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Phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitor

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Overview of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors and their interaction with thePI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway.There are pan-class I PI3K inhibitors such ascopanlisib,isoform-specific PI3K inhibitors such asidelalisib,and dual PI3K/mTORinhibitors such asdactolisib.Note thatfimepinostatandrigosertibinhibit the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, but not PI3K itself.[1]

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors(PI3K inhibitors) are a class of medical drugs that are mainly used to treat advanced cancers. They function by inhibiting one or more of thephosphoinositide 3-kinase(PI3K) enzymes, which are part of thePI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway.Thissignal pathwayregulates cellular functions such as growth and survival. It is strictly regulated in healthy cells, but is always active in many cancer cells, allowing the cancer cells to better survive and multiply. PI3K inhibitors block the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and thus slow down cancer growth.[2][3]They are examples of atargeted therapy.[4]While PI3K inhibitors are an effective treatment, they can have very severe side effects and are therefore only used if other treatments have failed or are not suitable.[5][6]

After PI3K inhibitors had been under investigation as anti-cancer drugs for several years,[7][8][9][10]the first one to be approved for treatment in clinical practice wasidelalisibin 2014.[11]Several others followed, and even more are still under development (see below).[3][12]

There are different classes andisoformsofPI3Ks.[13]Class 1 PI3Kshave a catalytic subunit known as p110, with four types (isoforms) –p110 alpha(PIK3CA),p110 beta(PIK3CB),p110 gamma(PIK3CG) andp110 delta(PIK3CD).[14]All PI3K inhibitors that are currently approved inhibit one or more p110 isoforms of the class I PI3Ks. Inhibiting different p110 isoforms can have different effects,[15]e.g.PTEN-negative tumors may be more sensitive to PIK3CB inhibitors.[15]

PI3K inhibitors are also under investigation as treatments forinflammatory respiratory disease,[13][16]and are used to investigate the role of the PI3K pathway inaging.[17]

Approved for treatment

  • Idelalisib(trade nameZydelig;codenamed CAL-101, GS-1101; PIK3CD inhibitor):FDA-approved in July 2014 for treatment of three types of blood cancers: treatment of relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in combination withrituximab,treatment of relapsed small lymphocytic lymphoma after at least two prior systemic therapies, and treatment offollicular lymphoma(FL) after at least two prior systemic therapies.[11]
  • Copanlisib(trade nameAliqopa;codenamed BAY 80-6946; predominantly a PIK3CA and PIK3CD inhibitor): FDA-approved in September 2017 for treatment of relapsedfollicular lymphomaafter at least two prior systemic therapies.[18]
  • Duvelisib(trade nameCopiktra;codenamed INK1197, IPI-145; PIK3CD and PIK3CG inhibitor): FDA-approved on 24 September 2018 for treatment of relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) after at least two prior therapies, and treatment of relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma after at least two prior systemic therapies.[19]
  • Alpelisib(trade namesPiqrayandPivikto;codenamed BYL719; PIK3CA inhibitor): FDA-approved in May 2019 for treatment of HR-positive and HER2/neu-negative breast cancer in combination with the endocrine therapyfulvestrant.[20]
  • Umbralisib(trade nameUkoniq;codenamed TGR-1202, Rp-5264; PIK3CD and casein kinaseCSNK1Einhibitor): FDA-approved in February 2021 for treatment of relapsed or refractorymarginal zone lymphoma(MZL) after at least one prior anti-CD20-based regimen, and treatment of relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma after at least three prior lines of systemic therapy.[21][22]As of May 31, 2022, umbralisib was withdrawn from the US market due to the decrement in overall survival and increased serious adverse events when using umbralisib.[23]
  • Leniolisib(codenamed CDZ173; PIK3CD inhibitor, trade nameJoenja) was tested as a potential treatment foractivated PI3K delta syndrome(APDS) /PASLI diseasein a placebo-controlled phase II/III trial (NCT02435173).[24][25]The trial was completed in August 2021 and results have become available in March 2022.[24]Another phase II/III trial for APDS/PASLI that serves as an extension study (NCT02859727) is still ongoing and results are expected for October 2026.[26]The FDA hasapprovedleniolisib on March 24, 2023.

