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List of ancient tribes in Illyria

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Illyrian tribes in the 7th–4th centuries BCE.

This is alist of ancient tribes in the ancient territory ofIllyria(Greek:Ἰλλυρία;Latin:Illyria). The nameIllyriansseems to be the name of a single Illyrian tribe that was the first to come into contact with the ancient Greeks, causing the name Illyrians to be applied to all people of similar language and customs.[1]The locations of Illyrian tribes/peoples prior to the Roman conquest are approximate, as sometimes many wholly different locations are given by ancient writers and modern authors (as in the case of theEnchelei).

After theGreat Illyrian Revolt,the Romans deported,[2]split,[3]and resettled Illyrian tribes withinIllyriaitself and toDacia,sometimes causing whole tribes to vanish and new ones to be formed from their remains, such as the Deraemestae and the Docleatae, some of them mixed withCeltictribes (seeCelticization). Many tribal names are known from Romancivitatesand the number of theirdecuriae,[4]formed of the dispersed tribes in Illyria.


Illyrian tribes in the 1st-2nd centuries CE.


TheAlbani(Latinized form ofAncient Greek:Ἀλβανοί,Albanoi) were an Illyrian tribe whose first historical account appears in a work ofPtolemy.[5]They were the citizens ofAlbanopolis(Ἀλβανόπολις), located in the center of modernAlbania,in theZgërdheshhill fort, near the city ofKrujë.The nationalethnonymof theAlbaniansis derived from this tribe.[6][7][8]


TheAmanteslived in present-day southwestern Albania.[9]The site ofAmantiahas been identified with the location of their territory.[10]The toponym has a connection with the modernAlbanianterm amë/ãmë ( "river-bed, fountain, spring" )[11]


TheArdiaeiorOuardaioi(Ancient Greek:Ἀρδιαῖοι, Οὐαρδαῖοι;Latin:Vardiaei, Vardaei)[12]were anIllyrian people,originally residing inland,[13]and eventually settling on theAdriatic coast.Strabodescribes them as one of the three strongest Illyrian peoples, the other two being theAutariataeandDardani.The political entity of the Ardiaei, which expanded in the south-easternAdriatic,came to be identified with theIllyrian kingdomin the 3rd century BC. Under the Ardiaean kingAgronand his wifeTeuta,the Illyrian kingdom reached its apex. It became a formidable power both on land and sea by assembling a great army and fleet, and directly ruling over a large area made up of different Illyrian tribes and cities that stretched from theNeretva Riverin the north to the borders ofEpirusin the south, while its influence extended throughout Epirus and down intoAcarnania.The Ardiaean realm became one ofRome's major enemies, and its primary threat in theAdriatic Sea.The dominant power of the Illyrian kingdom in the region ceased after its defeat in theIllyro-Roman Wars(229–168 BC). In Roman times the Ardiaei had 20decuriae


TheAutariataeorAutariates(Ancient Greek:Αὐταριᾶται) were an Illyrian tribe that became prominent between the 6th and 4th centuries BC.Strabodescribes them as one of the three strongest Illyrian peoples, the other two being theArdiaeiandDardani.After their defeat during theCeltic invasions of the Balkansin the 4th century, a part of the Autariatae who remained inBosniagraduallyadopted Celtic culture,while another part moved southwards and after an agreement with theKingdom of Macedonia,20,000 settled in theParorbelianmountain range, in an area between modern southeasternNorth Macedonia,northernGreeceand southwesternBulgaria.


TheBalaiteswere an Illyrian tribe known fromepigraphicalfindings only who were organizing themselves in akoinon,and it is likely that they lived in the vicinity ofApollonia.[14][15]


TheBathiatae[16]were an Illyrian tribe.


TheBylliones(Βυλλίονες) were an Illyrian tribe.[17][18]They were affected by a partial culturalHellenisation.[19]They constituted one of the most notable Illyriankoinaof the Hellenistic period, with their territory featuring a network of several settlements.ByllisandNikaiawere their chief centres.


TheCaviiwere an Illyrian tribe.[20]They lived close toLake Shkodër.Their main settlement wasEpicaria.[21]They are mentioned rarely by ancient writers.[22]


TheDaorsiorDuersiorDaorsiiorDaorsei(Ancient Greek:Δαόριζοι, Δαούρσιοι) were an Illyrian tribe.[23]Another name of the tribe was Daversi.[24]The Daorsi had suffered attacks[25]from theDelmataethat made them along withIssa[26]seek the aid of theRomanstate. The Daorsi fought on the Roman side, providing them with their strong navy abandoningCaravantius.After theIllyrian Wars,the Daorsi were given immunity. Their most important city wasDaorson.They had 17decuriae.


TheDardaniorDardanianswere a central Balkan people, among the oldest in the region. They were the most stable and conservative ethnic element among the peoples of the central Balkans, retaining an enduring presence in the region for several centuries. Ancient tradition considered the Dardani as anIllyrian people,andStrabo,in particular describes them as one of the three strongest Illyrian peoples, the other two being theArdiaeiandAutariatae.Their name is traditionally connected to the same root asdardhë,theAlbanianword for 'pear', as well as Alb.dardhán,dardán,'farmer'. The ethnonymPirustae,which is attested since Roman times for a tribe close to the Dardani or living in Dardania, is considered to be theLatintranslation ofDardani(cf. Latinpirus"pear" ). Subgroups of the Dardani included theGalabriand theThunatae,whose tribal names have been respectively connected to theMessapicKalabroi/CalabriandDaunioi/DauniiinApulia(south-easternItaly), of Palaeo-Balkan provenance. In pre-Roman times the Dardani constituted their ownKingdom,often in conflict with their south-eastern neighbor –Macedon.


