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Peace treaty

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The Treaty of Versailles,signed at the conclusion ofWorld War I

Apeace treatyis anagreementbetween two or more hostile parties, usuallycountriesorgovernments,which formally ends astate of warbetween the parties.[1]It is different from anarmistice,which is an agreement to stop hostilities; asurrender,in which an army agrees to give up arms; or aceasefire or truce,in which the parties may agree to temporarily or permanently stop fighting.

The need for a peace treaty in modern diplomacy arises from the fact that even when a war is actually over and fighting has ceased, the legal state of war is not automatically terminated upon the end of actual fighting and the belligerent parties are still legally defined as enemies. This is evident from the definition of a "state of war" as "a legal state created and ended by official declaration regardless of actual armed hostilities and usually characterized by operation of the rules of war".[2]As a result, even when hostilities are over, a peace treaty is required for the former belligerents in order to reach agreement on all issues involved in transition to legal state of peace. The art of negotiating a peace treaty in the modern era has been referred to by legal scholarChristine Bellas thelex pacificatoria,[3]with a peace treaty potentially contributing to the legal framework governing the post conflict period, orjus post bellum.

Since 1950, the rate at which interstate wars end with a formal peace treaty has substantially declined.[4]

Elements of treaties[edit]

The "Peace Memorial" about theTreaty of Nöteborgat theOrekhovy Island

The content of a treaty usually depends on the nature of the conflict being concluded. In the case of large conflicts between numerous parties, international treaty covering all issues or separate treaties signed between each party.

There are many possible issues that may be included in a peace treaty such as the following:

Inmodern history,certain intractable conflict situations may be brought to aceasefirebefore they are dealt with via apeace processin which a number of discrete steps are taken on each side to reach the mutually-desired eventual goal of peace and the signing of a treaty.

A peace treaty also is often not used to end a civil war, especially in cases of a failedsecession,as it implies mutual recognition of statehood. In cases such as theAmerican Civil War,it usually ends when the losing side's army surrenders and its government collapses. By contrast, a successful secession ordeclaration of independenceis often formalized by means of a peace treaty.

Treaties are often ratified in territories deemedneutralin the previous[clarification needed]conflict and delegates from the neutral countries acting aswitnessesto thesignatories.

Role of the United Nations[edit]

Since its founding afterWorld War IItheUnited Nationshas sought to act as a forum for resolution in matters of international conflict. A number ofinternational treatiesand obligations are involved in which member states seek to limit and control behavior during wartime. The action ofdeclaring waris now very unlikely to be undertaken.

Peace treaty under the United Nations[edit]

Since the end of World War II,United Nations CharterArticle 2 restricts the use ofmilitaryforce.[5]The UN Charter allows only two exceptions: "military measures by UNSecurity Councilresolutions "and" exercise ofself-defense"in countries subjected to armed attacks in relation to the use of force by states. Under the current UN system, war is triggered only by theenforcementof military measures under UN Security Council resolutions or the exercise of self-defense rights against illegal armed attacks.

Therefore, if the use of military force arises, it is called 'international armed conflict' instead of 'war'. The fact that the currentinternational lawsystem avoids the use of the term 'war' also avoids the conclusion of a peace treaty based on the existence ofwar.[6]A peace treaty was not signed after the end of theIraq Warin 2003, and only the UNSecurity CouncilResolution 1483,adopted on May 22, 2003, stipulated thepostwarregime for the stability and security ofIraqexclusively.[7]

Post-conflict elections[edit]

One of the UN's roles in peace processes is to conduct post-conflict elections but, on the whole, they are thought to have no effect, or even a negative effect, on peace after civil war.[8][9][10]

However, when peace agreements transform rebel groups into political parties, the effect on peace is positive, especially if international interveners use their moments of power distribution to hold the former combatants to the terms of their peace agreement.[11][12]

Historic peace treaties[edit]

Ancient history[edit]

Tablet of one of the earliest recordedtreatiesin history,Treaty of Kadesh,at theIstanbul Archaeology Museum

Probably the earliest recorded peace treaty, although it is rarely mentioned or remembered, was between theHittite Empireand theHayasa-Azziconfederation, around 1350 BC. More famously, one of the earliest recorded peace treaties was concluded between the Hittite and theEgyptianEmpires after 1274 BCBattle of Kadesh(seeEgyptian-Hittite peace treaty). The battle took place in what is modern-daySyria,the entireLevantbeing at that time contested between the two empires. After an extremely costly four-day battle, in which neither side gained a substantial advantage, both sides claimed victory. The lack of resolution led to further conflict between Egypt and the Hittites, withRamesses IIcapturing the city of Kadesh and Amurru in his 8th year as king.[13]However, the prospect of further protracted conflict between the two states eventually persuaded both their rulers,Hatusiliš IIIand Ramesses, to end their dispute and sign a peace treaty. Neither side could afford the possibility of a longer conflict since they were threatened by other enemies: Egypt was faced with the task of defending its long western border with Libya against the incursion of Libyan tribesmen by building a chain of fortresses stretching from Mersa Matruh to Rakotis, and the Hittites faced a more formidable threat in the form of the Assyrian Empire, which "had conquered Hanigalbat, the heartland of Mitanni, between the Tigris and the Euphrates" rivers, which had previously been a Hittite vassal state.[14]

