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No. 84 Squadron RAF

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No. 84 Squadron RAF
Squadron badge
  • 7 Jan 1917 – 30 January 1920
  • 13 Aug 1920 – 20 February 1953
  • 20 Feb 1953 – 31 October 1971
  • 17 Jan 1972 – present
CountryUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom
BranchRoyal Air Force
TypeFlying squadron
RoleMulti-role helicopter support
Part ofBritish Forces Cyprus
Home stationRAF Akrotiri,Cyprus
Motto(s)Scorpiones pungunt
(Latinfor 'Scorpions sting')
Battle honours *Honours marked with an asterisk are those emblazoned on the Squadron Standard
Squadron badge heraldryAscorpion,reflecting the squadron's long association with theMiddle East.Approved byKing George VIin December 1936.
Squadron codesUR(Apr 1939 – Sep 1939)
VA(Sep 1939 – Mar 1941)
PY(Jan 1945 – Dec 1946)
Aircraft flown
Multirole helicopterWestland/Airbus Helicopters Puma HC.2[1]

No. 84 Squadronof theRoyal Air Forceis at present aSearch and RescueSquadron based atRAF Akrotiri,using theWestland/Airbus Helicopters Puma HC Mk.2helicopter. The squadron transitioned from the previously operatedBell Griffin HAR.2to the Puma HC.2 in 2023.[1]

As of 2016,84 Squadron is the only serving RAF squadron never to have been based in the United Kingdom.[2]It is currently one of the two operational parts of theRAF Search and Rescue Forceleft in service (the other being theRAF Mountain Rescue Service) after the stand-down of the UK effort on 5 October 2015.[3]



First World War


No. 84 Squadron of theRoyal Flying Corps(RFC) was formed on 16 February 1917 at East Boldre (Beaulieu)[4]under the command ofMajorHazelton Nicholl.[5]It was equipped with a variety of types for training purposes, includingAvro 504Ks, aCurtiss JN,Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2s,Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.12s,Nieuport 12sandSopwith 1½ Strutters.[6][7]The squadron started to receive its intended operational equipment, theRoyal Aircraft Factory S.E.5asingle-seat fighter, in July 1917, although at first its SE.5as suffered engine problems, delaying the squadron's work up. On 8 August, Nicholl was replaced as commanding officer by the experienced majorSholto Douglas,who had already commanded43 Squadron.[6]

The squadron moved toFrancefor service over theWestern frontin September 1917, equipped with SE.5as.[8]Initial operations were patrols and escort duties overFlanders,[9]and when theBattle of Cambraitook place in November–December that year, the squadron flew top cover for aircraft carrying out ground attack and artillery spotting duties, while countering German attempts to attack British troops.[9][10]From December 1917, the squadron joined the 5th Brigade of the Royal Flying Corps, operating in support of the BritishFifth Army.[11]In January 1918, it added ground-attack operations to its normal fighter duties, with the squadron heavily committed to ground-attack duties during theGerman spring offensivefrom March 1918.[9]One speciality of the squadron was the destruction of Germanobservation balloons,[9]with one of the squadron's pilots,Andrew Beauchamp-Proctor,claiming 16 destroyed as well as 22 enemy aeroplanes. Beauchamp-Proctor was awarded theVictoria Crossfor his efforts.[12]In total the squadron had claimed 129 German aeroplanes and 50 balloons destroyed by the end of the war on 11 November 1918.[9]The squadron deployed to Germany as part of theBritish occupation forcesuntil August 1919 when discarded its SE.5as and returned to theUnited Kingdomas aCadrein August 1919. It was disbanded on 30 January 1920.[13]

The squadron's aces during the First World War included Andrew Beauchamp-Proctor,Hugh SaundersandWalter A. Southey.[14]

Between the wars

Three 84 SquadronWestland Wapitis

The squadron was reformed on 13 August 1920 atBaghdadinIraq,moving toShaibahin September, where it remained for the next 20 years.[15]Its initial equipment wasDH.9As(until January 1929) and these were replaced byWapitis(beginning July 1928),[15]Vincents(December 1935)[16]andBlenheims Mk.Is(February 1939).[17]

