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Nusantara (term)

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A gilded map in the Hall of Independence,Indonesian National Monument,Jakarta.Sabah,Sarawak,andLabuan(states and a federal territory of Malaysia),Brunei,andEast Timor(sovereign countries) are also included.

Nusantarais theIndonesianname ofMaritime Southeast Asia(or parts of it). It is anOld Javaneseterm that literally means "outer islands".[1]InIndonesia,it is generally taken to mean theIndonesian Archipelago.[2][3]Outside of Indonesia, the term has been adopted to refer theMalay Archipelago.[4]

The word Nusantara is taken from an oath byGajah Madain 1336, as written in the Old JavanesePararaton.[5]Gajah Mada was a powerful military leader andprime ministerofMajapahitcredited with bringing the empire to its peak of glory. Gajah Mada delivered an oath calledSumpah Palapa,in which he vowed not to eat any food containingspicesuntil he had conquered all of Nusantara under the glory of Majapahit.

The concept of Nusantara as a unified region was not invented by Gajah Mada in 1336. The term Nusantara was first used byKertanegara of Singhasariin Mula Malurung inscription dated 1255. Furthermore, in 1275, the termCakravalaMandalaDvipantarawas used by him to describe the aspiration of united Southeast Asian archipelago underSinghasariand marked the beginning of hiseffortsto achieve it. Dvipantara is a Sanskrit word for the "islands in between", making it a synonym to Nusantara as bothdvipaandnusamean "island".[6][7]Kertanegara envisioned the union of Southeast Asian maritime kingdoms and polities under Singhasari as a bulwark against the rise of the expansionistMongol-ledYuan dynastyof China.[8]

In a wider sense, Nusantara in modern language usage includesAustronesian-related cultural and linguistic lands, namely,Indonesia,Malaysia,Singapore,Southern Thailand,thePhilippines,Brunei,East TimorandTaiwan,while excludingPapua New Guinea.[9][circular reference][10][11][failed verification]


The termNusantaraderives from a combined two words ofAustronesianandSanskritorigin, the wordnūsa(see alsonusa) meaning "island" inOld Javanese,is ultimately derived from theProto-Malayo-Polynesianword*nusawith the same meaning,[12]and the wordantarais a Javanese loanword borrowed from Sanskrit अन्तरा (antarā) meaning "between" or "in the middle",[13]thus creating acompoundword ofnūsa( “island” ) +antara( “interval, interspace; other, another, different” ) and together it means "the outer islands" as mentioned in the 14th century Old Javanese manuscript Pararaton and Nagarakretagama.[14]

Ancient concepts[edit]

MajapahitNegara Agung(grand state) andMancanagara(provinces) in eastern and central parts of Java, including the islands of Madura and Bali.
The extent of MajapahitNusantaraaccording to Nagarakretagama.


Nusantarais anOld Javaneseword which appears in thePararatonmanuscript. In Javanese,Nusantarais derived fromnūsa'island' andantara,'between'. It means "outer islands" or "other islands" (in the sense of "islands beyond Java in between theIndianandPacific Oceans"), referring to the islands outside ofJavaunderhegemonyof theMajapahit Empire.The term is commonly erroneously translated as "archipelago"in modern times.[15]Based on the Majapahit concept of state, the monarch had power over three areas:

  1. Negara Agung,or the Grand State — the core realm of the kingdom where Majapahit formed before becoming an empire. This included the capital city and the surrounding areas where the king effectively exercised his government: the area in and around royal capital ofTrowulan,port of Canggu and sections ofBrantas Rivervalley near the capital, as well as the mountainous areas south and southwest of the capital, all the way to thePananggunganandArjuno-Welirangpeaks. The Brantas river valley corridor, connecting the Majapahit Trowulan area to Canggu and the estuarine areas in Kahuripan (Sidoarjo) andHujung Galuh(Surabaya), is also considered to be part ofNegara Agung.
  2. Mancanegara,the areas surroundingNegara Agung— this traditionally referred to the Majapahit provinces of East and Central Java ruled by theBhres(dukes), the king's close relatives. This included the rest ofJavaas well asMaduraandBali.These areas were directly influenced by Majapahit court culture and obliged to pay annual tributes; their rulers might have been directly related to, allied with, and/or intermarried with the Majapahit royal family. Majapahit officials and officers were stationed in these places to regulate their foreign trade activities and collect taxes, but beyond thismancanegaraprovinces enjoyed substantial autonomy in internal affairs. In later periods, overseas provinces which had adopted Javanese culture or possessed significant trading importance were also consideredmancanegara.The ruler of these provinces was either a willing vassal of the Majapahit king or a regent appointed by the king to rule the region. These realms includedDharmasraya,Pagaruyung,LampungandPalembanginSumatra.
  3. Nusantara,areas which did not reflect Javanese culture, but were included as colonies which had to pay annual tribute. This included the vassal kingdoms and colonies in theMalay Peninsula,Borneo,[citation needed]theLesser Sunda Islands,Sulawesi,[citation needed]Maluku,New Guinea,and theSulu Archipelago.These regions enjoyed substantial autonomy and internal freedom, and Majapahit officials and military officers were not necessarily stationed there; however, any challenges to Majapahit oversight might have drawn a severe response.[citation needed]