Under clinical development


Late stage


Inphase III clinical trials:

  • Buparlisib(codenamed BKM120, NVP-BKM120; pan-class I PI3K inhibitor):
    • The phase III trialBURANcompares buparlisib +paclitaxelto paclitaxel alone in patients withhead and necksquamous cell carcinoma(HNSCC). Results are expected for December 2022.[27]
    • The phase III trialsBELLE-2[28][29]andBELLE-3[30][31]comparing buparlisib + fulvestrant with fulvestrant alone in patients with breast cancer both showed excessive side effects. The phase II/III trialBELLE-4comparing buparlisib + paclitaxel with paclitaxel alone in patients with breast cancer did not improveprogression-free survivaland was stopped for futility at the end of phase II.[32][33]These results led the sponsor,Novartis,to cancel their breast cancer study program with buparlisib.
  • Copanlisib(codenamed BAY 80-6946; predominantly a PIK3CA and PIK3CD inhibitor) ist currently undergoing three phase III trials, all of which are testing it in patients with indolentnon-Hodgkin lymphoma(iNHL):
    • The trialCHRONOS-2was planned as a placebo-controlled randomized phase III trial with about 190 patients. However, recruitment was stopped after 25 patients were included and the trial continues as a non-randomized single-arm trial. Results are expected for November 2022.[34]
    • The phase III trialCHRONOS-3compares copanlisib +rituximabwith placebo + rituximab in patients with relapsed iNHL. Study completion is expected for January 2023.[35]Preliminary results show a strong and significant improvement of progression-free survival under copanlisib treatment, but also considerably more severe and serious side effects.[36]
    • The phase III trialCHRONOS-4compares copanlisib + immunochemotherapy (R-CHOPregimen) with placebo + immunochemotherapy in patients with relapsed iNHL who have received 1–3 previous lines of therapy. Results are expected for February 2023.[37]
  • Dactolisib(codenamed BEZ235, NVP-BEZ235; dual pan-class I PI3K and mTOR inhibitor)[38]was tested in theplacebo-controlledphase III trialPROTECTOR 1(RTB-101-204) to prevent clinically symptomaticrespiratory illnessin generally healthy elderly people.[39]However, the trial did not meet this endpoint.[40]Consequently, the related phase III trialPROTECTOR 2(RTB-101-205) was terminated by the sponsor.[41]Dactolisib has also undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for solid tumours as well as for respiratory diseases, most of which have been terminated as of 2022.[42]
  • Duvelisib(codenamed INK1197, IPI-145; PIK3CD and PIK3CG inhibitor):
    • The results of the completed pivotal phase III trialDUOcomparing duvelisib monotherapy withofatumumabled to its approval for CLL/SLL[43]An extension trial to DUO was completed in 2020, but its results have not yet been published.[44]
    • The phase III trialBRAVURAcomparing duvelisib +rituximab+bendamustinewith rituximab + bendamustine in patients withnon-Hodgkin lymphomawas withdrawn by the sponsor when it was no longer expected to lead to approval.[45]
    • Similarly, the phase III trialDYNAMO + Rcomparing duvelisib + rituximab with rituximab alone in patients with follicular lymphoma was terminated by the sponsor when it was no longer expected to lead to approval.[46]
  • Idelalisibhas undergone eleven phase III clinical trials as of March 2022.[47]These include thepivotal trialGS-US-312-0116that lead to approval of idelalisib by FDA and EMA for treatment of patients with CLL. All other phase III trials testing idelalisib-based therapy as an experimental treatment, e.g. in first-line CLL and second-line NHL, had been terminated by end of 2016, mainly due to increased toxicity and mortality.[48]Two trials comparing new experimental treatments to idelalisib as a comparator and a dose optimization study in FL are still ongoing.[49][50][51]
  • Parsaclisib(codenamed INCB050465, INCB 50465; PIK3CD inhibitor) will be tested as a potential treatment for different diseases in five phase III trials:
  • Paxalisib(codenamed GDC-0084; pan-class I PI3K and mTOR inhibitor) will be tested as a potential treatment forglioblastomain the phase II/III trialGBM AGILE.The trial is currently recruiting patients as of March 2022and will compare multiple experimental treatments including paxalisib withtemozolomide+radiotherapy(+lomustine).[57]
  • Taselisib(codenamed GDC-0032, RG7604; PIK3CA inhibitor): Development was discontinued due to strong side effects and only a minor survival benefit in the phase III trialSANDPIPERin patients with breast cancer.[58][59]
  • Zandelisib(codenamed ME-401; PIK3CD inhibitor) will be tested as a potential treatment for iNHL in the phase III trialCOASTAL.The trial is currently recruiting patients as of March 2022and will compare zandelisib + rituximab to chemotherapy (CHOP regimen) + rituximab. Results are expected for April 2026.[60]
  • Inavolisib(codenamed GDC-0077; PIK3CA inhibitor) will be tested as a potential treatment for PIK3CA-mutant breast cancer in a phase II/III trial (NCT04191499). The trial is currently recruiting patients as of March 2022and will compare inavolisib + palbociclib + fulvestrant with placebo + palbociclib + fulvestrant. Results are expected for September 2025.[61]

