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2013 papal conclave

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Papal conclave
March 2013
Dates and location
12–13 March 2013
Sistine Chapel,Apostolic Palace,
Vatican City
Key officials
DeanAngelo Sodano
Sub-deanRoger Etchegaray
CamerlengoTarcisio Bertone
ProtopriestPaulo Evaristo Arns
ProtodeaconJean-Louis Tauran
SecretaryLorenzo Baldisseri
Elected pope
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Name taken:Francis

Aconclavewas convened on 12 March 2013 to elect apopeto succeedBenedict XVI,who hadresignedon 28 February. 115 participatingcardinal-electorsgathered. On the fifth ballot,[1]the conclave elected CardinalJorge Mario Bergoglio,SJ,Archbishop of Buenos Aires.He took thepontifical nameFrancis.

Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI


On 11 February 2013,Benedict XVIannounced his resignation from thepapacyeffective 28 February 2013 at 20:00 local time (19:00UTC).[2][3][4]He was the first pope to resign sinceGregory XIIin 1415,[5]and the first to do so on his own initiative sinceCelestine Vin 1294.[6][7]



TheLos Angeles Timessuggested that, though a pope from Latin America was unlikely, with only 19 of 117 cardinal-electors being from Latin America, the region seeks more say in Vatican affairs as it has the world's largest Catholic population. It citedsecularismand the rise ofEvangelical Protestantismin Latin America detracting from the Catholic faith, along withsex abuse scandalsinMexico,BrazilandChileas issues important to the region.[8]BBC Newssaid that while the balloting was likely to be hard-fought between different factions for a European or a non-European, an Italian or a non-Italian future pope, the internal differences were unclear,[9]and that many different priorities were at play, making this election exceedingly difficult to predict.[10]CardinalCormac Murphy-O'Connor,who was not an elector, remarked laughingly to a BBC presenter that his colleagues have been telling him "Siamo confusi – 'we're confused,'" as there were neither clear blocs nor a front-runner.[11]

One Australian commentator noted that the reform of the administrative machinery of the church, theRoman Curia,was a major issue, as there was no major progressive candidate, and indeed no clear front-runners, in the dynamic between institutional-maintenance and evangelical Catholicism.[12]Giacomo Galeazzi ofLa Stampasaid that "Apparently a sort of tsunami of non-European candidates will fall upon the Roman Curia, and this could take the pontificate far away from Rome, making it more international."[13]Italian CardinalFrancesco Coccopalmeriosaid: "It's time to look outside Italy and Europe, in particular considering Latin America."[14]

The dossier of the Vatican's own internal investigation into the so-calledVatileaks scandalwas called "in effect... the 118th cardinal inside the conclave".[15][a]Although the investigating cardinals (none of whom are cardinal electors) are free to discuss the results of their investigation with the participants of the conclave, the dossier itself was to be given by Benedict XVI to his successor.[17]

CardinalVelasio De Paolis,C.S., said that the presence at the conclave of the former archbishop of Los Angeles,Roger Mahony,would be "troubling" but he also noted that the said cardinal "has the right and duty to take part", and "the rules must be followed". Mahony's successor in Los Angeles, ArchbishopJosé Horacio Gómez,had recently rebuked Mahony for hishandling of sex abuse cases,though he too, supported Mahony's participation in the conclave.[18]



The conclave cardinals may elect any baptised Catholic male,[19][20][21]but since 1389 they have always elected a fellow cardinal. Observers of papal elections tend to consider a few cardinals more likely choices than the others – these are thepapabili,the plural forpapabile,an Italian word which is practically rendered into English as "pope-able". In as much as the set ofpapabiliis a matter of speculation from the press, the election of a non-papabileis common; recent cases areJohn XXIIIin 1958,John Paul IandJohn Paul II,both in 1978.

