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Typetree, map
Time complexityinbig O notation
Operation Average Worst case
Search O(log n) O(log n)
Insert O(log n) O(log n)
Delete O(log n) O(log n)
Space complexity
Space O(n) O(n)

ThePH-tree[1]is atree data structureused forspatial indexingof multi-dimensional data (keys) such as geographical coordinates, points,feature vectors,rectangles orbounding boxes. The PH-tree is space partitioning index[2]with a structure similar to that of aquadtreeoroctree.[3]However, unlike quadtrees, it uses a splitting policy based ontriesand similar toCrit bit treesthat is based on the bit-representation of the keys. The bit-based splitting policy, when combined with the use of different internal representations for nodes, provides scalability with high-dimensional data. The bit-representation splitting policy also imposes a maximum depth, thus avoidingdegenerated treesand the need for rebalancing.[1]



The basic PH-tree is a spatial index thatmapskeys, which ared-dimensional vectors with integers, to user defined values. The PH-tree is a multi-dimensional generalization of aCrit bit treein the sense that a Crit bit tree is equivalent to a PH-tree with-dimensional keys. Like the Crit bit tree, and unlike most other spatial indexes, the PH-tree is amaprather than amultimap.[1][4]

Ad-dimensional PH-tree is a tree of nodes where each node partitions space by subdividing it intoquadrants(seebelowfor how potentially large nodes scales with high dimensional data). Eachquadrantcontains at most oneentry,either a key-value pair (leaf quadrant) or a key-subnode pair. For a key-subnode pair, the key represents the center of the subnode. The key is also the common prefix (bit-representation) of all keys in the subnode and its child subnodes. Each node has at least two entries, otherwise it is merged with the parent node.[1]

Some other structural properties of PH-trees are:[1]

  • They are-arytrees.
  • They are inherentlyunbalancedbut imbalance is limited due to their depth being limited to the bit width of the keys, e.g. to 32 for a-dimensional key with 32bit integers.
  • Insertion or removal operations cause exactly one node to be modified and potentially a second node to be added or removed. This can be useful for concurrent implementations. This also means little variation in modification cost.
  • Their structure is independent from insertion/removal order.

Splitting strategy


Similar to mostquadtrees,the PH-tree is a hierarchy of nodes where every node splits the space in allddimensions.[1]Thus, a node can have up tosubnodes, one for each quadrant.

Hypercube addressing with bit strings

Quadrant numbering


The PH-tree uses the bits of the multi-dimensional keys to determine their position in the tree. All keys that have the same leading bits are stored in the same branch of the tree.[1]

For example, in a node at levelL,to determine the quadrant where a key should be inserted (or removed or looked up), it looks at theL's bit of each dimension of the key. For a 3D node with 8 quadrants (forming a cube) theL's bit of the first dimension of the key determines whether the target quadrant is on the left or the right of the cube, theL's bit of the second dimension determines whether it is at the front or the back, and theL's bit of the third dimension determines bottom vs top, see picture.

Example of a PH-tree with three keys added, resulting in two nodes. A root node (red) and a subnode (blue).

1D example


Example with three 1D keys with 8bit values:,and.Addingandto an empty tree results in a single node. The two keys first differ in their 6th bit so the node has a level(starting with 0). The node has a 5bit prefix representing the common 5 bits of both keys. The node has two quadrants, each key is stored in one quadrant. Adding a third keyresults in one additional node atwith one quadrant containing the original node as subnode and the other quadrant containing the new key.[citation needed]

Example of a PH-tree with two 2D keys in one node

2D example


With 2D keys every node hasquadrants. The position of the quadrant where a key is stored is extracted from the respective bits of the keys, one bit from each dimension. The four quadrants of the node form a 2D hypercube (quadrants may be empty). The bits that are extracted from the keys form the hypercube address,forand for.is effectively the position of the quadrant in the node's hypercube.[citation needed]

