Peter Millman
Peter Mackenzie Millman(August 10, 1906 – December 11, 1990) was aCanadianastronomer.He worked at theDunlap Observatoryfrom 1933 until 1940. In early 1941 he enlisted with theRoyal Canadian Air Force.In 1946 he joined theDominion ObservatoryinOttawa.He then transferred to theNational Research Councilin 1955.
During his graduate studies atHarvard Universityhe started a systematic study ofmeteorspectraat the suggestion ofHarlow Shapleyin 1929. He continued the work on meteors throughout his active scientific life. He organized one of his most successful observational campaigns in 1946, when on the night of October 9/10 a spectacular shower of theGiacobinids (October Draconids)provided many important photographic spectra.
He was awarded theJ. Lawrence Smith Medalin 1954.
AcrateronMarsand theminor planet2904 Millmanwere named in his honor.
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