TheDassaretii(Ancient Greek:Δασσαρῆται, Δασσαρήτιοι) were anIllyrian peoplewho lived in the inlands of southernIllyria,between present-day south-easternAlbaniaand south-westernNorth Macedonia.They were directly in contact with the regions ofOrestisandLynkestisof UpperMacedonia.The Dassaretii were one of the most prominent peoples of southern Illyria, forming an ethnic state. They made up the ancientIllyrian kingdomthat was established in this region. Most scholars hold that the early 4th century BC Illyrian realm ofBardylis– the first attested Illyrian king – was centered alongLake Ohridand east to thePrespa Lakesin Dassaretan territory, located on the border betweenMacedonandEpirus.


TheDeretiniorDerriopes(Ancient Greek:Δερρίοπες) were an Illyrian tribe[27]in Narona conventus with 14decuriae.


TheDeuriorDerbanoi(Ancient Greek:Δερβανοί)[28]were an Illyrian tribe.[29]Other possible names areDerrioi.[30]In a conventus held inSalonaafter theRoman conquestthe Deuri had 25decuriae.[31]


TheDyestesorDyestae(Ancient Greek:Δυέσται)[32]were an Illyrian tribe[33]located around the silver mines ofDamastion.Only Strabo passingly mentions this tribe.


TheEncheleiorSesarethii[34](Ancient Greek:Ἐγχελεῖς, Σεσαρηθίους,accusative of*Σεσαρήθιοι)[35]were an Illyrian tribe.[36]Their name, given by the Greeks, meant "eel-men". InGreek mythology.According to E. Hamp, a connection with Albanianngjalëmakes it possible that the nameEnchelewas derived from theIllyrianterm for eels[37]CadmusandHarmoniaruled over them. Several locations are hypothesized for the Encheleans: aroundLake Ohrid;[38]above Lake Ohrid, or in the region ofLynkestissouth of theTaulantii.[39]


TheKinambroi(Ancient Greek:Κίναμβροι) were an Illyrian tribe. They surrendered toOctavianin 33 BC.[30]


TheLabeatesorLabeatae(Ancient Greek:Λαβεᾶται) were anIllyrian peoplethat lived on theAdriaticcoast of southernIllyria,aroundLake Scodra(the ancientLacus Labeatis). The dynasty of the lastIllyrian kings(Scerdilaidas,Pleuratus,Gentius) was Labeatan. It is possible that the decline of theArdiaeandynasty after QueenTeuta's defeat in theFirst Illyrian WaragainstRomecaused the emergence of the Labeatan dynasty on the political scene. The last known Illyrian king, Gentius, was defeated in theThird Illyro-Roman warin 168. In Roman times the Labeatae minted coins bearing the inscription of theirethnicon.


TheMazaeiorMaezaei(Ancient Greek:Μαζαῖοι, Μαιζαῖοι) were atribalgroup, including 269decuriae.[40][41]


TheMelcumaniorMerromenoiorMelkomenioi(Ancient Greek:Μελκομένιοι) were an Illyrian tribe.[42]The Melcumani had 24decuriae.


NarensiorNarensiiorNarensioi(Ancient Greek:Ναρήνσιοι)[43]orNaresioiorNaresii(Ancient Greek:Ναρήσιοι) was the name of a newly formed[44]Illyrian tribe[45]from various peoples living around the River Naron orNeretva,mostly in itsLower course.The Narensi had 102decuriae.



Penestae(Ancient Greek:Πενέσται) was the name of an Illyrian tribe.[46]Their chief town wasUscana.


TheSelepitani(Latin:Selepitani) were an Illyrian tribe located below theLake Scutari.


TheSiculotaeorSikoulotaiwere an Illyrian tribe.[47]The Siculotae were part of the Pirustae.[44]The Siculotae had 24decuriae.


TheDalmataewere an ancient Illyrian tribe. It is considered to be connected to theAlbaniandeleand its variants which include theGhegformdelmë,meaning "sheep", and to the Albanian termdelmer,"shepherd". They were laterCelticized.[48][49]The Delmatae had 342decuriae.


TheIapydesor Japodes (Ancient Greek:Ἰάποδες,romanized:Iapodes) were an ancient people who dwelt north of and inland from the Liburnians, off the Adriatic coast and eastwards of the Istrian peninsula. The first written mention of an Illyrian tribe known as "Iapydes" is byHecataeus of Miletus.


TheBaridustaewere an Illyrian tribe that was later settled inDacia[50]along with Pirustae and Sardeates. The Baridustae were a Dalmatian tribe.[51]


TheTarioteswere a subtribe of the Dalmatae that lived on the eastern Adriatic coast.[52]


TheSardeatesorSardiotaiwere an Illyrian tribe close toJajce.[29]Sardeates were later settled inDacia.[50]The Sardeates had 52decuriae.


