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Petersson inner product

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InmathematicsthePetersson inner productis aninner productdefined on the space of entiremodular forms.It was introduced by the German mathematicianHans Petersson.



Letbe the space of entire modular forms of weightand the space ofcusp forms.

The mapping,

is called Petersson inner product, where

is a fundamental region of themodular groupand for

is the hyperbolic volume form.



The integral isabsolutely convergentand the Petersson inner product is apositive definiteHermitian form.

For theHecke operators,and for formsof level,we have:

This can be used to show that the space of cusp forms of levelhas an orthonormal basis consisting of simultaneouseigenfunctionsfor the Hecke operators and theFourier coefficientsof these forms are all real.

See also



  • T.M. Apostol,Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory,Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1990,ISBN3-540-97127-0
  • M. Koecher, A. Krieg,Elliptische Funktionen und Modulformen,Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1998,ISBN3-540-63744-3
  • S. Lang,Introduction to Modular Forms,Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2001,ISBN3-540-07833-9