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Muckenhoupt weights

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Inmathematics,the class ofMuckenhoupt weightsApconsists of those weightsωfor which theHardy–Littlewood maximal operatoris bounded onLp().Specifically, we consider functionsfonRnand their associatedmaximal functionsM( f )defined as

whereBr(x)is the ball inRnwith radiusrand center atx.Let1 ≤p< ∞,we wish to characterise the functionsω:Rn→ [0, ∞)for which we have a bound

whereCdepends only onpandω.This was first done byBenjamin Muckenhoupt.[1]



For a fixed1 <p< ∞,we say that a weightω:Rn→ [0, ∞)belongs toApifωis locally integrable and there is a constantCsuch that, for all ballsBinRn,we have

where|B|is theLebesgue measureofB,andqis a real number such that:1/p+1/q= 1.

We sayω:Rn→ [0, ∞)belongs toA1if there exists someCsuch that

for almost everyxBand all ballsB.[2]

Equivalent characterizations


This following result is a fundamental result in the study of Muckenhoupt weights.

Theorem.Let1 <p< ∞.A weightωis inApif and only if any one of the following hold.[2]
(a) TheHardy–Littlewood maximal functionis bounded onLp(ω(x)dx),that is
for someCwhich only depends onpand the constantAin the above definition.
(b) There is a constantcsuch that for any locally integrable functionfonRn,and all ballsB:


Theorem.Let1 <p< ∞,thenw=eφApif and only if both of the following hold:

This equivalence can be verified by usingJensen's Inequality.

Reverse Hölder inequalities andA


The main tool in the proof of the above equivalence is the following result.[2]The following statements are equivalent

  1. ωApfor some1 ≤p< ∞.
  2. There exist0 <δ,γ< 1such that for all ballsBand subsetsEB,|E| ≤γ |B|impliesω(E) ≤δω(B).
  3. There exist1 <qandc(both depending onω) such that for all ballsBwe have:

We call the inequality in the third formulation a reverse Hölder inequality as the reverse inequality follows for any non-negative function directly fromHölder's inequality.If any of the three equivalent conditions above hold we sayωbelongs toA.

Weights and BMO


The definition of anApweight and the reverse Hölder inequality indicate that such a weight cannot degenerate or grow too quickly. This property can be phrased equivalently in terms of how much the logarithm of the weight oscillates:

(a) IfwAp,(p≥ 1),thenlog(w) ∈ BMO(i.e.log(w)hasbounded mean oscillation).
(b) Iff  ∈ BMO,then for sufficiently smallδ> 0,we haveeδfApfor somep≥ 1.

This equivalence can be established by using the exponential characterization of weights above, Jensen's inequality, and theJohn–Nirenberg inequality.

Note that the smallness assumption onδ> 0in part (b) is necessary for the result to be true, as−log|x| ∈ BMO,but:

is not in anyAp.

Further properties


Here we list a few miscellaneous properties about weights, some of which can be verified from using the definitions, others are nontrivial results:

IfwAp,thenwdxdefines adoubling measure:for any ballB,if2Bis the ball of twice the radius, thenw(2B) ≤Cw(B)whereC> 1is a constant depending onw.
IfwAp,then there isδ> 1such thatwδAp.
IfwA,then there isδ> 0and weightssuch that.[3]

Boundedness of singular integrals


It is not only the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator that is bounded on these weightedLpspaces. In fact, anyCalderón-Zygmund singular integral operatoris also bounded on these spaces.[4]Let us describe a simpler version of this here.[2]Suppose we have an operatorTwhich is bounded onL2(dx),so we have

Suppose also that we can realiseTas convolution against a kernelKin the following sense: iff ,gare smooth with disjoint support, then:

Finally we assume a size and smoothness condition on the kernelK:

Then, for each1 <p< ∞andωAp,Tis a bounded operator onLp(ω(x)dx).That is, we have the estimate

for allffor which the right-hand side is finite.

A converse result


If, in addition to the three conditions above, we assume the non-degeneracy condition on the kernelK:For a fixed unit vectoru0

wheneverwith−∞ <t< ∞,then we have a converse. If we know

for some fixed1 <p< ∞and someω,thenωAp.[2]

Weights and quasiconformal mappings


ForK> 1,aK-quasiconformal mappingis a homeomorphismf :RnRnsuch that

whereDf (x)is thederivativeoffatxandJ( f ,x) = det(Df (x))is theJacobian.

A theorem of Gehring[5]states that for allK-quasiconformal functionsf :RnRn,we haveJ( f ,x) ∈Ap,wherepdepends onK.

Harmonic measure


If you have a simply connected domainΩ ⊆C,we say its boundary curveΓ = ∂ΩisK-chord-arc if for any two pointsz,winΓthere is a curveγ⊆ Γconnectingzandwwhose length is no more thanK|zw|.For a domain with such a boundary and for anyz0inΩ,theharmonic measurew( ⋅ ) =w(z0,Ω, ⋅)is absolutely continuous with respect to one-dimensionalHausdorff measureand itsRadon–Nikodym derivativeis inA.[6](Note that in this case, one needs to adapt the definition of weights to the case where the underlying measure is one-dimensional Hausdorff measure).


  • Garnett, John(2007).Bounded Analytic Functions.Springer.
  1. ^Muckenhoupt, Benjamin (1972)."Weighted norm inequalities for the Hardy maximal function".Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.165:207–226.doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-1972-0293384-6.
  2. ^abcdeStein, Elias (1993). "5".Harmonic Analysis.Princeton University Press.
  3. ^Jones, Peter W. (1980). "Factorization ofApweights ".Ann. of Math.2.111(3): 511–530.doi:10.2307/1971107.JSTOR1971107.
  4. ^Grafakos, Loukas (2004). "9".Classical and Modern Fourier Analysis.New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
  5. ^Gehring, F. W. (1973)."The Lp-integrability of the partial derivatives of a quasiconformal mapping ".Acta Math.130:265–277.doi:10.1007/BF02392268.
  6. ^Garnett, John; Marshall, Donald (2008).Harmonic Measure.Cambridge University Press.