TheDocleatae(Ancient Greek:Δοκλεᾶται,romanized:Dokleatai) were an Illyrian tribe that lived in what is nowMontenegro.Their capital wasDoclea[53](orDioclea), and they are called after the town. They had settled west of theMorača river,up to Montenegro's present-day borders withBosnia and Herzegovina.The Docleatae were prominent for their cheese, which was exported to various Roman provinces within theRoman Empire.[54]They were composed of parts of the Taulantii, the Pleraei or Pyraei,Endirudini,Sasaei,Grabaei,Labeatae[30]that came together after theGreat Illyrian revolt.The Docleatae had 33decuriae.


Pleraei,Plarioi,Pyraei,Pleraioi,PlaraioiorPalarioi(Ancient Greek:Παλάριοι) was the name of an Illyrian tribe.[55]


EndirudiniorInterphrourinoi(Ancient Greek:Ἰντερφρουρῖνοι)[56]was the name of an Illyrian tribe that became part of the Docleatae.[30]


Sasaeiwas the name of an Illyrian tribe that became part of the Docleatae.[30]


TheGrabaeiorKambaioi(Ancient Greek:Καμβαῖοι)[56]were a minor Illyrian group that lived aroundLake Scutari.[57]


DeraemestaeorDeraemistaewas the name of an Illyrian tribe.[58]The Deraemestae were composed of parts[59]of several other tribes such as theOzuaei,Taulantii,Partheni,Hemasini,ArthitaeandArmistae.The Deramestae had 30decuriae.


OzuaeiorOzuaioiorOxuaioi(Ancient Greek:Ὀξυαῖοι)[56]was the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[59]


HemasiniorHippasinoi(Ancient Greek:Ἱππασῖνοι)[60]was the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[59]


Arthitaewas the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[59]


Armistaewas the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[59]


Taulantii(Ancient Greek:Ταυλάντιοι) was the name of a cluster[61]of Illyrian tribes. The termtaulantiiis connected with theAlbanianworddallëndyshe,ortallandushe,meaning 'swallow'. The ethnonymChelidonioialso reported by Hecateus as the name of a tribe neighboring the Taulantii is the translation of the nameTaulantiiaskhelīdṓn(χελιδών) means "swallow" inAncient Greek.According toGreek mythologyTaulas(Tαύλας), one of the six sons ofIllyrius,was theeponymousancestor of the Taulantii.[62]The Taulantii dominated at various times much of the plain between the riversDrin(Drilon) andVjosa(Aoös). Their central area was the hinterland ofEpidamnos-Dyrrhachion,corresponding to present-dayTiranaand the region between the valleys ofMatandShkumbin(Genusus). This tribe played an important role in Illyrian history of the 4th-3rd centuries BC, whenKing Glaukias(ruled 335 – c. 302 BC) ruled over them. Glaukias offered asylum to the infantPyrrhus of Epirusand maintained ties with him after he became king ofEpirus.TheAbroi,a northern subgroup of the Taulantii, were known to the ancient Greek writers for their technique of preparingmeadfromhoney.[63]



Pannonian tribes[edit]

Dalmatians, Liburni, Venetic groups, Pannonian groups and Celts in Pannonia

The namePannonians(Ancient Greek:Παννόνιοι,romanized:Pannonii) refers toIllyriantribes, who originally inhabited the southern part of what was later known as Roman province ofPannonia,south of the riverDrava(Dravus), and the northern part of the futureRoman province of Dalmatia.In the Roman era, Pannonians settled inDacia,the northern Pannonian plain and the eastern Alps.[64]Some Pannonian tribes appear to have beenCelticized.[65][66]

Julius Pokornybelieved the namePannoniais derived fromIllyrian,from theProto-Indo-Europeanroot*pen-,"swamp, water, wet" (cf. Englishfen,"marsh"; Hindipani,"water" ).[67]

The Pannonian tribes inhabited the area between the river Drava and the Dalmatian coast. Early archaeology and onomastics show that they were culturally different from southern Illyrians,Iapodes,and theLa Tènepeoples commonly known as theCelts,though they were laterCelticized.However, there are some cultural similarities between the Pannonians and Dalmatians. Many of the Pannonians lived in areas with rich iron ore deposits, so that iron mining and production was an important part of their economy before and after the Roman conquest. Apart fromSegestica,the Pannonians did not have settlements of importance in pre-Roman times[68]that were actuallyCeltic.Ancient sources (Strabo,Pliny the Elder,Appian of Alexandria) mention few of the Pannonian[69]tribes by name, and historians and archaeologists have located some of them.

The Pannonians were not definitely subdued within the province ofIllyricumuntil theGreat Illyrian Revolt,which started in 6 AD when the Pannonians, together with the Dalmatians and otherIllyrian tribes,revolted, and engaged the Roman Empire in a hard-fought campaign that lasted for three years, when they were finally overcome by the future emperorTiberiusandGermanicusin 9 AD. At that point, the province of Illyricum was dissolved, and its lands were divided between the new provinces of Pannonia in the north and Dalmatia in the south.


