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Ordine Nuovo

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New Order Scholarship Center
Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo
Formation1956;68 years ago(1956)
TypeThird Positionpolitical movement
Revolutionary nationalism
Organic democracy
Pino Rauti
Principal ideologists
Julius Evola
Key people
Adriano Romualdi[it]
Clemente Graziani
Main organ
Ordine Nuovo

Ordine Nuovo(Italianfor "New Order", full nameCentro Studi Ordine Nuovo,"New Order Scholarship Center" ) was an Italianfar rightcultural and extra-parliamentary political andparamilitaryorganization founded byPino Rautiin 1956. It had been the most important extra-parliamentaryneofascistorganization of the post-war Italian republic.

The name is shared byMovimento Politico Ordine Nuovo,a splinter group of Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo.

The organization, considered as an attempt at reforming theFascist Party(banned by the Constitution), was forcibly dissolved by the Italian government in 1973. Remaining elements of the group formed theOrdine Nero(Black Order) in 1974.

Members and a leader of Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo were involved in several terrorist attacks, such as the 1969Piazza Fontana bombing.


Previously,L'Ordine Nuovo( "The New Order" ) had been the name of a radical left-wing paper edited byAntonio Gramsciin the early 1920s, with Gramsci's followers being nicknamed "ordinovisti". However, later on the term—inItalianand various other languages—was appropriatedbyFascistsandNazis,its original left-wing predecessors forgotten.

The extreme right-wing organization here referred to, whose members were also nicknamedordinovisti,though being the political opposite of the earlier ones, was born from an internal current and then a schism in theMovimento Sociale Italiano(MSI). In 1954Arturo Michelini,a moderate seeking an alliance with theItalian Monarchic Party,and possibly with theChristian Democracy,became general secretary of the MSI. This led to the schism of the most intransigent and spiritualist,Evoliancurrent (Nazismwas also a reference), led byPino Rauti,Lello Graziani and Sergio Baldassini. They refused any compromise that brought the party apart from aristocratic principles. The intransigent and spiritualist Ordine Nuovo was then founded in Rome, but still a part of the MSI.

The real break with MSI happened at the MSI congress inMilanin 1956. Pino Rauti declared that, being disappointed with the moderate drift of the MSI, his movement would abandon the political scene, creating the "Centro Studi Ordine Nuovo", an association dedicated to "political studies and analysis". This wanted to be a literal application of the ideology ofJulius Evola,that is, an aristocratic refusal of modern, materialist society. One Ordine Nuovo publication stated, "The work of Ordine Nuovo from 1953 to the present has been nothing but an effort to transfer J. Evola's teachings to the political level."[1]Evola in turn endorsed the Ordine Nuovo as "the only group that has held fast in its doctrine, without stooping to compromise."[2]ON's publications valorized the defeated Axis powers and prewar Fascist movements, as well as theOrganisation armée secrèteand the militaries of South Africa andRhodesia,among others.[3]ON rejected all the characteristic institutions of modernity—capitalism, socialism, parliamentary democracy, etc.[4]It was also strongly anti-Semitic.[5]

Ordine Nuovo, nonetheless, had a capillary and hierarchical organization on the Italian territory, and often behaved more like an extra-parliamentary political organization than a simple "scholarship center".

Ordine Nuovo had around ten thousand members in the mid-1960s.[6]

Ordine Nuovo had an aboveground existence as a political activist group, but its members also engaged in street-fighting (squadrismo) and became involved in several coup attempts and terrorist attacks.[7]

Ordine Nuovo had links with other neofascist groups outside Italy, including theNew European Order[8]andJeune Europe[9]It also had links with Italian intelligence agencies (SIFARand its successor agency SID), which were a source of funding.[10]

Splinter group[edit]

New Order Political Movement
Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo
LeaderClemente Graziani[it](1959–73)
FoundationDecember 21, 1969(1969-12-21)
DissolvedNovember 21, 1973(1973-11-21)
Split fromNew Order Scholarship Center
NewspaperAnno Zero
Ordine Nuovo Azione
Fascist mysticism
Political positionFar-right
Major actions
Notable attacksPiazza Fontana bombing,Piazza della Loggia bombing
Succeeded by
Black Order

In 1969, Rauti, along with most of Ordine Nuovo, came back to the MSI party, then led byGiorgio Almirante.The remaining hardliners founded Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo ( "New Order Political Movement" ).

Themottoof Ordine Nuovo wasIl nostro onore si chiama fedeltà,or "Our honour is named loyalty", also the motto of theWaffen SS(Meine Ehre heißt Treue). The symbol of the organization was a double-headaxe.

Implication in terrorist attacks[edit]

Several members of Movimento Politico Ordine Nuovo, including one of its leaders, Pierluigi Concutelli,[12]participated in terrorist attacks.

1969 Piazza Fontana bombing[edit]

On 12 December 1969, unknown indivudualsplaced a bomb in Piazza Fontanain Milan, killing 16 and wounding 90. This bombing marked the beginning of the "strategy of tension"in Italy. At various times groups from both left and right have been accused of being behind the attack.Ordine NuovomemberDelfo Zorziwas among those convicted for the crime on June 20, 2001, together with Carlo Maria Maggi and Giancarlo Rognoni, but all were later found not guilty in 2004.[13]

Notable members[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^quoted in Ferraresi, page 97
  2. ^quoted in Ferraresi, page 98
  3. ^Ferraresi 94-95
  4. ^Ferraresi 95
  5. ^Ferraresi 95
  6. ^Ferraresi, Franco.Threats to Democracy: the Radical Right in Italy After the War.Princeton University Press. 2012. Page 91.
  7. ^Ferraresi 92, 99
  8. ^Ferraresi 100
  9. ^Ferraresi 102
  10. ^Ferraresi 106
  11. ^Vittorio Borraccetti (1986).Eversione di destra, terrorismo e stragi.FrancoAngeli.
  12. ^UN PO' DI STORIA (...) MPON: MOVIMENTO POLITICO ORDINE NUOVOArchivedFebruary 2, 2009, at theWayback Machine
  13. ^Repubblica.it/politica: Piazza Fontana, nessun colpevole Assolti in appello gli imputati