Christoph Schönbornof Austria,[22][23][24]Odilo Schererof Brazil,[24][25]Luis Antonio Tagleof the Philippines,Peter Turksonof Ghana,Marc Ouelletof Canada,Péter Erdőof Hungary[26]andAngelo Scolaof Italy were among the cardinals most often identified in press reports as those most likely to be elected.[19][27]On 9 March, CardinalAndré Vingt-Troissaid there were around "half a dozen possible candidates".[28]The next day CardinalPhilippe Barbarinsaid "There are three, four, maybe a dozen candidates."[14]Jorge Mario Bergoglioof Argentina was seen as apapabile,[29][30][31][32][33]though less likely to emerge as pope.[14][32][34]One summary of likely candidates included him because he was "rumored to be the (weak) second place finisher" at thelast conclave,but observed that "his 'moment' seems to be over".[34]In addition, Bergoglio was seen as an older choice: he was 76 at the time of the conclave, and all of the otherpapabiliwere younger than he was.

Papal election process

Papal conclave of 2013[35]
Cardinal-electors by region
Rest of Europe
North America
South America
Total electors 115
Did not attend
NEW POPE Francis

Giovanni Battista RefromItaly,the most seniorCardinal-Bishopparticipating, presided over the conclave.[38][39][b]

Timing and rule change


In 1996,John Paul IIinUniversi Dominici Gregisfixed the start date of the papal conclave at 15 to 20 days after the papacy becomes vacant. The 2013 conclave was initially expected to start sometime between 15 and 20 March 2013. On 25 February 2013, the Vatican confirmed that Benedict XVI issued theorderNormas Nonnullasto allow for a schedule change.[40]This gave the College of Cardinals more latitude, once all of the elector-cardinals were present, to start the conclave earlier or later.[41]They scheduled it to begin 12 March 2013.[42]

The Pope also amended the conclave law to provide for the automaticexcommunicationof any non-cardinal who breaks the absolute oath of secrecy.[c]

Cardinal electors


There were 207cardinalson the day the papacy fell vacant. Cardinals aged 80 years or older before the day the papacy fell vacant were ineligible to participate,[45][46]leaving 117 electors (including CardinalWalter Kasper,who turned 80 between the papacy becoming vacant and the conclave's start). Two of them were the first cardinal-electors from their churches to participate in a papal conclave:Maronite PatriarchBechara Boutros al-Rahi[d][47]andSyro-MalankaraMajor-ArchbishopBaselios Cleemis,the first bishop from the Syro-Malankara Church to be created cardinal.[48][e]

Two cardinal electors did not attend the conclave.Julius Darmaatmadja,from Indonesia, declined because of the progressive deterioration of his eyesight.[36]Keith O'Brien,the only potential cardinal-elector from Great Britain,[f]had been recently accused of sexual misconduct towards priests in the 1980s and said he did not want his presence to create a distraction. He had resigned asArchbishop of St Andrews and Edinburghon 18 February 2013[51]and later apologised for "sexual misconduct".[51][52]

Preliminary discussions, research and preparations


As soon as Pope Benedict announced his resignation, cardinals began arriving in Rome, and by the day the interregnum formally began, most of them had already arrived.[53]A formal invitation to the conclave was issued on 1 March.[16][54]The last of the 115 participating cardinal electors to arrive was CardinalJean-Baptiste Phạm Minh Mẫnof Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, who arrived on 7 March.[55]

Countries of origin of cardinals participating in the papal conclave of 2013

Gianfranco Ravasiof theRoman Curia,one of seventeen[56]Cardinal Electors with Twitter accounts, suspended his social media presence on his own initiative at the beginning of the interregnum, while others posted their reactions as they assembled.[g]The College of Cardinals later imposed a pre-conclave media and social media blackout, following leaks to the Italian press, which precluded some American cardinals from holding further press conferences.[59][60]Some Cardinal Electors researched one another on-line.[61][62][63]

The first of several "general congregations" was held on the morning of 4 March to organize the event.[64]TheSistine Chapelwas closed to the public on 5 March in preparation for the conclave even before its date was set.[65]To control communication with the outside world during the conclave, aFaraday cageblocking outgoing and incoming communications was installed in the Sistine Chapel area.[66]Contemporary media nevertheless gave journalists and other outsiders unprecedented access to this papal conclave.[67][68][69][70]Approximately 5,600 journalists were accredited to cover the event.[71]

The first congregation (on the morning of 4 March) focused on introductory matters, picking three assistants to theCamerlengo,the recent Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, and a suggestion of a message of appreciation to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, with 13 cardinals giving speeches (simply in the order they had requested to speak). The second congregation (the evening of 4 March) featured the preaching of the first of two required meditations by FatherRaniero Cantalamessaand nine more addresses.

