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ArchbishopKarl-Josef Rauber,former nuncio toBelgiumandLuxembourg

Anapostolic nuncio(Latin:nuntius apostolicus;also known as apapal nuncioor simply as anuncio) is anecclesiasticaldiplomat,serving as an envoy or a permanent diplomatic representative of theHoly Seeto astateor to an international organization. A nuncio is appointed by and represents the Holy See, and is the head of thediplomatic mission,called anapostolic nunciature,which is the equivalent of anembassy.The Holy See is legally distinct from theVatican Cityor theCatholic Church.In modern times, a nuncio is usually anarchbishop.

An apostolic nuncio is generally equivalent in rank to that ofambassadorextraordinary andplenipotentiary,although inCatholic countriesthe nuncio often ranks above ambassadors in diplomatic protocol. A nuncio performs the same functions as an ambassador and has the same diplomatic privileges. Under the 1961Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,to which the Holy See is a party, a nuncio is an ambassador like those from any other country. The Vienna Convention allows the host state to grant seniority of precedence to the nuncio over others of ambassadorial rank accredited to the same country, and may grant thedeanship of that country's diplomatic corpsto the nuncio regardless of seniority.[1]The representative of the Holy See in some situations is called a Delegate or, in the case of the United Nations, Permanent Observer. In the Holy See hierarchy, these usually rank equally to a nuncio, but they do not have formal diplomatic status, though in some countries they have some diplomatic privileges.

In addition, the nuncio serves as the liaison between the Holy See and the Church in that particular nation, supervising the diocesan episcopate (usually a national or multinationalconference of bishopswhich has its own chairman, elected by its members). The nuncio has an important role in the selection of bishops.

Terminology and history


The name "nuncio" derived from the ancientLatinwordnuntius,meaning "envoy" or "messenger". Since such envoys are accredited to theHoly Seeas such and not to theState of Vatican City,the term "nuncio" (versus "ambassador" ) emphasizes the unique nature of the diplomatic mission.[2]The1983 Code of Canon Lawclaims the "innate right" to send and receive delegates independent from interference of non-ecclesiastical civil power.Canon lawonly recognizesinternational lawlimitations on this right.[2]

Formerly, the titleApostolic Internunciodenoted a papal diplomatic representative of the second class, corresponding toEnvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiaryas a title for diplomatic representatives of states (cf. Article 14, par. 2 of the Vienna Convention). Before 1829, Internuncio was the title applied to thead interimhead of a mission when one nuncio had left office and his replacement had not yet assumed it.

Alegate a latereis a temporary papal representative or a representative for a special purpose.

Historically, the most important type ofapocrisiary(a title also applying to representatives exchanged by a high prelate with a patriarch) was the equivalent of a nuncio, sent by the pope to theByzantine Empire;during the fifth and sixth centuries, when much of Italy remained under Byzantine control, several popes were former apocrisiaries.

Pro-nunciowas a term used from 1965 to 1991 for a papal diplomatic representative of full ambassadorial rank accredited to a country that did not accord him precedence over other ambassadors andde juredeanship of the diplomatic corps. In those countries, the papal representative's precedence within the corps is no different from that of the other members of ambassadorial rank, so that he becomes dean only on becoming the senior member of the corps.

In countries with whom the Holy See does not have diplomatic ties, anapostolic delegatemay be sent to act as a liaison with theRoman Catholic Churchin that country, though not accredited to its government. Apostolic delegates have the same ecclesiastical rank as nuncios, but have no formal diplomatic status, though in some countries they have some diplomatic privileges. For example, an apostolic delegate served as the Holy See'sde factodiplomatic representative to theUnited Statesand theUnited Kingdom,until both major Anglo-Saxon states with a predominantly Protestant tradition established full-fledged relations with the Holy See in the late twentieth century, allowing for the appointment of a papal nuncio (see the list ofBritish ambassadors to the Holy See). ArchbishopPio Laghi,for example, was first apostolic delegate, then pro-nuncio, to the United States during theJimmy Carter,Ronald Reagan,andGeorge H. W. Bushpresidencies.

Apostolic delegates are also sent to regions such as theWest Indiesand theislands of the Pacific.These delegates are also appointed nuncio to at least some of the many states covered by their delegation, but the area entrusted to them also contains one or more territories that either are not independent states or are states that do not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See.

Article 16 of theVienna Convention on Diplomatic Relationsprovides:

  1. Heads of mission shall take precedence in their respective classes in the order of the date and time of taking up their functions in accordance with Article 13.
  2. Alterations in the credentials of a head of mission not involving any change of class shall not affect his precedence.
  3. This article is without prejudice to any practice accepted by the receiving State regarding the precedence of the representative of the Holy See.

In accordance with this article, many states (even not predominantly Catholic ones such as Germany and Switzerland and including the great majority in central and western Europe and in the Americas) give precedence to the nuncio over other diplomatic representatives, according him the position ofDean of the Diplomatic Corpsreserved in other countries for the longest-serving resident ambassador.



Holy See representatives called permanent observers are accredited to several international organisations, including offices or agencies of the United Nations, and other organizations either specialized in their mission or regional or both. A permanent observer of the Holy See is always a cleric, often a titular archbishop with the rank of nuncio, but there has been considerable variation between offices and over time.[clarification needed]

See also



  1. ^United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities (1961-04-18)."Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Article 16".United Nations.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  2. ^abPfnausch,Code, Community, Ministry,p. 41; from James H. Provost, "Section I: Supreme Church Authority (cc. 330–367)" in "The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary", ed. James A Coriden, et al. (New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1985) pp. 260–310).