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Temporal range:Middle Permian-Late Permian,265–252Ma
Skeleton ofScutosaurus karpinskiiin theAmerican Museum of Natural History
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Parareptilia
Order: Procolophonomorpha
Node: Ankyramorpha
Suborder: Procolophonia
Clade: Pareiasauromorpha
Superfamily: Pareiasauroidea
Clade: Pareiasauria

Pareiasaurs(meaning "cheek lizards" ) are an extinct clade of large, herbivorousparareptiles.Members of the group were armoured withosteodermswhich covered large areas of the body. They first appeared in southernPangeaduring the Middle Permian, before becoming globally distributed during the Late Permian. Pareiasaurs were the largest reptiles of the Permian, reaching sizes equivalent to those of contemporarytherapsids.Pareiasaurs became extinct in thePermian–Triassic extinction event.


Restoration ofBradysaurus

Pareiasaurs ranged in size from 60 to 300 centimetres (2.0 to 9.8 ft) long, with some species estimated to exceed 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb) in body mass.[1][2]The limbs of many parieasaurs were extremely robust, likely to account for the increased stress on their limbs caused by their typically sprawling posture.[1][2]The cow-sizedBunostegosdiffered from other pareiasaurs by having a more upright limb posture, being amongst the first amniotes to develop this trait.[3]Pareiasaurs were protected by bonyscutescalledosteodermsthat were set into the skin.[4]Their skulls were heavily ornamented with bosses, rugose ridges, and bumps.[5]Their leaf-shaped multi-cusped teeth resemble those ofiguanas,indicating a herbivorous diet.[6]The body probably housed an extensivedigestive tract.[1]Most authors have assumed a terrestrial lifestyle for pareiasaurs. A 2008 bone microanatomy study suggested a more aquatic, plausibly amphibious lifestyle,[7]but a later 2019 study found that the bone histology provided no direct evidence of this lifestyle.[8]

Evolutionary history


Pareiasaurs appear very suddenly in the fossil record. It is clear that these animals areparareptiles.[9][10]As such, they are closely related tonycteroleterids.[11]Pareiasaurs filled the large herbivoreniche(orguild) that had been occupied early in the Permian period by thecaseidpelycosaurs and, before them, thediadectidreptiliomorphs.[8]They are much larger than the diadectids, more similar to the giant caseid pelycosaurCotylorhynchus.Although the last Pareiasaurs were no larger than the first types (indeed, many of the last ones became smaller), there was a definite tendency towards increased armour as the group developed. Pareiasaurs first appeared in the fossil record in the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) of Southern Pangaea, before dispersing into Northern Pangaea and gaining a cosmopolitan distribution during the Late Permian (Lopingian).[12]



Some paleontologists considered that pareiasaurs were direct ancestors of modernturtles.Pareiasaur skulls have several turtle-like features, and in some species the scutes have developed into bony plates, possibly the precursors of a turtle shell.[13]Jalil and Janvier, in a large analysis of pareiasaur relationships, also found turtles to be close relatives of the "dwarf" pareiasaurs, such asPumiliopareia.[14]However, the discovery ofPappochelysargues against a potential pareisaurian relationship to turtles,[15]and DNA evidence indicates that living turtles are more closely related to livingarchosaursthanlepidosaurs,and therefore cladisticallydiapsids.[16]

Associated clades


Hallucicrania(Lee 1995): This clade was coined by MSY Lee forLanthanosuchidae+ (Pareiasauridae +Testudines). Lee's pareiasaur hypothesis has become untenable due to the diapsid features of the stem turtlePappochelysand the potential testudinatan nature ofEunotosaurus.Recent cladistic analyses reveal that lanthanosuchids have a much more basal position in theProcolophonomorpha,and that the nearest sister taxon to the pareiasaurs are the rather unexceptional and conventional lookingnycteroleterids(Müller & Tsuji 2007, Lysonet al.2010) the two being united in the clade Pareiasauromorpha (Tsujiet al.2012).

Pareiasauroidea(Nopcsa, 1928): This clade (as opposed to the superfamily or suborder Pareiasauroidea) was used by Lee (1995) for Pareiasauridae +Sclerosaurus.More recent cladistic studies placeSclerosaurusin the procolophonid subfamily Leptopleuroninae (Cisneros 2006, Sues & Reisz 2008), which means the similarities with pareiasaurs are the result of convergences.

Pareiasauria(Seeley, 1988): If neither Lanthanosuchidae or Testudines are included in the clade, the Pareiasauria only contains the monophyletic family Pareiasauridae.