The third congregation was held the morning of 5 March, and featured 11 more addresses (all six continents had by then been represented). The message of appreciation was sent, and the text of the guidelines for the conclave was read. Topics of discussion were: the activities of the Holy See in light of its relations with the world Church's bishops, the course of the Church's renewal after Vatican Council II, and the Church's position in the world, especially regarding the New Evangelization. That evening, the Sistine Chapel closed and the furnaces were installed.

The fourth congregation was held on the morning of 6 March. TheLiturgy of the Hourswas prayed and three cardinals with birthdays were congratulated, then 18 more speeches (limited to five minutes) were given. All but two cardinal-electors were present and had taken the oath. The Church in the world today and the needs of the New Evangelization, the status of theHoly Seeand of the Roman Curia's dicasteries (its departments: the congregations, the courts, and the pontifical councils, commissions, and academies), relations with bishops, and expectations of a future pope, were discussed. That evening, a prayer service was held at St. Peter's Basilica.

The fifth congregation was held the morning of 7 March. Three new cardinal assistants to the Camerlengo were chosen. A telegram of condolence for thedeathof Venezuelan presidentHugo Chávezwas then read. Three separate speeches, each done by one of the three cardinal presidents of the three economic departments of the Holy See, were then given. Then, 13 more speeches were given, especially onecumenismand the Church's charitable efforts and attention to the poor, in addition to the topics from the previous meeting sessions.

The sixth congregation was scheduled for that evening. Some cardinals from the U.S. had stated in their interviews that the conclave might not begin until well into the following week, wanting the issues to be well discussed (this also gives the non-Italian and non-curial cardinals the benefit of getting to know their Italian and curial counterparts, and especially their other colleagues worldwide, better, which may lessen any disadvantage they may have in voting).[72][73][74][75][76][77][excessive citations]

On 7 March, reporters were shown images of preparation work, including the installation of the chimney.[78]Cardinal Phạm Minh Mẫn was able to join the other 114 participating Cardinal Electors for the sixth general congregation the evening of 7 March. Seven more cardinals spoke; all 115 participating Cardinal Electors were present. On 8 March, Lombardi announced that the cardinals would meet later that day and then announce the date for the start of the conclave, which they then set for 12 March. On 8 March, 153 cardinals, including all 115 participating electors, attended the seventh general congregation, where the Cardinal Dean announced that Cardinals Julius Riyadi Darmaatmadja and Keith O'Brien would not be joining the conclave despite being eligible to vote.

Having met the conditions set for beginning the conclave, the cardinals chose CardinalProsper Grechto give the meditation at the beginning of the conclave. Eighteen cardinals spoke, bringing the total number of interventions to over 100. In light ofInternational Women's Day,one speech was about the role of women in the Church. Other topics added in this session were:interreligious dialogue,bioethics,the Church's role in promoting justice in the world,collegialityin the Church, and the need for the Church's evangelizers to proclaim the Gospel.[42][79][80]

On 11 March, the day before the conclave, the non-cardinal officials, support staff and other non-voting personnel who had duties during the conclave took the oath of secrecy in the presence of CamerlengoTarcisio Bertoneas prescribed inUniversi Dominici Gregisas modified byNormas Nonnullas.[81][82][83][84][85]Among those taking the oath were the secretary of the College of Cardinals ArchbishopLorenzo Baldisseri[h]and the Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations MonsignorGuido Marini.[83][84][85]Msgr. Marini himself led the oathtakers in reading the oath out loud.[83][84]The oath bound them to secrecy on anything they observed during the conclave pertaining to the new pope's election unless explicitly granted special faculty by the new Pope or his successors.[82]The oath also bound them to refrain from using any audio or visual recording equipment and recording anything pertaining to the papal election during the conclave. The penalty for breaking the oath was automatic excommunication.[82]The non-electors took their oath in Italian and in thePauline Chapel.[83][84][85]



