable winds cover a large area near their center, while bands of showers and thunderstorms develop within their area of circulation.[12]

The presence of an upper leveljet streampoleward and west of the system can enhance its development by leading to increased diverging air aloft over the monsoon depression, which leads to a corresponding drop in surface pressure.[13]Even though these systems can develop over land, the outer portions of monsoon depressions are similar to tropical cyclones.[14]In India, for example, 6 to 7 monsoon depressions move across the country yearly,[5]and their numbers within theBay of Bengalincrease during July and August ofEl Niñoevents.[15]Monsoon depressions are efficient rainfall producers, and can generate a year's worth of rainfall when they move through drier areas, such as theoutbackof Australia.[16]

Some tropical cyclones recognised byRegional Specialized Meteorological Centreswould have characteristics of a monsoon depression throughout their lifetime. TheJoint Typhoon Warning Center(JTWC) addedmonsoon depressionas a category in 2015, andCyclone Komenis the first system recognised as a fully monsoon depression by JTWC.[17]


In rainy season[edit]

View of centralKolkataafter a monsoon rain.

Since the monsoon trough is an area of convergence in the wind pattern, and an elongated area of low pressure at the surface, the trough focuses low level moisture and is defined by one or more elongatedbandsofthunderstormswhen viewingsatellite imagery.Its abrupt movement to the north between May and June is coincident with the beginning of the monsoon regime and rainy seasons across South and East Asia. This convergence zone has been linked to prolonged heavy rain events in theYangtzeriver as well as northern China.[2]Its presence has also been linked to the peak of the rainy season in locations within Australia.[18]

In tropical cyclogenesis[edit]

Months of peak tropical cyclone activity worldwide

A monsoon trough is a significant genesis region fortropical cyclones.Vorticity-rich low level environments, with significant low level spin, lead to a better than average chance of tropical cyclone formation due to their inherent rotation. This is because a pre-existing near-surface disturbance with sufficient spin and convergence is one of the six requirements fortropical cyclogenesis.[19]There appears to be a 15- to 25-day cycle in thunderstorm activity associated with the monsoon trough, which is roughly half the wavelength of theMadden–Julian oscillation,or MJO.[20]This mirrors tropical cyclone genesis near these features, as genesis clusters in 2–3 weeks of activity followed by 2–3 weeks of inactivity. Tropical cyclones can form in outbreaks around these features under special circumstances, tending to follow the next cyclone to its poleward and west.[21]

Whenever the monsoon trough on the eastern side of the summertime Asian monsoon is in its normal orientation (oriented east-southeast to west-northwest),tropical cyclonesalong its periphery will move with a westward motion. If it reverses its orientation, orienting southwest to northeast, tropical cyclones will move more poleward. Tropical cyclone tracks with S-shapes tend to be associated with reverse-oriented monsoon troughs.[22]TheSouth Pacific convergence zoneandSouth American convergence zonesare generally reverse oriented.[8]The failure of the monsoon trough, or the ITCZ, to move south of the equator in the eastern Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean during the southern hemisphere summer, is considered one of the factors causing tropical cyclones to not normally form in those regions.[11]It has also been noted that when the monsoon trough lies near20 degrees north latitudein the Pacific, the frequency of tropical cyclones is 2 to 3 times greater than when it lies closer to10 degrees north.[2]


  1. ^ab"Monsoon trough".Glossary of Meteorology.American Meteorological Society.Archived fromthe originalon 17 June 2009.Retrieved4 June2009.
  2. ^abcBin Wang.The Asian Monsoon.Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  3. ^World Meteorological Organization.Severe Weather Information Centre.Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  4. ^Hobgood (2008)Global Pattern of Surface Pressure and Wind.Archived18 March 2009 at theWayback MachineOhio State University. Retrieved 2009-03-08.
  5. ^abNational Centre for Medium Range Forecasting.Chapter-II Monsoon-2004: Onset, Advancement and Circulation Features.Archived21 July 2011 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2008-05-03.
  6. ^Australian Broadcasting Corporation.Monsoon.Archived23 February 2001 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2008-05-03.
  7. ^Dr. Alex DeCaria.Lesson 4 – Seasonal-mean Wind Fields.Archived22 August 2009 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2008-05-03.
  8. ^abU. S. Navy.1.2 Pacific Ocean Surface Streamline Pattern.Retrieved 2006-11-26.
  9. ^"Atmosphere - Effect of continents on air movement | Britannica".www.britannica.com.Retrieved13 May2024.
  10. ^Chih-Lyeu Chen.Effects of the Northeast Monsoon on the Equatorial Westerlies Over Indonesia.[dead link]Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  12. ^Chip Guard.Climate Variability on CNMI.Archived22 June 2007 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2008-05-03.
  13. ^Sixiong Zhao and Graham A. Mills.A Study of a Monsoon Depression Bringing Record Rainfall over Australia. Part II: Synoptic–Diagnostic Description.Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  14. ^N.E. Davidson and G.J. Holland.A Diagnostic Analysis of Two Intense Monsoon Depressions over Australia.Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  15. ^O. P. Singh, Tariq Masood Ali Khan, and Md. Sazedur Rahman.Impact of Southern Oscillation on the Frequency of Monsoon Depressions in the Bay of Bengal.Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  16. ^Bureau of Meteorology.TWP-ICE Synoptic Overview, 1 February 2006.Retrieved 2008-05-03.
  17. ^"North Indian Ocean Best Track Data".Joint Typhoon Warning Center.Retrieved25 May2020.
  18. ^Bureau of Meteorology.Climate of Giles.Archived11 August 2008 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2008-05-03.
  19. ^Christopher Landsea.Climate Variability of Tropical Cyclones: Past, Present and Future.Retrieved 2006-11-26.
  20. ^Patrick A. Harr.Tropical Cyclone Formation/Structure/Motion Studies.Archived29 November 2007 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2006-11-26.
  21. ^Joint Typhoon Warning Center.Typhoon Polly.Archived19 September 2006 at theWayback MachineRetrieved 2006-11-26.
  22. ^Mark A. Lander.Specific Tropical Cyclone Track Types and Unusual Tropical Cyclone Motions Associated with a Reverse-Oriented Monsoon Trough in the Western North Pacific.Retrieved 2006-11-26.