Node structure


The ordering of the entries in a node always followsZ-ordering. Entries in a node can, for example, be stored infixed size arraysof size.his then effectively the array index of a quadrant. This allows lookup, insert and remove withand there is no need to storeh.Space complexity is howeverper node, so it is less suitable for high dimensional data.[1]

Another solution is to store entries in a sorted collection, such asdynamic arraysand/orB-trees.This slows down lookup operations tobut reduces memory consumption to.[1]

The original implementation aimed for minimal memory consumption by switching between fixed and dynamic array representation depending on which uses less memory.[1]Other implementations[1][2]do not switch dynamically but use fixed arrays for,dynamic arrays forand B-trees for high dimensional data.



Lookup,insertionandremovaloperations all work very similar: find the correct node, then perform the operation on the node.Window queriesandk-nearest-neighborsearches are more complex.



TheLookupoperation determines whether a key exists in the tree. It walks down the tree and checks every node whether it contains a candidate subnode or a user value that matches the key.[1]

entry ← get_root_entry() // if the tree is not empty the root entry contains a root node
whileentry!= NIL && entry.is_subnode()do
node ← entry.get_node()
entry ← node.get_entry(key)
returnentry // entry can be NIL
node ← current node
h ← extract_bits_at_depth(key, node.get_depth()}
entry ← node.get_entry_at(h)
returnentry // entry can be NIL



TheInsertoperation inserts a new key-value pair into the tree unless they key already exists. The operation traverses the tree like theLookupfunction and then inserts the key into the node. There are several cases to consider:[1]

  1. The quadrant is empty and we can simply insert a new entry into the quadrant and return.
  2. The quadrant contains a user entry with a key that is identical to the new entry. One way to deal with such acollisionis to return a flag that indicates failed insertion. If the tree is implemented as multi-map with a collection as the node's entry, the new value is added to that collection.
  3. The quadrant contains an entry (user entry or subnode entry) with a different key. This case requires replacing the existing entry with a new subnode that holds the old and the new entry.
functioninsert(node, key, value)
level ← node.get_level() // Level is 0 for root
h ← extract_bits_at_level(key, level)
entry ← node.get_entry(h)
ifentry == NILthen
// Case 1.
entry_new ← create_entry(key, value)
node.set_entry(h, entry_new)
else if!entry.is_subnode() && entry.get_key() == keythen
// Case 2. Collision, there is already an entry
return← failed_insertion
// Case 3.
level_diff ← get_level_of_difference(key, entry.get_key())
entry_new ← create_entry(key, value)
// new subnode with existing entry and new entry
subnode_new ← create_node(level_diff, entry, entry_new)
node.set_entry(h, subnode_new)
end if



Removal works inversely to insertion, with the additional constraint that any subnode has to be removed if less than two entries remain. The remaining entry is moved to the parent node.[1]

Window queries


Window queries are queries that return all keys that lie inside a rectangular axis-alignedhyperbox.They can be defined to be twod-dimensional pointsandthat represent the "lower left" and "upper right" corners of the query box. A trivial implementation traverses all entries in a node (starting with the root node) and if an entry matches it either adds it to the result list (if it is a user entry) or recursively traverses it (if it is a subnode).[1]

functionquery(node, min, max, result_list)is
foreachentry ← node.get_entries()do
ifentry.get_prefix() >= min and entry.get_prefix() <= maxthen
query(entry.get_subnode(), min, max, result_list)
end if
ifentry.get_key() >= min and entry.get_key() <= maxthen
end if
end if

In order to accurately estimate query time complexity the analysis needs to include the dimensionality. Traversing and comparing allentries in a node has a time complexity ofbecause each comparison of-dimensional key withtakestime. Since nodes can have up toentries, this does not scale well with increasing dimensionality. There are various ways how this approach can be improved by making use of the hypercube addressh.[4]

Minh& maxh


The idea is to find minimum and maximum values for the quadrant's addressessuch that the search can avoid some quadrants that do not overlap with the query box. Letbe the center of a node (this is equal to the node's prefix) andandbe two bit strings withbits each. Also, let subscriptwithindicate the's bit ofandand the'th dimension of,and.

