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Oil of catechumens

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Detail from theSeven Sacraments AltarpiecebyRogier van der Weyden.In the lower left the priest is anointing an infant before it is baptized.

Theoil of catechumens,also known as theoil of exorcism,is the oil used in some traditional Christian churches duringbaptism;it is believed to strengthen the one being baptized to turn away from evil, temptation and sin.

The oil of exorcism was mentioned in the ancient Christianapostolic traditionas being "used beforebaptismsto put to flight any contagions that might obstruct the impending baptismal graces ".[1]TheEgyptian Church Orderteaches that it is blessed during theEaster Vigil,the first liturgy of Eastertide.[1]

Thecatechumen,the person prepared for baptism, is also anointed as a symbol of being the heir of the Kingdom of God, as kings and queens are anointed atcoronations,and empowered for their Christian life asprophetswere anointed for their ministry.

The oil of catechumens is intended to help strengthen the person about to be baptized, and prepare them for the struggle (ascesis) of the Christian life, the way awrestlerin ancient Greece and Rome was anointed before a wrestling match.

Eastern Orthodoxy


In theEastern Orthodox Church,the oil of catechumens is blessed by thepriestduring the baptismal rite. After theconsecrationof the baptismal water, a vessel of pureolive oilis brought to the priest by thedeacon.The priest breathes on the oil three times andblessesit thrice, and says the prayer of blessing.

O Master, Lord God of our fathers, Who didst send unto them that were in theark of Noahthe dove, having in its beak a twig of olive, the token of reconciliation and ofsalvationfrom thefloodtheforeshadowingof themysteryofgrace;and didst provide the fruit of the olive for the fulfilling of Thyholy Mysteries;Who thereby fillest them that were under theLawwith ThyHoly Spirit,and perfectest them that areunder grace:Do Thou Thyself bless also thisholy oilwith the power, andoperation,and indwelling of Thy Holy Spirit, that it may be an anointing unto incorruption, an armour of righteousness, to the renewing of soul and body, to the averting of every assault of thedevil,to deliverance from all evil of those who shall beanointedwith it in faith, or who are partakers thereof; unto Thy glory, and the glory of Thine Only-begotten Son, and Thy most holy and good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The priest then pours a portion of the oil into thebaptismal font,making thesign of the crosswith the oil three times, as all singAlleluia.The priest gathers some of the oil floating on the surface of the water onto the first two fingers of his right hand and anoints the catechumen, making the sign of the cross on the brow, breast, between the shoulders, on the ears, hands and feet. The catechumen is then immediately baptized.

This anointing before baptism should not be confused withchrismation,which is a separatesacrament,though it is usually performed immediately after baptism.

Roman Catholicism


In theRoman Catholic Church,the oil of catechumens is specially blessed by a bishop or a priest along with chrism and oil of the sick at theChrism Masswhich takes place onHoly Thursday.

During the baptismal rite, the priest or deacon says the following words as he anoints with the oil in the shape of a cross: "We anoint you with the oil of salvation in the name of Christ our Savior; may he strengthen you with his power, who lives and reigns for ever and ever."

See also



  1. ^ab"Chrism Mass".Catholic Review.Archdiocese of Baltimore. March 27, 2008. Archived fromthe originalon 13 April 2017.