One of the squadron's artefacts is a pair of pink frilly knickers known as 'Jane's Panties'. These were presented to the squadron in 1936 by Jane Newman (a debutante from Australia) who was rescued by 84 squadron when her aircraft crashed in the Western Desert.[4]This story may more accurately relate to the location and rescue byVickers Vincentaircraft of 84 Squadron ofImperial AirwaysHandley PageH.P. 42EG-AAUC Horsa which forced landed on 29 August 1936, in theArabian Desertsouth ofSalwa WellsinQatar,having overflownBahrainairport. Miss Jane Wallace Smith, an American novelist is named as the presenter of the undergarments to the squadron.[18]

Second World War


The squadron flew its first combat operation of the war on 15 August 1940, when six 84 Squadron Blenheims, which were being ferried from Iraq toAdento reinforce the Blenheim squadrons based there, encountered an ItalianSavoia-Marchetti SM.81nearKamaran Islandand shot it down.[19]It moved toHeliopolisinEgyptin September 1940, operating from forward bases atFukaandQotaifiyafor operations against the Germans from October 1940.[20]TheItalian invasion of Greecein October 1940 resulted in Britain diverting much of its aerial strength to support the Greeks, and 84 Squadron was moved to Greece in November 1940.[21]The squadron operated fromMenidinearAthens,initially bombing Italian forces on the Albanian front, but as the Italian offensive stalled in December 1940, switched to attacks against the port ofValonaand the airfield atBerat,both in Italian-occupiedAlbania.[22]In April 1941German forces invaded Greece,quickly over-running the Greek and British defences, and the few surviving Blenheims were evacuated via Crete on 21 April.[23]

Blenheims of 84 and203Squadrons attacking Vichy French targets in Syria

The squadron moved toRAF AqirinPalestineon 27 April as a result of tensions between Britain and Iraq.[24]Whenhostilitiesbroke out on 2 May, with Iraqi forces threatening the RAF base atHabbaniya,west ofBaghdad,84 Squadron supported the forces sent to relieve Habbaniya,[25]and when Germany and Italy sent air reinforcements to Iraq via airfields in Vichy-French Syria, carried out attacks on these airfields.[26]Operations against Iraqi forces continued until 31 May when the pro-German Iraqi Prime-Minister,Rashid Alifled and an armistice was signed.[27]The squadron then took part in theinvasion of Syria and Lebanon,[28]taking part in attacks on Vichy French airfields and reconnaissance missions.[29]In 25–28 August 1941, the squadron took part in theAnglo-Soviet invasion of Iran.[30]By November, it had returned to Egypt and operations over the Western Desert.[31][32]

TheJapanese invasion of Malayaresulted in 84 Squadron being one of a number of squadrons ordered to reinforce British and Commonwealth forces in the Far East,[33]with the squadron arriving inSumatrain late January 1942.[34]The squadron evacuated toJavain February 1942 following the JapaneseInvasion of Sumatra,[35]but lost its remaining Blenheims and twenty of its personnel during theBattle of Kalijatiwhen Japanese troops attacked and captured the base of the RAF's bombers in Java.[36][37]In March 1942, eleven members of 84 Squadron commandeered a lifeboat and sailed away from Java to escape the advancing Japanese forces. They made land 47 days later in north-western Australia. The lifeboat was named 'Scorpion' in honour of the Squadron Badge.[38]

The squadron reformed atKarachion 17 March 1942, moving toDrigh Roadairfield on 1 April, equipping with more Blenheims and moving toQuettain June, where it discarded its Blenheims. In December 1942, the squadron, now based atVizagapatamon the East coast of India (now known as Visakhapatnam), received its planned operational equipment, theVultee Vengeancedive bomber.[13]Training was delayed by slow deliveries of Vengeances, and while other squadrons began operations in March, 84 Squadron moved toCeylonin April, to guard the island against potential Japanese attack.[39][40]The squadron relieved45 Squadronbased atKumbhirgraminAssamon 10 February and flew its first operational mission with the Vengeance on 16 February.[41][37]It flew its Vengeances in support of thesecond Chindit operationbehind Japanese lines[42]and against theJapanese offensive against Imphal and Kohima.[41][43]

