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Performing arts

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Theperforming artsareartssuch asmusic,dance,anddramawhich are performed for an audience.[1]They are different from thevisual arts,which involve the use of paint, canvas or various materials to create physical or staticart objects.Performing arts include a range of disciplines which are performed in front of a live audience, including theatre, music, and dance.

Theatre,music, dance,object manipulation,and other kinds of performances are present in all human cultures. Thehistory of musicanddancedate topre-historic timeswhereascircus skillsdate to at leastAncient Egypt.Many performing arts are performed professionally. Performance can be in purpose-built buildings, such as theatres and opera houses, on open air stages at festivals, on stages in tents such as circuses or on the street.

Live performances before an audience are a form of entertainment. The development ofaudioandvideorecording has allowed for private consumption of the performing arts. The performing arts often aims to express one's emotions and feelings.[2]


Two female dancers inSofia, Bulgaria

Artists who participate in performing arts in front of an audience are called performers. Examples of these includeactors,comedians,dancers,magicians,circusartists,musicians,andsingers.Performing arts are also supported by workers in related fields, such assongwriting,choreography andstagecraft.Performers often adapt theirappearance,such as withcostumesandstage makeup,stage lighting,and sound.

A picture of a Theatre, a place to showcase performances to audience.
McKenna Theatre Stage



Performing arts may include dance, music, opera, theatre and musical theatre,magic,illusion,mime,spoken word,puppetry,circus arts,stand-up comedy,improv,professional wrestlingandperformance art.

There is also a specialized form of fine art, in which the artistsperformtheir work live to an audience. This is calledperformance art.Most performance art also involves some form ofplastic art,perhaps in the creation ofprops.Dance was often referred to as aplastic artduring themodern danceera.[3]



Theatre is the branch of performing arts concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience, using a combination of speech, gesture, music, dance, sound, and spectacle. Any one or more of these elements is considered performing arts. In addition to the standard narrative dialogue style of plays, theater takes such forms as plays, musicals, opera, ballet,illusion,mime,classical Indian dance,kabuki,mummers' plays,improvisational theatre,comedy,pantomime,and non-conventional or contemporary forms likepostmodern theatre,postdramatic theatre,or performance art.


Scene from the balletLes Sylphides

In the context of performing arts, dance generally refers to humanmovement,typically rhythmic and to music, used as a form of audience entertainment in a performance setting. Definitions of what constitutes dance are dependent onsocial,cultural,aesthetic,artistic,and moral constraints and range from functional movement (such asfolk dance) to codified, virtuoso techniques such asballet.[4]

There is one another modern form of dance that emerged in 19th- 20th century with the name offree dancestyle. This form of dance was structured to create a harmonious personality which included features such as physical and spiritual freedom.Isadora Duncanwas the first female dancer who argued about "woman of future" and developed novel vector of choreography usingNietzsche's idea of "supreme mind in free mind".[5]

Dance is a powerful impulse, but the art of dance is that impulse channeled by skillful performers into something that becomes intensely expressive and that may delight spectators who feel no wish to dance themselves. These two concepts of the art of dance—dance as a powerful impulse and dance as a skillfully choreographed art practiced largely by a professional few—are the two most important connecting ideas running through any consideration of the subject. In dance, the connection between the two concepts is stronger than in some other arts, and neither can exist without the other.[4]

Choreographyis the art of making dances, and the person who practices this art is called a choreographer.



Music is an art form which combinespitch,rhythm, anddynamicto create sound. It can be performed using a variety of instruments and styles and is divided into genres such asfolk,jazz,hip hop,pop, and rock, etc. As an art form, music can occur in live or recorded formats, and can beplannedorimprovised.

As music is aproteanart, it easily coordinates with words for songs as physical movements do in dance. Moreover, it has a capability of shaping human behaviors as it impacts our emotions.[6]



Western performing arts


Starting in the 6th century BC, theClassical periodof performing art began inGreece,ushered in by the tragic poets such asSophocles.These poets wrote plays which, in some cases, incorporated dance (seeEuripides). TheHellenistic periodbegan the widespread use of comedy.

However, by the 6th century AD, Western performing arts had been largely ended as theDark Agesbegan. Between the 9th century and 14th century, performing art in the West was limited toreligioushistorical enactments andmorality plays,organized by theChurchin celebration of holy days and other important events.



