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Peace Pledge Union

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ThePeace Pledge Union(PPU) is anon-governmental organisationthat promotespacifism,based in theUnited Kingdom.Its members are signatories to the following pledge: "War is a crime against humanity. I renounce war, and am therefore determined not to support any kind of war. I am also determined to work for the removal of all causes of war",[1]and campaign to promote peaceful andnonviolentsolutions to conflict.[1]The PPU forms the British section ofWar Resisters' International.



Peace Pledge Union poster

The PPU emerged from an initiative byHugh Richard Lawrie 'Dick' Sheppard,canon ofSt Paul's Cathedral,[2]in 1934, after he had published a letter in theManchester Guardianand other newspapers, inviting men (but not women) to send him postcards pledging never to supportwar.[3]135,000 men responded and, with co-ordination by Sheppard, theMethodistReverend John C. B. Myer, and others, formally became members. The initial male-only aspect of the pledge was aimed at countering the idea that only women were involved in thepeace movement.In 1936 membership was opened to women, and the newly foundedPeace Newswas adopted as the PPU's weekly newspaper. The PPU assembled several noted public figures as sponsors, includingAldous Huxley,Bertrand Russell,Storm Jameson,Rose Macaulay,Donald Soper,Siegfried Sassoon,Reginald Sorensen,J. D. Beresford,Ursula Roberts(who wrote under the pseudonym "Susan Miles" )[4]and Brigadier-GeneralF. P. Crozier(a former army officer turned pacifist).[5]

The PPU attracted members across the political spectrum, includingChristian pacifists,socialists,anarchistsand in the words of memberDerek Savage,"an amorphous mass of ordinary well-meaning but fluffy peace-lovers".[3]In 1937 theNo More War Movementformally merged with the PPU.George Lansbury,previously chair of the No More War Movement, became president of the PPU, holding the post until his death in 1940. In 1937 a group of clergy and laity led by Sheppard formed theAnglican Pacifist Fellowshipas an Anglican complement to the non-sectarian PPU. The Union was associated with theWelshgroup,Heddwchwyr Cymru,founded byGwynfor Evans.[3]In March 1938, PPUGeorge Lansburylaunched the PPU's first manifesto and peace campaign. The campaign argued that the idea of a war to defend democracy was a contradiction in terms and that "in a period of total war, democracy would be submerged under totalitarianism".[3]

A large part of the PPU's work involved providing for the victims of war. Its members sponsored a house where 64Basquechildren, refugees from theSpanish Civil War,were cared for. PPU archivist William Hetherington[6]writes that "The PPU also encouraged members and groups to sponsor individualJewishrefugees fromGermany,AustriaandCzechoslovakiato enable them to be received into the United Kingdom ".[7][8]

In 1938 the PPU opposed legislation for air-raid precautions and in 1939 campaigned against militaryconscription.

Attitudes towards Nazi Germany[edit]

Like many in the 1930s, the PPU supported aspects ofappeasement,with some members suggesting thatNazi Germanywould cease its aggression if the territorial provisions of theVersailles Treatywere undone.[9]It backedNeville Chamberlain's policy atMunichin 1938, regarding Hitler's claims on theSudetenlandas legitimate. At the time of the Munich crisis, several PPU sponsors tried to send "five thousand pacifists to the Sudetenland as a non-violent presence", however this attempt came to nothing.[3]

Peace Newseditor and PPU sponsorJohn Middleton Murryand his supporters in the group caused considerable controversy by arguing Germany should be given control of parts of mainland Europe. In a PPU publication,Warmongers,Clive Bellsaid that Germany should be permitted to "absorb" France, Poland, the Low Countries and the Balkans. However, this was never the official policy of the PPU and the position quickly drew criticism from other PPU activists such asVera Brittainand Andrew Stewart.[10]Clive Bell left the PPU shortly afterwards and by 1940 he was supporting the war.[11]

