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Mood stabilizer

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A bottle of lithium capsules. Lithium is the prototypical mood stabilizer.

Amood stabilizeris apsychiatric medicationused to treatmood disorderscharacterized by intense and sustainedmood shifts,such asbipolar disorderand the bipolar type ofschizoaffective disorder.



Mood stabilizers are best known for the treatment ofbipolar disorder,[1]preventing mood shifts tomania(orhypomania) anddepression.Mood stabilizers are also used inschizoaffective disorderwhen it is the bipolar type.[2]



The term "mood stabilizer" does not describe a mechanism, but rather an effect. More precise terminology based on pharmacology is used to further classify these agents. Drugs commonly classed as mood stabilizers include:


  • Lithium– Lithium is the "classic" mood stabilizer, the first to be approved by the US FDA, and still popular in treatment.Therapeutic drug monitoringis required to ensure lithium levels remain in the therapeutic range: 0.6 or 0.8–1.2mEq/L (or millimolar). Signs and symptoms of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, andataxia.[3]The most common side effects are lethargy and weight gain. The less common side effects of using lithium are blurred vision, a slight tremble in the hands, and a feeling of being mildly ill. In general, these side effects occur in the first few weeks after commencing lithium treatment. These symptoms can often be improved by lowering the dose.[4]



Many agents described as "mood stabilizers" are also categorized asanticonvulsants.The term "anticonvulsant mood stabilizers" is sometimes used to describe these as a class.[5]Although this group is also defined by effect rather than mechanism, there is at least a preliminary understanding of the mechanism of most of the anticonvulsants used in the treatment of mood disorders.[citation needed]

  • Valproate– Available in extended release form. This drug can be very irritating to the stomach, especially when taken as a free acid.Liver functionandCBCshould be monitored.[6]
  • Lamotrigine(aka Lamictal) – FDA approved for bipolar disorder maintenance therapy, not for acute mood problems like depression or mania/hypomania.[7]The usual target dose is 100–200 mg daily, titrated to by 25 mg increments every 2 weeks.[8]Lamotrigine can causeStevens–Johnson syndrome,a very rare but potentially fatal skin condition.[7]
  • Carbamazepine– FDA approved for the treatment of acute manic or mixed (i.e., both depressed and manic mood features) episodes in people with bipolar disorder type I.[9]Carbamazepine can rarely cause a dangerous decrease inneutrophils,a type ofwhite blood cell,calledagranulocytosis.[9]Itinteractswith many medications, including other mood stabilizers (e.g. lamotrigine) and antipsychotics (e.g.quetiapine).[9]

There is insufficient evidence to support the use of various other anticonvulsants, such asgabapentinandtopiramate,as mood stabilizers.[10]




  • It is also conjectured thatomega-3 fatty acidsmay have a mood stabilizing effect.[12]Compared with placebo, omega-3 fatty acids appear better able to augment known mood stabilizers in reducing depressive (but perhaps not manic) symptoms of bipolar disorder; additional trials would be needed to establish the effects of omega-3 fatty acids alone.[13]
  • It is known that even subclinicalhypothyroidismcan blunt a patient's response to both mood stabilizers and antidepressants. Furthermore, preliminary research into the use of thyroid augmentation in patients with refractory and rapid-cycling bipolar disorder has been positive, showing a slowing in cycle frequency and reduction in symptoms. Most studies have been conducted on an open-label basis. One large, controlled study of 300 mcg daily dose oflevothyroxine (T4)found it superior to placebo for this purpose. In general, studies have shown T4 to be well tolerated and to show efficacy even in patients without overt hypothyroidism.[14]

Combination therapy


In routine practice, monotherapy is often not sufficiently effective for acute and/or maintenance therapy and thus most patients are givencombination therapies.[15]Combination therapy (atypical antipsychotic with lithium or valproate) shows better efficacy over monotherapy in the manic phase in terms of efficacy and prevention of relapse.[15]However, side effects are more frequent and discontinuation rates due to adverse events are higher with combination therapy than with monotherapy.[15]

Relationship to antidepressants


Most mood stabilizers are primarily antimanic agents, meaning that they are effective at treatingmaniaand mood cycling and shifting, but are not effective at treating acutedepression.The principal exceptions to that rule, because they treat both manic and depressive symptoms, arelamotrigine,lithium carbonate,olanzapineandquetiapine.[citation needed]