In the 15th century performing arts, along with the arts in general, saw a revival as the Renaissance began in Italy and spread throughout Europe plays, some of which incorporated dance, which were performed andDomenico da Piacenzacredited with the first use of the termballo(inDe Arte Saltandi et Choreas Ducendi) instead ofdanza(dance) for hisbalettiorballi.The term eventually becameBallet.The first Balletper seis thought to beBalthasar de Beaujoyeulx'sBallet Comique de la Reine(1581).

Commedia dell'artetroupe on a wagon,byJan Miel,1640

By the mid-16th centuryCommedia Dell'artebecame popular in Europe, introducing the use ofimprovisation.This period also introduced theElizabethan masque,featuring music, dance and elaborate costumes as well as professional theatrical companies in England.William Shakespeare's plays in the late 16th century developed from this new class of professional performance.

In 1597, the first opera,Dafnewas performed and throughout the 17th century, opera would rapidly become the entertainment of choice for thearistocracyin most of Europe, and eventually for large numbers of people living in cities and towns throughout Europe.

Modern era


The introduction of theproscenium archin Italy during the 17th century established the traditional theatre form that persists to this day. Meanwhile, in England, thePuritansforbade acting, bringing a halt to performing arts that lasted until 1660. After that, women began to appear in both French and English plays. The French introduced a formal dance instruction in the late 17th century.

It is also during this time that the first plays were performed in theAmerican Colonies.

During the 18th century, the introduction of the popularopera buffabrought opera to the masses as an accessible form of performance.Mozart'sThe Marriage of FigaroandDon Giovanniare landmarks of the late 18th century opera.

At the turn of the 19th century,Beethovenand theRomantic movementushered in a new era that led first to the spectacles ofgrand operaand then to the musical dramas ofGiuseppe Verdiand theGesamtkunstwerk(total work of art) of the operas ofRichard Wagnerleading directly to the music of the 20th century.

Vaslav Nijinskydancing the Faun inL'après-midi d'un faune(1912)

The 19th century was a period of growth for the performing arts for all social classes, technical advances such as the introduction ofgaslightto theatres,burlesque,minstrel dancing, and variety theatre. In ballet, women make great progress in the previously male-dominated art.

Modern dancebegan in the late 19th century and early 20th century in response to the restrictions of traditional ballet. The arrival ofSergei Diaghilev'sBallets Russes(1909–1929) revolutionized ballet and the performing arts generally throughout the Western world, most importantly through Diaghilev's emphasis on collaboration, which brought choreographers, dancers, set designers/artists, composers and musicians together to revitalize and revolutionize ballet. It is extremely complex.

Konstantin Stanislavski's"System"revolutionized acting in the early 20th century, and continues to have a major influence on actors of stage and screen to the current day. Bothimpressionismand modern realism were introduced to the stage during this period.

With the invention of the motion picture in the late 19th century byThomas Edisonand the growth of themotion picture industry in Hollywoodin the early 20th century,filmbecame a dominant performance medium throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

Rhythm and blues,a cultural phenomenon of black America, rose to prominence in the early 20th century, influencing a range of later popular music styles internationally.

Modern street theatre performance in La Chaux-de-Fonds

In the 1930sJean Rosenthalintroduced what would become modernstage lighting,changing the nature of the stage as theBroadway musicalbecame a phenomenon in the United States.



Post-World War II performing arts were highlighted by the resurgence of both ballet and opera in the Western world.

Postmodernismdominated the performing arts during the 1970s and the 1980s.[7]

African performing arts


Indigenous African performance traditions are rooted inritual,storytelling,movement,andmusic.[8]Performances were communal with the storytellers and audience interacting and participating incall and response,which is characterized by a vocalist singing a phrase that is then echoed or responded to with a new phrase by the other performers and/or audience. This ancient tradition is rooted in many African cultures.[9]

North Africa


The earliest recorded theatrical event dates back to 2000 BC with the ceremonial plays ofAncient Egypt.The story of the godOsiriswas performed annually at festivals throughout the civilization, marking the known beginning of a long relationship between theatre and religion. TheDramatic Ramesseum Papyrus,the oldest surviving illustrated papyrus details the performance during theSed Festivaland has been used as evidence of the birth of theatrical tradition, which western scholars often attribute to ancient Greece.[10]

West Africa


AGriotis a West African oral historian who uses storytelling, poetry, and music to express the genealogies and historical narratives of the tribes they represent, often playing instruments such as thekora.[11]This ancient profession is upheld in a position of community leadership.