Some PPU supporters were so sympathetic to German grievances that PPU supporter Rose Macaulay claimed she found it difficult to distinguish between the PPU newspaperPeace Newsand that of theBritish Union of Fascists(BUF), saying, "occasionally when readingPeace News,I (and others) half think we have got hold oftheBlackshirt[BUF journal] by mistake ".[12][13]There was Fascist infiltration of the PPU[14]andMI5kept an eye on the PPU's "small Fascist connections".[15]After Dick Sheppard's death in October 1937,George Orwell,always hostile to pacifism, accused the PPU of "moral collapse" on the grounds that some members even joined the BUF.[16]However, several historians note that the situation may have been the other way around; that is, BUF members attempted to infiltrate the PPU. On 11 August 1939, the Deputy Editor of Peace News, Andrew Stewart, criticised those "who think that membership of British Union, Sir Oswald Moseley's Fascist organization, is compatible with membership of the PPU".[17]In November 1939, an MI5 officer reported that members of the far-rightNordic Leaguewere attempting "to join the PPU en masse".[18]

Historians have differed in their interpretation of the PPU's attitude to Nazi Germany. The historianMark Gilbertsaid, "it is hard to think of a British newspaper that was so consistent an apologist for Nazi Germany asPeace News,"which" assiduously echoed the Nazi press's claims that far worse offences than theKristallnachtevents were a regular feature of British colonial rule ".[19]But David C. Lukowitz argues that, "it is nonsense to charge the PPU with pro-Nazi sentiments. From the outset it emphasised that its primary dedication was to world peace, to economic justice and racial equality," but it had "too much sympathy for the German position, often the product of ignorance and superficial thinking".[9]Research by the historianRichard Griffiths,published in 2017, suggests considerable division and controversy at the top of the PPU, with the editors ofPeace Newsbeing generally more willing to play down the dangers of Nazi Germany than were many members of the PPU Executive.[20]

Controversy over the PPU's attitude towards Nazi Germany has continued ever since the war. In 1950,Rebecca West,in her bookThe Meaning of Treason,described the PPU as "that ambiguous organisation which in the name of peace was performing many actions certain to benefit Hitler". The publishers removed the phrase from subsequent editions of the book following representations by the PPU, but West refused to apologise.[21]As recently as 2017, the right-wing commentator and retired colonelRichard Kempalleged onGood Morning Britainthat the PPU were "arch-appeasers" who had supported the absorption of the Low Countries into Germany's sphere of influence. This was denied by the PPU representative on the programme, who stated that the PPU had campaigned against arms sales to Fascist regimes when the UK government was selling weapons toMussolini.[22]

Second World War[edit]

Initially, the Peace Pledge Union opposed theSecond World Warand continued to argue for a negotiated peace with Germany.[3]On 9 March 1940, 2,000 people attended a PPU public meeting calling for a negotiated peace.[23]PPU membership reached a peak of 140,000 in 1940.[24]

For some members of the PPU, the focus was less on a negotiated peace and more on "nonviolent revolution" in both Britain and Germany. In 1940, the PPU published a booklet calledPlan of Campaign,reprinting an article by the Dutch Christian anarcho-pacifist Bart de Ligt. He called for war to be made impossible by direct action, including "the most effective non-co-operation, boycott and sabotage". Not all PPU members were happy with this approach and the booklet was withdrawn from sale in London.[25]

In February 1940, theDaily Mailnewspaper called for the PPU to be banned.[26]While the government decided not to ban the PPU, a number of PPU members faced arrest and prosecution for campaigning against war. In May 1940, six leading PPU activists—Alex Wood, Stuart Morris, Maurice Rowntree, John Barclay, Ronald Smith and Sidney Todd—were charged over the publication of a pacifist poster that was aimed at encouraging people of all nationalities to refuse to fight. The charge read out in court was that they "did endeavour to cause among persons in His Majesty's Service disaffection likely to lead to breaches of their duty".[27]They were prosecuted by the Attorney-General, Donald Somervell KC. They were defended byJohn Platts-Millsand were convicted but not imprisoned. The PPU Council voted by a majority to withdraw the poster in question, although this seems to have been a controversial decision within the PPU.[27]Other PPU members were also arrested, for holding open-air meetings during the war and sellingPeace Newsin the street.[28]In 1942, PPU General Secretary Stuart Morris was sentenced to nine months in prison for dealing with secret government documents relating to British rule in India, which he was alleged to have been planning to pass toGandhior others in the nonviolent wing of the Indian independence movement. The trial was held in secret. The PPU Council disassociated itself from Morris' actions.[29]

The critical attitude towards the PPU in this period was summarised byGeorge Orwell,writing in the October 1941 issue ofAdelphimagazine: "Since pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where traces of democracy survive, pacifism can act more effectively against democracy than for it. Objectively, the pacifist is pro-Nazi".