Letand.then has a `` for every dimension where the "lower" half of the node and all quadrants in it does not overlap with the query box. Similarly,has a `` for every dimension where the "upper" half does not overlap with the query box.

andthen present the lowest and highestin a node that need to be traversed. Quadrants withordo not intersect with the query box. A proof is available in.[4]With this, the above query function can be improved to:

functionquery(node, min, max, result_list)is
h_min ← calculate h_min
h_max ← calculate h_max
for eachentry ← node.get_entries_range(h_min, h_max)do
[... ]

Calculatingandis. Depending on the distribution of the occupied quadrants in a node this approach will allow avoiding anywhere from no to almost all key comparisons. This reduces the average traversal time but the resulting complexity is still.[4]

Check quadrants for overlap with query box


Betweenandthere can still be quadrants that do not overlap with the query box. Idea:andeach have one bit for every dimensions that indicates whether the query box overlaps with the lower/upper half of a node in that dimension. This can be used to quickly check whether a quadrantoverlaps with the query box without having to compare-dimensional keys: a quadrantoverlaps with the query box if for every `` bit inthere is a corresponding `` bit inand for every `` bit inthere is a corresponding `` bit in.On a CPU with 64bit registers it is thus possible to check for overlap of up to-dimensional keys in.[4]

functionis_overlap(h, h_min, h_max)is
return(h | h_min) & h_max == h // evaluates to 'true' if quadrant and query overlap.
functionquery(node, min, max, result_list)is
h_min ← calculate h_min
h_max ← calculate h_max
for eachentry ← node.get_entries_range(h_min, h_max)do
h ← entry.get_h();
if(h | h_min) & h_max == hthen// evaluates to 'true' if quadrant and query overlap.
[... ]
end if

The resulting time complexity iscompared to theof the full iteration.[4]

Traverse quadrants that overlap with query box


For higher dimensions with larger nodes it is also possible to avoid iterating through alland instead directly calculate the next higherthat overlaps with the query box. The first step puts ``-bits into a givenfor all quadrants that have no overlap with the query box. The second step increments the adaptedand the added ``-bits trigger an overflow so that the non-overlapping quadrants are skipped. The last step removes all the undesirable bits used for triggering the overflow. The logic is described in detail in.[4]The calculation works as follows:

functionincrement_h(h_input, h_min, h_max)is
h_out = h_input | (~ h_max ) // pre - mask
h_out += 1 // increment
h_out = ( h_out & h_max ) | h_min // post - mask

Again, forthis can be done on most CPUs in. The resulting time complexity for traversing a node is.[4]This works best if most of the quadrants that overlap with the query box are occupied with an entry.

k-nearest neighbors


knearest neighbor searchescan be implemented using standard algorithms.[5]

Floating point keys


The PH-tree can only store integer values. Floating point values can trivially be stored as integerscastingthem as an integer. However, the authors also propose an approach without loss of precision.[1][4]

Lossless conversion


Lossless converting of a floating point value into an integer value (and back) without loss if precision can be achieved by simply interpreting the 32 or 64 bits of the floating point value as an integer (with 32 or 64 bits). Due to the way thatIEEE 754encodes floating point values, the resulting integer values have the same ordering as the original floating point values, at least for positive values. Ordering for negative values can be achieved by inverting the non-sign bits.[1][4]

Example implementations inJava:


Example implementations inC++:


Encoding (and the inverse decoding) is lossless for all floating point values. The ordering works well in practice, includingand.However, the integer representation also turnsinto a normal comparable value (smaller than infinity), infinities are comparable to each other andis larger than.[6]That means that, for example, a query rangewillnotmatch a value of.In order to matchthe query range needs to be.[citation needed]

Hyperbox keys


In order to store volumes (axis-aligned hyper-boxes) as keys, implementations typically usecorner representation[7]which converts the two-dimensional minimum and maximum corners of a box into a single key withdimensions, for example by interleaving them:.

