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Pierre de La Broue

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Copy of a now-lostHyacinthe Rigaudpainting of La Broue.

Pierre de La Broue(8 February 1644,Toulouse- 20 September 1720,Mirepoix[1]was a French bishop. He was part of the 'Apellant' movement withinJansenism,which called for the summoning of a church council to discuss the anti-Jansenist papal bullUnigenitus.



From a family of magistrates fromMoissac,he chose a career in the church and around 24 went to study inParis,where he became a doctor of theology. He was also a favourite preacher at the French royal court (according toMadame de Sévigné,he "preached once before the King", atSaint-Germain-en-Layeon 2 February 1679[2]) and heavily linked toBossuet.He preached the funerary oration forMarie Anne Christine of Bavaria,wife of the dauphin.

In 1679 he was madebishop of Mirepoixand founded a large seminary atMazèresas well as smaller ones atFanjeauxandBelpech.Whilst bishop he set up a confraternity of pity at Mirepoix and carried out several charitable works. He also aimed to be made deputy to theestates of Languedoc,[3]a request which was never granted. In 1694 he was elected 'mainteneur' of theAcadèmia dels Jòcs Florals,where as a young man he had been praised for a work entitledAdieu aux muses profanes.[4]

With the bishops ofSenez(Jean Soanen),Montpellier(Charles-Joachim Colbert de Croissy) andBoulogne(Pierre de Langle), he opposed the bullUnigenitus.[5][6]According to his wishes, La Broue was buried at the seminary in Mazères.


  • Oraison funèbre de très haute, très puissante et excellente princesseMarie-Anne-Christine de Bavière,dauphine de France, prononcée àSaint-Denis,le 5 juin 1690, par messire Pierre de La Broüe(1690)
  • Catéchisme du diocèse de Mirepoix. Par le commandement de monseigneur l'illustrissime & révérendissime Pierre de La Broüe évêque de Mirepoix, conseiller du Roy en ses conseils(1699)
  • Première Lettre pastorale de Mgr La Broüe aux nouveaux réunis de son diocèse(1702)
  • Projet de mandement et d'instruction pastorale de M. l'évêque de Mirepoix au sujet de la constitution de N. S. P. le Pape, du 8 septembre 1713(1714)
  • Défense de la grâce efficace par elle-mesme, par feu Mre Pierre de La Brouë(1721)


  1. ^According to Pierre-François Labelle (see last note), he died at "Bellestat,a village in his diocese ".
  2. ^Louis Monmerqué,Lettres de Madame de Sévigné,27 February 1679, Hachette, Paris, vol. V, 1862, p. 523.
  3. ^Letter 1764 from Bossuet on 30 August 1698, replying visibly to this request
  4. ^Axel Duboul,Les Deux Siècles de l'Académie des Jeux floraux,Édouard Privat, Toulouse, vol. 2, 1901, p. 112-113
  5. ^François Labelle,Nécrologe des appelans et opposans à la bulle Unigenitus, de l'un et de l'autre sexe, avec des pratiques et des prières à chaque article,s.l., 1755, p. 579-597:Online text.
  6. ^Picot, Michel Joseph,Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique pendant le dix-huitième siècle,1717