Amantini(Ancient Greek:Ἄμαντες) was the name of aPannonian[70]Illyrian tribe.[71]They greatly resisted theRomansbut were sold as slaves after their defeat.[72]The Amantini were close toSirmium.[73]


TheBreuci(Ancient Greek:Βρεῦκοι,romanized:Breukoi) were a Pannonian Illyrian tribe.[69]They greatly resisted theRomansand some were sold as slaves after their defeat.[72]They received Roman citizenship during Trajan's rule. It is likely that the name of thenorthern BosniancityBrčkois derived from the name of thistribe.[74]A number of Breuci settled inDacia.[75]

Bato the Breucianof the Breuci tribe andPinnesfrom Pannonia were among the leaders of theGreat Illyrian Revolt,together withBato the Daesitiateof theDaesitiatesfromDalmatia.[76]


Colapianiwas the name of an Illyrian tribe.[77]The Colapiani were created from the PannonianBreuci[78]along with theOsseriatesand the CelticVarciani.[citation needed]They lived in the central and southernWhite Carniola,along theKupariver, and were mentioned byPliny the ElderandPtolemy.[79]The archeologists Jaro Šašel and Dragan Božič have attributed theVinica material cultureto Colapiani,[80]but opinions are divided.[81]


TheDaesitiateswere an Illyrian tribe that lived in what is today centralBosnia and Herzegovina[82]during the time of theRoman Republic.Along with the Maezaei, the Daesitiates were part of the western group of Pannonians in Roman Dalmatia.[83]They were prominent from the end of the 4th century BC up until the beginning of the 3rd century AD. Evidence of their daily activities can be found in literary sources, as well as in the rich material finds that belong to theCentral Bosnian cultural group.After nearly three centuries of political independence, the Daesitiates (and their polity) were conquered by Roman EmperorAugustus.Afterwards, the Daesitiates were incorporated into the province ofIllyricumwith a low total of 103decuriae.[84]


ThePirustaeorPyrissaei[85](Ancient Greek:Πειροῦσται[86]orΠυρισσαῖοι)[56]were aPannonianIllyrian[87]tribe that lived in modernMontenegro.According to some sources, they had also lived in territories outside of modern-day Montenegro, but the majority of archaeologists, including the famous British archaeologistSir Arthur Evans,say that the Pirustae had lived in northern Montenegro, around present-dayPljevljaand that they were prominent miners. Their prominence in mining has been seen in epigraphic monuments fromDacia's mining regions.[88]Pirustae along with otherPannoniansandIllyrianslike the Sardeates were later settled inDacia(modern-day Romania).[50][89]


TheScirtariorScirtoneswere an Illyrian tribe.[47]The Scirtari were part of the Pirustae.[44]The Scirtari had 72decuriae.


TheGlintidiones(Ancient Greek:Γλιντιδίωνες) were an Illyrian[90]tribe. The Glintidiones may have been part of the Pirustae.[44]The Glintidiones had 44decuriae.


Ceraunii(Ancient Greek:Κεραύνιοι,romanized:Keraunioi) was the name of an Illyrian tribe that lived close to the Pirustae[91]in modernMontenegro.The Ceraunii were part of the Pirustae.[44]They had 24decuriae.[92]Their name seems to derive from the Greek word for 'thunderbolt'.[93]


TheSegestani(Ancient Greek:Σεγεστανοί,romanized:Segestanoi) were a Pannonian Illyrian tribe who inhabited the area aroundSegestica,later known asSiscia(modern-daySisakinCroatia).[94]

In the 2nd century BC, the Segestani were attacked without lasting success byconsulsLucius Aurelius Cottaand an unidentifiedCornelius.

In 35 BC, the Segestani were attacked byAugustus,who conquered and occupied Siscia.


MaezaeiorMaizaioiorMazaioi(Ancient Greek:Μαζαῖοι) were a Pannonian Illyrian tribe.[95]TheMaezaeihad 269decuriae.


TheAndizetes,also referred to asAndisetes(Ancient Greek:Ἀνδιζήτιοι), were a small Pannonian[96][97]tribe that lived in the territory of present-dayBosnia and Herzegovina.Not much is known about this tribe except that it is found on the list of Illyrian tribes that rose against theRoman Empireduring theGreat Illyrian Revolt.The personal name of 'Andes', a variant of the name 'Andis' popular among the Illyrians of southernPannoniaand much of northernDalmatia(corresponding roughly with modern Bosnia and Herzegovina), may be derived from the name of this tribe. Alternatively, it is related to the Albanian worddizet/dyzetmeaning 'forty' with 'an' as prefix as article; thus, their name would mean "the forties".[98]They started receiving Roman citizenship during Trajan's rule.[74]


TheAzali(Ancient Greek:Ἄζαλοι) were a tribe that inhabited Brigetio (nowSzőny) inNoricum,transported there during the Roman conquest from southern Pannonia.[99]They had been deported after the6–9 AD rebellion.[100]They, along with theEravisci,inhabited theFejér Countyduring theMarcomannic Wars(166–180).[101]Thecivitas azaliorumincluded the Brigetio legionary fortress and surrounding settlements.[102]


TheDitiones(Ancient Greek:Διτίωνες) were a Pannonian Illyrian tribe.[69]The Ditiones had 239decuriae.


Jasiwas the name of a Pannonian Illyrian tribe.[71][103]


TheOsseriates[104](alsoOseriates), along with the CelticVarcianiand theColapiani,were created from the PannonianBreuci.