Day one


On Tuesday, 12 March 2013, the cardinals present in Rome, both voting and non-voting, gathered in St. Peter's Basilica in the morning for thePro eligendo Pontificeconcelebrated Mass. The Dean of the College of Cardinals,Angelo Sodanowas the principal concelebrant and gave the homily.[86]In the afternoon, the 115 cardinal-electors assembled in thePauline Chapeland walked in procession through theSala Regiainto theSistine Chapelchanting theLitany of the Saints.[87]After taking their places, the "Veni Creator Spiritus"(" Come, Creator Spirit ") was sung.[87]The oath was read aloud by the presiding Cardinal,Giovanni Battista Re,Cardinal Bishop of Sabina-Poggio Mirteto,the most senior Cardinal in attendance. As at the previous conclave, they would swear to observe the norms prescribed by John Paul II's apostolic constitutionUniversi Dominici Gregis.In addition, they would swear to adhere to the rules prescribed by Benedict XVI in February. Then each cardinal elector in order of seniority placed his hands on the Gospels and made the following affirmation out loud in Latin:[87][88]

Et ego [forename] Cardinalis [surname] spondeo, voveo ac iuro. Sic me Deus adiuvet et haec Sancta Dei Evangelia, quae manu mea tango.

In English:[89]

And I, [forename] Cardinal [surname], do so promise, pledge and swear. So help me God and these Holy Gospels which I touch with my hand.

While making the oath, several Cardinals used the Latin forms of their names. The four cardinals fromEastern Catholic churcheswere distinguished by their attire.[i][87]A fifth cardinal,Anthony Olubunmi Okogieof the Latin Church, Archbishop-Emeritus ofLagos,Nigeriadid not wear hismozzettaand was seated in a wheelchair through the procession and most of the proceedings but walked accompanied by an assistant and placed his hands on the gospels like the others when making the oath.[87]

Msgr.Guido Marini,Papal Master of Ceremonies, then called out the words "'Extra omnes!"[87]— "Everybody out!" — and the chapel doors were locked to outsiders.[87][90]Once the doors were closed, the cardinals heard the second required meditation for the conclave, given by Cardinal Grech, who then left the conclave because he was not an elector. After the meditation, one ballot was taken.

Black smoke coming out of the Sistine Chapel's chimney indicated to the outside world, that on this first ballot no candidate had received the required two-thirds of the votes cast.[91]According to several media accounts of the first vote, Scola and Ouellet led with roughly equal numbers of votes, Bergoglio was a close third, and the rest of the votes were scattered among several others.[92]According toLa Repubblica,Scola received approximately 35 votes to Bergoglio's 20 and Ouellet's 15,[93]while another account said that Scherer had shown strength.[14]Some cardinals later said that "when they woke up Wednesday morning, it wasn't clear to them they'd have a pope that night, and it was even less clear it would be Bergoglio."[14]

Day two

Pope Francis appears on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica following his election, 13 March 2013.

The two rounds of voting on the morning of 13 March 2013 proved inconclusive and black smoke was again sent out.[j]Scola's candidacy stalled going into Wednesday and votes began to converge around the candidacies of Ouellet and Bergoglio. Sources report that at some point, Ouellet threw his support behind Bergoglio;[92]by the first afternoon ballot—the fourth ballot of the conclave—Bergoglio became the clear front runner. On the fifth ballot, the cardinals, wishing to show a unified front, voted overwhelmingly in favor of Bergoglio, reportedly giving him at least 90 votes with the remaining 25 votes going to other cardinals.[14]CardinalSeán Bradyreported that applause broke out during the tabulation when Bergoglio's count reached the 77 votes required for election.[14]

When Bergoglio was asked if he would accept his election, according to CardinalWilfrid NapierOFM, he said, "Although I am a sinner, I accept." He took the nameFrancis,in honour ofSt. Francis of Assisi.[95]He later said that while Bergoglio was choosing his papal name, some cardinal-electors jokingly suggested he should choose either "Adrian" after the great reformerPope Adrian VI,or "Clement" out of revenge againstPope Clement XIV,whosuppressed the Jesuit order.[96][97]At the conclusion of the conclave, Francis gave his cardinal'szucchettoto ArchbishopLorenzo Baldisseri,the non-elector secretary of the conclave.[98][k]