Inphase II clinical trials:

  • Apitolisib(codenamed GDC-0980, GNE 390, RG7422; pan-class I PI3K and mTOR inhibitor) has undergone four phase II trials as a potential treatment for different solid tumours, three of which have been completed or terminated as of March 2022.[62]
  • Bimiralisib(codenamed PQR309;brain-permeantdual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor) has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different solid tumours, all of which have been completed or terminated as of March 2022.[63]
  • Eganelisib(codenamed IPI-549; PIK3CD inhibitor) is currently undergoing three phase II trials as a potential treatment for different solid tumours, with no published results as of March 2022.[64]
  • Fimepinostat(codenamed CUDC-907; PI3K p110 andHDAC inhibitor): A phase II trial in patients withdiffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL) was completed in 2019 but its results have not yet been published.[65]Other phase II trials with fimepinostat have been terminated.[66]
  • Gedatolisib(codenamed PF-05212384, PKI-587; PIK3CA, PIK3CG and mTOR inhibitor) has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different cancers, most of which have been terminated for different reasons. As of March 2022,two phase II trials on breast cancer are still recruiting patients.[67]
  • Linperlisib(codenamed YY-20394; PIK3CD inhibitor) will be tested as a potential treatment for different types oflymphomain several phase II trials that are currently recruiting or scheduled to recruit patients as of March 2022.[68]
  • Nemiralisib(codenamed GSK2269557; PIK3CD inhibitor) has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different respiratory diseases (asthma and COPD) as well as for APDS/PASLI, all of which have been completed or terminated as of March 2022.Results are available for all of these trials.[69]
  • Pictilisib(codenamed GDC-0941; pan-class I PI3K inhibitor)[70]has undergone five phase II trials as a potential treatment for different solid tumours, with no results published as of March 2022.[71]
  • Pilaralisib(codenamed SAR245408 and XL147; inhibitor of PIK3CA, PIK3CD, and PIK3CG) has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different solid tumours, all of which have been completed as of 2022.[72]
  • Samotolisib(codenamed GTPL8918, LY3023414; triple pan-class I PI3K, mTOR, andDNA-PKinhibitor) has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different cancers, three of which have been completed or terminated and have results as of March 2022.[73]
  • Seletalisib(codenamed UCB-5857; PIK3CD inhibitor) has undergone one phase II trial as a potential treatment forSjögren syndrome.The trial has been terminated due to enrolment challenges.[74]
  • Serabelisib(codenamed MLN1117 and TAK-117; PIK3CA inhibitor) is undergoing several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different cancers. As of March 2022,results have been reported forrenal cell carcinomaandendometrial cancer.[75][76]
  • Sonolisib(codenamed PX-866; awortmanninderivative)[77]has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different solid tumours, all of which have been completed or terminated as of 2022.[78]
  • Tenalisib(codenamed RP6530; dual PIK3CD and PIK3CG inhibitor) is undergoing several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different cancers. Two single-arm trials (in CLL and iNHL) have reported results.[79][80]
  • Voxtalisib(codenamed SAR245409, XL765; pan-class I PI3K inhibitor and weaker inhibitor of mTOR), in trial for B-cell lymphomas, e.g. CLL andfollicular lymphoma.[81][82]
  • AMG 319(PIK3CD inhibitor) has undergone a phase II trial as a potential treatment for HNSCC. The trial was terminated in 2018 due to safety reasons.[83]
  • AZD8186(PIK3CB and PIK3CD inhibitor) will be tested as a potential treatment for gastric cancer in a phase II trial that is currently recruiting patients as of March 2022.[84]
  • GSK2636771(PIK3CB inhibitor) has undergone several phase II trials as a potential treatment for different cancers, one of which have been completed, with no results published as of March 2022.[85]
  • SF1126is a peptidic prodrug targetingintegrin receptorsthat converts toLY294002,one of the most widely studied dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors.[86]A phase II trial with SF1126 has been terminated due to slow enrolment.[87]