Illyrii proprie dicti[edit]

Illyrii proprie dicti[105]were theIllyrians proper,so called byPliny(23–79 AD) in hisNatural History.They later formed theDocleatae.They were theTaulantii,thePleraeiorPyraei,theEndirudini,Sasaei,Grabaei,Labeatae.[citation needed]Illyrians proper were also some of the native communities of Roman Dalmatia.[106]


Atintaniwere a tribe in Illyria, north ofVia Egnatia.Appian (95 – 165 AD) mentions them close toEpidamnus.[107]During theIllyrian Wars,the Atintani went over to the Romans and, according to Appian,Demetrius of Pharostried to detach them from Roman authority. The Atintani seem to have originated from the obscure, perhapsThracianTynteni,only attested in coins.[108]The Atintani were ruled by theThraciandynasty of thePeresadyes.[109]



In the early historical sources from the 8th century BC, theLiburnianswere recorded by name or as separate ethnic groups; and as early as the 6th century BC,Hecateusnoted that the Liburnians were also composed ofCaulici,Mentores,SyopiiandHythmitae,probably narrow tribal communities. Later, in the 3rd century BC,CallimachusmentionedMentores,Hymanes,EnchealaeandPeucetiasas those who once had been a part of them,Ismeniwere also recorded as one of their communities.[110]


IapygiansandMessapiansdid not dwell in Illyria, but in the heel of southernItaly.They could have had Illyrian origins[112]or some sort of link withIllyria.