After the Japanese retreat from Imphal and Kohima, it was decided to withdraw the Vengeance from operational service in Burma, as more versatile fighter bombers were becoming available in increasing numbers and the Vengeance would not be able to carry out its normal dive-bombing attacks once themonsoonseason was underway.[41]84 Squadron flew its last bombing raid with the Vengeance on 16 July.[44]After withdrawal from the front line, the squadron discarded its Vengeances, and usedAirspeed Oxfordsto train its aircrews on twin-engined aircraft in preparation for operatingDe Havilland Mosquitos,[45]but it did not receive Mosquitos until February 1945.[13][46]It was still training when the Second World War ended in September 1945.[8]



The squadron moved toSingaporein September 1945,[8]but in November a detachment was sent to Java in response to theIndonesian war of independence,flying reconnaissance and bombing missions against Indonesian republican forces.[47]The rest of the squadron moved to Java in January 1946, remaining there until May, when it moved toKuala LumpurinMalaya.[40]By this time the squadron's Mosquitos were suffering structural problems caused by gluing failures,[48]and in November 1946 the squadron re-equipped with theBristol Beaufighterwhich it flew until March 1949, re-equipping withBristol BrigandsatRAF Habbaniyain Iraq,[15][49]becoming the first squadron equipped with Brigands.[50]

In February 1950, four Brigands were detached toMogadishu,joining a detachment from8 Squadronflying support for the British withdrawal from Somalia.[51]In April 1950, the squadron was transferred toRAF Tengahon Singapore to take part in Operation Firedog, the RAFs response to theMalayan Emergency.[13]The Brigands were employed on strikes against insurgent strongholds with guns, rockets and bombs. Operations were affected by a number of problems with the Brigand, including the loss of several aircraft due to cannon explosions, which resulted in the aircraft being prohibited from firing their guns for several months, problems with the aircraft's propellers, which again caused the loss of several aircraft, and the development of skin cracks, which caused the Brigand's bombload to be restricted. In January 1953, following the crash of a Brigand after one of its wings had failed during a dive, the squadron's Brigands were permanently grounded.[52]

The squadron was disbanded on 20 February 1953, but on the same day,204 Squadron,a transport squadron equipped withVickers Valettasbased atRAF Fayidin Egypt, was renumbered to No. 84 Squadron.[13][53]The squadron was used mainly for routine transport flights around the Middle East,[53]until British forces left Egypt in March 1956, with the squadron moving toRAF NicosiainCyprus.[54]The squadron took part inOperation Musketeer,the Anglo-French invasion of Egypt during theSuez Crisis,in November 1956, its Valettas carrying out paratroop drops.[54][55]The squadron moved toRAF Khormaksar,Adenin January 1956, carrying out transport operations around the Arabian peninsular, and in particular, supporting the British Army in theAden Protectorate.[53][54]In June 1958 it received a flight of four-enginedBlackburn Beverleyheavy transports to supplement its Valettas, and in August 1960 the squadron's Valetta flight was detached to becomeNo. 233 Squadron RAF.[53][54]In late 1967, the Beverley was replaced by theHawker Siddeley Andover,and when UK forces left Aden the squadron moved toRAF Sharjah,then in theTrucial States(now theUnited Arab Emirates). The squadron was disbanded atMuharraqon 31 October 1971.[15]