Following thefall of France,support for the PPU dropped considerably and some former members even volunteered for the armed forces.[30]The PPU abandoned the focus on peace negotiations.[3]PPU members instead concentrated on activities such as supporting Britishconscientious objectorsand supporting the Food Relief Campaign. A few members of the PPU joined theBruderhofin the Cotswolds, which was seen as a radical peace experiment.[31]This latter campaign attempted to supply food, underRed Crosssupervision, to civilians in occupied Europe.[3]From 1941, the PPU campaigned against the bombing of German civilians and was one of several groups to back the Bombing Restriction Committee (most of whose members were not pacifists or even opposed to the war as a whole). TheBirminghambranch of the PPU declared, "We pacifists, while determined to resist the Nazi system, believe that nothing can justify the continuation of this slaughter and the moral degradation that it involves".[24]Throughout the war, Vera Brittain published a newsletter,Letters to Peace Lovers,criticizing the conduct of the war, including the bombing of civilian areas of Germany. This had 2,000 subscribers.[32]

By 1945, membership of the PPU had fallen by more than a quarter, standing at 98,414 when the war ended[33](compared to around 140,000 in 1940).[24]

After the Second World War[edit]

Since 1945, the PPU has consistently "condemned the violence, oppression and weapons of all belligerents".[7]Immediately after the war, there was a focus on support for famine relief in Europe and elsewhere.[34]The PPU condemned the use of nuclear weapons against Japan in August 1945 and in October 1945, prominent PPU members were among the signatories to an open letter asking what the moral difference was between mass killing by Nazis in concentration camps and mass killings by atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was followed by the publication of the PPU leafletAtom War.[35]In 1947, the PPU voted to make a priority of campaigning for the abolition of conscription (known in law as National Service).[36]Conscription in the UK was phased out from 1960 and ended completely in 1963.

In the 1950s, the PPU paid more attention to ideas of nonviolent civil disobedience, as developed by Mohandas Gandhi and others. This was not without controversy even within the PPU, with some members resigning as they objected to the use, or what they saw as the too frequent use, of methods of civil disobedience.[37]However, members of PPU were well represented in the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC) founded in 1957, which organised the first of the Aldermaston marches in 1958.[38]In practice, however, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the PPU lost some members to theCampaign for Nuclear Disarmament,even though CND was not a pacifist-only organisation and, at least in its early days, was less focused on direct action.

Some recovery in the PPU's fortunes took place after 1965, whenMyrtle Solomonwas general secretary. The PPU organised protests against the USwar in Vietnamand handed out leaflets to US tourists in Britain stating "not only are Vietnamese being killed, but American men are dying for a cause war cannot achieve".[39]The PPU also opposed theSoviet invasion of Afghanistanand condemned both the Argentinianinvasion of the Falklandsand theBritish response.[7]It has also promoted the ideas of pacifist thinkers such asLeo Tolstoy,Mahatma Gandhi,Martin Luther King Jr.,andRichard B. Gregg.[7]

The group had a branch in Northern Ireland, the Peace Pledge Union in Northern Ireland; in the 1970s this group campaigned for the withdrawal of the British army, as well as the disbandment of bothRepublicanandLoyalistparamilitary groups.[40]

The Peace Pledge Union's 21st-century activity has included taking part in Britishprotests against the 2003 Iraq War.[41]In 2005, the PPU released an educationalCD-ROMon Martin Luther King's life and work that was adopted by several British schools.[42]In recent years, the PPU has focused on issues including Remembrance Day,[43]peace education,[44]the commemoration of World War One[45]and what they describe as the "militarisation" of British society.[46]

White poppy campaign[edit]

A Peace poppywreath,made of Peace poppies, with aCNDsymbol inside at a BritishRemembrance Dayevent

The PPU's most visible contemporary activity is theWhite Poppyappeal, started in 1933 by theWomen's Co-operative Guildalongside theRoyal British Legion'sred poppy appeal.[47]The white poppy commemorated not only British soldiers killed in war, but also civilian victims on all sides, standing as "a pledge to peace that war must not happen again".[48]In 1986,Prime MinisterMargaret Thatcherexpressed her "deep distaste" for the white poppies,[49]on allegations that they potentially diverted donations from service men, yet this stance gave them increased publicity. In the 2010s, sales of white poppies rose. The PPU reported that around 110,000 white poppies had been bought in 2015, the highest number on record.[46]