Eastern performing arts


West Asia


The most popular forms of theater in themedieval Islamic worldwerepuppettheatre (which included hand puppets,shadow playsandmarionetteproductions) and live passion plays known asta'ziya,where actors re-enact episodes fromMuslim history.In particular,Shia Islamicplays revolved around theshaheed(martyrdom) ofAli's sonsHasan ibn AliandHusayn ibn Ali.It commonly refers to passion plays about thebattle of Karbalaand its prior and subsequent events.Sir Lewis Pellybegins the preface of his book about Ta'zieh maintaining that "If the success of a drama is to be measured by the effects which it produces upon the people for whom it is composed, or upon the audiences before whom it is represented, no play has ever surpassed the tragedy known in the Mussulman world as that ofHasanandHusain." [12]Years later Peter Chelkowski, professor of Iranian and Islamic studies atNYU,chooses the same words for the beginning of his book 'Ta`ziyeh, ritual and drama in Iran'.[13] Live secular plays were known asakhraja,recorded in medievaladabliterature, though they were less common than puppetry andta'ziyatheater.[14]

Valiollah Torabi, Iranian naqqāl (storyteller) of Shahnameh



InIranthere are other forms of theatrical events such asNaghaliorNaqqāli(story telling),Ta'zieh,ٰRu-Howzi,Siah-Bazi,Parde-Khani,andMareke giri.Prior to the twentieth century, storytelling was the most recognized form of entertainment, although today, some forms still remain. One form,Naghali,was traditionally performed in coffeehouses where the storytellers, orNaghals (Naqqāls),only recited sections of a story at a time, thus retaining regular cliental. These stories were based on events of historical or religious importance and many referenced poetries from theShahnameh.These stories were often altered to bond with the atmosphere or mood of the audience.[15]


Bharatanatyam,an Indian classical dance that originated inTamil Nadu
Gotikua folk dance is one of the well known performances performed by all boys group dressed in the Indian ladies attireSaree.

Folk theatre and dramatics can be traced to the religious ritualism of theVedic peoplesin the2nd millennium BC.This folk theatre of the misty past was mixed with dance, food, ritualism, plus a depiction of events from daily life. The last element made it the origin of the classical theatre of later times. Many historians, notably D. D. Kosambi, Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Adya Rangacharaya, etc. have referred to the prevalence of ritualism amongstIndo-Aryantribes in which some members of the tribe acted as if they were wild animals, and some others were the hunters. Those who acted as mammals like goats, buffaloes, reindeer, monkeys, etc. were chased by those playing the role of hunters.[citation needed]

Bharata Muni(fl. 5th–2nd century BC) was an ancient Indian writer best known for writing theNatya Shastra of Bharata,a theoretical treatise on Indian performing arts, including theatre, dance, acting, and music, which has been compared toAristotle'sPoetics.Bharata is often known as the father of Indian theatrical arts. HisNatya Shastraseems to be the first attempt to develop the technique or rather art, of drama in a systematic manner. The Natya Shastra tells us not only what is to be portrayed in a drama, but how the portrayal is to be done. Drama, as Bharata Muni says, is the imitation of men and their doings (loka-vritti). As men and their doings have to be respected on the stage, so drama in Sanskrit is also known by the termrupaka,which means portrayal.{{[16]}}

TheRamayanaandMahabharatacan be considered the first recognized plays that originated in India. These epics provided the inspiration to the earliest Indian dramatists and they do it even today. Indian dramatists such asBhāsain the 2nd century BC wrote plays that were heavily inspired by theRamayanaandMahabharata.[citation needed]

Kālidāsain the 1st century BC, is arguably considered to be ancientIndia's greatest dramatist. Three famous romantic plays written by Kālidāsa are theMālavikāgnimitram(Mālavikā and Agnimitra),Vikramōrvaśīyam(Pertaining to Vikrama and Urvashi), andAbhijñānaśākuntala(The Recognition of Shakuntala). The last was inspired by a story in theMahabharataand is the most famous. It was the first to be translated into English and German. In comparison to Bhāsa, who drew heavily from the epics, Kālidāsa can be considered an original playwright.[citation needed]

