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(Redirected fromMyo-inositol)
IUPAC name
Systematic IUPAC name
Other names
Mouse antialopecia factor
Rat antispectacled eye factor
Scyllite(for the isomerscyllo-inositol)
Vitamin B8
3D model (JSmol)
ECHA InfoCard 100.027.295Edit this at Wikidata
  • InChI=1S/C6H12O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-12H/t1-,2-,3-,4+,5-,6-checkY
  • InChI=1/C6H12O6/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h1-12H/t1-,2-,3-,4+,5-,6-
  • O[C@@H]1[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H](O)[C@H]1O
Molar mass 180.16 g/mol
Density 1.752 g/cm3
Melting point 225 to 227 °C (437 to 441 °F; 498 to 500 K)
−1329.3 kJ/mol
−2747 kJ/mol
NFPA 704(fire diamond)
NFPA 704 four-colored diamondHealth 1: Exposure would cause irritation but only minor residual injury. E.g. turpentineFlammability 0: Will not burn. E.g. waterInstability 0: Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water. E.g. liquid nitrogenSpecial hazards (white): no code
Flash point 143 °C (289 °F; 416 K)
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in theirstandard state(at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).

Inbiochemistry,medicine,and related sciences,inositolgenerally refers tomyo-inositol(formerlymeso-inositol), the most importantstereoisomerof thechemical compoundcyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol.ItsformulaisC6H12O6;the molecule has a ring of sixcarbonatoms, each with anhydrogenatom and ahydroxylgroup (–OH). Inmyo-inositol, two of the hydroxyls, neither adjacent not opposite, lie above the respective hydrogens relative to the mean plane of the ring.

The compound is acarbohydrate,specifically asugar alcohol(as distinct fromaldoseslikeglucose) with half thesweetnessofsucrose(table sugar). It is one of the most ancient components of living beings with multiple functions in eukaryotes, including structural lipids and secondary messengers.[3]A human kidney makes about two grams per day fromglucose,but other tissues synthesize it too. The highest concentration is in the brain, where it plays an important role in making otherneurotransmittersand somesteroid hormonesbind to their receptors.[4]In other tissues, it mediates cell signal transduction in response to a variety ofhormones,neurotransmitters,and growth factors and participates inosmoregulation.[5]In most mammalian cells the concentrations ofmyo-inositol are 5 to 500 times greater inside cells than outside them.[6]

A 2023 meta-analysis found that inositol is a safe and effective treatment in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).[7]However, there is only evidence of very low quality for its efficacy in increasing fertility for IVF in women with PCOS.[8]

The other naturally occurring stereoisomers of cyclohexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol arescyllo-,muco-,D-chiro-,L-chiro-, andneo-inositol,although they occur in minimal quantities compared tomyo-inositol. The other possible isomers areallo-,epi-, andcis-inositol.



myo-Inositol was originally isolated from muscle extracts by Johanes Joseph Scherer (1814–1869) in 1850.[3]It was formerly calledmeso-inositol to distinguish it from thechiro- isomer. However, since all other isomers are meso (non-chiral) compounds, the namemyo-inositol is now preferred (myo- being amedical prefixfor "muscle" ).

Inositol was once considered a member of thevitamin Bcomplex, namelyvitamin B8before the discovery that it is made naturally in the human body, and therefore cannot be avitaminoressential nutrient.[9]

Chemical properties


myo-Inositol is ameso compound,meaning it isoptically inactivebecause it has aplane of symmetry.[10]It is a white crystalline powder, relatively stable in the air. It is highly soluble in water, slightly soluble inglacial acetic acid,ethanol,glycol,andglycerin,but insoluble inchloroformandether.[3]

In its most stableconformation,themyo-inositol isomer assumes thechair conformation,which moves the maximum number of hydroxyls to the equatorial position, where they are farthest apart from each other. In this conformation, the naturalmyoisomer has a structure in which five of the sixhydroxyls(the first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth) areequatorial,whereas the second hydroxyl group isaxial.[11]

Physiological roles


myo-Inositol plays an important role as the structural basis for a number ofsecondary messengersineukaryoticcells,the variousinositol phosphates.In addition, inositol serves as an important component of the structural lipidsphosphatidylinositol(PI) and its various phosphates, thephosphatidylinositol phosphate(PIP) lipids.