Nevertheless,antidepressantsare still often prescribed in addition to mood stabilizers during depressive phases. This brings some risks, however, as antidepressants can inducemania,[16]psychosis,[17]and other disturbing problems in people withbipolar disorder—in particular, when taken alone. The risk of antidepressant-induced mania when given to patients concomitantly on antimanic agents is not known for certain but may still exist.[18]The majority of antidepressants appear ineffective in treating bipolar depression.[18]

Antidepressants cause several risks when given to bipolar patients. They are ineffective in treating acute bipolar depression, preventing relapse, and can cause rapid cycling. Studies have shown that antidepressants have no benefit versus a placebo or other treatment. Antidepressants can also lead to a higher rate of non-lethal suicidal behavior. Relapse can also be related to treatment with antidepressants. This is less likely to occur if a mood stabilizer is combined with an antidepressant, rather than an antidepressant being used alone. Evidence from previous studies shows that rapid cycling is linked to use of antidepressants. Rapid cycling is defined as the presence of four or more mood episodes within a year's time. Evidence suggests that rapid cycling and mixed symptoms have become more common since antidepressant medication has come into widespread use. There is a need for caution when treating bipolar patients with antidepressant medication due to the risks that they pose.[citation needed]



The precise mechanism of action of lithium is still unknown, and it is suspected that it acts at various points of the neuron between the nucleus and the synapse. Lithium is known to inhibit the enzymeGSK-3B.This improves the functioning of the circadian clock—which is thought to be often malfunctioning in people with bipolar disorder—and positively modulates gene transcription ofbrain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF). The resulting increase in neural plasticity may be central to lithium's therapeutic effects. How lithium works in the human body is not completely understood, but its benefits are most likely related to its effects on electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.[19]

All of the anticonvulsants routinely used to treat bipolar disorder are blockers of voltage-gated sodium channels, affecting the brain'sglutamate system.For valproic acid, carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine, however, their mood-stabilizing effects may be more related to effects on theGABAergicsystem. Lamotrigine is known to decrease the patient'scortisolresponse to stress.[citation needed]

One possible downstream target of several mood stabilizers such as lithium, valproate, and carbamazepine is thearachidonic acid cascade.[20]

See also





  1. ^"Texas State - Student Health Center".Archived fromthe originalon 2008-08-28.
  2. ^"Schizoaffective disorder - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic".www.mayoclinic.org.Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.Retrieved10 July2020.
  3. ^Marmol, F. (2008). "Lithium: Bipolar disorder and neurodegenerative diseases Possible cellular mechanisms of the therapeutic effects of lithium".Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry.32(8): 1761–1771.doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2008.08.012.PMID18789369.S2CID25861243.
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  5. ^Ichikawa J, Dai J, Meltzer HY (July 2005). "Lithium differs from anticonvulsant mood stabilizers in prefrontal cortical and accumbal dopamine release: role of 5-HT(1A) receptor agonism".Brain Res.1049(2): 182–90.doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2005.05.005.PMID15936730.S2CID6180568.
  6. ^"Depakote 500mg Tablets".electronic Medicine Compendium.Dataphram Communications Limited.Retrieved28 September2016.
  7. ^ab"Lamictal – FDA Prescibing Information".
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  10. ^Terence A. Ketter (3 May 2007).Advances in Treatment of Bipolar Disorder.American Psychiatric Pub. p. 42.ISBN978-1-58562-666-3.
  11. ^abBowden CL (2005)."Atypical antipsychotic augmentation of mood stabilizer therapy in bipolar disorder".J Clin Psychiatry.66. Suppl 3: 12–9.PMID15762830.
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  16. ^Patel, Rashmi (2015)."Do antidepressants increase the risk of mania and bipolar disorder in people with depression? A retrospective electronic case register cohort study".BMJ Open.5(12): e008341.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008341.PMC4679886.PMID26667012.
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  20. ^Rao JS, Lee HJ, Rapoport SI, Bazinet RP (June 2008). "Mode of action of mood stabilizers: is the arachidonic acid cascade a common target?".Mol. Psychiatry.13(6): 585–96.doi:10.1038/mp.2008.31.PMID18347600.S2CID21273538.