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Inhematology,myelopoiesisin the broadestsenseof the term is the production ofbone marrowand of allcellsthat arise from it, namely, allblood cells.[1]In a narrower sense, myelopoiesis also refers specifically to the regulated formation ofmyeloidleukocytes (myelocytes), includingeosinophilic granulocytes,basophilic granulocytes,neutrophilic granulocytes,andmonocytes.[2]

Thecommon myeloid progenitorcandifferentiatein the bone marrow intored blood cellsandmegakaryocytes(leading toplatelets) as well asmast cellsandmyeloblasts,the latter leading to themyelocyticline (granulocytes) and tomonocytes,macrophages,anddendritic cellsof theinnate immune system.The granulocytes, also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes because of their multilobed nuclei, are three short lived cell types includingeosinophils,basophils,andneutrophils.A granulocyte differentiates into a distinct cell type by a process calledgranulopoiesis.In this process it first transforms from a commonmyeloblast(myeloid progenitor) to a common promyelocyte. This promyelocyte gives rise to a unique myelocyte that for the first time can be classified as an eosinophil, basophil, or neutrophil progenitor based on the histological staining affinity (eosinophilic, basophilic, or neutral granules).[3]The unique myelocyte next differentiates into a metamyelocyte and then aband cell,with a C-shaped nucleus, before becoming a mature eosinophil, basophil, or neutrophil. Macrophages come from monoblast progenitors that differentiate intopromonocytes,which mature intomonocytes.Monocytes eventually enter the tissues and becomemacrophages.[citation needed]


  1. ^McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine.S.v. "myelopoiesis." Retrieved 2022-03-15 fromhttps://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/myelopoiesis
  2. ^Schultze, Joachim L.; Mass, Elvira; Schlitzer, Andreas (2019-02-19)."Emerging Principles in Myelopoiesis at Homeostasis and during Infection and Inflammation".Immunity.50(2): 288–301.doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2019.01.019.ISSN1074-7613.PMID30784577.
  3. ^Junqueira, Carneiro. Basic Histology, Text and Atlas.McGraw-Hill Companies. 2005.ISBN978-0-07-144116-2