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Person of color

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The term "person of color"(pl.:people of colororpersons of color;abbreviatedPOC)[1]is primarily used to describe any person who is not considered "white".In its current meaning, the term originated in, and is primarily associated with, the United States; however, since the 2010s, it has been adopted elsewhere in theAnglosphere(often asperson of colour), including relatively limited usage in the United Kingdom,[2]Canada,[3]Australia,[4]Ireland,[5]South Africa,[6]and Singapore.[7]

In the United States, the term is involved in the variousdefinitions of non-whiteness,includingAfrican Americans,Asian Americans,Native Americans,Pacific Islander Americans,multiracial Americans,and someLatino Americans,though members of these communities may prefer to view themselves through their cultural identities rather than color-related terminology. The term, as used in the United States, emphasizes common experiences ofsystemic racism,which some communities have faced.[8][9]The term may also be used with other collective categories of people such as "communities of color", "men of color" (MOC), "women of color" (WOC),[10]or "librarians of color".[11]The acronym "BIPOC" refers to "black, indigenous, and other people of color" and aims to emphasize the historic oppression of black and indigenous people. The term "colored"was originally equivalent in use to the term" person of color "inAmerican English,but usage of the appellation "colored" in theSouthern United Statesgradually came to be restricted to "Negroes",[12]and is now considered a racial pejorative.[13]Elsewhere in the world, and in otherdialects of English,the term may have entirely different connotations, however; for example, in South Africa, "Coloureds"refers to multiplemultiracial ethnic groupsand is sometimes applied to other groups inSouthern Africa,such as theBastersofNamibia.


TheAmerican Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Stylecites usage of "people of colour" as far back as 1796. It was initially used to refer to light-skinned people of mixed African and European heritage.[10]Frenchcolonistsused the termgens de couleur( "people of color" ) to refer to people of mixed African and European ancestry who were freed fromslaveryin the Americas.[14]In South Carolina and other parts of theDeep South,this term was used to distinguish between slaves who were mostly "black"or"Negro"and free people who were primarily"mulatto"or"mixed race".[15]After theAmerican Civil War,"colored" was used as a label almost exclusively for black Americans, but the term eventually fell out of favor by the mid-20th century.[10]

Although American activistMartin Luther King Jr.used the term "citizens of color" in 1963, the phrase in its current meaning did not catch on until the late 1970s.[16][17]In the late 20th century, the term "person of color" was introduced in the United States in order to counter the condescension implied by the terms "non-white" and "minority",[18]andracial justiceactivists in the U.S., influenced by radical theorists such asFrantz Fanon,popularized it at this time.[19]By the late 1980s and early 1990s, it was in wide circulation.[19]Both anti-racist activists and academics sought to move the understanding of race beyond the black–white dichotomy then prevalent.[20]

The phrase "women of color" was developed and introduced for wide use by a group of black women activists at theNational Women's Conferencein 1977.[21]The phrase was used as a method of communicating solidarity between non-white women that was, according toLoretta Ross,not based on "biological destiny" but instead a political act of naming themselves.[21]

In the twenty-first century, use of the term and the categorization continued to proliferate: for example, the Joint Council of Librarians of Color (JCLC), a recurring conference of theAmerican Library Association,which uses the "of color" designation for its five ethnic affiliate associations. They include: theBlack Caucus of the American Library Association,theAmerican Indian Library Association,theAsian Pacific American Librarians Association,theChinese American Librarians Association,andREFORMA: The National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking.[11]

Political significance

According to Stephen Satris ofClemson University,in the United States there are two mainracial divides.The first is the "black–white" delineation; the second racial delineation is the one "between whites and everyone else", with whites being "narrowly construed" and everyone else being called "people of color".[22]Because the term "people of color" includes vastly different people with only the common distinction of not being white, it draws attention to the perceived fundamental role ofracializationin the United States. Joseph Tuman ofSan Francisco State Universityargues that the term "people of color" is attractive because it unites disparate racial and ethnic groups into a larger collective insolidaritywith one another.[23]

