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Nian Li

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Nian Li festival
Nian Li worship activities in Huangzhushan Village,Maoming,Guangdong province

Nian Li(in mandarin, “Nin Lai" inCantonese,Chinese:Niên lệ;pinyin:nián lì;Jyutping:nin4 lai6) is a unique traditional festival in the west ofGuangdong Province,China. "Nian" means a year inMandarin Chinese,while “Li” means a routine. The combination of these two words means a routine of a year. Thus, people celebrate Nian Li once a year.

Among various traditional festivals in China,Lunar New Yearmust be the most bustling one. However, in areas of the west ofGuangdong provinceand the south of the Five Ridges, Nian Li seems more important to local people. It is a festival full of folk cultural custom and local color. It is so busy that the road is virtually paralyzed by traffic at about 5 or 6 o’clock, the peak time---even traffic police must show up to conduct the traffic.

Nian Li promote the economic development of the west ofGuangdong Province.During Nian Li period, one of the traditional activities, a grand banquet, rises the price of meat, vegetable and fruit apparently. Moreover, for better welcoming Nian Li, villagers also construct the infrastructures, like repairing roads and building bridges; they buy kinds of furniture and electrical appliancesand decorate their houses; troupes perform for the ceremonies of Nian Li;[1]peddlers set temporary stalls in villages.[2]All these well promote the local economy.



Nian Liis also calledLunar New Year Fairin some places, but differing from the traditional festivalLunar New Year Fairin China, it is a local festival celebrated in villages ofWuchuan, Guangdong,Zhanjiangand neighboringDianbai District,Huazhou, Guangdong,Xinyi, Guangdong,Gaozhou, Guangdong,Maonan District,Mao Guang, Yangchun ofMaoming,Guangdong province.

Nian Li located in
The west of Guangdong province(the west among four parts)
# Name Hanzi
1 Maonan District Mậu nam khu
2 Dianbai District Điện bạch khu
3 Huazhou City Hóa châu thị
4 Xinyi City Tín nghi thị
5 Gaozhou City Cao châu thị
6 Maogang City Mậu cảng
7 Yangchun City Dương xuân
8 Wuchuan, Guangdong Ngô xuyên

The dates of Nian Li differ from place to place, centering in lunar January and February. A few others are in autumn (about a month after autumn harvest). In some places, several neighboring villages may have their Nian Li in the same date since they worship the same local land Gods (usually, in rural area, a temple is enshrined and worshipped by several villages around. And they celebrate their Nian Li together). Generally, a village celebrates one-day Nian Li, some few villages two days. And some villages will hold this festival twice (one is called big Nian Li, and the other small Nian Li, depending on the number of guests attended).

Nian Li is a local way to celebrateChinese New Yearin the west ofGuangdong province.Ancient people regarded the growth cycle of grain as a year. From 《 thuyết văn. Hòa bộ 》, “a year ends when the grain gets ripe”.[3]Prior toTang dynasty,aborigines in the western part of what is nowGuangdong provincedid not have the custom of celebrating theSpring Festival.Instead, they had a traditional harvest festival. That is, when the grain got ripe, they feted to celebrate good harvest and pray for good weather for the crops. In the 163rd volume of 《 thái bình hoàn vũ ký 》inSong dynasty,the custom of Xin Yi was described as, “Cốc thục thời lí hãn đồng thủ, tuất nhật vi tịch, nam nữ thịnh phục, thôi kế đồ tiển, tụ hội tác ca”.[4]It means that the last day of a year is the day when grain gets ripe. On that day, boys and girls dress themselves and have a party, dancing, singing and making poems. This is the earliest description about Nian Li.

In the lateQing dynasty,many counties’ documents recorded this kind of activities as a custom, showing its developing tendency at that time.

Recent years, with its unique local color and tradition, Nian Li has attracted more and more people's attention including people at home and abroad, and even some experts in folklore. It is predictable that the west ofGuangdong provincewould have a bright prospect in characteristic tourism, once the special traditional custom Nian Li combines with its supreme geographic environment.[1]

The Process of Nian Li


In general, Nian Li is organized by the village committee with the money mainly collecting money from villages. Every family funds according to the number of their family members. Similar to theSpring Festival,when the Nian Li comes, most people will come back to their villages to hold their Nian Li. Generally, Nian Li has three parts—Worship, Feast, and Parade.

