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  • Physician
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Narcology(Russian:наркология:narkológija), from Russianнарко-(narco-,pertaining tonarcotics,illicitdrugs) +-логия(-logy,"branch of study" ) is asubspecialtyofpsychiatrydealing with the prevention, treatment, diagnosis, social care and recovery ofdrug-dependent persons.[3]The study and science of phenomena of "narcomania",[note 1]"toxicomania",[note 2]chronic alcoholism,and itsætiology,pathogenesis,and clinical aspects.[3][4]The term for a practitioner of narcology isnarcologist.In the United States, the comparable terms are "addiction medicine"and" addictionist ".

Narcology was introduced as a separated medical specialty in the Soviet Union during the early 1960s through the 1970s.[5]The term "narcology" is used especially in the countries of theformer Soviet Union,including Russia.[4]

Human right violations in Russia


United Nationsbodies and human rights organizations have documentedhuman rightsviolations againstpeople who use drugsin Russia, including the absolute prohibition on opioid substitution therapy andmethadone maintenance treatment,the use of unscientific methods in the treatment ofaddictive disorders,the absence of drug dependence treatment for people with serious medical conditions.[6]

See also


Further literature

  • Stoimenov, Y. A.; Stoimenova, M. Y.; Koeva, P. Y. (2003).Психиатрический энциклопедический словарь[Psychiatric Encyclopaedic Dictionary] (in Russian).Киев:МАУП. p. 565.ISBN966-608-306-X.
  • Elovich, Richard; Drucker, Ernest (2008)."On drug treatment and social control: Russian narcology's great leap backwards".Harm Reduction Journal.5(1): 23.doi:10.1186/1477-7517-5-23.ISSN1477-7517.PMC2474597.PMID18577225.


  1. ^' "Narcomania" ' (наркомания:narkománija:from "narcotic" + "μανία" [madness]) is a Russian narcological term for "drug addiction" or "drug abuse" (the term usually refers to illicit, forbidden by law drugs).
  2. ^' "Toxicomania'" (токсикомания:toksikománija:from "toxic" + "μανία" [madness]) is narcological term for "inhalant abuser", "volatile substances", "benzine", "glue", etc. (related to only non-forbidden drugs)
  1. ^Robert Jean Campbell; Director Gracie Square Hospital and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Robert Jean Campbell, M.D. (2004).Campbell's Psychiatric Dictionary.Oxford University Press, USA. p. 11.ISBN978-0-19-515221-0.
  2. ^Slee (7 October 2009).Slee's Health Care Terms.Jones & Bartlett Publishers. p. 8.ISBN978-0-7637-8903-9.
  3. ^abГофман А. Г."Большая российская энциклопедия: Наркология"[Great Russian Encyclopedia: Narcology].BIGENC(in Russian).Retrieved31 March2019.
  4. ^ab"Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms".www.who.int.2020.Retrieved7 January2024.
  5. ^Шабанов П. Д. (2003).Наркология: Практическое руководство для врачей[Narcology: Clinical Practice Guidelines] (in Russian). Moscow: ГЭОТАР-МЕД. p. 5.ISBN5-9231-0183-1.
  6. ^Golichenko, Mikhail; Chu, Sandra Ka Hon (2018)."Human rights in patient care: drug treatment and punishment in Russia".Public Health Reviews.39(1): 12.doi:10.1186/s40985-018-0088-5.ISSN2107-6952.PMC5984458.PMID29881644.