Below is acladogramfrom Tsujiet al.(2013):[17]



  1. ^abcRomano, Marco; Manucci, Fabio; Rubidge, Bruce; Van den Brandt, Marc J. (2021-06-17)."Volumetric Body Mass Estimate and in vivo Reconstruction of the Russian Pareiasaur Scutosaurus karpinskii".Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.9:692035.doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.692035.hdl:11573/1634310.ISSN2296-701X.
  2. ^abVan den Brandt, Marc Johan; Day, Michael Oliver; Manucci, Fabio; Viglietti, Pia Alexa; Angielczyk, Kenneth David; Romano, Marco (2023-02-27)."First volumetric body mass estimate and a new in vivo 3D reconstruction of the oldest Karoo pareiasaur Bradysaurus baini, and body size evolution in Pareiasauria".Historical Biology:1–15.doi:10.1080/08912963.2023.2175211.ISSN0891-2963.S2CID257369904.
  3. ^Turner, Morgan L.; Tsuji, Linda A.; Ide, Oumarou; Sidor, Christian A. (2015-11-02)."The vertebrate fauna of the upper Permian of Niger—IX. The appendicular skeleton of Bunostegos akokanensis (Parareptilia: Pareiasauria)".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.35(6): e994746.Bibcode:2015JVPal..35E4746T.doi:10.1080/02724634.2014.994746.ISSN0272-4634.S2CID86503874.
  4. ^Scheyer, T. M. & Sander, P. M. (2009)."Bone microstructures and mode of skeletogenesis in osteoderms of three pareiasaur taxa from the Permian of South Africa".Journal of Evolutionary Biology.22(6): 1153–1162.doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01732.x.PMID19416416.{{cite journal}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^Van Den Brandt, Marc Johan; Abdala, Fernando; Rubidge, Bruce Sidney (2019). "Cranial morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the Middle Permian pareiasaur Embrithosaurus schwarzi from the Karoo Basin of South Africa".Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz064.
  6. ^Sues, Hans-Dieter; Reisz, Robert R. (1998-04-01)."Origins and early evolution of herbivory in tetrapods".Trends in Ecology & Evolution.13(4): 141–145.doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(97)01257-3.ISSN0169-5347.PMID21238234.
  7. ^Kriloff, A.; Germain, D.; Canoville, A.; Vincent, P.; Sache, M.; Laurin, M. (2008)."Evolution of bone microanatomy of the tetrapod tibia and its use in palaeobiological inference".Journal of Evolutionary Biology.21(3): 807–826.doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01512.x.PMID18312321.S2CID6102313.
  8. ^abBoitsova, Elizaveta A; Skutschas, Pavel P; Sennikov, Andrey G; Golubev, Valeriy K; Masuytin, Vladimir V; Masuytina, Olga A (2019-07-05)."Bone histology of two pareiasaurs from Russia (Deltavjatia rossica and Scutosaurus karpinskii) with implications for pareiasaurian palaeobiology".Biological Journal of the Linnean Society:blz094.doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blz094.ISSN0024-4066.
  9. ^Gauthier, J.A.; Kluge, A.G.; Rowe, T. (1988). "The early evolution of the Amniota". In Benton, M.J. (ed.).The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tetrapods.Vol. 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 103–155.ISBN978-0198577058.
  10. ^Laurin, M.; Reisz, R.R. (1995). "A reevaluation of early amniote phylogeny".Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.113(2): 165–223.doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1995.tb00932.x.
  11. ^LEE, M. S. Y. (1995). "Historical burden in systematics and the interrelationships of 'parareptiles'".Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.70(3): 459–547.doi:10.1111/j.1469-185x.1995.tb01197.x.S2CID85790423.
  12. ^Olroyd, Savannah L.; Sidor, Christian A. (August 2017)."A review of the Guadalupian (Middle Permian) global tetrapod fossil record".Earth-Science Reviews.171:583–597.Bibcode:2017ESRv..171..583O.doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.07.001.
  13. ^Lee, M.S.Y. (1997)."Pareiasaur phylogeny and the origin of turtles".Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.120(3): 197–280.doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1997.tb01279.x.
  14. ^Jalil, N.-E.; Janvier, P. (2005). "Les pareiasaures (Amniota, Parareptilia) du Permien supérieur du Bassin d'Argana, Maroc".Geodiversitas.27(1): 35–132.
  15. ^Schoch, Rainer R.; Sues, Hans-Dieter (2015). "A Middle Triassic stem-turtle and the evolution of the turtle body plan".Nature.523(7562): 584–587.Bibcode:2015Natur.523..584S.doi:10.1038/nature14472.PMID26106865.S2CID205243837.
  16. ^Crawford, Nicholas G.; Parham, James F.; Sellas, Anna B.; Faircloth, Brant C.; Glenn, Travis C.; Papenfuss, Theodore J.; Henderson, James B.; Hansen, Madison H.; Simison, W. Brian (February 2015)."A phylogenomic analysis of turtles".Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.83:250–257.doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2014.10.021.PMID25450099.
  17. ^Tsuji, L. A.; Sidor, C. A.; Steyer, J. - S. B.; Smith, R. M. H.; Tabor, N. J.; Ide, O. (2013). "The vertebrate fauna of the Upper Permian of Niger—VII. Cranial anatomy and relationships ofBunostegos akokanensis(Pareiasauria) ".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.33(4): 747–763.Bibcode:2013JVPal..33..747T.doi:10.1080/02724634.2013.739537.S2CID86097405.

Further reading

  • Carroll, R. L., (1988),Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution,W.H. Freeman & Co. New York, p. 205
  • Kuhn, O, 1969, Cotylosauria, part 6 ofHandbuch der Palaoherpetologie(Encyclopedia of Palaeoherpetology), Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart & Portland
  • Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (24 June 2013)."Pareiasaur: Bumpy beast was a desert dweller".ScienceDaily.Archivedfrom the original on 2023-11-23.Retrieved2024-03-01.