Nian Li worship of local land Gods in Huangzhushan village, Huazhou Maoming



People worship their ancestors and local land Gods in Nian Li, praying for their families' health and a good weather for grain. In that day's morning, people get up early to prepare the sacrificial offerings, including chicken, pork, incense, liquor, some snacks and so no. With these sacrificial offerings, they worship their ancestors and local land gods respectively. Then, in the evening, they unite and worship the local gods again, which are called “Bãi tiếu”.[5]

Nian Li bãi tiếu in Shangpo village, Huazhou, Maoming


People are preparing the feast for Nian Li

The feast is the highlight of Nian Li. It is usually in afternoon. But some places may differ. On that day, people invite all their friends and relatives to the feast. This is a good way to improve and maintain the relationship among friends and relatives.[2] Every family has its own menu, but one thing is sure. It must be a square meal. There are at least 10 dishes including meats, vegetables, soups and desserts. And from the types of dishes, we can judge whether the host is wealthy or not. Many people choose to go around villages in their Nian Li because they can eat freely in any family on that day. There is a saying that a village in its Nian Li is the heaven of foodies. Choosing one house and entering in, you can get your “free lunch” there. Using this method, they can even support themselves pennilessly for a month through traveling around villages.


The parade of local land Gods in Huangzhushan village, Huazhou, Maoming
After the feast, the parade of gods starts. Villagers and guests stand beside the road to watch the parade. Some young and strong villagers go to the temple and hold a rite to invite the gods. Then, they shoulder the gods' sculptures to parade. Except for the presenting of gods, the parade also includes Lion dance,
Lion dance in Nian Li in Huazhou, Maoming
which is very popular inGuangdong province.[6]

After the parade, the gods are sent back to the temple. Then, the “Bãi tiếu”[5]starts.

Other activities

  • Temporary stallsMany peddlers will set various temporary stalls on sides of the road. Visitors can buy many local appetizers there.[2]There are also some stalls providing toys, and some have games to play.
  • TroupesUsually, the village will invite troupes to give performance. They also have some local plays like Shadow play and Cantonese opera. These activities start after finishing “Bãi tiếu”.[5]
  • FireworksThe money collected from villagers is not only used in parade and troupes, but also used in the fireworks. The firework show usually happens at 22:00 to 23:00. Even though it is a little late, many people from other villages will come to watch it.



According to the 163rd volume of 《 thái bình hoàn vũ ký 》, Nian Li originated fromSong dynastyand became popular in Ming dynasty. UntilQing dynasty,it reached its peak.[4]Because of its unique custom activities, Nian Li were recorded by various of county documents. Nowadays, these records become important evidence for the study of Nian Li.

  • County annals ofXinyi, GuangdonginQing dynastyrecorded, “Nguyên tiêu, thành thị gia huyền thải đăng, thân bằng tụ thưởng tiêu cổ, ca âu chi thanh đạt đán. Đa vu thị nguyệt hương na, danh viết niên lệ”.[citation needed]It described the activities of Nian Li such as inviting friends and relatives to the feast.
  • County annals ofMaomingrecorded, “Nhị nguyệt (February) tế xã, phân nhục nhập xã, hậu điền công tất tác, tự thập nhị nguyệt chí vu thị nguyệt, hương nhân na, duyên môn trục quỷ, xướng thổ ca, vị chi niên lệ”.[7]Here, it introduced the time of Nian Li and some traditional activities like worship.

Nian Li did not disappear when other fetes, celebrating new year, were forbidden in the early People's Republic of China. It continued to prevail with its own unique customs. AfterChinese Civil War,it was stopped once, then recovered gradually until the 1980s.[2]Nowadays, this festival still prevails over the west ofGuangdong province



There are many versions of Nian Li's origins, but none of them is exactly certain.

  1. It is said that Nian Li derived fromLunar New Year Fair.After Han andTang dynasty,inhabitants in the west ofGuangdong provincestated to absorb the custom ofSpring FestivalandLunar New Year FairfromCentral Plain (China).And gradually, they turned it into Nian Li after combining with the local custom of celebrating the good harvest.[1]
  2. It is actually a date to memorize the days when the ancestors of the west ofGuangdong provincemigrated to the places they are living in now.[1]
  3. It is said to have some relationship withLady Xian,a heroine in Chinese history. For memorizing her, Xian family held an annual sacrificial practice at the end of a year. The celebration of Nian Li started from Xian family's sacrificial practices and developed to the Nian Li today through a long term evolution.[5]