Early stage


In early stage clinical trials[9]

  • Acalisib(codenamed CAL-120, GS-9820) has completed one phase I trial in 2016. No data have been published for this trial and no further trials have been conducted since then as of March 2022.[88]
  • Omipalisib(codenamed GSK2126458, GSK458) has completed two phase I trials in 2015 and 2016, respectively. No data have been published for these trials and no further trials have been conducted since then as of March 2022.[89]
  • AZD8835(PIK3CA and PIK3CD inhibitor) has completed one phase I trial in 2016. No data have been published for this trial and no further trials have been conducted since then as of March 2022.[90]
  • CAL263(PIK3CD inhibitor)[91]
  • GSK1059615(dual pan-class I PI3K and mTOR inhibitor): The phase I trial of this drug was terminated due to lack of sufficient exposure following single- and repeat-dosing.[92]
  • MEN1611(CH5132799, PA799; mainly a PIK3CA inhibitor) will be tested in a phase I/II trial with PIK3CA-mutated colorectal cancer patients that is currently recruiting patients as of March 2022.[93]
  • PWT33597(dual PIK3CA and mTOR inhibitor)[94]
  • TG100-115(mainly a PIK3CD and PIK3CG inhibitor)[95]
  • ZSTK474(mainly a PIK3CD inhibitor)[96]