The word Nusantara was not only used by the Javanese and did not disappear after the fall of Majapahit. This word can be found inMalay Annals,a classic Malay literature written as early as 1612, but it remained known even in the 1808 manuscript:[16][17]

Terlalu sekali besar kerajaan Baginda (Majapahit) pada zaman itu, segala seluruh Jawa semuanya dalam hukum Baginda, dan segala raja-raja Nusantarapun setengah sudah ta-luk kepada baginda.
Very big was the kingdom ofBaginda(the king of Majapahit) at that time, all of Java was underBaginda's law, and half of the kings of the Nusantara archipelago were submissive toBaginda.[18]

Nusantara concept in the 20th century[edit]

Modern Wawasan Nusantara, the Indonesian archipelagic baselines pursuant to article 47, paragraph 9, of theUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS)

In 1920,Ernest Francois Eugene Douwes Dekker(1879–1950), also known as Setiabudi, proposedNusantaraas a name for the independent country of Indonesia which did not contain any words etymologically related to thename of Indiaor theIndies.[19]This is the first instance of the termNusantaraappearing after it had been written intoPararatonmanuscript.

The definition of Nusantara introduced by Setiabudi is different from the 14th-century definition of the term. During theMajapahitera, Nusantara described vassal areas that had been conquered. Setiabudi defined Nusantara as all the Indonesian regions fromSabangtoMerauke.

Modern usage[edit]


Nowadays, inIndonesian,Nusantara is synonymous with either theIndonesian Archipelagoor the national territory of Indonesia.[20]In this sense, the term Nusantara excludes Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, East Timor, and the Philippines. In 1967, it transformed into the concept ofWawasan Nusantara,or "archipelagic outlook," which regards the archipelagic realm of Indonesia (the islands and seas within/surrounding the country) as a single unity of several aspects, mainly socio-cultural, linguistic, political, economic, security-driven and defensive unity.[21]

Nusantarais also the name of the futurecapital of Indonesia.[22]

Outside Indonesia[edit]

InBrunei,MalaysiaandSingapore,the term is generally used to refer to theMalay Archipelagoor theMalay realm(Malay:Alam Melayu) which includes those countries.

In a more scholarly manner without national borders, Nusantara in a modern language usage "refers to the sphere of influence of the Austronesian-related cultural and linguistic islands that compriseIndonesia,Malaysia,Singapore,the southernmost part ofThailand,thePhilippines,Brunei,East Timorand perhaps evenTaiwan,but it does not involve the areas ofPapua New Guinea."[9][circular reference]

Nusantara studies[edit]