The next great Indian dramatist wasBhavabhuti(c. 7th century). He is said to have written the following three plays:Malati-Madhava,MahaviracharitaandUttar Ramacharita.Among these three, the last two cover between them, the entire epic ofRamayana.The powerful Indian emperorHarsha(606–648) is credited with having written three plays: the comedyRatnavali,Priyadarsika,and theBuddhistdramaNagananda.Many other dramatists followed during theMiddle Ages.[citation needed]

There were many performing art forms in the southern part of India, Kerala is such a state with different such art forms likeKoodiyattam,Nangyarkoothu,Kathakali,Chakyar koothu,Thirayattamand there were many prominent artists likePainkulam Raman Chakyarand others.[citation needed]


Hand shadow drama, China

There are references to theatrical entertainments in China as early as 1500 BC during theShang dynasty;they often involved music, clowning and acrobatic displays.[17]

The Tang dynasty is sometimes known as "The Age of 1000 Entertainments". During this era,Emperor Xuanzongformed an acting school known as the Children of thePear Gardento produce a form of drama that was primarily musical.[17]

During the Han Dynasty,shadow puppetryfirst emerged as a recognized form of theatre in China. There were two distinct forms of shadow puppetry, Cantonese southern and Pekingese northern. The two styles were differentiated by the method of making the puppets and the positioning of the rods on the puppets, as opposed to the type of play performed by the puppets. Both styles generally performed plays depicting great adventure and fantasy, rarely was this very stylized form of theatre used for political propaganda. Cantonese shadow puppets were the larger of the two. They were built using thick leather that created more substantial shadows. Symbolic color was also very prevalent; a black face represented honesty, a red one bravery. The rods used to control Cantonese puppets were attached perpendicular to the puppets' heads. Thus, they were not seen by the audience when the shadow was created. Pekingese puppets were more delicate and smaller. They were created out of thin, translucent leather usually taken from the belly of a donkey. They were painted with vibrant paints, thus they cast a very colorful shadow. The thin rods that controlled their movements were attached to a leather collar at the neck of the puppet. The rods ran parallel to the bodies of the puppet then turned at a ninety-degree angle to connect to the neck. While these rods were visible when the shadow was cast, they laid outside the shadow of the puppet; thus, they did not interfere with the appearance of the figure. The rods attached at the necks to facilitate the use of multiple heads with one body. When the heads were not being used, they were stored in a muslin book or fabric lined box. The heads were always removed at night. This was in keeping with the old superstition that if left intact, the puppets would come to life at night. Some puppeteers went so far as to store the heads in one book and the bodies in another, to further reduce the possibility of reanimating puppets. Shadow puppetry is said to have reached its highest point of artistic development in the 11th century before becoming a tool of the government.[citation needed]

In theSong dynasty,there were many popular plays involvingacrobaticsand music. These developed in theYuan dynastyinto a more sophisticated form with a four- or five-act structure. Yuan drama spread across China and diversified into numerous regional forms, the best known of which is Beijing Opera, which is still popular today.[citation needed]


Hanumanon his chariot, a scene from theRamakieninWat Phra Kaew,Bangkok

InThailand,it has been a tradition from the Middle Ages to stage plays based on plots drawn from Indian epics. In particular, the theatrical version of Thailand's national epicRamakien,a version of the IndianRamayana,remains popular in Thailand even today.



InCambodia,inscriptions dating back to the 6th centuryADindicates evidence of dancers at a local temple and using puppetry for religious plays. At the ancient capitalAngkor Wat,stories from the Indian epicsRamayanaandMahabharatahave been carved on the walls of temples and palaces. Similar reliefs are found atBorobudurin Indonesia.



In thePhilippines,the famousepicpoemIbong Adarna,originally titled"Korido at Buhay na Pinagdaanan ng Tatlong Prinsipeng Magkakapatid na anak nina Haring Fernando at Reyna Valeriana sa Kahariang Berbania"(English: "Corridoand Life Lived by the Three Princes, children of King Fernando and Queen Valeriana in the Kingdom of Berbania ") from the 16th century was written byJosé de la Cruzduring theSpanish era.Aside from theatrical performances, different films were produced by different film studios/ television productions. The first produced "Ang Ibong Adarna" film was produced byLVN Pictures,the biggest film studio in the history of the Philippines.