Not in clinical trials


See also



  1. ^Mishra R, Patel H, Alanazi S, Kilroy MK, Garrett JT (March 2021)."PI3K Inhibitors in Cancer: Clinical Implications and Adverse Effects".International Journal of Molecular Sciences.22(7): 3464.doi:10.3390/ijms22073464.PMC8037248.PMID33801659.
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  24. ^abClinical trial numberNCT02435173for "Study of Efficacy of CDZ173 in Patients With APDS/PASLI" atClinicalTrials.gov
  25. ^Rao VK, Webster S, Dalm VA, Šedivá A, van Hagen PM, Holland S, et al. (November 2017)."Effective" activated PI3Kδ syndrome "-targeted therapy with the PI3Kδ inhibitor leniolisib".Blood.130(21): 2307–2316.doi:10.1182/blood-2017-08-801191.PMC5701526.PMID28972011.
  26. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02859727for "Extension to the Study of Efficacy of CDZ173 in Patients With APDS/PASLI" atClinicalTrials.gov
  27. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04338399for "The BURAN Study of Buparlisib in Patients With Recurrent or Metastatic HNSCC (BURAN)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  28. ^Baselga J, Im SA, Iwata H, Cortés J, De Laurentiis M, Jiang Z, et al. (July 2017)."Buparlisib plus fulvestrant versus placebo plus fulvestrant in postmenopausal, hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative, advanced breast cancer (BELLE-2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial".The Lancet. Oncology.18(7): 904–916.doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30376-5.PMC5549667.PMID28576675.
  29. ^Clinical trial numberNCT01610284for "Phase III Study of BKM120/Placebo With Fulvestrant in Postmenopausal Patients With Hormone Receptor Positive HER2-negative Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Refractory to Aromatase Inhibitor (BELLE-2)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  30. ^Di Leo A, Johnston S, Lee KS, Ciruelos E, Lønning PE, Janni W, et al. (January 2018). "Buparlisib plus fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative, advanced breast cancer progressing on or after mTOR inhibition (BELLE-3): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial".The Lancet. Oncology.19(1): 87–100.doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30688-5.PMID29223745.
  31. ^Clinical trial numberNCT01633060for "A Phase III Study of BKM120 With Fulvestrant in Patients With HR+,HER2-, AI Treated, Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Progressed on or After mTORi (BELLE-3)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  32. ^Martín M, Chan A, Dirix L, O'Shaughnessy J, Hegg R, Manikhas A, et al. (February 2017)."A randomized adaptive phase II/III study of buparlisib, a pan-class I PI3K inhibitor, combined with paclitaxel for the treatment of HER2- advanced breast cancer (BELLE-4)".Annals of Oncology.28(2): 313–320.doi:10.1093/annonc/mdw562.PMID27803006.
  33. ^Clinical trial numberNCT01572727for "A Study of the Experimental Drug BKM120 With Paclitaxel in Patients With HER2 Negative, Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer, With or Without PI3K Activation (BELLE-4)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  34. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02369016for "Phase III Copanlisib in Rituximab-refractory iNHL (CHRONOS-2)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  35. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02367040for "Copanlisib and Rituximab in Relapsed Indolent B-cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (iNHL) (CHRONOS-3)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  36. ^Matasar MJ, Capra M, Özcan M, Lv F, Li W, Yañez E, et al. (May 2021). "Copanlisib plus rituximab versus placebo plus rituximab in patients with relapsed indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma (CHRONOS-3): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial".The Lancet. Oncology.22(5): 678–689.doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00145-5.PMID33848462.S2CID233234876.
  37. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02626455for "Study of Copanlisib in Combination With Standard Immunochemotherapy in Relapsed Indolent Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (iNHL) (CHRONOS-4)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  38. ^Liu TJ, Koul D, LaFortune T, Tiao N, Shen RJ, Maira SM, et al. (August 2009)."NVP-BEZ235, a novel dual phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor, elicits multifaceted antitumor activities in human gliomas".Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.8(8): 2204–2210.doi:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-09-0160.PMC2752877.PMID19671762.
  39. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04668352for "A Phase 3 Study to Determine if RTB101 Prevents Clinically Symptomatic Respiratory Illness in the Elderly" atClinicalTrials.gov
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  41. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04139915for "Effect of RTB101 on Illness Associated With Respiratory Tract Infections in the Elderly" atClinicalTrials.gov
  42. ^"Search for phase 2 clinical trials with Dactolisib on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-04.