In humans,myo-Inositol issynthesizedde novobutD-chiro-inositol is not.[6]myo-Inositol is synthesized fromglucose 6-phosphate(G6P) in two steps. First, G6P isisomerisedby aninositol-3-phosphate synthaseenzyme (for example,ISYNA1) tomyo-inositol 1-phosphate, which is then dephosphorylated by aninositol monophosphataseenzyme (for example,IMPA1) to give freemyo-inositol. In humans, most inositol is synthesized in the kidneys, followed by testicles, typically in amounts of a few grams per day.[5]

At the peripheral level,myo-inositol is converted toD-chiro-inositol by a specific epimerase. Only a minor fraction ofmyo-inositol is converted intoD-chiro-inositol.[6]The activity of this epimerase is insulin dependent, causing a reduction ofD-chiro-inositol in muscle, fat, and liver when there isinsulin resistance.[12][6]D-chiro-inositol reduces the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, thereby increases the levels of testosterone and worsening PCOS.[6]

Phytic acid in plants

2D-structure of phytic acid
Inositolhexaphosphate, or phytic acid

Inositol hexaphosphate, also calledphytic acidor IP6, is aphytochemicaland the principal storage form ofphosphorusin manyplanttissues,especiallybranandseed.[13]Phosphorus and inositol in phytate form are not generallybioavailableto non-ruminantanimals because these animals lack the digestiveenzymephytaserequired to remove the phosphate groups. Ruminants are readily able to digest phytate because of the phytase produced by microorganisms in therumen.[14]Moreover, phytic acid alsochelatesimportant minerals such ascalcium,magnesium,iron,andzinc,making them unabsorbable, and contributing to mineral deficiencies in people whose diets rely highly on bran and seeds for their mineral intake, such as occurs indeveloping countries.[15][16]

Inositol penta- (IP5), tetra- (IP4), and triphosphate (IP3) are also called "phytates".

Inositol or its phosphates and associated lipids are found in many foods, in particular fruit, especiallycantaloupeandoranges.[17]In plants, the hexaphosphate of inositol,phytic acidor its salts, the phytates, serve as phosphate stores in seed, for example in nuts and beans.[18]Phytic acid also occurs incerealswith highbrancontent. Phytate is, however, not directlybioavailableto humans in the diet, since it is not digestible. Some food preparation techniques partly break down phytates to change this. However, inositol in the form ofphospholipids,as found in certain plant-derived substances such aslecithins,is well absorbed and relatively bioavailable.

Biological function


Inositol, phosphatidylinositol and some of their mono- and polyphosphates function assecondary messengersin a number of intracellularsignal transductionpathways. They are involved in a number of biological processes, including:

In one important family of pathways,phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate(PIP2) is stored in cellular membranes until it is released by any of a number of signalling proteins and transformed into various secondary messengers, for examplediacylglycerolandinositol triphosphate.[25]

'myo-Inositol has very low toxicity, with a reportedLD5010,000 mg/kg body weight (oral) in rats.[3]

Industrial uses


Explosives industry


At the 1936 meeting of theAmerican Chemical Society,professorEdward Bartowof theUniversity of Iowapresented a commercially viable means of extracting large amounts of inositol from the phytic acid naturally present in waste corn. As a possible use for the chemical, he suggested 'inositol nitrate' as a more stable alternative tonitroglycerin.[26]Today, inositol nitrate is used to gelatinizenitrocellulosein many modern explosives and solid rocket propellants.[27]

Road salt


When plants are exposed to increasing concentrations ofroad salt,the plant cells become dysfunctional and undergoapoptosis,leading to inhibited growth. Inositol pretreatment could reverse these effects.[28]

Research and clinical applications




High doses of inositol may be used to treattrichotillomania(compulsive hair-pulling) and related disorders.[29]

Other illnesses


D-chiro-inositol is an important messenger molecule in insulin signaling.[30]Inositol supplementation has been shown to significantly decreasetriglyceridesandLDL cholesterolin patients withmetabolic diseases.[30]

myo-Inositol is important forthyroid hormonesynthesis.[31]Depletion ofmyo-inositol may predispose to development ofhypothyroidism.[31]Patients with hypothyroidism have a higher demand formyo-inositol than healthy subjects.[31]

Inositol should not be routinely implemented for the management of preterm babies who have or are at a risk ofinfant respiratory distress syndrome(RDS).[32]Myo-inositol helps preventneural tube defectswith particular efficacy in combination withfolic acid.[33]