Adriatic Veneti[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 92
  2. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 217
  3. ^Alan Bowman,The Cambridge Ancient History,Vol. 10:The Augustan Empire, 43 BC – AD 69,ISBN0-521-26430-8,1996, p. 579.
  4. ^'Decuriae' was a Roman term used byPliny the Elderin hisNatural Historycompleted in 70 AD based on official registers. Eachcivitashad a number ofdecuriaeassigned to it as an indication of its size. A Roman division of native peoples.Wilkes 1992,p. 215)
  5. ^William Smith, LLD, Ed.,Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography,1854
  6. ^History of the Byzantine Empire,324–1453 By Alexander A. Vasiliev Edition: 2, illustrated. Published by Univ of Wisconsin Press, 1958ISBN0-299-80926-9,ISBN978-0-299-80926-3(page 613)
  7. ^History of the Balkans: Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by Barbara Jelavich Edition: reprint, illustrated. Published by Cambridge University Press, 1983ISBN0-521-27458-3,ISBN978-0-521-27458-6(page 25)
  8. ^The Indo-European languagesBy Anna Giacalone Ramat, Paolo Ramat Edition: illustrated. Published by Taylor & Francis, 1998ISBN0-415-06449-X,9780415064491 (page 481)
  9. ^Galaty, Michael L. (2002). "Modeling the Formation and Evolution of an Illyrian Tribal System: Ethnographic and Archaeological Analogs". In William A. Parkinson (ed.).The Archaeology of Tribal Societies.Berghahn Books. p. 119.ISBN1789201713.
  10. ^Hansen, Mogens Herman; Nielsen, Thomas Heine (2004).An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis(PDF).Oxford University Press. p. 342.ISBN0-19-814099-1.
  11. ^Çabej, Eqrem (1996).Studime etimologjike në fushë të shqipes(in Albanian). Akademia e Shkencave e RPS të Shqipërisë, Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe i Letërsisë.
  12. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 216: "The Ardiaei, or Vardaei as they were known to the Romans, 'once the ravagers of Italy' and now reduced to a mere"
  13. ^Appian and Illyricum by Marjeta Šašel Kos,"The Ardiaei were certainly also settled in the hinterland, along the Naro River at least as far as the Konjic region..."
  14. ^Pierre Cabanes:Les illyriens de Bardulis à Genthios (IVe–IIe siècles avant J.-C.).Paris: SEDES. 1988. p. 301.
  15. ^Neritan Ceka:The Illyrians to the Albanians.Tirana: Migjeni. 2013. pp. 229, 422.
  16. ^Appian: Roman History, Vol. IV, The Civil Wars, Books 3.27-5 (Loeb Classical Library No. 5) by Appian and Horace White, 1979, Index: 69, 71; IL 4, 22. Bastitani, Spanish tribe, Sp. Mi. Bathiatae, Illyrian tribe
  17. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 97: "Beginning in the south the first Illyrians near the coast were the Bylliones beyond the river Aous in the hinterland of Apollonia. Their hill-settlement developed later into the town of Byllis..."
  18. ^Elsie, Robert."Early History of Albania"(PDF).www.albanianhistory.net.Robert Elsie.
  19. ^The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 6: The Fourth Century BC by D. M. Lewis (Editor), John Boardman (Editor), Simon Hornblower (Editor), M. Ostwald (Editor),ISBN0-521-23348-8,1994, page 423, "Through contact with their Greek neighbors some Illyrian tribe became bilingual (Strabo Vii.7.8.Diglottoi) in particular the Bylliones and the Taulantian tribes close to Epidamnus..."
  20. ^The central Balkan tribes in pre-Roman times: Triballi, Autariatae, Dardanians, Scordisci and Moesians by Fanula Papazoglu, 1978,ISBN90-256-0793-4,page 247, "... which appears in the name of the Illyrian tribe of the Cavii..."
  21. ^The classical gazetteer: a dictionary of ancient geography, sacred and profane by William Hazlitt, 1851, "Epicaria a town of the Cavii in Illyria..."
  22. ^Rome and the Mediterranean: books XXXI-XLV of The history of Rome from its foundation by Livy, Henry Bettenson,ISBN0-14-044318-5,1976, page 580
  23. ^Wilkes 1992From back matter: "Surveys of ships on coins of the Daors tribe..."
  24. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 216: "... to the Romans, 'once the ravagers of Italy' and now reduced to a mere 20decuriae,and the Daorsi or Daversi... "
  25. ^I greci in Adriatico, Volume 2 by Lorenzo Braccesi, Mario Luni, page 152, "The Daorsi suffered directly from the attacks of the Delmatae and were understandably one of the first peoples to have left Gentius' half brother Caravantius and sought protection from the Roman state, placing their armed forces at the disposal of the Romans. After the war, they were rewarded by having been given immunity..."
  26. ^The magistrates of the Roman Republic.Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton, 1960:446, "Head of a commission sent, after the receipt of complaints from Issa and the Daorsi, to observe conditions in Illyria and Dalmatia..."
  27. ^J. J. Wilkes,Dalmatia,Tome 2 ofHistory of the Provinces of the Roman Empire,1969, page 157
  28. ^Appianus, Illyrica,"... και Δερβανοί προσιόντα τον Καίσαρα συγγνώμην..."
  29. ^abWilkes 1992,p. 216: "... of southwest Bosnia, the Maezaei (269) of the Sana and Vrbas valleys, and the Sardeates (52) around Jajce and the Deuri (25) around Bugojno, both in the Vrbas valley."
  30. ^abcdeThe Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69 (Volume 10) by Alan Bowman, Edward Champlin, andAndrew Lintott,1996, page 577
  31. ^Neritan Ceka:The Illyrians to the Albanians.Tirana: Migjeni. 2005. p. 148: "Salona was the center of aconventusmade up of the Dalmatians, with 342decuriae;the Deuri, with 25; the Ditiones, with 239; the Mezei, with 60; and the Sardeates with 53. "
  32. ^VII.7.5,"... περί α Δυέσται συνεστήσαντο την δυναστείαν και Εγχέλειοι ους και Σεσαρέθιους καλούσι..."
  33. ^Macedonia, Thrace and Illyria: their relations to Greece from the earliest... by Stanley Casson, page 321
  34. ^Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), book 7, chapter 7: "... had established their sway, and Enchelii, who are also called Sesarethii. Then come the Lyncestæ, the territory Deuriopus, Pelagonia-Tripolitis..."
  35. ^Strabo Geography, Book 7.7
  36. ^John J. Wilkes,The Illyrians,1996,ISBN0-631-19807-5,p. 96: "The Enchelei are an Illyrian people, who inhabit the land after Rhizon. From Bouthoe to Epidamnus, a Greek city...".
  37. ^Cadmus:"After having many children, Cadmus and Harmonia left Thebes in order to defend the Encheleans, a people living in southern Illyria, which is the region north of Epirus, and there defeated the Illyrian intruders..."