Use of the term "person of color", especially in the United States, is often associated with thesocial justicemovement.[24]Style guidesfrom the American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style,[25]theStanford Graduate School of Business,[26]andMount Holyoke College[27]all recommend the term "person of color" over other alternatives. Unlike "colored", which historically referred primarily to black people and is often consideredoffensive,"person of color" and its variants refer inclusively to all non-European peoples—often with the notion that there is political solidarity among them—and, according to one style guide, "are virtually always considered terms of pride and respect".[10]


Many critics of the term, both white and non-white, object to its lack of specificity and find the phrase racially offensive.[28][29][30]It has been argued that the term lessens the focus on individual issues facing different racial and ethnic groups,[31]particularly African Americans.[32]Preserving "whiteness" as an intact category while lumping every other racial group into an indiscriminate category ( "of color" ) replicates the marginalization that the term was intended to counter.[33]Other commentators state that the term "people of color" is a misnomer and an arbitrary term in which people who are white are mislabeled as people of color.[32]People of color also encompasses various heterogeneous groups which have little in common,[34]with some arguing that American culture as a whole does not deliberate oneconomic inequalityor issues ofclass.[34]

Political scientistAngelo Falcónargues that the use of broad terms like "person of color" is offensive because it aggregates diverse communities and projects "a false unity" that "obscure[s] the needs of Latinos and Asians".[35][36]Citing the sensitivity of the issue, Falcón suggested that there should be "a national summit of Black, Latino and Asian community leaders" to discuss "how can the problem of the so-called 'black/white binary' be tackled in the way it respects the diversity it ignores and helps build the broader constituency for racial social justice that is needed in the country" and to "open the way for a perhaps much-needed resetting of relations between these historically-discriminated against communities that can lead to a more useful etymology of this relationship".[35]

ComedianGeorge Carlindescribed "people of color" as "an awkward, bullshit, liberal-guilt phrase that obscures meaning rather than enhancing it", adding, "What should we call white people? 'People of no color'?"[37]

The use of the phraseperson of colorto describewhite Hispanic and Latino AmericansandSpaniardshas been criticized as inaccurate.[38][39]The United States census denotes the term "Latino" as apan-ethniclabel, rather than a racial category, and although many Latinos may qualify as being "people of color", the indiscriminate labeling of all Latinos as "people of color" obscures the racial diversity that exists within the Latino population itself, and for this reason, some commentators have found the term misleading.[36][35]


The acronym BIPOC, referring to "black, indigenous, (and) people of color", first appeared around 2013.[40]By June 2020, it was, according to Sandra Garcia ofThe New York Times,"ubiquitous in some corners of Twitter and Instagram",[41]as racial justice awareness grew in the United States in the wake of themurder of George Floyd.The term aims to emphasize thehistoric oppressionof black and indigenous people, which is argued to be superlative and distinctive in U.S. history at the collective level.[42]The BIPOC Project promotes the term in order "to highlight the unique relationship to whiteness that Indigenous and Black (African Americans) people have, which shapes the experiences of and relationship towhite supremacyfor all people of color within a U.S. context ".[43]

The termBIPOCdoes not appear to have originated in the Black and Indigenous American communities, as it had been adopted much more widely among white Democrats than among people of color in a 2021 national poll.[44]Asian and Latino Americans have often been confused as to whether the term includes them.[45]The centering of Black and Indigenous people in the acronym has been criticized as an unnecessary, unfounded, and divisive ranking of the oppression faced by the communities of color.[46][47]The acronym's purposeful and definitional assertion that the historical and present-day suffering experienced by Black and Indigenous people is more significant in kind or degree than that of other non-white groups has been described as casting communities of color in anoppression Olympicsthat obscures intersectional characteristics, similarities, and opportunities for solidarity in the struggle against racism.[48]Critics argue that the systems of oppression foundational to U.S. history were not limited to the slavery and genocide suffered by Black and Indigenous Americans, but also included the Asian American and Latino American experiences of oppression under theChinese Exclusion Actand the doctrine ofmanifest destiny.[49]Noting that "Black and Indigenous people are not at the center of every contemporary racial issue",[50]other commentators have found it problematic that the ascendancy of the term coincided with the pronounced rise inanti-Asian hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic.[49]By rendering Asian Americans as an unnamed "remnant", critics argue that the acronym renders the racial discrimination they experience invisible, thereby perpetuating harmfulmodel minorityandperpetual foreignerstereotypes.[51]Some critics advocate a return to "POC" for its emphasis on coalition-building,[49][52]while others call for a contextual approach that names "the groups actually included and centered in the arguments themselves".[53]The term has also been criticized for being redundant.[54][41]