TheNusantara SocietyinMoscowconducts studies on the Nusantara region's history, culture, languages and politics.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Friend, T. (2003).Indonesian Destinies.Harvard University Press. p.601.ISBN0-674-01137-6.
  2. ^Echols, John M.; Shadily, Hassan (1989),Kamus Indonesia Inggris (An Indonesian-English Dictionary)(1st ed.), Jakarta: Gramedia,ISBN979-403-756-7
  3. ^"Hasil Pencarian - KBBI Daring".kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id.Retrieved20 July2018.
  4. ^"Nusantara | Malay to English Translation - Oxford Dictionaries".Oxford Malay Living Dictionary.Archived fromthe originalon 20 July 2018.Retrieved20 July2018.
  5. ^Mpu, Prapañca; Y., Padmapuspita (1966).Pararaton.Taman Siswa.
  6. ^"Kertanagara dan Nusantara".Historia(in Indonesian). 18 January 2022. Archived fromthe originalon 22 October 2023.Retrieved19 January2022.
  7. ^Santiko, Hariani (May 2020)."Religious Life of King Kertanegara".KALPATARU, Majalah Arkeologi.29(1): 29–38.Retrieved20 April2024.
  8. ^Utomo, Bambang Budi (30 November 2009). "Majapahit dalam Lintas Pelayaran dan Perdagangan Nusantara".Berkala Arkeologi.29(2). Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta: 1–14.doi:10.30883/jba.v29i2.375(inactive 11 June 2024).ISSN2548-7132.{{cite journal}}:CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of June 2024 (link)
  9. ^abEvers, Hans-Dieter (2016). "Nusantara: History of a Concept".Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.89(1): 3–14.doi:10.1353/ras.2016.0004.S2CID163375995.
  10. ^Mohd. Zariat Abdul Rani (2005)."Antara Islam dan Hinduisme di Alam Melayu: Beberapa catatan pengkaji barat".SARI: Jurnal Alam Dan Tamadun Melayu.23.Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: 67–82.ISSN0127-2721.Seperkara lagi yang perlu dijelaskan ialah perbezaan istilah yang digunakan mereka bagi merujuk daerah yang mereka perkatakan. N. J. Krom (seterusnya Krom), misalnya, menggunakan istilah 'Nusantara', manakala Bernard H. M. Vlekke (seterusnya Vlekke) dan J.C. Van Leur (Van Leur) menamakan daerah kajian mereka sebagai "Indonesia". Meskipun terdapat perbezaan dari segi istilah, namun setelah diteliti adalah didapati cakupan perbincangan mereka rata-rata merujuk kepada daerah yang sama, iaitu daerah yang disebut olehAl-Attasdalam syarahan pengukuhan beliau yang bertajuk Islam dalamSejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu(1972) sebagai "Kepulauan Melayu-Indonesia".
  11. ^Hafizah Iszahanid (11 October 2018)."Istilah Nusantara diguna tanpa semangat penyatuan Melayu".Berita Harian.Konsep Nusantara dalam pemahaman warga Indonesia sangat berbeza dengan apa yang difahami rakyat Malaysia, bahkan hampir kesemua negara lain di Asia Tenggara termasuk Singapura...ketika kebanyakan penduduk Asia Tenggara merujuk Nusantara kepada wilayah Kepulauan Melayu atau negara di Asia Tenggara, penduduk Indonesia sebaliknya berpendapat Nusantara adalah Indonesia semata-mata.
  12. ^The word"nusa"in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Language Development and Fostering Agency — Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic Indonesia, 2016.
  13. ^Monier Williams(1899), “अन्तर”, in A Sanskrit–English Dictionary, […], new edition, Oxford: At the Clarendon Press,→OCLC,page0043
  14. ^Widya Lestari Ningsih (18 January 2022)."Sejarah Nama Nusantara".Kompas.com.Retrieved15 October2023.
  15. ^Gaynor, Jennifer L. (2007). "Maritime Ideologies and Ethnic Anomalies". In Bentley, Jerry H.; Bridenthal, Renate; Wigen, Kären (eds.).Seascapes: Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges.University of Hawaii Press. pp.59–65.ISBN9780824830274.
  16. ^Ismail, Abdul Rahman Haji (1998)."Malay Annals".Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society:93.ISBN9789679948134.
  17. ^Ahmad, A. Samad (1979).Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Melayu).Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Malaysia. p. 43.
  18. ^Nugroho, Irawan Djoko (2009).Meluruskan Sejarah Majapahit.Ragam Media. p. 227.
  19. ^Vlekke, Bernard H.M. (1943),Nusantara: A History of the East Indian Archipelago(1st ed.), Netherlands: Ayer Co Pub, pp. 303–470,ISBN978-0-405-09776-8
  20. ^"nusantara | Indonesian to English Translation - Oxford Dictionaries".Oxford Indonesian Living Dictionary.Archived fromthe originalon 25 December 2017.Retrieved24 December2017.
  21. ^Butcher, John G.; Elson, R. E. (24 March 2017).Sovereignty and the Sea: How Indonesia Became an Archipelagic State.NUS Press.ISBN9789814722216.
  22. ^Siregar, Kiki (17 January 2022)."Indonesia minister announces name of new national capital in eastern Kalimantan".CNA.Archivedfrom the original on 17 January 2022.Retrieved3 October2022.

External links[edit]