UN troops ofUNFICYPboarding an 84 Squadron Whirlwind in 1977

The squadron was reformed on 17 January 1972 from1563 Flightand a detachment from230 Squadron[15]withWestland Whirlwind HAR.10sassigned toBritish Forces CyprusatRAF Akrotiri,with a detachment atNicosia International Airport.Duties included support ofUnited Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus(UNFICYP) operations and search and rescue duties for the whole of southern Cyprus.[56][57]To meet this dual role, the squadron was divided into two flights, with "A" flight, based at Akrotiri for search and rescue duties, with its helicopters painted in overall yellow, and "B" flight for UN support at Nicosia with camouflaged helicopters marked with pale blue bands matching the blue berets of UN peacekeepers,[58][59]but with no RAF roundels or titles displayed on the B Flight helicopters.[60]After the1975 Defence Reviewresulted in the withdrawal of the RAF's fixed-wing squadrons from the Mediterranean, 84 Squadron was the only RAF squadron permamently based on Cyprus, sharing Akrotiri with RAF fighter squadrons visiting the island to attend Armament Practice Camps.[61]The squadron later (December 1981) replaced the Whirlwind with theWestland WessexHC.2[62]and later still (June 1984) with theWestland WessexHU.5C. It was the last squadron to use the Westland Wessex.[2]The Wessex HU.5C was retired during February 1995.[63]The two flights were combined when the squadron shrunk in size to five helicopters after re-equipment with the Wessex, but its helicopters retain aircraft the light blue band around their tail.[58][59]

No. 84 Squadron was the first RAF contingent into Beirut in theLebanese Crisisof 1983. This resulted in the evacuation of the peace-keeping element from the city.[54]The responsibility for civil search and rescue duties was eventually transferred to theCyprus Police Aviation Unit.[57]

84 Squadron Bell Griffin HAR2 dips itsbucketoff the coast ofAtlit,Israel duringfirefighting effortson 3 December 2010

In January 2003 the squadron discarded its Wessexes, replacing them with four contractor owned but military flownBell Griffin HAR.2helicopters, with the main duties being search and rescue in support of British forces on Cyprus, also carrying out transport operations for British army units based on the island.[64]On 31 March 2023, the squadron replaced its Griffins withWestland/Airbus Helicopters Puma HC.2s.[1]



The squadron's badge, approved byGeorge VIin December 1936 is the scorpion,[2]and its motto isScorpiones pungunt,Latin for "Scorpions sting".[65]

Aircraft operated


According to Jefford, the following is a comprehensive list of aircraft operated by 84 Squadron.[66]

