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TheplășiofTimiș-Torontal Countyin 1930

Plasă(Romanian pronunciation:[ˈplasə],pluralplăși[ˈpləʃʲ]) was a territorial division unit ofRomania,ranking belowcounty(județ) and abovecommune.It was headed by aPretor,appointed by thecounty Prefect.The institution headed by the Pretor was calledPretură.

The division of counties intoplășiwas used starting from the rule ofCarol IasDomnitor,throughout the existence of aRomanian Kingdom,and during the first two years of theRomanian People's Republic,until they were replaced in 1950 byraions,following theSovietsystem.[1]In 1938, the country's 71județewere divided into 429plăși.[2]


  1. ^"Legea nr. 5 pentru raionarea administrativ-economică a teritoriului Republicii Populare Romîne" (published inBuletinul Oficial,No. 77 / September 8, 1950); Ronald A. Helin, "The Volatile Administrative Map of Rumania", inAnnals of the Association of American Geographers,Vol. 57, No. 3 (September 1967), pp.481-502
  2. ^(in Romanian)Petre Mihai Băcanu,"Cum ar trebui să arate harta redesenată a României?",March 11, 2010; accessed February 17, 2013