Notable members[edit]

Members of the PPU have included:Vera Brittain,Benjamin Britten,Clifford Curzon,Alex Comfort,Eric Gill,Ben Greene,Laurence Housman,Aldous Huxley,George Lansbury,Kathleen Lonsdale,Reginald Sorensen,George MacLeod,Sybil Morrison,John Middleton Murry,Peter Pears,Max Plowman,Arthur Ponsonby,Hugh S. Roberton,Bertrand Russell,Siegfried Sassoon,Myrtle Solomon,Donald Soper,Sybil Thorndike,Michael TippettandWilfred Wellock.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ab"About Us".www.ppu.org.uk.Camden:Peace Pledge Union. 24 July 2018.Retrieved3 November2018.
  2. ^Sybil Morrison, I Renounce War: The Story of the Peace Pledge Union: Sheppard Press, 1962. (99-100)
  3. ^abcdefghAndrew Rigby,"The Peace Pledge Union: From Peace to War, 1936–1945" inPeter Brock,Thomas Paul SocknatChallenge to Mars:Pacifism from 1918 to 1945.University of Toronto Press, 1999.ISBN0802043712(pp. 169–185)
  4. ^Martin Ceadel, Pacifism in Britain, 1914–1945: the defining of a faith Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.ISBN0198218826(pp. 321–22)
  5. ^Martin Ceadel,Semi-Detached Idealists:The British Peace Movement and International Relations, 1854–1945.Oxford University Press, 2000ISBN0199241171(p. 334)
  6. ^"PPU Archives".Archived fromthe originalon 30 March 2016.Retrieved6 May2011.
  7. ^abcdWilliam Hetherington, "Peace Pledge Union" inThe World Encyclopedia of Peace.Edited byLinus Pauling,Ervin Laszlo,andJong Youl Yoo.Oxford: Pergamon, 1986.ISBN0-08-032685-4(p.243-7).
  8. ^Juliet GardinerThe Thirties: An Intimate History,Harper Press, 2010, p.501.
  9. ^abDavid C. Lukowitz, "British Pacifists and Appeasement: The Peace Pledge Union",Journal of Contemporary History,Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1974, pp. 115–127
  10. ^"Miss Brittain and others found objectionable Murry's advocacy of a" Pax Germanica "on the European continent" Quoted in Richard A. Rempel, "The Dilemmas of British Pacifists During World War II",The Journal of Modern History,Vol. 50, No. 4, Supplement, December, 1978, pp. D1213–D1229.
  11. ^James, Lawrence (2000).Warrior Race: A history of the British at war.London: Hachette UK. p. 620.ISBN978-0748125357.
  12. ^Julie V. Gottlieb,Feminine fascism: women in Britain's fascist movement,London: I.B.Tauris, 2003
  13. ^Frank McDonough,Neville Chamberlain, Appeasement and the British Road to War,Manchester University Press, 1998
  14. ^Julie V. Gottlieb,Feminine fascism: women in Britain's fascist movement,London: I.B. Tauris, 2003
  15. ^F. H. Hinsley and C. A. G. Simpkins,British Intelligence in the Second World War(London: HMSO, 1990),p. 37
  16. ^Peter Brock and Thomas Paul Socknat,Challenge to Mars: essays on pacifism from 1918 to 1945,University of Toronto Press, 1999(p. 141).
  17. ^Griffiths, Richard (2017).What Did You Do During the War? The last throes of the British pro-Nazi Right, 1940-45.Abingdon: Routledge. p. 82.ISBN978-1-138-88899-9.
  18. ^Griffiths, Richard (2017).What Did You Do During the War? The last throes of the British pro-Nazi Right, 1940-45.Abingdon: Routledge. p. 83.ISBN978-1-138-88899-9.
  19. ^Mark Gilbert, "Pacifist attitudes to Nazi Germany, 1936-45",Journal of Contemporary History,July 1992, Vol. 27, pp. 493–511
  20. ^Griffiths, Richard (2017).What Did You Do During the War? The last throes of the British pro-Nazi Right, 1940-45.Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 74–92.ISBN978-1-138-88899-9.
  21. ^Morrison, Sybil (1962).I Renounce War: The story of the Peace Pledge Union.London: Sheppard Press. p. 51.
  22. ^Good Morning Britain,broadcast on ITV1 on 27 October 2017