Notable squadron members





  1. ^abc"RAF Akrotiri Helicopter Capability Transfers From Griffin To Puma".Royal Air Force.Retrieved4 April2023.
  2. ^abc"84 Squadron".Royal Air Force.Archived fromthe originalon 1 September 2008.Retrieved20 June2016.
  3. ^"Sea King completes final RAF UK operational sortie".5 October 2015. Archived fromthe originalon 21 February 2016.Retrieved20 June2016.
  4. ^abAllen, Tracey (13 January 2017). "The RAF's overseas squadron".RAF News.No. 1410. High Wycombe: Royal Air Force. p. 21.ISSN0035-8614.
  5. ^Neate 1994,pp. 7–8.
  6. ^abNeate 1994,p. 8.
  7. ^Bruce 1982,p. 326.
  8. ^abcHalley 1980,p. 122.
  9. ^abcdeRawlings 1969,p. 203.
  10. ^Jones 1934,p. 244.
  11. ^Jones 1934,p. 288.
  12. ^Jones 1937,p. 544.
  13. ^abcdeHalley 1980,pp. 122–123.
  14. ^abShores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 346.
  15. ^abcdeHalley 1980,p. 123.
  16. ^Philpott 2008,p. 185.
  17. ^Philpott 2008,p. 186.
  18. ^Neate 1994,p. 31.
  19. ^Shores 1996,p. 52
  20. ^Shores, Massimello & Guest 2012,pp. 66, 70.
  21. ^Shores, Massimello & Guest 2012,p. 74.
  22. ^Bevington-Smith 1981,pp. 28–29.
  23. ^Bevington-Smith 1981,pp. 31–32.
  24. ^Shores 1996,p. 166.
  25. ^Shores 1996,pp. 175–176, 178.
  26. ^Shores 1996,pp. 181–183, 186–187.
  27. ^Shores 1996,pp. 192–3, 195.
  28. ^Shores, Massimello & Guest 2012,pp. 209–210.
  29. ^Shores 1996,pp. 246–248.
  30. ^Shores 1996,pp. 272–275.
  31. ^Moyes 1964,pp. 116–117.
  32. ^Shores, Massimello & Guest 2012,p. 282.
  33. ^Shores, Cull & Izawa 1992,pp. 158–159.
  34. ^Shores, Cull & Izawa 1993,p. 50.
  35. ^Shores, Cull & Izawa 1993,p. 193.
  36. ^Shores, Cull & Izawa 1993,pp. 295–302.
  37. ^abMoyes 1964,p. 116.
  38. ^Pitchfork 2008,p. 60.
  39. ^Shores & SmithAir EnthusiastNo. 5,pp. 32–33.
  40. ^abMoyes 1964,p. 117.
  41. ^abcShores & SmithAir EnthusiastNo. 5,p. 36.
  42. ^Shores 2005,p. 188.
  43. ^Shores 2005,p. 196.
  44. ^Shores 2005,p. 249.
  45. ^Shores 2005,pp. 276–277.
  46. ^Laming 1994,p. 66.
  47. ^Sharp & Bowyer 1995,pp. 267–268.
  48. ^Sharp & Bowyer 1995,pp. 383–384.
  49. ^Parry 2002,p. 41.
  50. ^Crouchman 1999,p. 24.
  51. ^Crouchman 1999,p. 25.
  52. ^Crouchman 1999,pp. 25–27.
  53. ^abcdRawlings 1982,p. 94.
  54. ^abcdeAshworth 1989,p. 162.
  55. ^Jackson 1980,p. 115.
  56. ^Green & Swanborough 1976,p. 13.
  57. ^abDegraef & Borremans 2006,p. 76.
  58. ^abMyallAeromilitaria1990 No. 3,p. 68.
  59. ^abAshworth 1989,p. 163.
  60. ^Calvert 1981,p. 371.
  61. ^Calvert 1981,p. 369.
  62. ^Halley 1980,p. 382.
  63. ^abMarch 1996,p. 78.
  64. ^Degraef & Borremans 2006,pp. 76–77.
  65. ^Pine 1983,p.206.
  66. ^Jefford 2001,p. 53.
  67. ^"RAF Akrotiri Helicopter Capability Transfers From Griffin To Puma".Royal Air Force.Retrieved4 April2023.
  68. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 371.
  69. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,pp. 346–347.
  70. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 151.
  71. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 179.
  72. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 194.
  73. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,pp. 331–332.
  74. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 108.
  75. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 262.
  76. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,pp. 258–259.
  77. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 312.
  78. ^abShores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 90.
  79. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 235.
  80. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 196.
  81. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 361.
  82. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 213.
  83. ^Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,p. 104.