  43. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02004522for "A Phase 3 Study of Duvelisib Versus Ofatumumab in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory CLL/SLL (DUO)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  44. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02049515for "A Phase 3 Extension Study of Duvelisib and Ofatumumab in Patients With CLL/SLL Previously Enrolled in Study IPI-145-07" atClinicalTrials.gov
  45. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02576275for "A Study of Duvelisib in Combination With Rituximab and Bendamustine vs Placebo in Combination With Rituximab and Bendamustine in Subjects With Previously-Treated Indolent Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (BRAVURA)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  46. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02204982for "Study of Duvelisib in Combination With Rituximab vs Rituximab in Subjects With Previously Treated Follicular Lymphoma (DYNAMO + R)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  47. ^"Search for phase 3 clinical trials with CAL-101 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-21.
  48. ^"Zydelig: EPAR - Scientific conclusions"(PDF).2016-11-21.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  49. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02970318for "A Study of Acalabrutinib vs Investigator's Choice of Idelalisib Plus Rituximab or Bendamustine Plus Rituximab in R/R CLL" atClinicalTrials.gov
  50. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04666038for "Study of LOXO-305 Versus Investigator's Choice (IdelaR or BR) in Patients With Previously Treated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL) (BRUIN CLL-321)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  51. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02536300for "Dose Optimization Study of Idelalisib in Follicular Lymphoma" atClinicalTrials.gov
  52. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04796922for "To Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Parsaclisib Plus Either Rituximab or Obinutuzumab in R/R Follicular Lymphoma (FL) and Marginal Zone Lymphoma (MZL) (CITADEL-302)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  53. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04849715for "A Study of Parsaclisib, a PI3Kδ Inhibitor, in Combination With Bendamustine and Rituximab in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Mantle Cell Lymphoma (CITADEL-310)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  54. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04551053for "To Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Parsaclisib and Ruxolitinib in Participants With Myelofibrosis Who Have Suboptimal Response to Ruxolitinib (LIMBER-304)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  55. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04551066for "To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Parsaclisib and Ruxolitinib in Participants With Myelofibrosis (LIMBER-313)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  56. ^Clinical trial numberNCT05073458for "Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Parsaclisib in Participants With Primary Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (PATHWAY)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  57. ^Clinical trial numberNCT03970447for "A Trial to Evaluate Multiple Regimens in Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Glioblastoma (GBM AGILE)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  58. ^"Roche dumps its PhIII PI3K effort on taselisib after researchers track poor survival edge, harsh side effects for breast cancer".
  59. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02340221for "A Study of Taselisib + Fulvestrant Versus Placebo + Fulvestrant in Participants With Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Have Disease Recurrence or Progression During or After Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy (SANDPIPER)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  60. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04745832for "Phase 3 Study of Zandelisib (ME-401) in Combination With Rituximab in Patients With iNHL - (COASTAL)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  61. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04191499for "A Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Inavolisib + Palbociclib + Fulvestrant vs Placebo + Palbociclib + Fulvestrant in Patients With PIK3CA-Mutant, Hormone Receptor-Positive, Her2-Negative, Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer" atClinicalTrials.gov
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  65. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02674750for "Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of CUDC-907 in Patients With RR DLBCL, Including Patients With MYC Alterations" atClinicalTrials.gov
  66. ^"Search for phase 2 clinical trials with CUDC-907 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-04.
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  70. ^Sarker D, Ang JE, Baird R, Kristeleit R, Shah K, Moreno V, et al. (January 2015)."First-in-human phase I study of pictilisib (GDC-0941), a potent pan-class I phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors".Clinical Cancer Research.21(1): 77–86.doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-0947.PMC4287394.PMID25370471.
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  74. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02610543for "UCB Proof of Concept Study in Patients With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome" atClinicalTrials.gov