Inositol is considered a safe and effective treatment forpolycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS).[7]It works by increasing insulin sensitivity, which helps to improve ovarian function and reducehyperandrogenism.[34]It is also shown to reduce the risk ofmetabolic diseasein women with PCOS.[35]In addition, thanks to its role as FSH second messenger,myo-inositol is effective in restoring FSH/LH ratio and menstrual cycle regularization.[36]myo-Inositol's role as FSH second messenger leads to a correct ovarian follicle maturation and consequently to a higher oocyte quality. Improving the oocyte quality in both women with or without PCOS,myo-inositol can be considered as a possible approach for increasing the chance of success in assisted reproductive technologies.[37][38]In contrast,D-chiro-inositol can impair oocyte quality in a dose-dependent manner.[39]The high level of DCI seems to be related to elevated insulin levels retrieved in about 70% of PCOS women.[40]In this regard, insulin stimulates the irreversible conversion ofmyo-inositol toD-chiro-inositol causing a drastic reduction ofmyo-inositol.myo-Inositol depletion is particularly damaging to ovarian follicles because it is involved in FSH signaling, which is impaired due tomyo-inositol depletion.[12]Recent evidence reports a faster improvement of the metabolic and hormonal parameters when these two isomers are administered in their physiological ratio. The plasmatic ratio ofmyo-inositol andD-chiro-inositol in healthy subjects is 40:1 ofmyo- andD-chiro-inositol respectively.[41]The use of the 40:1 ratio shows the same efficacy ofmyo-inositol alone but in a shorter time. In addition, the physiological ratio does not impair oocyte quality.[42]

The use of inositols in PCOS is gaining more importance, and an efficacy higher than 70% with a strong safety profile is reported. On the other hand, about 30% of patients could show as inositol-resistant.[43]New evidence regarding PCOS aetiopathogenesis describes an alteration in the species and the quantity of each strain characterizing the normal gastrointestinal flora. This alteration could lead to chronic, low-level inflammation and malabsorption.[44]A possible solution could be represented by the combination ofmyo-inositol andα-lactalbumin.This combination shows a synergic effect in increasing myo-inositol absorption.[45]A recent study reported that themyo-inositol and α-lactalbumin combination is able to increasemyo-inositol plasmatic content in inositol-resistant patients with a relative improvement of hormonal and metabolic parameters.[46]

Use as a cutting agent


Inositol has been used as an adulterant orcutting agentfor many illegal drugs, such ascocaine,methamphetamine,and sometimesheroin,[47]probably because of its solubility, powdery texture, or reducedsweetness(50%) compared to more common sugars.

Inositol is also used as a stand-infilm propforcocaineinfilmmaking.[48][49]

Nutritional sources


myo-Inositol is naturally present in a variety of foods, although tables of food composition do not always distinguish betweenlecithin,the relatively bioavailable lipid form and the biounavailable phytate/phosphate form.[17]Foods containing the highest concentrations ofmyo-inositol and its compounds include fruits, beans, grains, and nuts.[17]Fruits in particular, especially oranges and cantaloupe, contain the highest amounts ofmyo-inositol.[50]It is also present in beans, nuts, and grains, however, these contain large amounts ofmyo-inositol in the phytate form, which is not bioavailable without transformation byphytaseenzymes.Bacillus subtilis,the microorganism which produces the fermented foodnatto,produces phytase enzymes that may convertphytic acidto a more bioavailable form of inositol polyphosphate in the gut.[51]Additionally,Bacteroidesspecies in the gut secrete vesicles containing an active enzyme which converts the phytate molecule into bioavailable phosphorus and inositol polyphosphate, which is an important signaling molecule in the human body.[52]

myo-Inositol can also be found as an ingredient inenergy drinks,[53]either in conjunction with or as a substitute for glucose.[54]

In humans, myo-inositol is naturally made from glucose-6-phosphate through enzymatic dephosphorylation.[50]



As of 2021, the main industrial process for the production ofmyo-inositol (mostly in China and Japan) started with phytate (IP6) extracted from the soaking water resulting from corn and rice bran processing. After purification, the phytate is hydrolized, andmyo-inositol is separated by crystallization.[3]

Another route is microbial fermentation of carbohydrates by various organisms, such as the fungusNeurospora crassa(Beadle and Tatum, 1945),Candida boidini(Shirai et al., 1997),Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Culbertson et al., 1976),Escherichia coli(Hansen, 1999).[3]Alternatively, enzime extracts from microbial cultures can be used in vitro to obtainmyo-inositol from various substrates, including glucose,sucrose,starch,xylose,andamylose.[3]


  1. ^Merck Index(11th ed.). p. 4883.
  2. ^Knyazev, A.V.; Emel’yanenko, V.N.; Shipilova, A.S.; Zaitsau, D.H.; Lelet, M.I.; Knyazeva, S.S.; Gusarova, E.V.; Varfolomeev, M.A. (2018)."Thermodynamic properties of myo-inositol".The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics.116:76–84.doi:10.1016/j.jct.2017.08.028.ISSN0021-9614.
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