Florante at Laurais an"awit"or a poem consisting of 12-syllable quatrains with the full title"Pinagdaanang Buhay ni Florante at ni Laura sa Kahariang Albanya"(English: "The History of Florante and Laura in theKingdom of Albania") was written byFrancisco Balagtasin 1838 during his imprisonment dedicated to his sweetheart Maria Asuncuion Rivera (nicknamed "M.A.R.", referenced to as "Selya" ). The poem has a special part entitled "Kay Selya"(English:" For Celia ") specially dedicated for Rivera.

ThePhilippine's national hero,José Rizalwho is also a novelist, created the two famous poems in the Philippines,Noli Me Tángere(Latinfor "Touch me not", with an acute accent added on the final word in accordance withSpanish orthography) (1887) that describes perceived inequities of the Spanish Catholic friars and the ruling government andEl Filibusterismo(translations: The filibusterism; The Subversive or The Subversion, as in the Locsín English translation, are also possible translations, also known by its alternative English title The Reign of Greed) (1891). The novel's dark theme departs dramatically from the previous novel's hopeful and romantic atmosphere, signifying Ibarra's resort to solving his country's issues through violent means, after his previous attempt in reforming the country's system made no effect and seemed impossible with the corrupt attitude of the Spaniards toward the Filipinos. These novels were written during thecolonization of the Philippinesby theSpanish Empire.

All of these literary pieces were under the curriculum of theK-12 Program for Junior High Schools,Ibong Adarnais under the Grade 7 Curriculum;Florante at Laura(Grade 8);Noli Me Tángere(Grade 9); andEl Filibusterismo(Grade 10).


Kabuki play
Performance inKagoshima

During the 14th century, there were small companies of actors inJapanwho performed short, sometimes vulgar comedies. A director of one of these companies, Kan'ami (1333–1384), had a son,Zeami Motokiyo(1363–1443), who was considered one of the finest child actors in Japan. When Kan'ami's company performed forAshikaga Yoshimitsu(1358–1408), theshōgunof Japan, he implored Zeami to have a court education for his arts.[18]After Zeami succeeded his father, he continued to perform and adapt his style into what is todayNoh.A mixture ofpantomimeand vocal acrobatics, the Noh style of theatre has become one of Japan's most refined forms of theatrical performance.[19]

Japan, after a long period of civil wars and political disarray, was unified and at peace primarily due toshōgunTokugawa Ieyasu(1600–1668). However, alarmed at the increasing numbers of Christians within the country due to the proselytizing efforts of Christian missionaries, he cut off contact from Japan to Europe and China and outlawed Christianity. When peace did come, a flourish of cultural influence and growing merchant class demanded its own entertainment. The first form of theatre to flourish was Ningyō jōruri (commonly referred to asBunraku). The founder of and main contributor to Ningyō jōruri,Chikamatsu Monzaemon(1653–1725), turned his form of theatre into a true art form. Ningyō jōruri is a highly stylized form of theatre using puppets, today about13rdthe size of a human. The men who control the puppets train to become master puppeteers, when they can then operate the puppet's head and right arm and choose to show their faces during the performance. The other puppeteers, controlling the less important limbs of the puppet, cover themselves and their faces in a black suit, to imply their invisibility. The dialogue is handled by a single person, who uses varied tones of voice and speaking manners to simulate different characters. Chikamatsu wrote thousands of plays during his lifetime, most of which are still used today.[citation needed]

Kabukibegan shortly after Bunraku, legend has it by an actress named Okuni, who lived around the end of the 16th century. Most of kabuki's material came from Noh and Bunraku, and its erratic dance-type movements are also an effect of Bunraku. However, kabuki is less formal and more distant than Noh, yet very popular among the Japanese public. Actors are trained in many varied things including dancing, singing, pantomime, and even acrobatics. Kabuki was first performed by young girls, then by young boys, and by the end of the 16th century, kabuki companies consisted of all men. The men who portrayed women on stage were specifically trained to elicit the essence of a woman in their subtle movements and gestures.[citation needed]

History of performing arts in the Americas


History of performing arts in Oceania


Melanesian dance often exhibits a cultural theme of masculinity where leadership and a unique skill set are important for sharing with the community.[20]These dances demonstrate the soldiery of a man; however they can also represent profitability such as encouraging conflict resolutions or healing.[21]The costumes of impersonating dancers incorporate large masks and unhuman-like characteristics that act to imitate mythical figures. The music can also act as a voice for these magical personas.[20]

See also



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