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Notation system

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Inlinguisticsandsemiotics,anotation systemis asystemof graphics orsymbols,charactersand abbreviatedexpressions,used (for example) inartisticandscientific disciplinesto represent technical facts and quantities byconvention.[1][2]Therefore, a notation is a collection of related symbols that are each given anarbitrarymeaning, created to facilitatestructured communicationwithin adomain knowledgeorfield of study.

Standard notations refer to general agreements in the way things are written or denoted. The term is generally used in technical and scientific areas of study likemathematics,physics,chemistryandbiology,but can also be seen in areas likebusiness,economicsandmusic.

Written communication


Writing systems

  • Phonographicwriting systems,by definition, use symbols to represent components of auditory language, i.e.speech,which in turn refers to things or ideas. The two main kinds of phonographic notational system are thealphabetand thesyllabary.Some written languages are more consistent in their correlation of written symbols (orgraphemes) with sound (orphonemes), and are therefore considered to have betterphonemic orthography.
  • Ideographic writing, by definition, refers to things or ideas independently of their pronunciation in any language. Some ideographic systems are alsopictogramsthat convey meaning through their pictorial resemblance to a physical object.



Biology and medicine



  • Achemical formuladescribes a chemical compound using element symbols and subscripts, e.g.H
    for water orC
    for glucose
  • SMILESis a notation for describing the structure of a molecule with aplain textstring, e.g. N=N for nitrogen or CCO for ethanol





A variety of symbols are used to express logical ideas; see theList of logic symbols


  • Time and motion study symbols such astherbligs





Typographical conventions

  • Infix notation,the common arithmetic and logical formula notation, such as "a+bc".
  • Polish notationor "prefix notation", which places the operator before the operands (arguments), such as "+ab".
  • Reverse Polish notationor "postfix notation", which places the operator after the operands, such as "ab+ ".

Sports and games


Graphical notations



  • Musical notationpermits a composer to express musical ideas in a musical composition, which can be read and interpreted during performance by a trained musician; there are many different ways to do this (hundreds have been proposed), althoughstaff notationprovides by far the most widely used system ofmodern musical symbols.

Dance and movement



  • Feynman diagramspermit a graphical representation of a perturbative contribution to the transition amplitude or correlation function of a quantum mechanical or statistical field theory
  • Structural formulasare graphical representations of molecules
  • Venn diagramsshows logical relations between a finite collection of sets.
  • Drakon-chartsare a graphical representation of algorithms and procedural knowledge.
  • Unified Modeling Languageis a standard notation for many types of diagrams

Other systems


See also



  1. ^Crystal, David (2011).Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics.John Wiley & Sons.ISBN9781444356755.
  2. ^"Notation".Merriam-Webster Dictionary.Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved6 September2013.

Further reading