  23. ^Hetherington, William (2014).Swimming Against the Tide: The Peace Pledge Union story 1934–2014.London: Peace Pledge Union. p. 17.ISBN978-0-902680-54-8.
  24. ^abcHetherington, William (2014).Swimming Against the Tide: The Peace Pledge Union story, 1934–2014.London: Peace Pledge Union. p. 25.ISBN978-0-902680-54-8.
  25. ^Griffiths, Richard (2017).What Did You During the War? The last throes of the British pro-Nazi Right, 1940–45.Abingdon: Routledge. p. 85.ISBN978-1-138-88899-9.
  26. ^"In a leading article the Daily Mail urges the Minister for Home Security (SirJohn Anderson) to suppress the "near-treasonable work" of the Peace Pledge Union "." Peace Pledge Union National Menace ".The Courier-Mail(Brisbane),24 February 1940, (p. 5)
  27. ^abMorrison, Sybil (1962).I Renounce War: The story of the Peace Pledge Union.London: Sheppard Press. pp. 45–48.
  28. ^Spartacus SchoolnetArchived2009-04-02 at theWayback Machine
  29. ^Griffiths, Richard (2017).What Did You Do During the War? The last throes of the British pro-Nazi Right, 1940–45.Abingdon: Routledge. p. 90.ISBN978-1-138-88899-9.
  30. ^Morrison, Sybil (1962).I Renounce War: The Peace Pledge Union story.London: Sheppard Press. p. 41.
  31. ^"A Christian Peace Experiment | WipfandStock.com".wipfandstock.com.Retrieved5 April2018.
  32. ^Mark Abrams,The Population of Great Britain,Hughes Press, 2007
  33. ^Morrison, Sybil (1962).I Renounce War: The Peace Pledge Union story.London: Sheppard Press. p. 62.
  34. ^Hetherington, William (2014).Swimming Against the Tide: The Peace Pledge Union story, 1934-2014.London: Peace Pledge Union. pp. 26–27.ISBN978-0-902680-54-8.
  35. ^Hetherington, William (2014).Swimming Against the Tide: The Peace Pledge Union story, 1934-2014.London: Peace Pledge Union. p. 28.ISBN978-0-902680-54-8.
  36. ^Hetherington, William (2014).Swimming Against the Tide: The Peace Pledge Union story, 1934-2014.London: Peace Pledge Union. pp. 30–31.ISBN978-0-902680-54-8.
  37. ^Morrison, Sybil (1962).I Renounce War: The Peace Pledge Union story.London: Sheppard Press. pp. 70–74.
  38. ^Hetherington, William (2014).Swimming Against the Tide: The Peace Pledge Union story, 1934-2014.London: Peace Pledge Union. p. 30.ISBN978-0-902680-54-8.
  39. ^"European Groups Grinding Out Protests Against Vietnam War",Spartanburg Herald-Journal,March 9, 1968, p. 19
  40. ^"Peace Pledge Union (PPU) in Northern Ireland", Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley,Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations(Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005,ISBN978-0-8264-5814-8), p. 837
  41. ^"They will be coming from every part of Britain representing bodies as diverse as the Peace Pledge Union, Britons vs Bush and the Woodcraft Folk. There will be people from dozens of small, newly formed anti-war groups from towns, villages, churches and colleges, many of whom have never been on a protest before". Quoted in Terry Kirby,"Doves on the warpath: a million ordinary Britons prepare to demonstrate for peace"The Independent(UK). 13 February 2003. Retrieved 24 June 2011.
  42. ^Elizabeth Peirce,Activity Assemblies To Promote Peace:40+ Ideas for Multi-Faith Assemblies For 5-11 Years(Taylor and Francis, 2008,ISBN0415466822), p. 72
  43. ^"White Poppies for Peace".www.ppu.org.uk.Retrieved21 April2016.
  44. ^"Learn Peace".www.ppu.org.uk.Retrieved21 April2016.
  45. ^"OBJECTING TO WAR".www.ppu.org.uk.Retrieved21 April2016.
  46. ^ab"Peace Matters".www.ppu.org.uk.Retrieved21 April2016.
  47. ^White Poppies for Peace
  48. ^PPU: 100 years of action to peace, 1930-39
  49. ^Margaret Thatcher Foundation

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]

Media related toPeace Pledge Unionat Wikimedia Commons