  • Ashworth, Chris (1989).Encyclopedia of modern Royal Air Force squadrons.Cambridge: Patrick Stephens.
  • Bevington-Smith, Eric (August–November 1981). "The RAF In Greece 1940–41".Air Enthusiast.No. Sixteen. pp. 26–32.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Bowyer, Chaz.Mosquito Squadrons of the Royal Air Force.London: Ian Allan Ltd., 1984.ISBN0-7110-1425-6.
  • Bruce, J. M. (1982).The Aeroplanes of the Royal Flying Corps (Military Wing).London: Putnam.ISBN0-370-30084-X.
  • Calvert, Denis J. (August 1981). "Whirlwinds over Cyprus".Aircraft Illustrated.Vol. 14, no. 8. pp. 369–371.ISSN0002-2675.
  • Crouchman, Alan F. (September–October 1999). "Last of the 'Colonial Policemen'? Bristol's Occasionally Self-Destructive Brigand".Air Enthusiast.No. 83. pp. 22–59.ISSN0143-5450.
  • Degraef, Stefan; Borremans, Edwin (2006). "Unit Report: No. 84 Squadron: SAR over Cyprus".International Air Power Review.Vol. 20. pp. 76–79.ISSN1473-9917.
  • Green, W; Swanborough, G (1976).Royal Air Force Yearbook 1976.Bromley: Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund.
  • Halley, James J. (1980).The Squadrons of the Royal Air Force.Tonbridge, Kent, UK: Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd.ISBN0-85130-083-9.
  • Jackson, Robert (1980).Suez 1956: Operation Musketeer.London: Ian Allan.ISBN0-7110-0944-9.
  • Jefford, C. G. (2001).RAF Squadrons, a Comprehensive Record of the Movement and Equipment of all RAF Squadrons and their Antecedents since 1912.Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK: Airlife Publishing.ISBN1-84037-141-2.
  • Jones, H. A. (1934).The War in the Air: Being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force: Vol. IV.Oxford: The Clarendon Press.
  • Jones, H. A. (1937).The War in the Air: Being the story of the part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force: Vol. VI.Oxford: The Clarendon Press.
  • Laming, Tim(1994).The Royal Air Force Manual.London: Cassell.ISBN1-85409-190-5.
  • March, Peter R. (1996).Royal Air Force Yearbook 1996.Fairford,UK: Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund.
  • Moyes, Philip (1964).Bomber Squadrons of the R.A.F. and their Aircraft.London: Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.
  • Myall, Eric (1990). "R.A.F. Search & Rescue (Overseas)".Aeromilitaria.No. 3. Air-Britain. pp. 67–70.
  • Neate, Don (1994).Scorpions Sting: The Story of No. 84 Squadron Royal Air Force.Tonbridge, Kent, UK: Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd.ISBN0-85130-222-X.
  • Parry, Simon W. (2002).Beaufighter – in focus.Walton-on-Thames, UK: Red Kite.ISBN9780953806126.
  • Pine, L. G. (1983).A dictionary of mottoes.London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.ISBN0-7100-9339-X.
  • Philpott, Ian (2008).The Royal Air Force 1930 to 1939, Volume II Rearmament.Barnsley, UK: Pen & Sword.ISBN978-1-84415-391-6.
  • Pitchfork, Graham (2008).The Royal Air Force Day by Day.Stroud, UK: History Press.ISBN978-0-7509-4309-3.
  • Rawlings, John D. R. (1969).Fighter Squadrons of the R.A.F. and their Aircraft.London: Macdonald & Co., (Publishers) Ltd.
  • Rawlings, John D. R. (1982).Coastal, Support and Special Squadrons of the RAF and their Aircraft.London: Jane's Publishing Company Ltd.ISBN0-7106-0187-5.
  • Sharp, C. Martin; Bowyer, Michael J. F. (1995).Mosquito.Wilmslow, UK: Crécy Publishing Ltd.ISBN0-947554-41-6.
  • Shores, Chris; Smith, Frank (November 1977 – February 1978). "Diving Vengeance".Air Enthusiast.No. 5. pp. 29–43.
  • Shores, Christopher F.; Franks, Norman L. R.; Guest, Russell (1990).Above the Trenches: A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces and Units of the British Empire Air Forces 1915–1920.London: Grub Street.ISBN0-948817-19-4.
  • Shores, Christopher (1996).Dust Clouds in the Middle East: The Air War for East Africa, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Madagascar, 1940–42.London: Grub Street.ISBN1-898697-37-X.
  • Shores, Christopher (2005).Air War For Burma: The Allied Air Forces Fight Back in South-East Asia 1942–1945.London: Grub Street.ISBN1-904010-95-4.
  • Shores, Christopher; Cull, Brian; Izawa, Yasuho (1992).Bloody Shambles: Volume One: The Drift to War to the Fall of Singapore.London: Grub Street.ISBN0-948817-50-X.
  • Shores, Christopher; Cull, Brian; Izawa, Yasuho (1993).Bloody Shambles: Volume Two: The Defence of Sumatra to the Fall of Burma.London: Grub Street.ISBN0-948817-67-4.
  • Shores, Christopher; Massimello, Giovanni; Guest, Russell (2012).A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940–1945: Volume One: North Africa: June 1940 – January 1942.London: Grub Street.ISBN978-1-908117-07-6.
  • Wilson, Keith (2015).RAF in camera, 1950s.Barnsley,UK: Pen & Sword.ISBN9781473827950.