  38. ^John J. Wilkes,The Illyrians;1996,ISBN0-631-19807-5,p. 98.
  39. ^John J. Wilkes,The Illyrians,1996,ISBN0-631-19807-5,p. 99.
  40. ^Benac A., Ed. (1986): Bosna i Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovia / Bosnien und Herzegowina. Svjetlost, Sarajevo.
  41. ^Šentija J., Ed. (1977): Opća enciklopedija Jugoslavenskog leksikografskog zavoda, 3: Foc-Iw. Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb.
  42. ^The Cambridge Ancient History by John Boardman,ISBN0-521-26430-8,1923, page 578, "Since they are listed among those peoples who submitted in 33 B.C. the Melcumani (24) are not likely to have lived any great distance from the coast. It has been suggested that they may..."
  43. ^Gaius Plinius Secundus' Historiae naturalis, Liber 3
  44. ^abcdeThe Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69 (Volume 10) by Alan Bowman, Edward Champlin, and Andrew Lintott, 1996, page 578
  45. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 216: "... destination of one of the military roads constructed from Salona after the end of the war in AD 9. The Narensi (102) of the same conventus are likely to be named from the river Naron/Narenta..."
  46. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 172
  47. ^abWilkes 1992,p. 217: "... whose name deriving from the Greek for 'thunderbolt' links them with high mountains, Siculotae (24), Glintidiones (44) and Scirtari, who dwelt along the border with Macedonia. In northeast Bosnia the Dindari are located by the record of one of..."
  48. ^The Oxford Classical Dictionary by Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth, 2003, page 426
  49. ^A dictionary of the Roman Empire Oxford paperback reference,ISBN0-19-510233-9,1995, page 202, "... contact with the peoples of the Illyrian kingdom and at the Celticized tribes of the Delmatae..."
  50. ^abcALBURNUS MAIOR (Roşia Montană) Alba, Romania.,"An important settlement, center of gold mining in Roman Dacia Superior, in the Apuseni mountains. In the hills of Cetatea Mare and Cetatea Mică, traces are preserved of ancient Roman mines. Under Trajan, Dalinatian colonists (Pirustae, Baridustae, Sardeates) settled here, each tribe dwelling in a separate village or quarter."
  51. ^Roman Dacia: the making of a provincial society by W. S. Hanson, Ian Haynes, 2004, page 22, "Outside the main urban centres, the best attested group of civilian immigrants is members of the Dalmatian tribes such as the Baridustae..."
  52. ^A. Mayer,Die Sprache der alten Illyrier I (Schriften der Balkankommission, Linguistiche Abteilung XV),VÖAW, 1957, p. 329.
  53. ^DOCLEA (Duklja) Crna Gora, Yugoslavia.
  54. ^Istorijski leksion Crne Gore: Č-JISBN86-7706-167-3
  55. ^Dalmatia,Tome 2 ofHistory of the provinces of the Roman Empireby J. J. Wilkes, 1969, page 32
  56. ^abcdAppianus,Illyrica,"Οξυαίους μεν δη και Περθεηνάτας, και Βαθιάτας και Ταυλαντίους, και Καμβαίους, και Κινάμβρους, και Μερρομένους, και Πυρισσαίους, είλε δι' όλης πείρας, έργω δε μείζονι ελήφθησαν, και φόρους όσους εξέλιπον ηναγκάσθησαν αποδουναι, Δοκλεᾶται τε και Κάρνοι και Ιντερεφρουρίνοι και Ναρήσιοι και Γλιντιδίωνες και Ταυρίσκοι."
  57. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 121.
  58. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 257: "In Popovopolje the Deraemestae may have been incorporated within the new municipium at Diluntum (Ljubinje). Several cities were created in the more remote regions"
  59. ^abcdeAlan Bowman, Edward Champlin, and Andrew Lintott,The Cambridge Ancient History,Vol. 10:The Augustan Empire, 43 BC – AD 69,1996, p. 577: "... figure in the warfare of the second century B.C. The Deraemestae (30) were a new formation from several smaller peoples in the hinterland of Epidaurum including the Ozuaei, Partheni, Hemasini, Arthitae and Armistae."
  60. ^J. J. Wilkes,Dalmatia,Tome 2 ofHistory of the Provinces of the Roman Empire,1969, p. 482.
  61. ^The Cambridge ancient history, Tome 6 by John Boardman,ISBN0-521-85073-8,1994, page 423
  62. ^Appian,The Foreign Wars, III, 1.2
  63. ^Food in the Ancient World (Food Through History) by Joan P. Alcock,ISBN0-313-33003-4,2005, page 91, "Aristotle described the process of making it by the Taulantii of Illyria, and Pliny commented on hydromeli made in Phrygia."
  64. ^Ion Grumeza,Dacia: Land of Transylvania, Cornerstone of Ancient Eastern Europe,ISBN0-7618-4465-1,2009, p. 51: "In a short time the Dacians imposed their conditions on the Anerati, Boii, Eravisci, Pannoni, Scordisci..."
  65. ^Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth,The Oxford Classical Dictionary,2003, p. 1106.
  66. ^A. Mocsy, S. Frere, "Pannonia and Upper Moesia",A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire,p. 152: "As already seen on Chapter 3 the Celtic and Celticized natives of Pannonia."
  67. ^[1]J. Pokorny,Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch,No. 1481Archived2011-06-12 at theWayback Machine
  68. ^John T. Koch (2006). Celtic Culture. p. 1662.ISBN1-85109-440-7.
  69. ^abcWilkes 1992,p. 203: "Papirius Carbo. Strabo (7.5, 3) identifies the Pannonian peoples as Breuci, Andizetes, Ditiones, Pirustae, Maezaei and Daesitiates."
  70. ^J. J. Wilkes,Dalmatia,Tome 2 ofHistory of the Provinces of the Roman Empire,1969, page 534
  71. ^abWilkes 1992,p. 218: "Except for the Latobici and Varciani, whose names are Celtic, the civitates of Colapiani, Jasi, Breuci, Amantini and Scordisci were Illyrian."
  72. ^abWilkes 1992,p. 207: "The war was a savage affair and the main resistance to the Romans came from the Breuci and Amantini in the Sava valley. The young males were rounded up and sold as slaves in Italy, a quite exceptional action"
  73. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 81: "the Breuci with Scilus Bato, Blaedarus, Dasmenus, Dasius, Surco, Sassaius, Liccaius and Lensus, and the Amantini and Scordisci around Sirmium with Terco and Precio, Dases and Dasmenus"
  74. ^abWilkes 1992,p. 256: "... reign of Trajan (AD 98-117), does the Roman citizenship begin to appear among the Illyrian communities of southeast Pannonia, the Andizetes, Scordisci and Breuci."
  75. ^Dacia: Land of Transylvania, Cornerstone of Ancient Eastern Europe by Ion Grumeza,ISBN0-7618-4465-1,2009, page 51, "Many Scordisci and Breuci settled in Dacia nevertheless and were eventually absorbed into the local population."
