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Countries using a currency namedpeso.
Countries that previously used a currency namedpeso.

Thepesois themonetary unitof severalSpanish-speakingcountries inLatin America,as well as thePhilippines.Originating in theSpanish Empire,the wordpesotranslates to "weight". In most countries of the Americas, the symbol commonly known asdollar sign,"$", was originally used as an abbreviation of "pesos" and later adopted by thedollar.The dollar itself actually originated from the peso orSpanish dollarin the late 18th century. The sign ""is used in the Philippines.

The silverpesoworth eightrealeswas also known in English as aSpanish dollaror "piece of eight" and was widely used for international trade from the 16th to the 19th century.

Origin and history


1537–1686 piece of eight


The namepesowas given to the 8-realsilvercoin introduced in 1497, minted at 838pesos to a Castilian mark (230.0465 grams) of silver 134/144 fine (25.56 g fine silver). It was minted in large quantities after the discovery of silver in Mexico, Peru and Bolivia in the 16th century, and immediately became a coin of worldwide importance in international trade between Europe, Asia and North America.

Initially the peso was produced in SpanishLatin Americain a rapid and simplified manner by cutting off a lump of silver of proper weight and fineness from the end of a silver bar, which was then flattened out and impressed by a hammer. This resulted in a crude, irregular coin called acobin English andmacuquinain Spanish. The Crown was entitled to a fifth of all gold and silver mined, thequinto real(royal fifth), and cobs were a convenient means of handling and accounting for silver. In most cases these cobs were immediately melted down by the recipient. However, some remained in circulation as currency; they were ideal candidates for clipping and counterfeiting due to their irregular shape and incomplete design.

Spanish laws of 1728 and 1730 ordered the mechanization of the minting of the peso so that they would be perfectly round and have milled edges. There was a simultaneous reduction in weight and fineness to 8.5 pesos to a mark (27.064 g), 0.9167 fine or 24.809 g fine silver. This new peso became even more popular in international trade, with recipients finding it more advantageous to trade it as coined silver of known value rather than melting it into silver bullion.Later it was reduced even more.

This coin was known to English colonists in North America as apiece of eight,then later on as aSpanish dollar,Spanish milled dollar,and finally as aMexican dollar.In French, it was called apiastreand in Portuguese, apatacaorpatacão.The Spanish names at various times and in various places werereal de a ocho,patacón,duro,orfuerte.

A final alteration in 1772 further reduced the fineness of the peso from 11/12 fine to 130/144 = 0.9028 (fine silver 24.443 g). A sample of coins at the end of the 18th century, however, confirm a fineness of only 0.896 (hence, fine silver 24.25 g); seeCurrency of Spanish America#Coinage of 1786.The weight of theUnited States dollarwas defined in 1788 as 371.25 grains of fine silver (or 24.057 g) based on the average silver content of worn peso coins. The full 0.9028 fineness was restored by Mexico after its independence in 1821.

In Spain


While the relationship of8 reales=$1(or peso duro) continued in the Americas until the 19th century, Spain struggled with the issuance ofreales de vellon(made ofbillon alloywith less than ½ silver) of various weights and finenesses starting in 1600 due to its domestic financial and monetary problems.

In 1642, it first recognized a new, reducedreal provincialworth only$0.10or10 reales/$for use only in Spain (with the old real worth$0.125now calledreal nacionaland retained in Latin America). In 1686 Spain minted a coin worth8 realesprovinciales (or only$0.80,known as thepeso mariaorpeso sencillo) which was poorly received by the people.[1]

An edict made in the same year which valued the peso duro at$1= 15 and 2/34 reales de vellon proved to be ineffective as the various reales in circulation contained even less silver. The situation was only resolved in 1837 with the peso duro fixed at $1 = 20 reales de vellon, with all prior non-standard reales demonetized.

The loss of Spain's territories in the Americas and the ensuing domestic instability in the 19th century cut off the inflow of precious metals into Spain and resulted in French coinage gradually entering domestic circulation. Two subsequent decimal system reforms were attempted in 1850 (at$1=20 reales,each of10decimosor100centimos) and 1864 (at$1=2silver escudos,each of100 centimos) but were not fully carried out. The peso and the real were only fully retired with the introduction in 1868 of theSpanish peseta,at par with theFrench franc,and at the rate of$1=20 reales=5 pesetas=22.5gof fine silver.

1821–1897 Mexican dollar

A Mexican dollar used asJapanese currency,marked with“Aratame sanbu sadame”( cải tam phân định, “Fixed to the value of 3bu”), 1859.

