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Rabbit-shaped vessel probably used for containing pulque, the rabbit, and the rabbit deity Ome Tochtli, was a symbol of pulque.

InAztec mythology,Ometochtli[pronunciation?]is the collective or generic name of various individual deities and supernatural figures associated withpulque(octli),[1]an alcoholic beverage derived from the fermented sap of themagueyplant.[2]By the Late Postclassic period ofMesoamerican chronologya collection of beliefs and religious practices had arisen in the context of the manufacture and ritualistic consumption of the beverage, known as the "pulque (or octli) cult" with probable origins in a mountainous region ofcentral Mexico.In Aztec societyoctlirituals formed a major component ofAztec religionand observance, and there were numerous local deities and classes ofsacerdotes( "priests" ) associated with it.[3]

"Ometochtli" is acalendrical nameinClassical Nahuatl,with the literal meaning of "two rabbit".

See also[edit]


  1. ^The origins of the wordpulqueare uncertain.Octliis the (Nahuatl) name by which the beverage is referred to in corresponding historical texts of the post-conquest period.
  2. ^Aguilar-Moreno 2007, p.149; Miller & Taube 1993, p.136
  3. ^Smith 2003, p.88


  • Aguilar-Moreno, Manuel (2007).Handbook to Life in the Aztec World.Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-533083-0.OCLC81150666.
  • Miller, Mary;Karl Taube(1993).The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion.London:Thames & Hudson.ISBN0-500-05068-6.OCLC27667317.
  • Sahagún, Bernardino de(1997) [ca.1558–61].Primeros Memoriales.Civilization of the American Indians series vol. 200, part 2.Thelma D. Sullivan(English trans. and paleography of Nahuatl text), withH.B. Nicholson,Arthur J.O. Anderson,Charles E. Dibble,Eloise Quiñones Keber,and Wayne Ruwet (completion, revisions, and ed.). Norman:University of Oklahoma Press.ISBN978-0-8061-2909-9.OCLC35848992.
  • Smith, Michael E.(2003).The Aztecs(2nd ed.). Malden, MA:Blackwell Publishing.ISBN0-631-23015-7.OCLC48579073.