The peace treaty was recorded in two versions, one inEgyptian hieroglyphs,and the other inAkkadianusingcuneiformscript; both versions survive. Such dual-language recording is common to many subsequent treaties. The treaty differs from others, however, in that the two language versions are worded differently. Although the majority of the text is identical, the Hittite version claims that theEgyptianscame suing for peace, and theEgyptianversion claims the reverse. The treaty was given to the Egyptians in the form of a silver plaque, and the "pocket-book" version was taken back to Egypt and carved into theTemple of Karnak.

The Treaty was concluded betweenRamesses IIandHatusiliš IIIin the twenty-first year of Ramesses' reign[15](c. 1258 BC). Its eighteen articles call for peace between Egypt and Hatti and then proceed to maintain that their respective people also demand peace. It contains many elements found in more modern treaties, but it is more far-reaching than later treaties' simple declaration of the end of hostilities. It also contains a mutual-assistance pact in case one of the empires should be attacked by a third party or in the event of internal strife. There are articles pertaining to the forcedrepatriationofrefugeesand provisions that they should not be harmed, which might be thought of as the firstextraditiontreaty. There are also threats of retribution, should the treaty be broken.

The treaty is considered of such importance in the field of international relations that a replica of it hangs in the UN's headquarters.

Following the five years war betweenKushiteKandake,AmanirenasandAugustusofRome,a peace treaty was conducted in the year 21/20 BC.[16][17][18]Mediators were sent from Kush to Augustus who was in Samos at that time.[19]An entente between the two parties was beneficial to both. The Kushites were a regional power in their own right and resented paying tribute. The Romans also sought a quiet southern border for their absolutely essential Egyptian grain supplies, without constant war commitments, and welcomed a friendly buffer state in a border region beset with raiding nomads. The Kushites too appear to have found nomads like the Blemmyes to be a problem.[20]The conditions were ripe for a deal. During negotiations, Augustus granted the Kushite envoys all they asked for, and also cancelled the tribute earlier demanded by Rome.[21]Premmis (Qasr Ibrim), and areas north of Qasr Ibrim in the southern portion of the "Thirty-Mile Strip" were ceded to the Kushites. The Dodekaschoinos was established as a buffer zone, and Roman forces were pulled back to the old Greek Ptolemaic border at Maharraqa.[22]Roman emperor Augustus signed the treaty with the Kushites on Samos. The settlement bought Rome peace and quiet on its Egyptian frontier, as well as increased the prestige of Roman Emperor Augustus, demonstrating his skill and ability to broker peace without constant warfare, and do business with the distant Kushites, who a short time earlier had been fighting his troops. The respect accorded the emperor by the Kushite envoys as the treaty also created a favorable impression with other foreign ambassadors present on Samos, including envoys from India, and strengthened Augustus' hand in upcoming negotiations with the powerful Parthians.[23]

Peace-treaty of Zadar(1358), which ended the war between theCroato-Hungarian Kingdomand theRepublic of Venice,forcing the latter to withdraw from Croatian coast

The settlement ushered in a period of peace between the two empires for around three centuries. Inscriptions erected by Queen Amanirenas on an ancient temple at Hamadab, south of Meroe, record the war and the favorable outcome from the Kushite perspective.[24]Along with his signature on the official treaty, Roman emperor Augustus marked the agreement by directing his administrators to collaborate with regional priests in the erection of a temple at Dendur, and inscriptions depict the emperor himself celebrating local deities.[25]

Modern history[edit]

Famous examples include theTreaty of Paris (1815),signed afterNapoleon's defeat at theBattle of Waterloo,and theTreaty of Versailles,formally ending the First World War between Germany and theAllies.Despite popular belief, the war did not end completely until the Allies concluded peace with the Ottoman Empire in 1919 at theTreaty of Sèvres,and even then the reaction to this treaty caused the outbreak of theTurkish War of Independence.Upon the victory of theTurkish National Movementin that conflict and the signing of theTreaty of Lausanne,the last major diplomatic extension of the First World War came to an end.