The successful revolt of the Spanish colonies in America had cut off the supply of silver coin by 1820. By 1825 "...the Spanish dollar, the universal coin of three centuries, had lost its supremacy, and...its universal dominion was in process of disintegration into rival 'currency areas', chief among which was destined to be the area dominated by British sterling."[2]

The Spanish dollar continued to dominate the Eastern trade, and the peso of eight reales continued to be minted in the New World. The coin was sometimes called a Republican dollar, but eventually any peso of the old Spanish eight-real standard was generally referred to as a Mexican dollar, Mexico being the most prolific producer. Mexico restored the standard of 1772, producing a coin of 27.073 g, 0.9028 fine, containing 24.441 g fine silver (the mark weight of the Mexico City mint was very slightly heavier than the standard mark of Spain).

In 1869–1870, not long after adopting themetric system,Mexican mints began producing the peso of “Un Peso” denomination, popularly known as “balanza” (scales), with the same weight and fineness, but with a uniform diameter of 37 mm (making it slightly thicker than the old peso, which was slightly irregular, with a diameter of 38–40 mm). Chinese merchants rejected the new coin, discounting it by 4%–5% in favor of the old eight-real peso. Faced with this threat to her silver exports, Mexico returned to the old eight-real peso by decree of May 29, 1873, but international trade was already shifting from silver to gold, and after 1873 there was a steady decline in the international price of silver.

Until 1873 the Mexican dollar would have been to all intents and purposes equal in value to the silver dollar coins of the United States north of the border, but at that time in history, the Mexican coin would have had a much greater international presence than theU.S. dollar.The great silver devaluation of 1873caused the Mexican dollar to drop in value against the U.S. dollar, but until the beginning of the 20th century the Mexican dollar would still have been a more widely accepted coin in the Far East than the U.S. dollar. Between the 16th and 19th centuries Mexico produced well over three billion of these coins. Mexico minted the last eight-real peso in 1897, and at the beginning of the twentieth century these Mexican dollar coins were worth only 50 U.S. cents.

Philippine peso


The Philippine peso (Filipino:piso) is derived from the Spanish silver coinReal de a OchoorSpanish dollar,in wide circulation in the entire America and Southeast Asia during the 17th and 18th centuries, through its use in the Spanish colonies and even in the United States and Canada.

One peso Treasury Certificate

Prior to 1852 the Philippines had no currency of its own (with the exception of local copper cuartos) since pesos received from Spain and Spanish Latin America were accepted in circulation. Locally issued pesos only came about with

As with Mexican dollars, the Philippine unit was based on silver, unlike the United States and Canada where agold standardoperated. Thus, following the great silver devaluation of 1873, the Philippine peso devalued in parallel with the Mexican unit, and by the end of the 19th century, was worth half a United States dollar. The name of the currency remained unchanged despite the 1896Philippine Revolutionand the subsequentdeclaration of independencein 1898.

Countries that use pesos



Country Currency ISO 4217code
Argentina Argentine peso ARS
Chile Chilean peso CLP
Colombia Colombian peso COP
Cuba Cuban peso CUP
Dominican Republic Dominican peso DOP
Mexico Mexican peso MXN
Philippines Philippine peso(piso) PHP
Uruguay Uruguayan peso UYU



Several countries formerly used different currencies also named peso not listed here, with different value, over time. SeeArgentine peso#History.

Country Former currency Final Year Current currency
Bolivia Bolivian peso 1986 Bolivian boliviano
Costa Rica Costa Rican peso 1896 Costa Rican colón
Cuba Cuban convertible peso 2020
Ecuador Ecuadorian peso 1884 United States dollar
El Salvador Salvadoran peso 1919 United States dollar
Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinean peso 1975 Central African CFA franc
Guatemala Guatemalan peso 1925 Guatemalan quetzal
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau peso 1997 West African CFA franc
Honduras Honduran peso 1931 Honduran lempira
Nicaragua Nicaraguan peso 1912 Nicaraguan córdoba
Paraguay Paraguayan peso 1943 Paraguayan guaraní
Peru Peruvian peso 1863 Peruvian sol
Puerto Rico Puerto Rican peso 1900 United States dollar
Spain Spanish peso 1869 Euro
Venezuela Venezuelan peso 1874 Venezuelan bolívar

See also



  1. ^"8 Reales".
  2. ^Chalmers, p. 24
  • Chalmers, Robert (1893),History of currency in the British colonies,London: Eyre and Spottiswoode for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, pp. 5–24, 101–105, 390–396.
  • Frey, Albert R. (1916), "A dictionary of numismatic names: their official and popular designations",American Journal of Numismatics,I:176, 180.
  • Sédillot, René (1955),Toutes les monnaies du monde,Paris: Recueil Sirey, pp. 149, 171–172, 383–385, 406–407.
  • Shaw, W.A.(1967) [1896],The history of currency 1252 to 1894: being an account of the gold and silver moneys and monetary standards of Europe and America, together with an examination of the effects of currency and exchange phenomena on commercial and national progress and well-being,New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, reprinted by Augustus M. Kelley, pp. 328–333, LC 67-20086.