At 19:06 local time (18:06 UTC), white smoke and the sounding of the bells of St. Peter's Basilica announced that a pope had been chosen and shortly thereafter the Vatican web site was changed to say "Habemus Papam"(" We have a pope ").[100]

The Cardinal ProtodeaconJean-Louis Tauranappeared at the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica and announced the election of the new pope and his chosen name. Pope Francis appeared and asked the people to pray for him before he blessed the world, at which point the conclave concluded.[101][102][103][104]

Post-conclave events


A half-hour later, theTwitteraccount @Pontifex sent out a tweet that read "HABEMUS PAPAMFRANCISCUM ".[105]

At 8:23 pm (20:23) local time, theItalian Conference of Bishopsreleased a statement congratulating Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan on his election as pope. A corrected statement was released at 9:09 pm (21:09).[106]As cardinals described the voting process, carefully suppressing details so as not to violate their oath of secrecy, one offered this assessment, that "Scola might have won" and "is obviously qualified to be pope", but there was "a very strong bias against the Italians". He added: "There was a sense that the Italians aren't up to the job anymore [sic]. They used to be so good, but lately they seem to have lost control of things. "[14]Commentators nonetheless noted that the election of Bergoglio was favored by the fact that he was anItalian Argentineand as such fitting multiple requirements that made him likely to have support from Italian cardinals looking for candidates outside of Europe.[107]

Pope Francis celebrated hisinaugurationon 19 March and was installed as Bishop of Rome on 7 April.[108]

NSA surveillance speculation


In October 2013, the Italian weekly magazinePanoramaclaimed that the United StatesNational Security Agencyhad targeted cardinals in the conclave for surveillance, including Cardinal Bergoglio.[109]An NSA spokesperson denied this.[110]


  1. ^After two cardinals announced that they would not be attending, the Italian media referred to the Vatileaks scandal as "the 116th cardinal".[16]
  2. ^BothAngelo SodanoandRoger Etchegaraythe Dean and Vice-Dean respectively of the College of Cardinals were ineligible to participate in the conclave due to age.
  3. ^Under the prior rules, any such person who violated the duty of secrecy was subject to punishment at the discretion of the new pope.[43][44]
  4. ^Al-Rahi is the fourth Maronite Cardinal-Bishop Patriarch. His predecessors turned 80 before having the opportunity to participate in a conclave.
  5. ^Baselios Cleemis was also the youngest cardinal-elector and the youngest member of the College of Cardinals.[49][50]
  6. ^Thearchdioceseof Cardinal electorSeán Bradystraddles the border between Northern Ireland, part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland, and his seat is in Armagh, Northern Ireland, in the United Kingdom but not Great Britain.
  7. ^Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles tweeted about the diversity of the Cardinals, many of whom were meeting each other for the first time.[57][58]
  8. ^As secretary of the College of Cardinals, Baldisseri was also designated to be the secretary for the cardinal-electors at the conclave[83]
  9. ^Antonios Naguib,Patriarch-Emeritusof theCoptic Catholic ChurchandBaselios Cleemis,Major-Archbishop of theSyro-Malankara Churchwore predominantly black vestments.Maronite PatriarchBechara Boutros al-RahiandSyro-MalabarMajor ArchbishopGeorge Alencherrywore all-red vestments. All the cardinals wore Latin churchbiretteand/orzucchettiexcept for the four Eastern Catholic cardinals: Cardinal Alencherry wore a Nasranibirettawithout azucchetto;Cardinals al-Rahi and Cleemis wore different headgear; and Cardinal Naguib was bareheaded.
  10. ^If there are two ballots at either time of day, they are burned together. Thus, there can be at most two smoke signals per day from the Sistine Chapel chimney.[94]
  11. ^Traditionally if the new pope gave the conclave secretary his zucchetto it signaled he would name him a cardinal in the next consistory. This old tradition had last been practiced byPope John XXIIIin 1958, when he placed his zucchetto on the head of MonsignorAlberto di Jorio,who was secretary of the conclave, and made him a cardinal in December of that year. Pope Francis included Baldisseri in the first group of cardinals he created on 22 February 2014.[99]


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Further reading