This works trivially for lookup, insert and remove operations. Window queries need to be converted from-dimensional vectors to-dimensional vectors. For example, for a window query that matches all boxes that are completelyinsidethe query box, the query keys are:[7][8]

For a window query operation that matches all boxes thatintersectwith a query box, the query keys are:[8]



In high dimensions with less thanentries, a PH-tree may have only a single node, effectively “degenerating” into aB-TreewithZ-order curve.The add/remove/lookup operations remainand window queries can use thequadrant filters.However, this cannot avoid thecurse of dimensionality,for high dimensional data withora PH-tree is only marginally better than a full scan.[9]



Research has reported fast add/remove/exact-match operations with large and fast changing datasets.[10]Window queries have been shown to work well especially for small windows[11]or large dataset[12]

The PH-tree is mainly suited for in-memory use.[10][13][14] The size of the nodes (number of entries) is fixed while persistent storage tends to benefit from indexes with configurable node size to align node size with page size on disk. This is easier with other spatial indexes, such asR-Trees.



See also



  1. ^abcdefghijklmnopZäschke, Tilmann; Zimmerli, Christoph; Norrie, Moira C. (June 2014)."The PH-tree".Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data.pp. 397–408.doi:10.1145/2588555.2588564.ISBN9781450323765.S2CID6862850.Retrieved10 February2022.
  2. ^Kouahla, Z.; Benrazek, A.-E.; Ferrag, M. A.; Farou, B.; Seridi, H.; Kurulay, M.; Anjum, A.; Asheralieva, A. (2022)."Survey on Big IoT Data Indexing: Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements, and Open Issues".Future Internet.14(1): 19.doi:10.3390/fi14010019.
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  4. ^abcdefghijZäschke, Tilmann; Norrie, Moira (2017). "Efficient Z-Ordered Traversal of Hypercube Indexes".Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017).Lecture Notes in Informatics. Vol. P-265. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik. pp. 465–484.doi:10.3929/ethz-a-010802003.ISBN9783885796596.
  5. ^Hjaltason, Gísli R.; Samet, Hanan (June 1999)."Distance browsing in spatial databases".ACM Transactions on Database Systems.24(2): 265–318.doi:10.1145/320248.320255.S2CID10881319.Retrieved12 February2022.
  6. ^IEEE 754 2019
  7. ^abSeeger, B.; Kriegel, H. P. (1988). "Techniques for Design and Implementation of Efficient Spatial Access Methods".Proceedings 1988 VLDB Conference: 14th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases.14:360.
  8. ^abSamet, Hanan (2006).Foundations of multidimensional and metric data structures.San Francisco: Elsevier/Morgan-Kaufmann. pp. 440–441, 453–457.ISBN0-12-369446-9.
  9. ^Li, Yan; Ge, Tingjian; Chen, Cindy (2020). "Online Indices for Predictive Top-k Entity and Aggregate Queries on Knowledge Graphs".2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE).pp. 1057–1068.doi:10.1109/ICDE48307.2020.00096.ISBN978-1-7281-2903-7.S2CID218907333.
  10. ^abSprenger, Stefan (2019).Efficient Processing of Range Queries in Main Memory(doctoralThesis). Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.doi:10.18452/19786.
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  13. ^Wang, S.; Maier, D.; Ooi, B. (2016)."Fast and Adaptive Indexing of Multi-Dimensional Observational Data".Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment.9(14): 1683.doi:10.14778/3007328.3007334.
  14. ^Herrera, Stiw; da Silva, Larissa Miguez; Reis, Paulo Ricardo; Silva, Anderson; Porto, Fabio (2021)."Managing Sparse Spatio-Temporal Data in SAVIME: an Evaluation of the PH-tree Index".Anais do XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados:337–342.doi:10.5753/sbbd.2021.17895.S2CID245185935.