  75. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02724020for "MLN0128 and MLN0128 + MLN1117 Compared With Everolimus in the Treatment of Adults With Advanced or Metastatic Clear-Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma" atClinicalTrials.gov
  76. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02725268for "A Study of Sapanisertib, Combination of Sapanisertib With MLN1117, Paclitaxel and Combination of Sapanisertib With Paclitaxel in Women With Endometrial Cancer" atClinicalTrials.gov
  77. ^Howes AL, Chiang GG, Lang ES, Ho CB, Powis G, Vuori K, Abraham RT (September 2007)."The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, PX-866, is a potent inhibitor of cancer cell motility and growth in three-dimensional cultures".Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.6(9): 2505–2514.doi:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-06-0698.PMID17766839.
  78. ^"Search for phase 2 clinical trials with PX-866 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-04.
  79. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04204057for "Efficacy and Safety of Tenalisib (RP6530) in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  80. ^Clinical trial numberNCT03711578for "Efficacy and Safety Study of Tenalisib (RP6530), a Novel PI3K δ/γ Dual Inhibitor in Patients With Relapsed/Refractory Indolent Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (iNHL)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  81. ^"In Focus: Voxtalisib for CLL and B-Cell Lymphomas".Cancer Therapy Advisor.March 27, 2018.
  82. ^Clinical trial numberNCT01403636for "A Study of Investigational SAR245409 in Patients With Certain Lymphoma or Leukemia" atClinicalTrials.gov
  83. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02540928for "AMG 319 in HPV Positive and Negative HNSCC" atClinicalTrials.gov
  84. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04001569for "AZD8186 and Paclitaxel in Advanced Gastric Cancer" atClinicalTrials.gov
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  86. ^Garlich JR, Becker MD, Shelton CF, Qi W, Liu X, Cooke L, Mahadevan D (2010). "Phase I Study of Novel Prodrug Dual PI3K/MTOR Inhibitor SF1126 in B-Cell Malignancies".Blood.116(21): 1783.doi:10.1182/blood.V116.21.1783.1783.
  87. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02644122for "SF1126 in Recurrent or Progressive SCCHN and Mutations in PIK3CA Gene and/or PI-3 Kinase Pathway Genes" atClinicalTrials.gov
  88. ^Clinical trial numberNCT01705847for "A Phase 1b Study Evaluating GS-9820 in Subjects With Lymphoid Malignancies" atClinicalTrials.gov
  89. ^"Search for clinical trials with GSK2126458 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-17.
  90. ^Clinical trial numberNCT02260661for "Phase I, Dose Study to Look at the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of AZD8835 in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumours" atClinicalTrials.gov
  91. ^Clinical trial numberNCT01066611for "Study to Investigate Effects of CAL-263 in Subjects With Allergic Rhinitis Exposed to Allergen in an Environmental Chamber" atClinicalTrials.gov
  92. ^Clinical trial numberNCT00695448for "Phase I Open-Label, Dose-Escalation Study of GSK1059615 in Patients With Solid Tumors or Lymphoma" atClinicalTrials.gov
  93. ^Clinical trial numberNCT04495621for "MEN1611 With Cetuximab in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (C-PRECISE-01)" atClinicalTrials.gov
  94. ^"Search for phase 1 clinical trials with PWT33597 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-09.
  95. ^"Search for phase 1 clinical trials with TG100-115 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-09.
  96. ^"Search for phase 1 clinical trials with ZSTK474 on clinicaltrials.gov".Retrieved2022-03-09.
  97. ^Locatelli SL, Stirparo GG, Tartari S, Saba E, Rubino L, Brusamolino E, Castagna L, Santoro A, Carlo-Stella C (2013). "The PI3K/ERK Dual Inhibitor AEZS-136 Induces ROS-Dependent Necroptotic Cell Death and Exerts Potent Antitumor Effects in NOD/SCID Mice with Hodgkin Lymphoma Cell Line Xenografts".Blood.122(21): 3067.doi:10.1182/blood.V122.21.3067.3067.
  98. ^Zhou H, Yu C, Kong L, Xu X, Yan J, Li Y, et al. (May 2019)."B591, a novel specific pan-PI3K inhibitor, preferentially targets cancer stem cells".Oncogene.38(18): 3371–3386.doi:10.1038/s41388-018-0674-5.PMC6756013.PMID30635656.
  99. ^Heffron TP, Berry M, Castanedo G, Chang C, Chuckowree I, Dotson J, et al. (April 2010). "Identification of GNE-477, a potent and efficacious dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor".Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.20(8): 2408–2411.doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2010.03.046.PMID20346656.
  100. ^Raynaud FI, Eccles SA, Patel S, Alix S, Box G, Chuckowree I, et al. (July 2009)."Biological properties of potent inhibitors of class I phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases: from PI-103 through PI-540, PI-620 to the oral agent GDC-0941".Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.8(7): 1725–1738.doi:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-08-1200.PMC2718129.PMID19584227.

Further reading

  • Williams R, Berndt A, Miller S, Hon WC, Zhang X (August 2009). "Form and flexibility in phosphoinositide 3-kinases".Biochemical Society Transactions.37(Pt 4): 615–626.doi:10.1042/BST0370615.PMID19614567.