The Treaty of Versailles, as well as theKellogg-Briand Pact,is possibly the most notorious of peace treaties, and is blamed by many historians for the rise ofNazismin Germany and the eventual outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. The costlyreparationsthat Germany was forced to pay the victors, the fact that Germany had to accept sole responsibility for starting the war, and the harsh restrictions on German rearmament were all listed in the Treaty of Versailles and caused massive resentment in Germany. Whether or not the treaty can be blamed for starting another war, it exemplifies the difficulties involved in making peace. However, no such conflict resulted from the more punitive settlement with the Ottoman Empire.

Another famous example would be the series of peace treaties known as thePeace of Westphalia.It initiated modern diplomacy, involving the modern system ofnation-states.Subsequent wars were no longer over religion but revolved around issues of state. That encouraged Catholic and Protestant powers to ally, leading to a number of major realignments.

TheKorean Waris an example of a conflict that was ended by an armistice, rather than a peace treaty with theKorean Armistice Agreement.However, that war has never technically ended, because a final peace treaty or settlement has never been achieved.[26]

A more recent example of a peace treaty is the 1973Paris Peace Accordsthat sought to end theVietnam War.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Naraghi-Anderlini, Sanan (2007)."Peace Negotiations and Agreements"(PDF).Inclusive Security.
  2. ^state of war
  3. ^Bell, Christine (2008).On the law of peace: peace agreements and the lex pacificatoria.Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-922684-9.OCLC875720751.
  4. ^Fazal, Tanisha M. (2013)."The Demise of Peace Treaties in Interstate War".International Organization.67(4): 695–724.doi:10.1017/S0020818313000246.ISSN0020-8183.JSTOR43282084.S2CID144269999.
  5. ^Lesaffer, Randall C.H.Too much History: from War as Sanction to the Sanctioning of War.p. 37.OCLC907471186.
  6. ^Karoubi, Mohammad Taghi (2017).Just or unjust war?: international law and unilateral use of armed force by states at the turn of the 20th century.Routledge, Taylor & Francis. p. 103.ISBN978-1-351-15468-0.OCLC1014363203.
  7. ^"Is it necessary to sign the" Peace Agreement "on the Korean peninsula?"(in Korean). The Asian Institute for Policy Studies. pp. 2–3.Retrieved2017-08-23.
  8. ^Collier, Paul. (2014).Wars, guns, and votes: democracy in dangerous places.HarperCollins e-Books.ISBN978-0-06-197720-6.OCLC877984102.
  9. ^Flores, Thomas Edward; Nooruddin, Irfan (30 March 2012). "The Effect of Elections on Post-Conflict Peace and Reconstruction".Journal of Politics.74(2): 558–570.doi:10.1017/s0022381611001733.JSTOR10.1017/s0022381611001733.S2CID73607070.
  10. ^Brancati, Dawn; Snyder, Jack (October 2013). "Time to Kill: The Impact of Election Timing and Sequencing on Post-Conflict Stability".Journal of Conflict Resolution.57(5): 822–853.doi:10.1177/0022002712449328.S2CID154951436.
  11. ^Matanock, Aila M. (Spring 2017)."Bullets for Ballots: Electoral Participation Provisions and Enduring Peace after Civil Conflict"(PDF).International Security.41(4): 93–132.doi:10.1162/ISEC_a_00275.S2CID57565200.
  12. ^Matanock, Aila M. (2017).Electing Peace: From Civil Conflict to Political Participation.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN9781107189171.
  13. ^Grimal, Nicolas-Christopher (1992).A history of ancient Egypt.Shaw, Ian. Oxford, UK. pp. 256–257.ISBN0-631-17472-9.OCLC25410477.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  14. ^Grimal, op. cit., p. 256
  15. ^Grimal, op. cit., p. 257
  16. ^O'Grady 79-88
  17. ^Jaques, Tony (2007).Dictionary of Battles and Sieges.Vol. F–O. Greenwood. pp. 713–.ISBN978-0-313-33538-9.
  18. ^Robinson, Arthur E. (1928). "The Arab Dynasty of Dar for (Darfur) Part II".African Affairs.XXVIII(CIX): 55–67.doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.afraf.a100377.ISSN1468-2621.
  19. ^O'Grady 79-88
  20. ^Richard Lobban 2004. Historical Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval Nubia, 2004. p70-78
  21. ^Jackson, Empire's Edge, p 149
  22. ^Jackson, At Empire's Edge p. 149
  23. ^Raoul McLaughlin, 2014. The ROman Empire and the Indian Ocean. p61-72
  24. ^McLaughlin, The Roman Empire and the Indian Ocean 61-72
  25. ^Robert Bianchi, 2004. Daily Life of the Nubians, p. 262
  26. ^"Is it necessary to sign the" Peace Agreement "on the Korean peninsula?"(in Korean). The Asian Institute for Policy Studies. pp. 8–9.Retrieved2017-08-23.

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]