See also


  1. ^Jackson, Yo (2006).Encyclopedia of Multicultural Psychology.Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. p.77.ISBN9781412909488.For example, the person of color (POC) racial identity model describes racial identity development for people of color...
  2. ^Askari, Javahir (October 10, 2019)."The Political Correctness of 'People of Colour'".Political Animal Magazine.this yearAmber Ruddhad to apologise for calling fellow MPDiana Abbotta 'coloured woman' and admitted the term was 'outdated and offensive'... The politically correct term at present is 'People of Colour'(abbreviated to PoC).
  3. ^Adam, Mohammed (June 11, 2020)."Adam: Why the term 'people of colour' is offensive to so many".Ottawa Citizen.it is inevitable that Canadians will absorb and be influenced by aspects of American culture – good and bad. But one that, regrettably, Canadian media are adopting with increasing regularity is the American term "people of colour"to describe all those who are not white.
  4. ^Pearson, Luke (December 1, 2017)."Who identifies as a person of colour in Australia?".ABC Radio National.POC, which stands forperson of colour,is a term I have heard used more and more in Australia over the past few years, especially online.
  5. ^Freyne, Patrick (June 18, 2020)."People of colour in Ireland need allies 'not bystanders'".The Irish Times.DrEbun Josephheld an online conversation withpeople of colourliving in Ireland.
  6. ^Pillay, Verashni (February 23, 2015)."Six things white people have that black people don't".Mail & Guardian.Guess what else mostpeople of colourin this country have to pay for once they get their first job?
  7. ^Thanapal, Sangeetha (March 4, 2015)."Chinese Privilege, Gender and Intersectionality in Singapore: A Conversation between Adeline Koh and Sangeetha Thanapal".b2o: an online journal.As aperson of colourliving in a supposedly decolonized Singapore,Iwould say that what makes our struggles markedly different from minorities in the West is that we have to deal with Whiteness on top of Chinese supremacy.
  8. ^Franklin, Anderson J.; Boyd-Franklin, Nancy; Kelly, Shalonda (2006). "Racism and Invisibility".Journal of Emotional Abuse.6(2–3): 9–30.doi:10.1300/J135v06n02_02.ISSN1092-6798.S2CID142971567.
  9. ^Alvin N. Alvarez; Helen A. Neville (March 1, 2016).The Cost of Racism for People of Color: Contextualizing Experiences of Discrimination.Amer Psychological Assn.ISBN978-1-4338-2095-3.
  10. ^abcdHoughton Mifflin Company (2005).The American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style(PDF).Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 356.
  11. ^abLandgraf, Greg (January 2, 2018)."Blazing Trails".American Libraries.Archivedfrom the original on January 4, 2018.RetrievedJanuary 14,2019.
  12. ^Trigger, Bruce G. (1978).Northeast.Smithsonian Institution. p. 290.RetrievedApril 8,2017.
  13. ^Butterly, Amelia (January 27, 2015)."Warning: Why using the term 'coloured' is offensive".BBC Newsbeat.RetrievedSeptember 25,2019.
  14. ^Brickhouse, Anna (2009).Transamerican Literary Relations and the Nineteenth-Century Public Sphere.Cambridge University Press. p. 91.ISBN978-0521101011.
  15. ^Powers, Bernard.Black Charlestonians: a Social History 1822-1885.University of Arkansas Press, 1994
  16. ^William Safire(November 20, 1988)."On language: People of color".The New York Times.RetrievedMarch 21,2008.
  17. ^"The Black Press at 150", editorial,The Washington Post,March 18, 1977