  76. ^The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69 (Volume 10) by Alan Bowman, Edward Champlin, and Andrew Lintott, 1996, page 176, "Daesitiates was soon matched by rebellion of the Breuci in Pannonia, headed by Pinnes and another Bato."
  77. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 81: "In Roman Pannonia the Latobici and Varciani who dwelt east of the Venetic Catari in the upper Sava valley wereCelticbut the Colapiani of the Colapis (Kulpa) valley were Illyrians... "
  78. ^The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69 (Volume 10) by Alan Bowman,ISBN0-521-26430-8,1996, page 579
  79. ^Oto Luthar (2008)."Prehistory: History Created by Archaeology".The Land Between: A History of Slovenia.Peter Lang. p. 36.ISBN978-3-631-57011-1.
  80. ^"Ljudje ob Krki in Kolpi v latenski dobi"[People Along Krka and Kolpa in the La Tène Period].Arheološki vestnik(in Slovenian, German, and English).52.Institute of Archaeology, Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences: 181–198. 2001.
  81. ^Weiss, Janez (2007)."Sprehod po zgodovini Črnomlja od konca bronaste dobe do novega veka"[The Walk Through the History of Črnomelj from the End of the Bronze Age to the Modern Era].Črnomelj.si(in Slovenian). Municipality of Črnomelj. Archived fromthe originalon 31 May 2013.
  82. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 207.
  83. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 80.
  84. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 216.
  85. ^J. J. Wilkes,Dalmatia,Tome 2 ofHistory of the Provinces of the Roman Empire,1969, page 155
  86. ^Strabo's Geography 4.3
  87. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 207: "... the imperial triumphs over individual peoples. Among the several Illyrian groups singled out were Japodes, Dardanians, Pannonian Andizetes and Pirustae."
  88. ^Istorijski Leksilon Crne Gore: Č-JISBN86-7706-167-3
  89. ^The Cambridge Ancient History, Part 1, The Prehistory of the Balkans, the Middle East and the Aegean World, Tenth to Eighth Centuries BC, 2nd Edition, by John BoardmanISBN978-0-521-22496-3|ISBN0-521-22496-9
  90. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 217: "... with high mountains, Siculotae (24), Glintidiones (44) and Scirtari, who dwelt along the border with Macedonia. In northeast Bosnia the Dindari are located by the record of one of their chiefs (principes) in the Drina valley... "
  91. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 217: "Pirustae, who inhabited the high valleys of southeast Bosnia and northern Montenegro, seem to have been divided between the Ceraunii (24decuriae)... "
  92. ^J. J. Wilkes,Dalmatia,Tome 2 ofHistory of the Provinces of the Roman Empire,1969, page 485
  93. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 217: "Pirustae, who inhabited the high valleys of southeast Bosnia and northern Montenegro, seem to have been divided between the Ceraunii (24decuriae), whose name deriving from the Greek for 'thunderbolt'... "
  94. ^Rome and the Barbarians, 100 B.C. – A.D. 400 by Thomas S. Burns,ISBN0-8018-7306-1,2003, page 200, "... Appian's account depicts a situation in which the inhabitants of Siscia (Σεγεστική,Segestike,therefore 'the Segestani') appealed in vain for aid from fellow Pannonians in their vicinity, but these people were reluctant to get involved, preferring... "
  95. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 80: "Among the Pannonians within Roman Dalmatia the western groups, including the Maezaei and Daesitiates, exhibit few outside connections, and those are with Delmatae immediately to the south, though in Alföldy's view the two groups..."
  96. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 207
  97. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 203: "... Papirius Carbo. Strabo (7.5, 3) identifies the Pannonian peoples as Breuci, Andizetes, Ditiones, Pirustae, Maezaei and Daesitiates"
  98. ^Wilkes 1992
  99. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 81.
  100. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 217.
  101. ^András Mócsy (1959).Die Bevölkerung von Pannonien: bis zu den Markomannenkriegen.Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. pp. 54–.
  102. ^Jane Fejfer; Mette Moltesen; Annette Rathje (9 April 2015).Tradition: Transmission of Culture in the Ancient World.Museum Tusculanum Press. p. 29.ISBN978-87-635-4258-6.
  103. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 257: "Pannonian Illyrians include that of the Jasi..."
  104. ^The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. 10: The Augustan Empire, 43 BC-AD 69 (Volume 10) by Alan Bowman, Edward Champlin, and Andrew Lintott, 1996, page 579,
  105. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 216
  106. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 92
  107. ^Appian, Illyrian Wars, App. Ill. 2.
  108. ^The Cambridge Ancient History: Persia, Greece and the Western Mediterranean... by John Boardman, 1988,ISBN0-521-22804-2,page 496, "The issuing authorities were tribes as far afield as the 'Tynteni' (later Atintani)..."
  109. ^A History of Macedonia: 550-336 B.C
  110. ^Š. Batović, Liburnska kultura, Matica Hrvatska i Arheološki muzej Zadar, Zadar, 2005, UDK: 904 (398 Liburnija),ISBN953-6419-50-5,pages 64-66
  111. ^The Cambridge Ancient History by Alan K. Bowman,ISBN0-521-26430-8,page 575
  112. ^The Oxford Classical Dictionary by Simon Hornblower,ISBN0-19-860641-9,2003, page 431
  113. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 183: "We may begin with the Venetic peoples, Veneti, Carni, Histri and Liburni, whose language set them apart from the rest of the Illyrians..."
  114. ^Wilkes 1992,p. 81: "In Roman Pannonia the Latobici and Varciani who dwelt east of the Venetic Catari in the upper Sava valley were Celtic but the Colapiani of the Colapis (Kulpa) valley were Illyrians..."
  115. ^The classical gazetteer: a dictionary of ancient geography, sacred and profane by William Hazlitt, 1851, page 311, "SECUSSES, a people of Histria"


Further reading[edit]

  • Falileyev, Alexander and Radman-Livaja, Ivan. "More Celtic names from Roman Pannonia". In:Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie63, no. 1 (2016): 49–68.https://doi.org/10.1515/zcph-2016-0004