  18. ^Christine Clark, Teja Arboleda (1999).Teacher's Guide for in the Shadow of Race: Growing Up As a Multiethnic, Multicultural, and "Multiracial" American.Routledge. p. 17.The term People of Color emerged in reaction to the terms "non-white" and "minority".… The term people of color attempts to counter the condescension implied in the other two.
  19. ^abRinku Sen(July 10, 2007)."Are Immigrants and Refugees People of Color?".ColorLines.Archived fromthe originalon April 18, 2010.RetrievedDecember 8,2008.
  20. ^Elizabeth Martinez(May 1994)."Seeing More Than Black & White".Z Magazine.RetrievedJune 27,2008.
  21. ^abWade, Lisa."Loretta Ross on the Phrase" Women of Color "".Sociological Images.RetrievedOctober 9,2018.
  22. ^Satris, Stephen (1995)."'What Are They?'".In Zack, Naomi (ed.).American Mixed Race: The Culture of Microdiversity.Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 55–56.ISBN978-0847680139.RetrievedJune 17,2020.
  23. ^Tuman, Joseph S. (2003).Communicating terror.SAGE.ISBN978-0-7619-2765-5.
  24. ^Maurianne Adams; Lee Anne Bell; Pat Griffin (1997).Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice: A Sourcebook.Psychology Press. p. 98.ISBN978-0-415-91057-6.
  25. ^Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 319
  26. ^"Stanford Graduate School of Business Writing and Editing Style Guide"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on September 15, 2012.RetrievedSeptember 18,2010.
  27. ^Mount Holyoke College."Editorial Style Guide".Archived fromthe originalon September 9, 2011.RetrievedSeptember 18,2010.
  28. ^Lamuye 2017.
  29. ^Bland 2020.
  30. ^Young 2020.
  31. ^Shoneye 2018.
  32. ^abHolzman 2015.
  33. ^LA Times 2019.
  34. ^abKhan 2020.
  35. ^abcFalcon 2018.
  36. ^abFowler 2020.
  37. ^Carlin, George (1997).Brain Droppings.New Yorker: Hyperion. p. 163.ISBN0786883219.
  38. ^Lucía Benavides (February 9, 2020)."Why Labeling Antonio Banderas A 'Person Of Color' Triggers Such A Backlash".NPR.RetrievedApril 24,2020.
  39. ^Laborde, Antonia (January 17, 2020)."Is Spain's Antonio Banderas an 'actor of color'?".EL PAÍS.
  40. ^Garcia, Sandra E. (June 17, 2020)."Where Did BIPOC Come From?".The New York Times.RetrievedSeptember 8,2020.
  41. ^abGarcia, Sandra E. (June 16, 2020)."Where Did BIPOC Come From?".The New York Times.RetrievedJune 16,2020.
  42. ^Sager, Jessica (June 9, 2020)."What Does BIPOC Stand For? What the Phrase Means and Why It's So Important".Parade.Archived fromthe originalon June 9, 2020.
  43. ^"BIPOC: What does it mean and where does it come from?".CBS News.2 July 2020.
  44. ^Amy Harmon (November 1, 2021)."BIPOC or POC? Equity or Equality? The Debate Over Language on the Left".The New York Times.RetrievedJuly 19,2022.
  45. ^Harmon 2021.
  46. ^Deo, Meera E. (2021)."Why BIPOC Fails".Virginia Law Review Online.107:115–142.ISSN1942-9967.
  47. ^Andrea Plaid; Christopher MacDonald-Dennis (April 9, 2021)."'BIPOC' Isn't Doing What You Think It's Doing ".Newsweek.RetrievedJuly 19,2022.
  48. ^Deo 2021,p. 126-130.
  49. ^abcPlaid 2021.
  50. ^Deo 2021,p. 126-127.
  51. ^Deo 2021,p. 135-136.
  52. ^Mistinguette Smith (May 11, 2021)."After Asian American Hate, I'm Reclaiming Racial Solidarity and the Term 'People of Color'".USA Today.RetrievedJuly 19,2022.
  53. ^Deo 2021,p. 142.
  54. ^Moore, Teresa (3 February 2022)."Opinion: Why I want BIPOC to go away".San Francisco Examiner.Retrieved2023-03-24.